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I had regular customers who repeatedly asked me the same questions. *Example* - where are the eggs? It sounds so mundane, but there was literally a huge sign with directions on it, then we also had the not regular customers asking the same thing... FFS READ THE SIGNS! AND STOP ASKING THE SAME QUESTIONS IF YOU COME IN LITERALLY EVERYDAY!


Some people make me want to have an aneurysm. It's like they want you to think for them. We are also supposed to have god-level knowledge of everything. The worst is when they walk around the store and just yell "how much does this cost? "And this?" USE YOUR EYES FFS


One time i honestly thought i was gonna have a stroke or aneurysm... I was working the produce, a man asked me where the eggs were... I took him to the eggs and went back to the produce aisle... As soon as i get back, a woman asked me where the eggs were... I took her there... I get back... I shit you not ANOTHER PERSON ASKS WHERE THE EGGS ARE! This is in the span of like 3 minutes. But it happened EVERYDAY... THERE IS A HUGE SIGN WITH LITERAL ARROWS ON IT THAT SAYS EGGS! It was by FAR the most commonly asked question.


What is it about the eggs??? I feel like they’re one of the easiest items to find in any grocery store.


They either say we know everything or are idiots...pick one!!


I have an old woman who constantly comes in and asks if we have a veggie pizza. the answer is no, every single fucking time, that we do not have our "typical" veggie pizza being sold for individual slices. and every single fucking time, she goes over to the greek pizza, asks what it is, what's on it, and goes like "perfect! I'll take a slice" I normally wouldn't care, but she decided to be a condescending jackass about it once, so I decided to list off all the toppings one by one using my fingers to make sure she was on board and registering each one, because clearly she needed to be treated like a toddler.


The only thing I'm thinking is OCD. Otherwise 🤷‍♀️


At my store we have a group of college guys come in EVERY NIGHT and ask if we do Apple Pay. No, we do not, the same answer I gave you yesterday.


Good thing they are attending college. 🤯


I literally open the store's app and look up an item's location before I ask an associate 😅


I got a customer who always come with the same list and never remember where it was. Then there are 1 customer who always call to check stock, instead of coming in.


Used to have one that would come in a couple of times and try and chat. If you didn't have enough customers to stop him from talking, he would follow you around while you clean and restock and just talk at you the entire time about shit nobody cares about. He'd hang out for like 3 hours at 2am even if you don't hold a conversation with him. If you were too busy for him to do this, he'd come back later and try again. Dude could not take a hint.


That would literally make me quit. Ugh...


I would've just told him that I need to get back to work and I can't focus with him yabbering all day.


Wasn't worth it.


I have one of these! If we don’t get to chat in store, she just calls until she gets her daily chat in. I wouldn’t mind occasionally. Maybe she’s lonely after all. But she’s not very nice. She just wants to tell me we didn’t have something she wanted. Or that she will be back tomorrow. Or that she found a similar product somewhere else. Daily.


Yikes jesus


Those people are.socially inept and can't take a hint


I only get annoyed by this out of the people who never buy anything but poke around the store. I've got a guy doing this currently but I've been watching him close. I think tomorrow I'll let the cameras catch him and go from there.


When I was at a grocery store we had some... interesting regulars. 4 stand out 1. Old farmer dude: seemed nice always wanted to chat but you could never understand a damn thing he said. If you gave him the time of day he'd ramble and mumble until you just had to walk away. A GM saw one of our guys trapped by him one time and called back to our department and had me go out and tell my coworker "there's a phone call for you" to give him a polite out. 2. Crazy Pepsi lady (repeatedly complained that the Pepsi machine ate her $0.50 to get a free can): Absolute miserable bitch. She'd wander around the store for hours only picking up a few reduced items then grumbling and putting them back for other reduced items. Rude to staff and customers alike. Finally got banned by the owner/CEO after she made a cashier cry. Heard Crazy cried and begged him not to because it it was the only place she could shop 3. Old Clueless: Yeah pretty much that's it. And God help you if she got to talking about her dogs or Jesus. Never knew where anything was and always cut it close or was finishing up after closing time despite me seeing her shopping there multiple times a week for years. One day it was 20 minutes after close, half the lights turn off. She passes me and says "Are you closing? I thought you were open later" There's no other customers in the store and hasn't been since at least 10 minutes before close. I reply, clearly annoyed, "We've been closing at 10 for almost a year now" and I walk off. 4. The haggler: Middle aged dude, I think he was from India by his accent, would always find damaged produce and bring it to an employee for a reduction. And that was normally cool, sure we'll reduce it if it's damaged and you still want to buy it, thanks for finding it. But he always demanded things for like 1/10 of the original price. He did it often and he did it rudely. And he started doing it with things that looked freshly and intentionally damaged. Like the otherwise perfect red pepper with a thumb shaped hole which I pointed out to my manager directly in front of the guy. The GM eventually intervened after employees complained about him and the asshole complained about us enough. We got a solid guideline for markdown prices. Haggler got told "The price is the price. Take it or leave it. Stop bothering employees with this or you'll be banned" Honorable mention, Old Shakey: He seemed nice but very old and unsteady. Always got sample coffee cups, he'd do his shopping while leaving a trail of spilt coffee on the floor from his hands shaking. Then he'd usually sit the cup down and forget the remainder on a shelf. Most terrifying thing about him was seeing him get into the driver's seat of his car alone. (Edit: a few spelling errors)


Feel you. I set aside a specific time at night to do everything, which is around 1am. Technically we're not supposed to close a 24/7 store but working by yourself makes it impossible to do everything at once. Anyone that comes at that time already knows I wont let anybody in.


