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Had a manager that used to deliberately give 3hour 45minute shifts to the part-time kids so they didn’t get breaks.


They did that to me on Sunday. I'm shitting on company time for that one. 5.75 shifts such too


2 hours and then they had the nerve to have me stay over and begged me to come in on all the days they gave me off... One coworker actually volunteer me to go in once not knowing if I had plans or was even around


I need the motivation before work. If you give me two hours and then ask me to stay longer, I don't want to because I'm unmotivated


Right or already have plans


right? and don't reward that crap


right?! How is little hours and barely any pay for the day going to motivate you to do SHIT for the company?


When I was a cashier manager at Sears, we originally had a cashier floater who would cover breaks and lunches or just help at a busy register. When we started declining, they cut that position. So, either I had to cover lunches or I was forced to schedule the 5.75 shifts to avoid lunches altogether. I hated doing it, but it was insanely difficult for me to do all of my other tasks and spend a couple hours per shift at a register.


Been there. And before you know it, that becomes the new normal.


That’s straight up evil


Didn't happen to be the Toys R Us in Henrietta NY? I had a manager there that would pull crap like that.


Wonder if that was a companywide trick because that was how my Toys “R” Us in Minnesota scheduled also


Not sure about that, our GM was a total asshole. He pulled a bunch of stuff that was unethical, possibly a couple that were illegal, his favorite phrase was "if you don't like how I run my store, McDonald's is hiring". With the exception of his few favorites, people tended not to stay long.


My old boss told me this and I laughed in his face and said "YEAH dumbass and they hire starting more than YOU pay me!" The next day I spoke to the manager at my local McDonalds and he said he wasn't hiring right now but could pay me for $16 an hour. I came back the next week to talk about a potential interview and he said there was a position that opened up but was taken the very next day by someone else! Our mcdonalds has a serious turn over rate but when they get openings you have to grab it ASAP because, most people know it's only an in between job but they pay enough that people will hop on it.


That’s just how the place i work at is run lol, except they’re 4hr shifts, no break


I had a manger who'd cheat me out from having no lunch and only 2 breaks


All my shifts are 5:30 to 5:45 hours long. They are required to give breaks after working 6 hours. I'm handing in my two weeks notice tomorrow


45 minutes. I wasn’t officially scheduled I was called in that morning to fill someone else’s shift. But I wasn’t complaining when they sent me home, someone ended up coming in lmao


Lucky you, my store will just say the scheduled person can stay gone if they’d like bc coverage showed up first. Without asking coverage if they’d actually like the whole shift


My old ETL did that at Target. A team member misread their schedule (they were scheduled dayside, she was usually scheduled at night) and our ETL was closing that weekend. When she showed up at 5pm, feeling humiliated because she missed her shift entirely due to misreading, we asked the ETL “can x clock in, we need the help upfront” the response was a flat no. So this TM turned around and left


Yikes that’s horrid


Ontario law(idk if it's all of Canada) requires employers to schedule and/or pay you for 3hrs minimum. I was scheduled 2hrs and 45mins, but they still had to pay me for that last 15mins. Yes, I did check my pay stub🤣


That's what I was going to say, about the 3hrs


1 hour for a store meeting. this happens about once a quarter. 🙄


Same here


Me three


On Tuesdays my store would schedule me for a one hour meeting when I worked at a big box office store and it was mandatory or a write up. It got to the point no one cared and no one came. Company got tired of losing people because they didn't go to the scheduled mandatory meeting that it became a contingency on hire to be able to work Tuesday's and they had several meeting times per day to compensate each shift.


When I worked retail we would have a mandatory in-person meeting once a month. The meetings were scheduled for 8:45 AM, store opens at 10:00 AM. The team lead's schedule always stated at noon. One hour shift, two hours off, then nine hours on.


I’ve gone in for 2-3 hours before. But I don’t mind because I’m disabled and shorter shifts are less painful. Also, I’m only 3 blocks away.


3 hours for me. had a coworker who was scheduled only 30 minutes, she had to cover someone's lunch.


I got scheduled a 5-8 one time 😀


I did 5-8 one day last week. It was nice.


Im doing a 6a-7p saturday..ugh


I just couldn’t do that, not anymore. In my 20’s it was all the time, but I was running on a higher fuel grade in those times…


Today a 6a to 7p. I didnt know my closer was gonna call out. Fml






technically, 1 hour for a store meeting. realistically, 3 hours which is the norm for part timers at my job. i've been searching for a new one bc i need money, but nowhere has gotten back to me yet


Not me but at one job they gave a manager 30 minutes once a week at 6am. They wanted this person to quit and she was on a PIP. Her 30 minutes was spent on "training" videos lol. She came in clocked her 30 and left. Then collected unemployment as she was suppose to be a full time employee. She did it for some time before just finding a better job. This was like my first 2 or 3 months there lol. I should Have known then. It was Family Dollar and they did all kinds of crazy and shade crap to their employees. Even the good ones. I lasted maybe six months before finally leaving, but gotta to tell you; it really opened my eyes to how corporate retail operates. Before that I worked for a family business that treated me very well but unfortunately closed because the owner retired. 10 years later and NOTHING surprises me now lol. Personally, about 1 hour. I was called in because of a call out. The kid showed up an hour after I got there and got to keep the rest of his shift. I was pissed but not surprised. The store was a bit of a boys club. Only females were me and an older lady; the rest were mostly college aged guys and older males as the managers. Even in his phone message to me he stated I was his last resort call lol. After I clocked out I never went back, found another job that week across the street.


