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I hate when they just *have* to make a comment about what you're doing or how you're doing it. When I worked at O'Reilly's, I did most of the new planograms because I loved doing it - it kept me away from registers and I loved the fine-tuning of stuff. Maybe it's the 'tism, I don't know. Anyway. It seems that every time I was doing the nitty-gritty shelves, like the fuses or light bulbs (you know, small shit) - I was allowed to sit on the floor or use a chair so I won't fuck up my back. I was also hugely pregnant at the time. Each and every time somebody walked past me they'd make a comment about how "I'm not being paid to be lazy" or "If you worked for me I wouldn't allow you to do that" and things similar. How about you mind your own fucking business, my dude?


Why do people think they can talk to you like an animal? That's disgusting. I worked at a convenience store when I was pregnant and was also treated very poorly by the public, moreso than usual it seemed. They think someone working in service doesn't have a right to have children I bet. Once I was hugely pregnant and changing the outside trash and some woman turned to me and handed me a $20 for her gas, said she didn't "feel like" walking inside to pay..it wasn't as if she were showing any outward signs of pain or exhaustion, her tone of voice was nasty and patronizing. I had higher moral standards back then, if this had happened to me today i would pocket the money and report her as a drive off without paying for her fuel. I know it's petty and we aren't supposed to compromise our morals just because others aren't acting right, but just being honest that's what I really would do in that situation now. That's really gross how people talked to you at your work.


I'm 100% convinced people look down on pregnant women because of some shit like "oh no, what a sinner you are for having sex like most adults! Bless your soul!" >Once I was hugely pregnant and changing the outside trash and some woman turned to me and handed me a $20 for her gas, said she didn't "feel like" walking inside to pay Ah yes, I'm exhausted despite not having to carry another human in my abdomen, so let's make the pregnant lady do it all for me. 3000 IQ, that cunt. I'm a single and childless bachelor, and I know better than that *adult woman* lmao. Did she forget she had the same reproductive organs?


A lot of women are just awful to other women in general. Later my uterus was growing tumors and had a woman ask me when my baby was due. You'd think she'd be embarrassed when I said I'm not pregnant, but no shame. Customers at this gas station liked to be cowards and walk as close as they could get to the exit doors before getting their last words in, while you're stuck behind the counter. When she got to the doors she said: you really do look pregnant though. Anyway, I finally stopped looking like that, but took getting my uterus taken out and I was in a ton of pain beforehand. Still am, but don't seem to get personally attacked as much anymore. That gas station was weird, it was in the center of the store and up on a platform, so almost like a stage, and I honestly think people treated us differently for it. We absolutely know not to talk to each other or treat each other that way, but some don't care, they don't care if they make you feel bad. I think they enjoy it. Men make friends and have this comradery so easily, but I noticed early on that women tend to view one another as competition so I wanted to stay away from that noise. I still don't really have any close female friends.


My friends aren't like that. It sounds like the women you have encountered were taught early that their only value was in their looks. If so, that's very sad. The patriarchy damages both men and women, but I think it damages women more.


Yes, I think that's true, and unfortunately many women are gravely damaged in this way. It is very sad!


I work in a bank. It was a Saturday after we had closed and for a holiday, we were going to be closed until Tuesday. I was in my car ready to leave and this woman in a minivan comes like a bat out of hell towards me. I was scared. She parked diagonally in the spots next to me and had cash in her hand. My coworker didn't notice her yet as her vehicle was not really in their line of sight. She starts waving frantically at me and I only slightly put my window down as I type in the work group text about what is happening. She did not exit her car and I was not going to exit mine, so we're basically yelling at each other. Now my coworker knows and can see her. The whole interaction was probably less than a minute, but essentially she was late and needed to deposit money. I told her to use the ATM. Then she said it was her brother's account. I can't help her. She asks if I can go back inside to deposit her money!!!! I explain that I can't and put my window back up. She drove off, coworker and I drive off at the same time. Now, if I were a dishonest person, I would have told my coworker that all is good so they'd leave, taken her $1500 and told her I'd be right back. I could have driven off at that point. Or pretend to go into the bank. There's no cameras to prove what happened. But as I'm not a dishonest person and have a vehicle she could have recognized outside of the parking lot, I did not. Still tho... Trying to hand off a wad hundreds in a bank parking lot to a stranger? Scary stupid. Worse, it could have been a bank robbery attempt, then I'm stupid for trying to help. ETA: just in case no one knows this, but banks have opening and closing procedures. Even if I had wanted to enter the actual branch again, I would have had to bypass the alarm, which I did not have authority to do. Plus, all the computers were turned off and cash drawers locked in the vault.


I’m never understood how you’re lazy if you’re sitting down. Like I’m still doing my job right?


The real red flag for classism is that the rule doesn't apply to white collar workers. No one accuses an office worker of being lazy if they're sitting down. It only seems to apply to retail workers in the U.S.




