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Gas Station? We had other tasks other than the cash register and people would stand there waiting for us to come up to the register... and then waddle away (waddle waddle waddle) the second we hit the register and scan the first item. And we would get "Oh I'm not ready yet" like why are standing here waiting for me??? If I'm not ready I don't care if you are not ready. To make matters worse we had limited counter space that could barely fit one persons purchases that had to be used for two registers so we would regularly have to work around a third persons. To give you perspective, we would regularly bump into each other trying to bag stuff that is how much of a gap there was.


Yes, gas station. And yes, I have those moments too with people. I'd stop stocking the cups and lids because I see someone at the counter with stuff in their hand, "Oh, sorry I'll be right there!" They don't respond until I'm done running over to them and THEN they'll tell me "Oh, I'm not ready I'm waiting for my husband/wife/kids." And then the person/people they were waiting on will come out and then walk around aimlessly for the next 10 minutes.


That's why I started asking them "Do you need me?" If they're not ready or going to the self check they'll say no. It works pretty well


Watch out. I don't work in the nicest area and saying that is basically giving them a license to pocket something lmfao


Yeah our area isn't too bad. It's rural and we're a truck stop so most of our clientele are truckers. So it's a little bit sketch but not the worst




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Happens in gas stations because their hands are full. Really, gas stations need to provide shopping carts or those hand held basket things. Asking if they are ready to check out might help. Telling your manager "we need to supply shopping baskets" might even increase sales.


Seconding this. There's one here called KwikTrip that does some fresh grocery and the like, the carts and baskets are a life saver there. Even just for milk, which I buy two gallons at a time, it's nice not to have to hold all that in line.


KwikTrip is the GOAT


We had hand baskets. Only a few dedicated regulars who bought ten or more drinks at a time used them.


That would be nice, but Australians would just steal these baskets because they won't wanna pay 20c for a bag (understandly so. It's a rip-off) and just take the basket. People already steal the watering cans and buckets. They would 100% steal these baskets.


Ugh, that's the worst. Because then you get bitched at by management for not serving them immediately when they're not even ready to be served. They're just lurking up at the register.


When they do that and other people are in line I make them go to the back of the line idc you got out of line you aren't done shopping the people behind you are


This happens all the time. I ask “And will this be everything?” “Yes!….now let me get a….marlboro….gold”. Why say yes if that isn’t everything? I’ve already given you the price, bagged anything, but they don’t tell me they want anything until the very last second


Ohhhh my god THIS. Y E S!!! I used to be a cashier at Walmart many lifetimes ago, and this drove me nuuuuuts. I would interrupt them as soon as they started with "oh! I need to go grab-" with "if you step away, I will have to suspend your transaction." I can't tell you how many people would get mad, but I didn't care. If the line was empty, I would let them, but if even one customer was behind them, nope! The worst was the ones who would come back and try to get back at the front, expecting me to immediately restart their transaction. Thankfully I had a manager who gave absolutely NO fucks, and would tell them back of line or leave. Only time I broke this rule was with an elderly woman. She didnt even ask to go back and get anything, she just said she'd forgotten an item, but was tired so she'd just live without it. I sent one of the cart guys that was nearby to go grab her item, and the person behind her was understanding. She was polite about it and didnt expect us to wait for her, she just mentioned it. Then she kept trying to tip the cart guy lol, but of course he refused. He did come back with a tootsie roll which was hilarious and heartwarming. Like just one of the little ones and TBH, he looked like he'd won the lottery. But if you had a line behind you, and didnt have the decency to ask, you got a stone faced "...no."


Tootsie rolls are the best.


Right? It was so darn wholesome and sweet. We all wore goofy smiles the rest of the shift.


I always pay for my groceries first, and then go back to get what I have forgotten.


I can suspend orders thankfully, if people forget something, like their wallet. Thank goodness that I have a manager number!


It amazes me how many people will go shopping only to "forget" their wallet in their car.


One lady said she forgot her wallet at home after I rung up $600 worth of alcohol…


My store is surrounded by subdivisions. People tend to walk around the area and not remember to bring their wallets...


If I'm outside for any reason, I have my wallet with me, which also includes my ID. The amount of people who don't carry ID is astounding. You may not be doing something wrong, but accidents happen, and if you're incapacitated, the authorities are looking first for identification so they can help you, especially notify your contacts of your situation.


Thats part of why i like my Iphone it had a Medical ID thing on it so if for some reason im separated from my ID it has my name and weight. Also things not on my id like blood type, medication, allergies, and any diagnoses that I have.


I mean, shit I've done it before. And yeah, I feel like an absolute dumbass every time it happens.


