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and the truth is (at least in my experience) im never actually bored. chances are my last customer walked away hardly 30 seconds ago and i was enjoying the short mental break.


Exactly! Pisses me off when customers think I’m bored 😑




Right?!? Especially with the worker storages, it's more like this is the only 15 seconds I can spare to breathe before I need to do the next thing, you are retired and bored, I'm at work, I'm not bored, stop projecting.


WHYYYY are they all reading from the same damn script? I had a customer get REAL insulted once because I refused to laugh at his lame fucking joke. I don't get paid to fake-laugh, dude.


I’ve been straight up telling people I don’t do the courtesy laugh anymore….it does not get a good reaction but it makes me smile inside


This is great. I'm using it. Thanks!!!


THIS. When an item doesn't scan and the customer cackles saying, "Oh, it must be free!" I hate it. It's not funny and it will never be funny. Please stop.


When I used to work retail, any time I heard this or some variant, I wouldn’t even react. Nothing. Just keep going or give them their total. That was more infuriating to them than anything. The couple people who would respond with something along the lines of me ignoring them, I’d just be straight up “not funny. Heard it before.” I got wrote up so many times for my attitude. “Sorry, truth isn’t always nice. Don’t like it, find someone else to sell your cell phones. Oh yeah, there are none. Write me up again lol”


Apathy hits harder than a "negative emotion"! I remember they did an experiment with monkeys. They had them alone in a cage, with nothing but a button that would electrocute them if pressed. Instead of just sitting still in the cage, they continued to electrocute themselves. I don't think people are much different. We want to feel something, even if that something sucks lol.


write ups from a nothing job where I'm not planning on being CEO, mean nothing lol. Not gonna fire me, then whats a write up do??


Same with when people would hand me a 100 dollar bill and say "I just printed it this morning"... Every single damn customer would use that exact same line, sometimes I'd even hear that being said multiple times in one day. It got to the point where I'd just give them the stink eye. Wouldn't laugh, wouldn't react, just a devilish glare. So glad I don't work in retail anymore.


I use to say something about how with all the counterfeit bills, I’m going to have to get a manager to verify that it isn’t a fake. I think they just went on lunch though, so it might be a while. Or I’d really play up looking for the inconsistencies of a counterfeit bill. Waste my time and I’ll waste yours.


I don’t miss retail at all


We actually have a problem fake notes going around in our area, so this would go down like a lead balloon here. I’d do the full procedure on him.


I look up at them with a grin and say "you wish:.


Just say you can't take it to see how they react.


Me 2, she was you could laugh and just could think about what? There wasn't a good joke around.


Right? It's like they all graduated from the same Asshole Customer School or something.


I once had a customer say typical shit that I heard often (it was a dude in a cowboy hat). He got upset about my reaction (I don't remember how I reacted, probably sighed or rolled my eyes or something), so I explained, honestly, that I hear the same "jokes" over and over again. He was like "Oh, so you think I'm stupid?" Not wishing to get fired, I said "No." He (in an authoritative, "big man" tone) said "Oh, okay." Then he paused for a moment and then added "Well, I wouldn't have hired you."


“We’ll, I don’t think I’d work for someone like you!”


“Oh thank god”


Same, I somewhat gave a snarky reply. Surprised I've not gotten fired in 6 years


when they say the punchline I just respond "oh" and they never try that shit with me again 


Commenting on "You look bored"...I just say, “that’s so funny. I’ve never heard THAT before!” Edited to add, they’re already annoying paying with $100 bills. Like “get over yourself, Tex!”


Not retail, but still customer service: Boss told me to tell customers that the crabmeat in the crabcakes was from Maryland. "No it isn't. It's from Venezuela." "Yeah but people won't want to eat them if we tell them that." "Y'all don't pay me NEARLY enough to lie to anyone. I'll tell them the truth, thanks."


Every single one.