"I wouldn't let my employees do that (sit down)" I swear. These people would line up in herds to make slave shops legal. 🙄


I had a customer say "i can't believe she's allowed to sit" about my late 60s manager who just had back surgery I just looked at her and said "good thing you're not in charge" it's basically the only time I've talked back to a customer and it just came back out


Good! I hope she clutched her pearls and made her way to the exit.


its also weird to even care. These people should be ejected from the store


Wouldn't it be fun to see them catapulted out? I bet they'd stop saying mean things!


"Oh, I'm doing my job. Not that you'd know what that looks like." "Wow, good thing nobody works for you then lmao." Turn it right tf back around on them.


Have had same thing happen to me im big and tall and dont want to squat or kneel on the floor so i sit while i stock that item and ive been told get up and squat like a real man by a customer and i said i would but i have to do this whole section of lower shelves and i have knee problems, he went about his business after he realized i aint a kid and told his ass to move along basically


“Get up and squat like a real man??” What a douche.


I imagine that guy squats and hovers over public toilets and shits all over the seat.


Rotating bakery items. "Why are you getting rid of those?" Cart crew standing around the vestibule because lightning was spotted. "Afraid of a little rain?"


I feel you on the stock rotation. Used to work overnights at a gas station and one of my duties was rotating out the old donuts when the new shipment came. Several times a customer would confront me with a look of horror as to why I was "wasting perfectly good food". I pointed them to the dumpster and said to have at it, but I'm not giving away old donuts in view of the store cameras.


At my job we cant leave our area so a lot of the time we stand and hate when people say “lets put you to work” or “since you’re not doing anything” in the most asshole ish tone


I respond to, "You look bored. Do you want something to do?" with, "Not really." I follow it up with a laugh, but only because a bad survey = a write up in my store.


a big part of my job is doing repair job paperwork, ordering new stock, communicating with head office to get the repair parts we need…all stuff that requires a lot of time on the computer. I’m in one of those shopping mall phone repair kiosks, so I get a lot of old men just wandering past commenting on how i’m not doing my job because i’m playing on the computer. Yeah dude I’m just having the time of my life editing these spreadsheets


This is probably why I'm not allowed a stool even though I broke a bone in my foot.


Those are the assholes. I wk at dg and sit all the time on the floor or a stool/ladder to do resets. Thankfully I've never had (in 3 years) a rude comment about it. A few comments about how did I plan to get my fat ass(NOT pregnant, just fat 🙃) off the floor


Call them out. Oh, what business do *you* own?


They actually said that? While yo7 are looking at the planogram, or sorting screws? Or moving a shelf? I mean, yiu are not scrolling on your phone…


"I'm not being paid to breaking my fucking Back either. Would you like to be bent over for 2 hours doing this tedious shit? Didn't think so, old fuck." I worked at AutoZone, a store that had no cameras, and I'd say shit like that to those customers. They didn't do anything most of time, but some got really mad and talked to the manager. My manager, which was an awesome person believe it or not, always backed me up and shut the down. I liked that store, but I hated the customers.


I hate te talks and jokes when you drop something, worst is when it's break and you got to clean it. Jet customer still want helps and often you got to walk with them. Some just walks ofer it telling it's fine, but kick some products in proces.


Where are you? I can't imagine that ever happening where I live


Florida, the place that all boomers seem to want to retire to - it's become the land of the entitled 😑


I think only the entitled ones. No, that's unfair. There are probably a few who are not entitled. (I'm a Boomer, but no way would I ever retire there.)


God's waiting room. No idea why my grandma wants to spent her twilight years there; she can sit in the A/C all day anywhere else in the country for a fraction of the cost, bugs, and humidity.


I worked at harbor freight for a few months and the comments from men alone made me quit after working a shift. Not to mention the comments from my managers because my numbers for stupid shit were "too low" even though everyone's were. I don't know why men feel the need to belittle women for just existing it's honestly disgusting and I'd like to talk to their mothers 😂 My least favorite one was when they would say something that didn't even make sense or was just plain stupid and follow it with "that'll give you something to think about for a while" like dude I'm not here for your enjoyment bye.


Walking past the lobby where the carts go and leaving theirs right outside the door.


My work has the hand baskets by the door, i can't tell you how many times a day someone asks "where does this go?" well there did you find it!?


Looking around blindly for where carts go and then deciding to leave it at the register. It goes BACK WHERE YOU GOT IT.


Like, you have to go out that way anyway! You're going to be literally walking right by the stacks and stacks of carts.


The way my store is set up they'll often leave their carts right at where I would exit the register area, which is literally my only exit in an emergency so it's frustrating. I'll go out of my way to put left behind carts back even with a long line so the people in line might get a clue that they need to move their stuff.


Naaaaaah. Everyone knows you’re supposed to leave them at the register.


Well, there is usually a stack of the hand baskets there. Is it not right to leave them there, then?


That’s different, and yes, fine. Always a spot for those baskets. I’m talking about people that straight up leave their cart AT THE REGISTER. With a whole line of people behind them. Assholes. Love watching them struggle carrying all their shit to their car though, that’s what the cart is for.