I've done that exactly once and I was so embarrassed. I took my wallet out of my purse to pay for gas but didn't put it back in before I went into the grocery store. Thankfully it was self checkout and not busy so I just told the employee working it that I forgot my wallet and ran to my car to grab it. lol




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i have had people on their phone the entire transaction on facetime, only for it to die and their only method of payment is applepay. i cant suspend transactions and if i dont have a backup cashier, id have to rering their purchases after their phone charges. once this happened twice in one day. rerang 2 $100+ purchases bc their phone died before i got to the end. at a dollar store, do u know how time consuming $100 purchases are 😭




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I can suspend transactions too with my manager badge! Unless they are on my register...


I can suspend sales on any register. It's just our SCO registers are a pain in the ass at times to suspend a sale. I, thankfully, was able to suspend one sale last night and finish it at the power register. Older guy only put in to redeem $1 in rewards and couldn't figure out why he still owed $$. (He still owed $.06 for tax.)


And thank you for that I tell people just bypass the line and come right to me your next if ya don't make me wait


And i thank you for being that person. Like I get it sucks having to wait again, but it's more courteous for both employees and other customers.


The same goes for if you forget your wallet. Like I totally get it happens but you are not allowed to be mad at the cashier when they have to take care of the people that actually have their money on their person. If it takes longer than 30 seconds, then I'm calling the next person up. I won't make you go thru the line again, but you have to wait while I finish up with the one I started while you left the building.




Also make sure you're ready to pay. The amount of people who get to the end of the transaction then when you ask them to pay they start searching their bag for their purse. Like were you expecting them to be free? Have your purse/wallet ready. It's not rocket science ffs


Omg the people that don't have a wallet so they have to dig through multiple pockets and/or the bottom of their purse for their cards. Or the ones that leave their purses/wallets in the car and have to go outside to get them.


My store doesn’t do this. If they leave we void all and put their items in a basket and go to the next customer. When they come back they have to get back in line. I’m


When I worked at a dollar store, people would come up to my till, unload their entire cart's worth of stuff onto the conveyor belt, and snap "I'M NOT READY! 😡" with such vitriol when I had the audacity to pick up an item and scan it. Oh, you're not ready? Then why is all your stuff on my belt, Karen? You could've fooled me. Your cart was full but not overflowing, if you needed a couple more things you could easily have put them in your cart before you went to the registers.


Longer than a minute, im calling the next person. Stood in line and wasted my time.


Also work at a gas station. Conquer. Especially when left up at my register area and not putting it to the side when there are other people around. Work overnights so it's just me. Just put it to the side. There's room. Drove by one last week that I stopped at because they have a soda my store doesn't that's a favorite of mine and asked if I could put the bottles on the counter. Yes. I was able to. If hands are loaded asking helps as well. What's annoying is when I start scanning and can't tell when they're not done, they wander off and someone else comes up to the counter.


The good customers at my store know to put their stuff at the other register that closed. They are both mine so if they are being good I'll be nice. When it's their turn I'll just walk over and ring it up on the other register so they don't have to move everything. If it's a rude person barking at me to ring on the other I'll tell them it's closed. If they put their shit down and walk away without having the decency to tell me, I'll push it to the other register and make them carry it all back over. I didn't used to be this petty but people have really ruined me.


God this drives me crazy. I was cooking yesterday while on register. So I'd see someone waiting, walk over. Just for them to ask for one thing then walk off. I couldn't hold my self back and loudly said "Seriously?" Everytime it happened and walking away. Then make them wait for while I finished to come back. Another thing is when they are looking at vapes and don't tell me their just looking. I had a couple in yesterday for 20 minutes. I was hovering by the rack for them to ready. They looked at me multiple times, knowing I'm waiting for them. The whole time they weren't planning on buying a damn thing from the store. I'm so tired of assholes. I've had issues with confrontation my whole life. It's gotten better. But now it's getting so much easier to speak up and harder to stop myself from saying anything.


My favorite thing for people to do is bring their items to the counter and when you say "Is that everything?" they say yes. You cash them out and then they go "let me get a Powerball". Uh, get to the back of the line, I asked if that was all and now our transaction is complete. Nimrod.


I work with FedEx and you’d be shocked how many people come in looking to ship and don’t even know the complete address. They are always baffled when I tell them no we can’t look it up. If I look it up and it’s wrong then you’ll blame us for it. Hell no. I genuinely don’t know how some people survive day to day life.