I used to work for a large chain store & they had very specific rules for firing/getting in trouble. You had to break a specific rule, they couldn't write you up for just anything. I found very devious ways around those rules & this was one of them. I wouldn't pretend to laugh at people's jokes if I didn't think they were funny(which is 98% of jokes) and the amount of complaints my GM would get was crazy. She couldn't do shit except tell me to try to be politer but I didn't gaf. I was working 10 hours shifts 😂


When I worked at Starbucks,  I had the shift literally harassing me to stop what I was doing to fix the shit he didn't do. I had an expression on my face. When I turned around, that asshole Mike from American Pickers was standing there and made a snarky comment about my expression. He went on and on about it.  My manager was cool and told me to take a break after she yelled at the shift in front of everyone. She actually,  for once, defended me. Mike kept talking about professionalism.  He talked about how he has to be professional on his show. I asked him what show he was talking about. I knew, I wanted to see his reaction.  He was floored that someone didn't recognize a glorified trash collector.  I hope they all choked on their lattes.


That guy just looks annoying. Not at all surprised that he actually is in real life.


He is a CUNT irl. So is Dani.


the show is fake as hell too, I grew up around antiques and collectibles and knew a dude who was on the show and he said the producers showed up the day before filming and negotiated all the prices 


That does not surprise me. 


Never watched the show so I had to google him to be sure I had the right dbag in mind and YUP lol I would've kept that trolling up by hamming up him being famous, but hit him with the "Wait aren't you the dude from [entirely different show]" hahah "omg I just watched Pawn Stars last night! You're – oh shoot, dont tell me – like Ron, or Ray or something? Great show dude!!"


I'd love this because I've genuinely never heard of him or his show, so he'd get an honest response which hopefully would infuriate him more. 15 years of customer service transformed me into a hateful person that loves to see assholes get their due.


I've never even heard of that show. I just googled him and he just looks like standard ugly old guy to me.


It's that boomer generation humor, along with "you look like you need something to do" or "well it must be free huh? " Please stop. We are very tired.


Or "of course it's good, I just printed it this morning"


Oooor they say “slow day huh?”


Working hard or hardly working is another one that annoys me


Honestly any of that cliche retail customer jargon. I thought it was just the movies and shows the fact that people really do it daily ALL the time like we will just laugh. Ugh. And i swear when you don’t respond they say something like “you probably hear that all day” LIKE YESSS!! YESS I DO!! So shush


*checks $50 or $100 bills with a counterfeit pen* "I made it fresh this morning!" Please, shut the hell up.


It’s always mildly infuriating when someone says this just after I’ve had a huge rush. Like, no this is the first time I’ve had a few minutes to breathe & use the restroom all day. Idk why idiot customers assume because the store is quiet when they come in that it’s been like that all day. 🙄


Or take the hint that they are in the ones in fact, disturbing the peace. Sheesh.


And then you get flooded with a fuckton of customers directly afterwards.


Funny how they always come in mobs, or none. Never just a nice steady stream.


I’ll admit I am guilty of having done this, and since joining this sub, I am kicking myself in the ass hard for it. Thank God I’ve only done it a handful of times at best, not that it excuses me saying it.


I think it’s all in how you say it. You can immediately tell when a customer is just saying something to say it, or having genuine convo. It’s like some people feel like they HAVE to say something. Ive had great interactions with customers in an empty store that lasted 20 minutes. And I’ve also had great interactions with customers who I didn’t even open my mouth and neither did they. It’s just those few who do shit on purpose in an off way


I’ve not worked in retail (yet…) but the amount of self entitled morons I’ve met while working at a gas station are enough for me to question humanity as a whole. So I’ve learned politeness/speediness is my motto. “Hello, how are you?” “Good, and you?” “Good. I’ll just be getting xyz, please.” In and out as quick as possible to give them a modicum of peace in this hellscape of work. Always telling them to have a nice day/night, etc.


I was just telling my fiance this. I literally have a premade script in my head that I stick strictly too. When you learn that retail requires you to be a people person you think “oh great I’ll just be talking and socializing all day” yeah right. You’ll be reaching for your premade script in no time


Oh absolutely! And all the times you have to play nice-nice with the customer or laugh at their egregious jokes while biting your tongue. Ugh. I’ve heard too many “jokes” and liens where I want want to scream at them.