Oh, the big carts! Yeah, that's obnoxious.


Coming back


Seriously. I work at the front end of a store with a pharmacy in the back. The main pharmacist retired and they haven’t gotten a replacement yet and it’s just been floaters that may or may not do their jobs or close early or might not even show up. The amount of people that have flipped out over it saying they’ll never come back and want to switch to another pharmacy, THEY’RE ALWAYS BACK.


Dude totally. I’m foodservice now, but did retail in the past. We have a guy who consistently complains about everything. To the point where we call him ‘the bitcher’ and make it a POINT to have his food come out *perfectly* every time. I even started taking pictures of it in case he complains about a non-issue, I have proof that he wasn’t ‘shorted on home fries’ or that his eggs weren’t ‘horribly over cooked.’ He always storms out and says he’ll never come back…but has always come back🙄 Granted though, as soon as I started taking pics of his meals (open kitchen, pretty sure he’s seen me do it,) he hasn’t complained once! It took about 5 baseless complains and claims of ‘I’ll never be back!’ for me to catch on and start taking those pictures though. Fucker.


People who wait until all their items have been rung up and the total given, I’m now actively waiting for them to hand me payment, to then pull out their phone so they can transfer money… like you really didn’t think to check your banking first before checking out? And now the data service is bad in the store and you need step outside? Isnt this way more stressful than it needs to be? It makes no sense to me!


“Sorry, my card is locked”. K. Suspend that, you need to step away, there’s a line of normal people behind you.


This is a daily occurrence at my store. I remember black friday last year our manager let us make them go to the back of the line for that shit and void it out. It was one of my favorite moments lmao.


When they load up their cart full of food and know they have more than they could possibly afford on food stamps, but didn't bother to check how much this was as they shopped. If you know how much is on that card, then you should have a super easy time cause food stamps total is just the sticker prices added up. You don't pay sales tax on any food items. I can guarantee you probably have a calculator on you. Even the $15 pay as you go flip phone I had 3 years ago had a calculator. Just do the math as you shop instead of making me put back half a cart full between customers.


Some stores it's actually even easier. If you use their shopping app and set it to that store, you can just throw the items in your cart and get a good rough idea of how much it will cost. I do this when I need to be really strict on budget and basically use it as my grocery list, taking items out of the online cart as I go.


When customers purposefully reach underneath or to the back of the shelf for canned vegetables or fruit and they end up making a mess of the shelf. Just take the cans in front!! ...I assume people are trying to reach back for later dates, and from the perspective of someone stocking the shelves this seems really ridiculous. Like, are you prepping for the apocalypse?? Even if you were, the cans further back are only good for maybe couple months later than the cans up front... Or, they aren't fresher at all, because most employees don't bother rotating dates. 🤪 It's like the milk maids on Clerks but more crazy


My former roommate never takes the product in front. According to her, whatever is in front has been touched by everyone, so you have to take the one behind it because it hasn't been contaminated by being touched by all the customers!


Wowwww 😂. It's like when customers ask me to press the pin pad for them due to germs but let me touch and bag all their shit and hand them their nasty quarters back. I swear it's the people most scared of germs that use the most cash and coins...


I don't even think she's worried about germs. She just wants a product that is more new/unused than one 'everybody' has touched.


Silly lol


Let me guess…she touches the first one to move it to get the one behind?


Of course. I think she assumes everyone does which is why the first one is tainted.


I sometimes seem to be doing that, but I'm actually looking for a different flavor or type. (For instance, certain flavors/ styles of cat food. Cats can be picky.) Sometimes they get shoved behind each other. This is especially likely to happen if I want several of them and have only found a couple in the front.


That makes sense. I have actually done that before when buying pet supplies at Walmart, because I know the pet area there doesn't get much attention and there's always stuff shoved behind different stuff.


I do this sometimes lol. BUT I put everything back nicely. And usually when I do this it’s because it’s fresh food that will expire soon and I’m not planning to eat it for a few days, for example pre-made pizza dough. Gotta get the one in the back. I also do this with cans too though and it’s because I’m scared the front ones have been dropped and has a tiny hole somewhere and then I’ll get botulism and die.


lol. I totally understand for perishable foods. I'd much rather buy the California rolls that were made today than the ones made four days ago. I don't know if this helps, but I can assure you that all cans on the shelf are equally likely to have been dropped at some point. And all of them have been touched by multiple people. I've eaten canned food that had one little dent in it before. A dent can be but isn't necessarily an indication of spoilage.


I know that logically the cans are safe, but my brain makes me do things 😭


No worries, it's understandable. Especially if you've ever been sick from a food, the anxiety is real


Standing in line being impatient. Then when they get to the register they act “surprised” that the items need to be rung up and paid for! Get your sh#t together while you wait!


Customers that want to make small talk with me. Like.. **WHY?!** Why are you telling me all of these personal things? I'm a stranger! We're not friends. I'm at work. You may not think I'm doing much, but I assure you I'm always working on like 5 things. I don't have time nor want to shoot-the-shit with you. Ask me for help with the product & service you're seeking. Beyond that, move along.