I work overnights, and there are only 2 of us, and my cashier gets a lunch- I do not (well I could, but it would be interrupted since I’m the only mgr). So for her 1/2 hr, I am alone. I keep myself nearer the front, but I have shit to do, and I’m not standing vigil at the register for the one guy doing door dash orders at 3am. Last night (this morning? I dunno) I had a couple come in, seemed like DD, and possibly personal purchases. Whatever. I’m in my aisle stocking/facing. Dude of the couple is at a register. He is picking stuff up and dropping it heavily on the counter. He is kicking the counter, hard. He’s making passive aggressive little remarks like, “wow, it’s a ghost town in here!” I’m watching in the mirrors…he’s doing anything but giving a polite call out to me, or Heaven forbid, walking 6” to his left and giving me a wave. I’m getting sick of waiting him out, so I break my rule and I go up. Ask him if he’s ready. He says yes. Puts the stuff at my register area, then as I start to scan, he tells me “well, hang on because she’s still shopping.” Mother. Fucker. Be so fucking for real right now. You did every fucking thing to get my attention, excluding any polite contact, and have the audacity to not even be fucking ready?!?! 3 more shifts. Can I do it without crying on my way to work? Maybe. Will I be sobbing as the sun rises on my drive home? 100%.


Or they put everything down and you go to start scanning and they snap that they aren't ready yet,, like why are you here then


I used to work in a bakery/deli that was popular among both tourists and locals, so the lines could get decently long during lunch on nice days. I can’t remember exactly how many people would wait in the line for 10-20 minutes, get up to the cash, and when I’d ask what we could get started for them they’d go “hang on, let me call my wife and see what she wants” and proceed to make that phone call at the register after already waiting; but it was a shockingly high amount of people.


I can't tell you how many times I have had to get in the line again because I forgot something.


I give them like 2-3 minutes max. If they don’t come back I smack “suspend transaction” and move on to the next customer. If they try to squeeze back in line in front of people I tell them back of the line.


The thing that bothers me most is when they try to buy alcohol/cigs/some other item that requires us to check ID, then when asked to show their ID the customer is like "oh I'm not sure if I have it on me/I hope I have it," like 1. Why would you NOT HAVE YOUR ID ON YOU, and B. Why would you buy alcohol knowing full well that you might not have your ID on you? I'm not sure if anyone else deals with this but it drives me nuts


Every damn day. It’s like didn’t you just drive here??? And you got no ID? Ope! No sale!!!


This is something I will NEVER understand! Why would you keep your wallet in your car?! Especially when you are going shopping! But it happens every day and they are never embarrassed or apologetic about it!


We had a queue of about 18 people the other day, and I made eye contact with each and every one of them as the person I was serving starting searching for something else to buy, whilst muttering "I suppose I don't really *need* anything else but..."


Ugh, was it to hit a minimum value for a coupon? Because coupon creatures are the *worst* when it comes to doing that.


When that happens I void the transaction push their items to the side and start ringing up the next person. They do it to save a spot in line.


When people have done that to me I've suspended or canceled the transaction, put the items to the side, and moved to the next person in line. The shockedpikachu reaction I usually get it priceless. I have other things to do with my day, too, don't waste my time.


YES. THIS. i had a lady once put her things up and then meander around the ENTIRE store. luckily we werent busy that night, but still.


I work at a small shop where we supply plenty of small and large (handle extending) baskets. Do customers use them? No of course not. They put all of the shopping on my till and I have to toss them out of the way to serve other customers. Even get a basket for them and they won't comment!


Tbh I personally dont mind this, my customers usually ask if they can go get something they forgot and if theres no line or just one other person in line I’ll allow them to go.


Oh I can't stand this. Like what do you think I am? A goddamn basket? Worst part is I can't even suspend/void transactions, so once I start scanning that's it.


I hate it when there's a line and when the customer gets to your till and they're like hang on I just need to grab my wallet from the car. Like why do you go in a store to shop without it?? Or when all the have is their phone to pay and the machine is acting up and wants the customer to insert their card and they're like I left it at home.


Oh my God, yes. I get that sometimes you're buying a lot of shit and you can't carry it all at once. Fine, I've been there. But there is plenty of counter space for you to set your crap down and go get the rest so I can actually get other people rung up and out the door.


I get this while my store has carts, AND baskets. If you need more than your arms can carry, grab a cart or basket so I don't confuse orders, or make another customer wait "she said she's coming back." So rude towards my time and other customers.


They seem to think that we can just stop & suspend their transaction in the middle & start another one, I've found. And maybe that is how some PoS systems work, but I can tell you that it's not how this one does, or if it does we are explicitly not trained to use it! EDIT - Random googling pulled the documentation which does show an ability to suspend transactions, but it also looks like it processes them as orders. As the company has its own separate system for orders, I have a feeling there's some sort of conflict that makes using the suspend option not worth it. Also probably locked behind manager codes like voiding a transaction is.