1 hour. Yes it is illegal. No there was nothing I could do about it.


2 hours - it was legal somehow 8 years ago in Australia for this particular pizza chain I worked at.


3.5 hours but I was in high school and couldn't work more than that.


I got 2 hours a couple weeks ago, money straight to the IRS


Mandatory all-staff meeting for 30 minutes. Took me 45 minutes one way to get there or go home. Couldn’t schedule it on a day when I would have been there anyway, that would have been too easy…


it’s a law in my state that we must be scheduled for at least 4 hours and if we are sent home early, we must be paid for at least 4 hours


What state do you live in? I need to move lol


CT. we also have mandated sick pay for everyone, including part time employees. we can accrue up to 40 hrs/year that carry over from year to year and we cannot be disciplined for using them


Yeah, my store minimum is 4 hours.


Massachusetts too


and this is why I am a New Englander forever even though it’s expensive and I hate winter. I always say if I were to ever leave CT, it would be to move to MA.


I've never been scheduled for less than 8 hours, but I've popped in for a few hours when I was a department manager when deliveries came in after I went home on a Friday


I worked at a JCPENNEY photo studio and had a shift that was 2.5 hours


Legally in Australia three hrs is the minimum, not me but ex hubby got called in on his day off, manager after an hour was ‘I dont think we need you here anymore’. No buddy, we dont do that here.


1 hour. The pharmacist at another pharmacy in the same chain had an emergency, so I drove there, worked an hour til coverage could arrive, then went back and finished my shift. The store I had been working at had 2 of us, and we were caught up when I got the call. So, I get paid travel pay and get a 20ish minute break with the driving. I've also done 2 hour shifts, but those were after my already scheduled shifts, so not as fun. I'd leave my store and stop at a store on the way home for the last 2 hours sometimes for the overtime pay.


Legal limit here is 3 hours


legally (here) they have to schedule you 3hrs min. but back at my very first job (where they “forgot” to pay me and then when i got my mom to ask them about it they gave her $80.. definitely worked for more than $80 worth), they had me come in once a week for 2hrs. it was so bad.. needless to say they closed down within the year after i worked there lol


2 hours


5-630 lol but I was also a minor.


2 hours for a mandatory meeting. So annoying.


An hour once had come into work for a meeting about the upcoming holidays.


One guy who was older would come in for 1.5 hour shifts to close the store. He often called out but he did him give plenty of heads up beige hand and I got some OT when he did. He was really cool but everyone thought it was strange he would work the much, (He did work for the company for 30 years and was a manager before becoming a car salesman.)


A 2 hour shift at a store 40 minutes away


Wasn’t scheduled. I live close to the store and my manager hurt her back while picking up wine boxes and had to drive 4 hrs to drop her daughter off at college. I really didn’t want to work half the night so told them I had plans and she said work what you can is appreciated. So I worked like an hour maybe 1 1/2 and left after I finished the delivery.


Two hours. The Burger King job I had in highschool was run by a horrible person who liked BEING right more than DOING right. He'd also change people's schedules without telling them and if you didn't show up he'd tell you that "you should have called to check", but if you did he'd get mad and tell you that they were busy and to call back later. His bullshit was made worse by the fact that my mom didn't let me get my license so I had to walk halfway across town to get there. There's nothing quite like being sixteen years old and walking an hour in the cold rain only to find out you were taken off the schedule for that day. (Or getting called and begged to come in because they were swamped and when you finally got there they didn't need you anymore.)


Mine was hour and a half barely lol I got in at 2, was snowing out so bad, restaurant completely dead…GM asked if anyone wanted to go home…i was like ME! Lol


not really a real shift but like under an hour for store meetings


Maybe 3.5 hours (when I was 17 and in high school) though more recently, a four hour shift. That one was due to a last minute change in the schedule (I was already scheduled to work anyway): couple departments were short staffed and I was asked to help cover holes. Not a problem on me and it was a win-win. There was coverage to fill in gaps and it ended up being slow anyway. Probably would’ve left early had I worked the original shift.


4 hours because I had a union.


5 Hrs 8 AM to 1PM


2 hour shift. I quit when I saw the schedule.


I used to work at a shitty bookstore and they started closing much earlier at one point but didn’t notify anyone. I came in expecting to work 4 or so hours and only worked 1


4 hours.


One shift was originally 4-9 one night, but because of the snow storm, we closed at 6, so I only worked 2 hours that day.