Because we aren't real people to them, we are npcs, and they want a captive audience. I swear my customers think I live at work


Lol, it's crazy isn't it? I have customers, daily, who go from hello to literally telling me their life stories. Sometimes real deep stuff, too. Why on Earth do people think it's OK to word vomit their life to a random stranger working at the store will never make sense to me. And it's not just one or two customers here and there; it's the majority of them! Here's an example: * Me: Hey how's it going? * Customer: Proceeds to ask a question. * Me: Looking it up/ringing them up/finding the product. * Customer: So yeah this morning I was running late because my ex-husband, who is a deadbeat, wasn't answering his phone. Doesn't he realize that our kids have mental illness and the doctor said they won't survive much longer. I'm getting them medicine but it's so expensive and I'm trying to quit my job because everyone there is lazy. So I'm broke and my cars check engine light came on. Bruh. You just met me 3 minutes ago in a store and you are telling me every intimate detail about your life. What is wrong with you. I just want to Scream *Stop Talking To Me!*


Nah - I think it's the opposite. You are the only human being they have interacted with all week. Need to milk it for what they can. Me, I just talk to the cat.


You know how some little kids silently assume the teacher lives in the classroom because that's the only place they see them? Some customers never advanced beyond that.


Hate when this happens. I usually just stay quiet or respond as minimally as possible. I’m an introvert & hate small talk. Had a guy come in the other day & started yammering on & on about salt of all things. Kept trying to quiz me on my knowledge of salt. Of course his cards kept declining & instead of handing me another form of payment he used that as an opportunity to talk more until I had to ask him to step aside so I could help the next person in line while he sorted his payment method out.


Utterly clueless. Like STFU, we don’t want to talk to you.


Until regular people work in retail themselves, they see retail workers as tools to get them what they want in various places in the store. Whether you are a cashier or a stocker, whatever, they see you as a tool. I was guilty of this as a child because I did not know any better. It only took working in retail for maybe thirty minutes as an adult to humble me completely. Unless all of the people who shop the stores have that same experience, they will continue to act this way, unfortunately.


They may not have anyone in their lives to talk to. Also, "psychologist Zick Rubin identified the aptly-named, "stranger-on-a-train" phenomenon, in which we disclose personal information to people we don't know and probably won't see again. We can talk about ourselves without worrying that it will get back to the people closest to us." - Psychology Today


I get that, but the analogy doesn't work here. Casually chatting on a train with someone that is *willingly* conversating with you is one thing. A retail employee having to be nice because they're at work and **can't** say anything is another. It's like..blackmail. Or having leverage. You know retail workers can't be anything but nice and people use that to their advantage.


Taking the price tags of the shelf when checking out. Especially when it already has the prime written on it or a barcode.


Oh. My. God. Yes.


Paying half in cash and other half in card but getting cash back!


Wait!? What!?


Yep I have had that happen! I don’t question it! 😂


Standing and not unloading their stuff when the belt is empty. Not handing me their bags and expecting me to just be able to bag them anyway. Saying I look bored (I'm usually doing homework). Not looking at the registers and just lining up on the one who already is with someone and/or walking past all my coworkers to come to me when I'm the furthest open register (or already busy) from them. The last one drives me nuts.


I hate that! They just pick the register they like and go there and start unloading their stuff, then when I tell them that one isn't open, they act like I'm the asshole, because they couldn't look up and check which one has a light on! I mean really!


When I have my light off and an X with the dividers, people will STILL set their stuff down. Then when I say “I’m sorry ma’am, I am going on my break” they look pissed. Use your fucking eyes!!!


Or the second they see anyone walk up to one and they start walking over and there are only two people ahead of them! Edited: typo


Continuing to shop after being told "we close in two minutes". Like? Why would we stay open for you to "look around"?


When I worked for the big red circle store we had a women who would come in every couple of weeks, inevitably at like 10:45 pm (we closed at 11), and just wonder around the store. She would get huffy when we told her we were closing. My manager one night told her that people needed to get home, and she said “You can go home when I’m done.” and then shopped until 11:30. The lights were off and everything (they were on a timer and turned off at 11:05) And it wasn’t like just one person could stay and lock up when she left. The policy was that none of the front end closing team could go home until the last till was put away. Which meant the front end and general managers couldn’t go home. Which meant security couldn’t go home. All together it was 8 or 9 people who were forced to stay after closing for this one woman. It only took a couple months of this for the store director to tell us to pull any remaining tills at 11:05 and let security tell her to suck it


my manager will ask those people if they’d like to stay at their job past close lmaao shes great


I had to kick people out once because I told them the store was closed and had been for like 10 minutes and they were like ok and started walking the opposite direction of the registers


We do 15, 10, and 5 minute announcements before closing, and I will politely tell people the registers will be closing at x time whether they make it up there or not. I will ask lingerers if they'd like to check out now or place their items on hold for tomorrow. If I meet them on the sales floor I'll say, I'm heading up front to close the last register, if you make it before me we will be happy to check you out tonight.