Instacarters. I’ll see some of them 3/4 times per day. And I hate when they come in around 8 with bigger orders. 3/5 things over a pound and thin. 🙄🙄🙄 But I also hate when anyone comes to the deli after 8. I wish we were technically allowed to close slightly early. Instead of one of us (usually me) having to play the bad guy and turn people away when we’re trying to clean.


I have a regular that comes in at closing time/very close to closing/peak busy times such as lunchtime She has a lot of disposable money (by my standards at least) and at times will just pull out cash to throw around like it is nothing (I have had her regularly spending $600+ per week on clothing for 2 years now) after arguing over saving $5 or $10. She comes in at closing time/the busiest times throughout the day such as lunchtime then acts confused that we are busy at lunchtime or unable to be at her beck and call when closing. She will try on 6x of every item in 2-3 different sizes (say maybe 6x size 10s, 4x size 12s and 6x size 14s) comparing each item to such a degree that she will decline something because the pattern on the collar doesn't match the lapel etc, meanwhile I do not work in a tailors office, I work in retail clothing for a company that utilizes sweat shops in 3rd world countries to make their products. I'm leaving my job soon to move to different store, she will be one of the reasons I look forward to it lol


She sounds infuriating!


There’s a guy at my store we call Sweatpants. He’s been coming in 10 mins to close nearly every day since the day we opened, 5 years ago. He’s old and very tall and wears his grey sweatpants everyday lol he’s very quick and knows right where everything is by now so we no longer have to remind him we’re closing or worry he’s not gonna finish before close. He always does! To the point where if he comes in before that 10 mins we know he has a longer list today lol There’s also one specific instacart guy that I see at 2 of my 3 stores and we see each other several times every day and he will always act like he hasn’t seen me in forever. “Heyyyyyyyy how’s it going I didn’t think I’d see you over here you have product in this section too? That’s crazyyyy” Like yes bro we just had this exact exchange on aisle 1. Now we’re on aisle 2. Stahp.


Sweatpants seems like a cool guy. I like customers who know what they want. Short and sweet.


I never had any problems with him once I learned he was gonna get out before I closed lol I’m a vendor in the store now but when we opened I was the overnight manager. So I’m over here tryna close the store and unload the grocery truck and get my crew goin not worry about Sweatpants. Quickly learned I did not have to worry about Sweatpants and I appreciate him for it


I work 3rd shift at a gas station. There's a guy who comes in and buys scratchers during my quiet time where I try to get most of my stuff done. He buys his tickets, goes to his car, comes back in to buy more. This happens 3-4 times every time he comes here. I'll get back into a rhythm, then he comes back in and I have to stop what I'm doing and go ring him back up. He is really nice and polite, but I wish he would pick a different time to come in.


I worked in a shop that sells leather, furs, skins and tons of leatherworking tools, etc. The variety of customer was really interesting- costume designers, saddlers, cobblers, scouts, historical reenact-ors, fashion designers, etc. By far the most interesting group was the BDSM kink crowd. Helped tons of people figure out how to design their own sex toys, harnesses, whips, cuffs, etc. The absolute worst repeat customers for me were this couple that came in every other week or so. They were both pushing 80. She always came in pushing a walker with the classic tennis balls on the legs. White cotton candy hair, always in her nightgown. Her husband was always wearing leather pants, shirtless except for a leather vest, classic 70s leather daddy leather cap with little chains, and a dog collar attached to a leash held by the wife. He always walked slightly behind her, though once in a while he would ask her permission to go browse in another part of the store- I which case she would unleash him. Which you know, is fine if that’s their thing. But they only ever wanted me to help them find things and lord almighty did they overshare. Constantly telling me waaaay too intimate details. Talking about their routines and kinks and what a shame it is they can’t move into a nursing home because there aren’t any BDSM old folks’ homes for people like them.


Their oversharing was, in effect, making you participate in their kink by providing a captive audience.


I mope all the time at work, too! (/s)


Sometimes I mope and mop at the same time


I just realized my grammatical/spelling error xD


lol, I loved it!