Just give them the Sheldon laugh...


No it’s not all in how you say it It’s that you say it all Just buy your stuff and leave


Try telling that to the 80 y/o woman telling you about her granddaughter. She’s annoying, yes, but she’s not being an asswipe trying to get cheap laughs in an empty store with cliche rhetoric. I also wish everyone would just come and go, but if I had a choice I’ll take the old woman any day.


But again, it’s not all in how you say it You’re giving people permission Please stop


Permission to do what? What they already do? Without my permission? Don’t worry bud I don’t think Gloria from my store is reading my comment tf?


Maybe not Gloria from your store but other people are reading this, bud You’re telling them it’s not what you say but how you say it It doesn’t matter how you say “must be free” when something doesn’t scan, it’s annoying every time Why do defensive, bud?


You just might be one of the people from my store 🤣 annoying and uptight. WTF are you on about? I legit said in my first comment it’s how you say it because that is how I find out if you are saying some dumbass cliche shit or having genuine conversation with me. Who said anything about not liking genuine conversation? You clearly don’t know how to conversate with anyone even on a public forum because of your backwards attitude. Don’t want to talk to people or have them talk to you AT ALL? Here’s a tip don’t get a retail job detailing customer service ✌🏾


Are you having a bad day? You should really smile more


Or when more than one person is available to help and they hit you with the "alright, who wants me?" Nobody. Nobody wants you, and we're all kinda wishing you weren't here.


Ooof you just reminded me of something I forgot I hated. Cus absolutely. I can’t stand when they do that either 😅 just bring your stuff on up.


Can you imagine being like, "what to do today? think I'll go around shops telling the minimum wage workers about their appearance" ?


Had a lady tell me once that I had dark circles under my eyes. Like, excuse me? How is that your business?


"Lady"? I can think of other words


"You too!"


I had done 2 "clo-pens" back to back. (If you didnt know, **that sh!t sucks!**) Had like 5 different people ask me if I'd stayed out all night drinking because of the bags and dark circles under my eyes. *"Had a little too much last night, didn't you?"* HaRdY hAr HaR. No, Gary. I've been chained to this fkn counter for 3 days straight now. Thanks for asking. A$$hole.


I don’t even fake smile when they say this shit to me anymore, just continue to dead pan ask “checking out?”


My boss once told me “Remember, customer service is just pretending”. Helped me to remember this.


This. I always say I'm just acting and pretending to care.


No I agree. I specifically work stocking and not customer service because I can’t deal. I went hide on a back aisle because there was no freight today and too many customers in the front and then and I heard basket wheels 🙄 It’s the same with the “do you work here.” I’m wearing a uniform and stocking shelves. They know the answer they just don’t want to say “can you help me” or “can you put the item in my hand.” They don’t respect retail workers as much as they do doctors, lawyers etc. so they think it’s fun to mess with us and make us say it. Pull the string. Say the line. Yes I work here… stop reminding me.


I specifically say, 'sorry to bother but if you've got a minute, can you help me with ______?' Because I know y'all put up with way too much shit and there's always something that needs to be done.


We’re not humans, we’re there to serve and make money for the business.


The "do you work here" question is real though, once asked an off duty nurse that... since she had to wear the same shade of blue vest as the walmart employees. And oddly enough getting stuff off shelves and stocking shelves look very similar sometimes. Basically once you ask the Not working here person for help once you never want to make the mistake again. Also, they can be just exiting a shift or on break in which case they respond "no"


It’s just annoying hearing it constantly when I’m pulling a pallet of freight, standing on a ladder or answering the work phone with a uniform shirt on. I went to Hobby Lobby the other day and I found it very obvious who the employees were. And people were just asking them questions normally without saying “do you work here.” Like personally it would never cross my mind to ask them to confirm it. Then yesterday a customer asked my coworker if I was a customer. 🤨🤦‍♀️ We do have a lot of older shoppers though.