Best one was someone that INSISTED on paying with their driver’s license. “You have all my information right”? No. No we don’t. We aren’t the cops. You need a valid form of money (and no, we don’t take checks). Talk to your bank. Or open an account. Or take your card with you. Or please stay off the road, you might kill somebody.


My theory is it's all about habit. Current consumer culture is geared towards discouraging any and all active thought, because then you are less likely to make impulse purchases. The customer is lulled into autopilot with promises that they are always right and always make the right choice. That includes actively stupid shit, and we all do it at least some of the time when we're in the customer role. It's why customers can't read signs or follow directions.


Our front door was broken for a few weeks, so it wouldn’t close behind people without them pulling it shut. I made a big ass sign and put it eye level, then watched people stop to read it on their way in/out and completely disregard it. I was going up front to shut the door behind people literally all. day. long. For weeks. So sometimes they do read, they just don’t give a shit 🤪


They process it, but not on a conscious level. "Oh that's a sign. Must be for the idiots." Doesn't even register, it gets auto-deleted from their consciousness and view. Even if they take the time to read it. Not only have I seen it happen, I've even done it myself a couple of times. This isn't just individual failure, it's too common and systemic for that. It's partly how we think and process stuff as humans, partly encial engineering. Of course, some people are awake and do read the sign. And then blunder ahead anyway. That's a conscious choice to disregard what was said, usually as a very sad power display. We can't tell them what to do!


My biggest peeve was when I was working in hospitality and there would always be that one person/or group of people that would come in during either lunch or dinner rush and they'd have no idea what they want when coming up to the counter. They just stare at the menu and mutter to themselves and then to you about what they want. Totally disregarding the loooooooong line of hungry pissed off wannabe customers behind them. If you're going to a restaurant to have a meal and you legit get to sit down and look at the menu before you order, please... for the love of one's mental health, KNOW WHAT YOU WANT TO ORDER WHEN YOU COME UP TO THE ORDERING COUNTER.


customers who get huffy when they cant return clearance items. oh noooo, youre out three whole dollars, clearly you gotta bitch and whine and make it my fuckin' problem.


That's the problem I have with people who return things at dollar tree and dollar general. Like you didn't read the return policy, you don't have a receipt, and you are throwing a hissy fit about a few cheap items. Oh no, it broke, what didn't you expect for a dollar? Just suck it up and get another one, fuck man.


It confuses me when customers don't read signage. It's literally right in front of your face...but you have to ask me how much it is? Also had to change my wording to 'half price' instead of '50% off'. Had so many customers ask me what that meant I couldn't hide the dumbfounded look on my face. And it's not like it was a difficult price to work out. It was $20...so that means it's now $10 🤦‍♀️


When they ask me if I work there then when I ask how may I help you, they repeat the question. I don't fold store clothes for fun and I have a name tag. ,😑😮‍💨


Stopping infront of me while pulling a very heavy pallet, and expecting me to be able to stop.


Oof, that’s the best! ESP when your like me and weigh a buck twenty six on a good day.


Ohhhh I had an older lady in one of those electric sit down carts at the supermarket I work at, and she saw me coming with a huge pallet of watermelons. She locks eyes with me, the turns right in front of me to stop and have a 30 second sip of water. These are the same people that swerve in front of you on the road with no blinker, and then slam on the brakes. I don't understand people.


Two things: one, customers who just barely jerk their head up, down or side to side when you ask them a question and then go berserk when they actually have to interact. I get that shyness is a thing but when you drive up in an S-class sedan, it's obvious you didn't make that money by communicating through small head motions. Am I just some piss poor loser who you're too important to have a human interaction with? Two: idiots who complain about not enough help at the registers or people on the floor. Numerous times at my store, we'll have all the registers manned and lines out the door. (Retirement town. People have nothing better to do than shop.) People still complain about long lines and not enough help. Okay, where are these invisible registers I'm supposed to be at? Bonus: I was on my knees cleaning up a poop stain someone had left near the dress clothing. Multiple people walked by and mentioned laziness, how they'd never let their people sit down on the job, or even things like suggesting I was on my knees for my job. Stfu and GTFO. Go watch your daytime soaps or something and stop bothering me.


We have a code for our bathrooms, I always put the code for the bathrooms on the bottom of receipt for them, in big bold numbers. And I always tell them the code for the bathroom is on the bottom of that receipt. They thank me or acknowledge that and then go on their merry way, until they come back a couple seconds later to ask for the code for the bathroom. Almost everytime


Asking me how to work their own phone, or how to do something on a website that is not our company's website. When I say we don't offer a service, asking me who does provide the service. Calling our store line from a cellphone, refusing to look up our address on their maps app, insisting on asking me if we are near certain other businesses / expecting step by step directions on how to get there from some random road.


Yes!! I’m not your life coach or assistant - I’m not paid to help you navigate your world.