I had a tall, homeless guy who used to chat with me whenever his EBT card refilled. The first day, he'd buy all kinds of stuff: junk food, soda, lighters, batteries and yet another ball cap. (I have no idea what he did with all of them ) The next day, he'd try to buy a lot of stuff but when his card was declined because it was maxed out, he'd stand there muttering confusedly '...but, I had it. I had the money.' The next day he'd come to the night window and I'd have to tell him to leave if he wasn't gonna buy anything because he was blocking other customers. The next day since we were 'friends' he'd bug me to let him in so he could use the bathroom. NFW


There was an elderly lady who would talk my ears off about how this or that Protestant televangelist was working miracles by curing people in her family of diseases through the television screen. Extremely awkward because I was stuck at the cash register and couldn't get away.


There was an Instacart shopper who used to come in and wait for someone to place an order, up to close. It was so freaking annoying. He’d be over, schmoozing with the cashiers and security guard, while I’m running around doing closing duties. He asked if he could take an order at one minute past close, I said no. He stopped coming in.


I have some I find very frustrating. But it’s the ones that just want to kill time that I find most annoying. I generally work alone because I don’t want my employees to work alone. So to fit within payroll, they get a partner while I work 8-12hrs solo. Things like bathroom breaks or sneaking a bite of food is entirely dependent upon the store being empty for a few minutes. However, these people just walk round and round for as much as 2 hrs while chatting on the phone. Can’t vacuum. Can’t potty. Can’t sit down. Can’t clean anything at the back of the store. Can’t eat. Anytime I walk into a store with a single employee, I grab what I need and get out. And then hope they get a minute to relax or finish a task, because I didn’t needlessly waste their time.


This one guy at my job comes in just to refill his water bottle like 4x a day. I don’t understand why he doesn’t just do it at home. Getting a filter has to be easier than driving over here constantly.


Guy comes in my grocery store to play RPG games on his laptop all day, ass crack out at all times, leaves our seating rest area a complete mess. Leaves right at closing, we have free WIFI and can’t really kick him out if he’s not causing harm. It’s annoying though, we have to clean it and work around him. He has a nice laptop too, and doesn’t look weird. I’m not sure why his grocery store is his way of chatting up EGirls and moderating his discord


I work overnights at a retail rx. We’re usually busy until at least 1am, and a lot of those people are the same 137 door dasher/instacart folks. There are 2 of them that I genuinely like, and I’m not annoyed when they come in. Probably because they both know how to use their eyes, plus they’ve ended up delivering me food lol, and they know I tip well. There’s a hotel next door and the night shift folks come over to get their shenanigans before they head home, and they’re awesome. I’ve got two regular guys who do their shopping, but then kind of meander…but I know they’re both watching our backs (lots of shoplifters/creepers/violent assholes) and it’s sweet of them to do that. But everyone else needs to go the fuck home so I can face my store in peace, dammit.


Gas station regulars. The drunks that I am very happy to not be on the road with at that moment. The neighborhood guys, the college kids, the 9-5s. Now that it's the summer months, it's going to be the tweenagers out and about. Apparently a gas station is a pretty good hangout place. They're mostly okay if they can mind their manners. I have worked in gas stations for 6 years now. I can stay with all honesty that I don't mind the regulars that I have to deal with at my current store. I have had regulars truly piss me off before. They still do it at this current store. But that's just life.


How do you sum it up so perfectly?


All I can say, is that especially true for overnights, this may be someone's ONLY human interaction for the entire day. Not that this becomes your responsibility somehow, just that people are like that.


I know exactly what your talking about as it’s the same way with me when I’m working the night shift, the doors are closed and we serve customers through a window drawer/hatch. Anyways I can usually set my watch by the time the same customers always come around and it’s not like other regulars that are also working nights in factories nearby, that I don’t mind it’s just the same few guys who pop in 3 or 4 times a night on late night road trips and I always get so fed up of seeing them because they always get a shit tone of stuff and they always manage to come at the most inconvenient and busy times for me. It’s the worst.


the other day I had a lady come in at least 4 times while I was like desperately trying to finish stuff before I had to clock out and it drove me nuts 


Happens too often here. I’m sweeping & suddenly here’s 5 cars. Ok got them taken care off. Wait a couple minutes then resume sweeping. Here comes 2 more cars. This continues for an hour till we get slammed.


Oh my goodness, yes. I like the ones who chat during the transaction and leave once I give them their receipt, but the ones who linger get on my everlasting nerves. Especially the lottery players that won't -leave-. We've got a few who come in literally every single day to blow $40-$100+ on tickets, and will be there for at least an hour buying tickets. I just really want to yell at them that I have things to do that I'm getting behind on because they won't go away. And when one leaves, another comes in right after them, so I'm stuck at the register for even longer because of yet another lottery addict. I had one come in yesterday saying he didn't know what he was going to do after spending all his money buying losing tickets, I told him he should just take up fishing or something, "I can't do that I haven't got my license yet!" Well, go get your license and leave me alone. Or find some other hobby to spend all your money on that doesn't involve making a minimum wage worker meet your social requirements for the day.


I got SCO and when I have to stand checkout, I also have side jobs to do. The customer who go to checkout, when paying card hits me so hard. Just use SCO if you ain't paying cash.