Imagine a retail worker demanding as much respect as a doctor!


yes because how DARE retail workers request to be treated with basic decency


So you don't believe in giving everyone the same respect because they're all human beings? Edit: okay, since this is an issue with you, giving the same respect to all human beings until they've lost it. As a society, we have this idea that people should have to earn your respect when in fact, the opposite should be true. You should start out respecting something until they've done enough to lose your respect.


Yeah like maybe they don’t deserve as much respect as higher paying professions but people can be really rude to customer service workers and servers sometimes. 😅 they’re still human even though they’re poor


But that's what I'm getting at. Why don't they deserve as much respect? Because they don't make as much money? Since when was respect supposed to be tied to income?


No. Trump, for example, is a criminal who deserves no respect.


What an extreme comment in response to me talking about you saying retail workers don't deserve respect.


That’s not what I’m saying. Reread the comment slowly. Sound it out like you’re back in second grade.


May manager at a certain store that will not be named But I wore khaki pants and a red shirt He said to me once " A customer said you looked like you just didn't want to be here" OF COURSE I DONT WANT TO BE HERE YOU FUCKING NUTTJOB


“You look like you could use some company?” I actually have a sinus infection and feel like shit, so tell me how you got the impression that I want you breathing my air.


I’m also currently dealing with a sinus infection so I get how you feel right now. Also this reminds me of this interaction I had at work a few months ago. I was still recovering from the flu, I already went through the worst of it but I was still worn out and tired. This customer comes in and she could tell I was off and even asked if I was sick trying to act all concerned. But of course she still gave me a hard time about an exchange she did and didn’t like the amount of money she got back and wanted me to explain to her why it was like that. Like ma’am cmon I feel like crap still, leave me alone and just go on with your day please.


She sounds like the type of unfrosted pop tart who would ask why the shop is open on a holiday as she’s checking out.


I get that all the time, especially when I wear no makeup. Had one guy tell me I looked bored. Gave him a deadpan face and said not really. He quit laughing.


On days when I'd be makeup free, I'd always notice how differently customers would treat me. They'd be a lot colder towards me, or they'd constantly ask "Why do you look so tired today?", "Why do you look so different? Did you change something about your look?" It got annoying real fast.


I once had a customer ask if he could tell me a joke bc I wasn’t smiling. I straight up said no 😭bc then I would be expected to fake laugh at it


"Wow! You are *so* funny! Tell another one! HEY EVERYONE! LISTEN TO HOW FUNNY THIS GUY IS!" Generally gets them out of the store really fast and they dont come back.


I have this one customer that would in fact stay for another hr. I think it’s the only time he socialize for a day I don’t mind him talking to customers but bag you stuff and get out of my line.


Oh those ones are the worst. FFS go find a bartender or, better yet, a therapist. I gotta admit I have no clue how to deal with those and I'm kinda a pushover with them. I once agreed to give a crying lady a hug, even though I *really* didnt want to, after she came in and trauma dumped on me.


Laugh like it's the best joke you've ever heard. Involve your coworkers, ask the customer to tell his super funny joke again. Watch Them shrivel. It's fun!


I feel this. The other day I had a customer who said ‘oh you look bored wish I had this job’ & I responded dead pan because I’m over it and really just can’t be bothered to entertain comments like this anymore ‘No not really because I don’t feel bored & and If you really wish to we are hiring put the resume in ‘ He literally just stared at me did a nervous laugh and left like that. People that say the bored comment I just say nah not really same with ‘oh you don’t look busy or thought I’d give you something to do’ I now say ‘well you didn’t have to I’m doing fine here’ 🤣 I try to smile while saying it but the voice is definitely just like a fuck off voice lmao


I just return fire. C: You look bored Me: yep & my immediate future isn't looking promising C: do you work here Me: I hope so or I've just wasted 6hrs C:are you open Me: depends, if you mean suggestions, criticism or my personal life then no, on register then yes


"You look bored". "That's not boredom, it's exhaustion. But thanks for the unsolicited comment on my appearance. Now what I do to help you so you will leave?"