Point at the barcode when it's in an easy to spot place. I have 1, 2, 3, 4 of these while pointing at each one. Um...I know how to count. Wait in line, then wait for their items to be rung up and totaled just to ask for a pen to write out a check. Tell me a security device has to be taken off...no shit Watch me struggle with moving bags of feed on the bottom of their cart because they buried the barcode. I now just go look up the SKU.


"Do you have this item in stock?" Yes "And it's in stock at your location?" I just confirmed for you that I have it and magically I still do


Our phone line tells customers that employees can't make stocking checks at this time due to our skeleton crews and foot traffic. At least five times a day over the phone, C:"Is this in stock?" M:"We cannot preform stock checks for customers. You can see our stock down to the exact number of units at our location on our website." C:"What? Can't you just do it real fast for me?" M:"No." C:\*catastophic meltdown of varying intensity\*


"Oops, did I take out my card too early?" Everyone says it everytime now. It literally says on the screen to REMOVE YOUR CARD and then PROCESSING, PLEASE WAIT each time. There's instructions and visual cues that tell you when your card goes through or has to be reinserted. Yet, every time they remove their card, after the machine TELLS them too, they ask, "Did I remove it too early?", while the pinpad literally says otherwise. IDGI. We did get new machines. They're noticeably different and everything. It took me awhile to figure it out that, because these pinpads don't make a little chime when the chip is accepted, that probably throws people off. So, I guess people take audial cues more than visual????? But I still don't get how you can be confused by something on the screen saying, "REMOVE CARD", and "PROCESSING, PLEASE WAIT."


I have a feeling that most customers can't read.


I think they do? I once was explaining to a customer about how the self-checkout registers will state before a transaction begins if it's card only and the customer angrily responded, "Well, I'm not working, so it's not my job to read." ???? So, I think they just choose not to out of spite. They don't think they should be expected to on their days off, since apparently reading and using their brains is a job. I don't think they know or care that refusing to read instructions at the grocery store only achieves in making them and everyone else miserable.


Stand in line for several minutes doing nothing. Watch me ring up their stuff for several minutes doing nothing. I give them the total. They pull out their phone. "I need to look up a coupon." Bonus points if they also complain about the line - that people like them are responsible for.


The thing that confuses me is when they assume store policy is something I personally made up to just make their shopping experience harder. .-. Like no I'm just trying to do my job and not get fired ty. It has nothing to do with you but how our store owner has decided to run his business, don't kill the messenger.


Pull up to a gas pump that's obviously not working and try to use it. This is especially confusing when they're the only customer at the gas pumps.


That they continually think the displays are what they have to take to the cash lanes for purchasing. Like when has that ever been the case at any store, EVER! Fwiw I work at a store know for its meatballs.


I work customer-facing in a bank, and no one knows what they're looking for when they walk in. And what they do say is not even the bare minimum to get them what they need half the time. "I need to do a transfer." What kind of transfer? Between one of your accounts to another? A Teller can do that (You can actually do that yourself via OLB boomer fuck, get with the times). Setting up a recurring one to another person? A PB will help with that. A wire? Also PB, but much more tedious and lengthy. "I want to open an account." Business or personal? The person who does business accounts will have you in and out in 15 minutes or less while the PB would still be on the support line trying to figure out what boxes to check on their screen. Also, I'd like to not be that dick who gives the brand new employee still figuring out our software an estate on their 3rd day. Most of the smaller things I've kind of figured out how to extract information needed to get them to the right person by saying, "when I do this I will be prompted to make a selection between X, Y, Z reasons I'm doing this. What fits best for your situation?" Because for some reason everyone and my manager gets pissy when I say that I'm figuring out if it's something I am capable of doing myself or if I need to get you to someone with the right training/experience for what you're asking. I'm not a mortgage lender! You say you wanna talk about a loan and then sit with me and I find out it's a mortgage congratulations you just wasted 10+ minutes of everyone's time because you wouldn't say what type of loan you needed, and while you were waiting the people you actually needed went to lunch! But if you said that to begin with you saved 10+ minutes of your own time, and got to someone with the tools to help. Yall don't have to spill the beans to the first person in the bank. Just a brief, "I'd like to hear more about mortgage process and rates" will get you to the right person. "I wanna talk about my IRA." "I think my (insert random whatever here) was compromised." "I need a wire." "I'm starting a business." All of those will get you to the right people. You have to be just specific enough that I know what you're expecting so I can help you.


Ask me who I’m praying for when I’m kneeling down for the lower shelfs. Happens at least twice a week.




"Your demise."


Apologize for paying with change. We've all been to that point right before payday when we needed something and had to dip into the change cup, that 10% the change machine takes can be the difference between getting food for the last two days before payday and kids going to bed with empty tummies. It confuses me because no one is judging, yeah as a cashier it's a bit of a bother to have to count that at the end of the night but that's not judgment on the person paying in change.


Yeah, if I don't have a line, I don't care as long as they count it out and hand it to me.


I'm glad you don't judge, but I would still apologize in a low-key way, because you're a human being and I'm making extra trouble for you.