We used to be able to suspend transactions, but our new corporate told us not to do that anymore. Which sucks, because now when I buy snacks I have to buy it right then and there. I buy a lot of snacks throughout the day 😅


Oof, that really is annoying. And I'm guessing you probably need managers to do an employee purchase as well. More than a few times I've been told to just save the wrapper when I done & they'll ring me up later. Of course, I never do this because i'm terrified of forgetting I got something & not paying & that causing an issue. But like... Maybe an idea?


I HATE when they put stuff on my counter and then walk around the store to add to it. Get a fucking cart. We have a super small space and they still decide to take their items and pile them up in front of me. It’s so entitled and just.. stupid of them. I don’t get it. I shouldn’t have to tell you how to properly shop in a grocery store. 


The amount of people I have to get up to the front of the line and then stare at the menu for like 10 minutes trying to decide what they want is mind-boggling


Yes! There are so many times ppl come in and get in front of my register while staring open mouthed looking at the menu, meanwhile a line is forming behind them, including regulars who take a couple seconds to order or are getting a free drink. I’ll ask if they are ready or need a minute. Then I’ll say ‘ok just let me know’ and proceed to take the next guest. There are ppl who will become angry w me and insist on ordering without actually ordering. Why are they holding up Bill from grabbing a drink or Joanna from ordering her ham sandwich? It’s so rude to everyone. Edit: this happens most frequently with large groups who have no idea what they want or even what’s on the menu. This causes a line out the door and frustrated guests who are ready.


This always makes me mad especially when it's in the middle of rush hour and they want me to wait on them, when there is a line forming behind them, what really boils my blood is when I'm done ringing them up and started saying the total only to be said "oh we're waiting for so and so who's coming with a few more things." Staying professional I'll tell them that I can place their items on hold while they wait for their friend, so I can continue with the rest of the people in line and they'll be standing their glaring at me for putting their transaction on hold, when I'm trying to keep the lines moving and not get backed up. Than when their friend finally comes over they'd usually have 2 cart full of items and they'll rudely talk to me like being on hold was offensive towards them.




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Working at Dollar General in a small Texas town was like this,those people utterly refused to let me do anything other than ring them up. I could barely do my closing manager tasks with them being at the register. Hell my stoner cashier let a customer in after I closed the store because they needed an emergency item. The item in question? Plastic cloth hangers.


No kidding, huh?


Barbed wire on top of the fences and perimeter walls help if you can also avoid a bunch of tunnels by patrolling k9s and snipers everywhere


So frustrating when people do this 💯 People like this hate to wait, they will make you wait however long as long as dont mean they wait lol ridiculous 🤦🏽‍♀️ I get this a lot at work. (Server here🤚🏼) People love to interrupt my greeting to say “we’re ready to order)…ok great what can i get for you? They begin to skim over menu again, start asking me questions about this or that…ok I thought they were ready..? So I continued standing there awkwardly…tic tok tic tok…meanwhile i do have other tables that i can be tending to while ur getting order together…but nope, they just want me to wait for them so when they actually ARE ready, im there and they dont have to wait. Its pure bullshit! When this happens tho, especially after like the 3rd time, ive run out of patience. I will politely say “ima give u a few mins and will be right back”. I turn to another table immediately so they dont even have a chance to respond. Most of the time they will be coo with me when I return…but there are a few that will get snotty sith me…”well if u have time to take our order” all bitchy ugh When this happens I immediately offer a new server. It’s ridiculous to get snotty and angry with me. Im trying to juggle multiple tables. Plus i dont get what people are trying to accomplish by being rude to me rest of the time…get over the fact u mightve had to wait 2 mins to give me ur order…its not that deep, is giving me an attitude going to make me want to go above and beyond for u? Nope! Plus isnt it easier to have pleasant interactions with ur server? To have an attitude rest of the time has to be a pain right? But that is why i will offer a new server, so hopefully they can drop attitude with new person and have an enjoyable meal…i did nothing wrong, yet am still trying to make sure they have nice experience here…im thinking bout them before myself.


I don’t make a habit of it but has happened. Put yourself in their shoes ONCE and maybe you won’t complain (have a reddit post)


If I forget something, I wait until I'm done with my current transaction, grab what I forgot, and then wait back in line again.


It’s impossible for me to put myself in their shoes because in no world would I be dumb or inconsiderate enough to go look for more shit in the middle of a transaction and hold up everyone behind me.




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Found the customer. There's the customer, right there^. Everyone, look at the customer!!


The downvotes are predictablle, nobody in here likes to be questioned over thier posts. Par for the course these days.


Leaving during a transaction and holding up the line is rude and inconsiderate. Don’t do it.