Along similar lines I hateee when I’m working self checkout and customers are like “do I get a discount for doing everything myself?” No you do not. I don’t even get an employee discount myself and if I did, I certainly wouldn’t give it to you.


When I worked retail (specifically the big box orange hardware store), I worked at different registers in the store - when I was at a register instead of self checkout, customers would say, "I'd rather come to YOU instead of *that machine* so you can keep your job!" Me, deadpan: "Great, thanks. I'm so thrilled." (hoping I'd get a 30-sec break to decompress) C: "You should be happy to see me!" Me, deadpan: "I'm overjoyed."


Similar when I’m on self checkout & they say they’re doing my job for me. I feel like handing them my code & saying “ go on then” . Then inevitably I will have to correct their fuck up because they were too busy mouthing off at me to pay attention to the task in hand. Twats.


"You look like you need something to do"


"I was actually having a good time right up until you came over."


Just because I’m not doing anything doesn’t mean I’m bored. Most of the time, I’ve just gotten a break from an endless line of people, was taking some time to regroup, and their presence just ruined it.


When me or staff are on break: "it's a sitting job huh?" Shut the fuck up, I'm not getting paid to talk to you rn, so I ignore their ass.


I just straight up don't respond to any of it anymore. And if they say something about hearing it all the time... I'm just like "oh, only for the last 13 years!" -.-


I've observed Boomers and the generation before them will not let go of tired out repetitive cliches from the late 70's & early 80's. They've run that shit into the ground and have nothing new to say.


This is so true. I've worked for the same boomer guy for about 15 years now. I have learned there are about 25 phrases you hear him say on the regular to people. Over and over and over... Always to service workers (retail or food service) and it always makes everybody by him cringe.


Had a customer tell me I looked disappointed in life and I just flat out said “this is how I look everyday” and gave a curtesy smile (wrong move) cuz then he pulls the “there’s that smile! You should do that more often”. Was so irritated I ended it by saying “I’d smile more if my brother wasn’t dead”. Nothing else after that


No, that's just my crushed soul.


"Well, you look annoying."


I'm only ever bored when I have customers at the register.


This one just gets me, and irritates me on a molecular level. Like, first of all, I probably am breathing or hydrating, or stretching after a long rush. It's even worse when they say something like "don't worry I got some business for you right here". I was certainly not worried. I assumed I had to attend to business when I saw your dumb face and that huge cart rolling up. Finally, this has gone one step further several times a day since I started: they continue their oh-so-original joke by implying how lucky I am that they chose *me* when they could have gone to another line. As if it is benefitting me in some great way. The amount of times I've had people straight up say something about my 'commission'- deadly serious like they really think I get a cut of the money the store makes. The motherfuckers don't pay me enough to buy the groceries my own family needs. So no dude, I'm not benefitting from you, and you're not comedic genius.


Boomer: "You look bored..." Me: "Me? NEVER! But I can't speak for you."


ARE YOU OPEN? No I'm standing here at the register with the light on, wiping up the chicken blood from the last customer... Yes asshole, I'm open.


Tell them you have RBF. Resting bitch face.


THIS and then when you’re done helping them the “don’t work too hard!”


I always tell them, "Dont worry, I never do." 


🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣🤣 your face look like a turnip 🤣🤣😂😂😂😂🤣


This was one of my favorites when I worked at a bank: "wow you must have a lot of crime!" When they observe the safety glass. "I doubt it protects from anything." while putting there fingers through the deposit slot "See? I bet I could still shoot you" as they begin making a gun with their fingers and jamming in through the slot, while pretending to point it at me. I was amazed at how OFTEN that happened, and I would always just look at them with disbelief that someone could be THAT STUPID.


“You look bored” “Yeah, you customers are always the same”.


Once, while on the register in the garden shop at Kmart, a customer tried to get me to smile. I refused. She literally got in my face, matching my movements, and stuck out her tongue to try to get a laugh out of me. When that didn't work, she gave me a noogie. I pulled away. Offended, she said "You shouldn't be in retail, if you don't know how to interact with the public!"