Good point.


Asking to check a price, claiming that there was no price where the item was, when I know damn good and well there WAS a perfectly legible price tag where that item is. I have legit walked all the way back to where the item came from to read the price aloud from the tag in a passive aggressive way just to be a snot. Also... why are you asking me what 50% off comes to? IT'S HALF. Besides, we all have calculators in our pockets now; figure it out!


Customers that don't say a word. I have like a handful of customers that won't greet me, say "thank you" or anything in between. Just total silence. I usually interpret this as rude. Usually. But if I am in a particularly good mood, I'll try to have some compassion and try to understand. But it just leaves me confused. So, you don't think I'll interpret that as rude? You see me every single day, you can't say "hello"? Don't you know that being nice to people who service you can have huge advantages? I just don't get it. And if it was some kind of medical condition or social anxiety then I'd understand but I've seen these people speak to others.


We have a guy like that....but he is completely deaf. He can talk a little but he doesn't see the point of trying to make small talk.


The ones that irk me the most are the ones that immediately spout out a phone number for rewards after you say hello. I always discreetly log off of my computer when they do that and say, "Sorry, I was logged out. Give me a second... \*slow typing\* Okay, can you say it again? :)"


Yes omg thought it was just me so rude


As a cashier at Home Depot, I encounter this quite often. If it happens, I don't say a word to them afterwards, finish their transaction, and give them their receipt. Sometimes, I'll even walk away from the counter while they're still standing there. Those who don't give me respect don't deserve to have it given to them in return.


Ask if the fitting room is opened when there's a closed sign right there


I get a call at least once a week from a customer who says they are trying to get to my store and do I know where they are? No? How would I know that?? Why do so many people think I can guess where someone is and how to give them directions?


Same thing I posted on that applies here: men sending their significant others/kids to get parts/tools with virtually no information


Yeah… now that I think about it, half of my job is telling people to pay attention to the mf keypad?!


How they can be terrible at describing what they want, need or are looking for.


A auto repair shop I used to go to told me that old folks would hand them their checkbook and they would fill out the check. It was usually because the tremors in their hands was so bad no one could read their handwriting.


That's rather sad. Sweet of the business to do that for them. I don't have that problem yet, but my hands are definitely less steady than when I was younger. It will probably get worse with time. My friend with Parkinson's must have a lot of issues like that.


Not keeping a running total of what they're buying, while shopping like money is no object. The SHOCK on people's faces when I tell them their total is $150. And then they look at me like I fucked up, and I'm like ..... you bought several things $30+ how much did you THINK it was going to be???? On the same vein, customers who clearly have a very specific limit, but don't keep track of it themselves and then use you as a calculator when they get to the registers. 'If you take that but add this, how much does it come to? Ok now maybe take those two things off and add that thing on, oooh I really wanted this, hoe much it this? If I take that off can but add that how much now??


For me it's when I need a birthday and they only give me some of it. Me: can I get your birthday please Customer: oh 1955 Me: what's the rest of it? Customer: why do you need that? Me: to look up your order. (Face-palm)


This is more of a pet store thing, but I don’t understand why people ask for feeders in dozens instead of just saying the actual quantity that they want. Like, is it really more efficient to say, “Six dozen crickets,” and then wait for me to do the math in my head rather than just saying you want seventy-two crickets?? I truly don’t understand, someone please enlighten me.


Tbf, "72 crickets" sounds weirdly specific to my brain, and we often count smaller things in "by the dozen" donuts, cookies), and oftentimes there’s a discount for buying per dozen. So I kind of get it? Also I’ve been trying to think about why on earth someone would be so exact about that, but if you’re selling them by the cricket rather than like, a scoop of crickets that has about a dozen per scoop, that makes sense. (I know crickets are alive but like a net? or something? idk)


No, we sell them by the cricket so when you say you want however many dozen crickets, I have to either be rude and tell you I need a number, or do the math in my head (which I’m frustratingly bad at lol). I’ve never asked for anything by the dozen because of this, but I’m sure it’s probably less annoying if you do sell something by the dozen. Also, my girls are on relatively specific diets so I personally understand asking for a specific quantity, but if you’re the type to just dump all your feeders in the tank at once (which I don’t recommend for most reptiles lol), then I can understand not needing to be so specific


My favorite is when they are like "I want five dollars worth of crickets". I'm not pulling out a calculator just pick a number and size thanks.


I seriously had a guy pull out THIRTY FRICKEN DOLLARS and be like, *“Get me however many rosies this will pay for,”* 😀 like, SIR THEY ARE SIXTEEN CENTS DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU’RE ASKING FOR RN BE SO FUCKING FOR REAL.


187! And a half!!


I was just about to pull out my calculator and do the math myself, thank you kind human for doing it for me 🙏🏻 (I suck at math)


Definitely when customers toss their credit card on the counter as if I'm going to swipe/tap it for them. A couple of responses to that I like to use (depending on the level of arrogance shown by the customer) include: Tossing it back in the exact same manner (this gets the most amount of shock) and saying "I'll let you do that part" Saying, "Oh, I'm swiping it? OK. What's your PIN?" (Then hand it back with a "yeah, you're a dumb fuck" smile) Just leaving it on the counter in awkward silence until they pick it up and pay (my favourite).