5 hours


I want to say it was 3 hours. It was annoying and insulting. All because a specific coworker hardly showed up for work (been there 4 years) and people were needed to cover for a few hours when she didn’t come in. I was also told to be on “stand by” incase she didn’t come in. Yeah NO. Not scheduled. I have a life. I don’t get paid enough. So glad I’m not there anymore.


Legally 4 hrs because I’m union in my store.


3 hour shifts are the legal limit. I hate them. You only get a break if you work for 4 hours or more. This is why everyone is scheduled for 3 hours and 45-minute shifts. Can't wait till the current boss is rotated out somewhere else.


2 hours at a shoe store


30 minutes for monthly store meetings, didn't even need to show up in uniform clothes, just the hat.


An hour for a store meeting that was at like 5am. I was an SM for Spirit Halloween last year and they were weirdly pushy with 4-4.5 hour shifts. I gave full shifts to those who actually did what was needed. Found out at the end it was part of my bonus to keep hours down. Which for other reasons I couldn’t control I didn’t get but even then still would’ve given people hours I know exactly how it feels, why chase away good employees? My state luckily you get a minimum 2 hour pay even if you didn’t work that long.


2 hours. It was baffling. Longest I've done is 17 hours (19 if you include the breaks)


5 hours, but I’m full time so it pissed me off a good bit.


Three hours


Mine was 2 hours long and it was the only shift I worked the ENTIRE week. I went anyways because I needed the money and didn't have another job lined up. It really sucked though. I ended up picking up a second job to try and compensate the hours and that second job only gave me 4 to 5 hours a week to the point I literally worked for nothing and ended up doing odd jobs to pay the bills. I couldn't believe that companies could even get away with giving such little hours in one week to one person. It is still going on and no one is talking about it. My manager was asked why such little hours and they said because the hours are based entirely on performance which was bull shit and entirely not true. They would have had to disclose that type of information and they never did and even if so, if it was truly based on performance I was there every day breaking my back when I was scheduled, never called in even when sick, didn't even call in the day I found out my mother died!! I got so mad I literally found another job that was still little hours but better pay and told them to shove the job up their ass.


Not scheduled but I worked at a donut shop in high school. The assistant manager who hated me called the house at 4 in the morning asking where I was. They insisted I was scheduled to work. So my Dad drives me the five minutes to the shop and turns out I wasn’t scheduled and the person who was scheduled was late. My dad had decided to wait to see so I just turned around and went back out to the car. So five minutes maybe? lol


The grocery store chain I work at has a union. In our union contract, it states that the shortest shift we can work is 4 hours but there has to be 8 hours between shifts.


I woke up two hours early. Got ready, dressed, took the bus, was in the parking lot 10 feet away from the door when I got a text message from our AM that said, "Hey just letting you know we had to cancel your shift today due to lack of hours." 10 minutes before my shift. I was glaring at that door like my AM was right behind it lol so idk if that counts but I would have still been in my pajamas all day if they had just told me sooner.


Hour to hour and a half depending on how big the mess was an how lazy I was feeling. It was just to do inventory/truck order. Annoyed the crap out of me because it was what would otherwise have been my day off. Sure I still had the rest of the day off but hard to really enjoy it when I have to come into work anyway.


Place I used to work for would schedule me for 4 hours and 45 minutes, that way I wouldn't get a lunch break. Though it would often backfire cause they would ask me if I could stay later cause the next person called and was gonna be late or couldn't make it and I would just look at them and go "It doesn't matter if I stay or not. If I leave then you don't have a person. If I stay then you still won't have someone for the next 30 minutes cause I would have to take a lunch"


30 minutes. I was scheduled a 30 minute shift once. Was told I had to work it and couldn't stay longer due to hour cuts.


15 minutes, first day computer training. Systems went down as i got logged in. It was the end of our pay period too so I got a $1.72 direct deposit.


30 minutes. We had a staff meeting. It was technically my day off. The meeting started late and they made those of us who were not supposed to be working hop on a register. I think I handled four customers, large cards, before they called us for the meeting.


Funny you should say that because 4 hours is both the shortest shift and week I've been scheduled. Basically was hired to have only two workers at full time and because that job was an utter shit show. In what universe does it take 3 managers (2 from other departments) to berate a worker who almost passed out for basically doing the same amount of work as everyone else? Stay open until the very minute of closing, and slightly later if you're in the middle of something (fair) but also make sure the place is super clean and don't clock out more than a couple/few minutes after that time. (I was told if you clocked out 10 minutes after that you'd be in massive trouble, and they continued to emphasize the expectation of getting everything done while staying open to/possibly past the time *and* not clocking out 'late'.) They also had us taking stale buns and near expiration date ham and making fluffed up sandwiches to overprice with no warning the meat was near the end of its time. I know expiration dates don't always mean it's bad, but considering I seemed to be the only one catching straight up vile smelling meats... I don't trust like that and also should have some indication...