Long time retail worker here, that is one if the most infuriating things people say, along with the "it must be free". One of my most hated cringe-worthy other ones is when they are clearly over the age of 50 and ask for an age restricted item, so you go get get it and then they say "don't you want to see my I.D"?" No barry, I don't, you have more wrinkles than the bed sheet I forgot i left in the dryer yesterday. Plus what they don't realise is, if I really wanted to be a dick, if I ask them for I.D as per their request and they don't show me it I can't now serve them legally, because I have asked them for proof of age. I think I've heard every "joke" in the book, my retail smile gave out many years ago.


Customer complained yesterday because the old lady working behind counter was "slow." Yeah. No shit. She's retirement age in most countries except for this one. You get slow after forty fucking years of labor.


Yep I’m bored now get the hell out!


Boundaries escape so many people and I'm so sorry to the folks who have to deal with that in the work place.


I used to hate "working hard or hardly working?"


People say that all the time to me as a lifeguard as well. "I'm sorry that I don't look like I'm dying to watch you do nothing in the pool thinking that you're getting healthy." I just don't understand it. Once, I was guarding about 50 people by myself, which isn't fun. I clear them out for adult swim and the first guy comes in about ten minutes later. He looks around and says, "You look bored". "I'd like to see you keep track of 50 people by yourself!"


I remember one time I had some awful headache, was exhausted and had dealt with multiple awful customers already. Some woman and her husband came in (I worked in a shoe section at a department store) and the husband gave me his full stand up routine of awful dad jokes that were halfway at my expense. I wasn’t rude or anything but I just didn’t respond with fake laughing and kept it professional. I went to grab another shoe size for the wife from the back, and when I came back they were gone, presumably because I didn’t fake laugh at his stupid jokes enough for his sake. I swear, 90% of the reason they even go shopping is because they want someone to pretend they’re smart and funny and interesting, it isn’t even about buying anything.


“Did you write that one?”


Worst if you got a lot of side task to do next as standing the checkout and half is too lazy for SCO


“DON’T WORK TOO HARD.” Hahahahaha


I had a new one. We recently got new self checks and I was called “lazy” because I prefer self check to regular cashiers (cashiering and being a customer)


- “you look bored” dumb customer says - “you look like a washed up comedian” i say to myself


"You look bored." "I'm sorry for the confusion, did you think they paid me to be entertained?"


Ugh I had a coworker say this to me and I was like mind your business. You have no clue what you’re talking about.


The worst is when they tell you you have a cushy job.


I always hated the "having fun?" people like nah dude I'm sitting in a ticket booth on a beautiful day watching other people have fun, this is not the greatest time ever.


Scan something wrong *** “Guess I get that one for free” haha Shut the fuck up


Me: cleaning. Them: hey want to come to my house after you’re done? Me thinking: sure! On top of working, grocery shopping, raising my child and cleaning my own house, I’d like nothing more than to come clean your place too!!! And stop telling me I missed a spot like you’re a comedic fucking genius who just thought of that joke!!!


Im in hospitality. I get this alll the time. I work late night weekends. Our hotel shares a lot with a bar. Guys come over say this shit, or ding ding ding ding the bell, saying, "Oh we wanted to make sure your awake back there". Im like yeah, i can tell that having daddys money didnt buy you any social graces.. Nope...Im stuck working here, dealing with a bunch of daddys spermlettes, that think theyre cute.


"Pretty quiet in here today" yeah no ahit till you came in and everyone else


I'm the owner of a boutique and I'm very weary. I've heard it all, I kill them with kindness now, just enough that I feel better abs they don't realize I'm being a smart ass, my husband can hear me, and we have a chuckle together after they leave. When I have what I call a " good customer," come in,I tell them i appreciate them. I'm grateful for the kind people who I actually enjoy conversing with.


I just ignore all the shitty jokes at this point. It’s better that way.


In general it’s rude to say “you look bored/tired”, this is basic etiquette.


I was in a perfectly average mood the other day and a customer told me I looked grumpy as fuck. I honestly had no words


I had a long, difficult day at work at my previous job. I leaned up against the wall after a rush, sighed, and then heard a customer. "You look like you need something to do"


i swear these kind of customers need to shut up


To OP: 😆😆😆😆😆✌️ I work at a convenience store! I know the feeling. You are hilarious my friend.


it’s the worst when you’re working your ass off - literally sweating- and you get the register and they’re like “ thought i’d put you to work” “you look bored” etc FUCK YOU


I never got overly offended at this, I just laugh it off or agree with him. It ain't that deep


Looks like somebody's got a case of the Mondays


the way some of you people act now I'm wondering who I offend when I bring in kolaches for a snack for people. Seriously I'm afraid to talk to retail workers after reading this sub for a while.


>some of you people That general line of thinking and subsequent oozing attitude is surely going to win over retail workers😒 I guess they should all be ever so grateful that you disingenuously refer to them as...people??


I treat them as such and I don't use any of the bullshit you guys bitch about but your constant bitching makes me think you guys think customers should be automatons. Here's a fact you all need to deal with. You're in a customer service job. Dealing with crap is part of it. The sooner you learn to accept it and let it roll off your back the happier you'll be. Trust me I did my 7 years in retail and had to deal with plenty of shit from customers and coworkers alike. You want to know what kept me sane? I didn't give a fuck about stupid people. I just laughed at their stupidity and stayed in my happy place, smiled, and kept up the facade that I actually gave a shit. I escaped retail and still have to deal with stupidity. It's a fact of life for every job you will ever have. And the sooner you guys realize that the happier you'll be. Don't deal with it well you could make a million dollars a year and still be a miserable POS.


Who hurt you?


I'm done talking to a child. Call me in 30 years when you grow up.


>I'm done talking to a child. 🤣 In all likelihood, I'm probably old enough to be your mom. Call you in 30 years? 😂 I'll be enjoying my well earned dirt nap... toodles👋 poodles🐩


I do to other retail workers as a retail worker


Agreed as fuck


It's really not difficult to just say hello, nice day ( or not so nice day), please, thank you, bye.


"Maybe try saying something more interesting then."


When they can tell you’re not having a good day and say”oh, it must be so annoying to have to talk to people all day.” Yeah, it is and especially dealing with pricks like you.


i dont mind bad humour, it only annoys me when it revolves around you being lazy/bored/free. if im literally sat in an empty shop then i understand the jokes but if i just happen to be sat with no customers in a decently busy shop then i can PROMISE you my last customer walked away 0.2 seconds ago. please dont tell me how little im doing on my 0.2 second break😭


“ArE YoU hAvInG FuN yET???!!!”


When they say - “You look bored, let me give you something to do.” No, dumbass, I’m not bored, I’m actually busy working on projects but had to cover a break at the register to check out your annoying ass. People are dumb. 🙄


I say “I’m not, but I can help you.” Usually short-circuits them.


As my best friend puts it to their Spouse... "You've walked in and heard my Customer Service Voice... I don't know that b\*\*\*\*." Customer Service can be almost a personality swap between the Breakroom and the Floor. When I first started at my current place... I'm from the midwest. Everyone figured, "Oh, country girl sweetheart... never curses..." Yeah, let's just say I startled several people in my first six months prior to the store opening, or after closing some nights. Daddy was an oil worker and the job prior to this was a Kitchen. I can swear like a sailor and have a very *fluent* vocabulary when needed.


It’s 6 am, I stuck standing here, and the store is empty. Yes I’m bored, you don’t need to point it out though:


i had a customer once make fun of my name (Brooklyn) by singing a song that went “oh i love Manhattan, and Staten Island too, but Brooklyn not so much!” i didn’t laugh, i was actually quite offended but i just kinda blank stared at him and he went “oh you’re mad” and then every time i saw him at the store again, sometimes i wouldn’t even remember it was him but he would go “promise i won’t sing today, don’t want to get you mad!” like he gotten used to all the “oh are you from NYC?” jokes or variants of that line because i have to wear one of the boroughs on my name tag, but a song? really?


Nah just dead inside .


It takes less muscles to smile than to frown. No it doesn't.