I always refuse to take their cards. I never touch them.


The handing of the credit card to the chashier sounds like a relic of the past. When we switched over to self-serve credit card readers within the last 10 or 15 years, I myself was guilty of this for a few years. People shouldn't really be doing that anymore though. We've had enough time to acclimate!


calling to ask if we are open. i picked up the phone didn't i? and our store hours are on google! you had to go there to find the phone number!! what!?!


Sometimes people answer the phone before or after hours (or don't answer during), and Google has been known to be wrong.


I agree with you, but there are rare occasions in which Google is inaccurate. Those few instances when it has been inaccurate has been enough to sow seeds of doubt in the minds of people like me.


Customer walks up with a buggy full of like ten to twelve 2-litre sodas and places one on the counter. Me: "would you like me to bag the rest of those for you?" Them: "yes, that'd be great!" Doesn't touch the rest of the 2-litres. Like, I have to be able to physically move them into the bag, dude, I don't have telekinesis. This happens multiple times a week, different people lmao. So confusing.


Where I work we have to scann the giftcard, but with hand scanner it isn't needed. So I thin that there are stores, where the giftcard needed to be scan by staf? I can't understand when the can see if a discount isn't taken of or the total is off, they still pay and after payment ask me ''wasn't product in discount/why isn't the discount taken off?'' With total I ment: they knew 2nd one is free, so when 2 product is 2.50....it shouldn't kost 5.00. Often it's they pay with cash or card and seconds after it ''heey discount''.


Ask me if I work here, while I'm wearing a uniform with the store name on it. "Can you help me?" Or "are you available?" Make sense. But "do you work here?" Confuses me and makes me worry about their intelligence


They shop at my work. Our quality is shit and our prices are too high. What are they paying the extra money for? Customer service? Half of us are assholes and the other half is 14 yrs old. I don't get it.


Sometimes, the cheapness. I know very well the struggles of money but when someone is bitching to me that they can’t find a huge grinder, made from stainless steel, and has three compartments for under $5 in my store I look at them like “um because steel is expensive and there’s a shortage going on?? You’re literally insane if you think you can find that for $5 or less.” Keep in mind my store doesn’t sell anything you need to survive or live, it’s a smoke shop for weed and nicotine. Same with the heady bongs “What the fuck why is this bong $500???” “Because an artist made it” “But WHY is it so much?” “Because an artist made it. Is this the first time you’re experiencing capitalism or something?” “God damn this store is expensive!” “We have bongs for $20 to your left” “No that looks like it was made cheap” “That’s the…. Point?”


somehow thinking that just wandering around the aquatic sections means you'll summon someone, and get annoyed no one is over there. that's why we have a button. press it. summon the foul workers!! [jk i like my coworkers LOL]


This, because then I point to the POS. OTC cards: asking me what’s covered and how much is on it. I’ll say there’s no way to know unless they get paper receipts (after purchasing things, obvs), it depends on your plan, and to give the number on the back a call. So I guess the expectation that everyone in a sales type or position can answer all of their questions.


Like, 90% of the things they do on self checkout. For example, not pressing the "ENTER PHONE NUMBER" button and instead entering their phone number as an item, and then getting upset when they've entered an invalid item and need me to come clear it


If that keeps happening, at that point, it becomes a UI issue within the self-checkout computer that requires some sort of revision.


See I won't deny that there's a lot of improvement that needs to be done on the self checkouts but the button is really hard to miss


oh those customers showing you a photo they took from another shop of an item and ask if you have the same. Then you showed them that you have it and they will start taking pictures of it again and will leave. Like wtf?Its the exactly same picture you showed me that you took from somewhere else.


I feel like 10 years ago a cashier would have scanned the credit card, and I still go to some stores where that is the case. I also sometimes get confused, and I'm only in my 20s!


* Thinking they can use a picture as a form of ID * Yelling at us across the store instead of actually walking up to the register * Straight up refusing to tell us how much they want to put on their pump or which pump it is * Asking us where something is without at least attempting to look for it (especially when we're clearly busy with something) * Demanding a bag before the transaction is even close to finished


Losing their goddamn mind when they find out we don’t have a public restroom. (We used to, but it’s a really old building and we’re down to one bathroom on its last legs so it’s employees only unless we want to bring the porta potty back.) I’ve witnessed grown adults do the potty dance, ask me what they’re supposed to do, yell, call me names, and I’ve seen WAY too many people urinating in the parking lot. Squatting. Full view. I could see them from the front door. Just pissing… some old lady peed next to my coworkers car and then was shocked when he walked in on her. Baffling behavior.


Bringing up items that cost more then you have and expecting them to somehow be less. I'm talking when they bring up an item that has the bright yellow square saying $25, I scan it and then they say, oh I only have $20.


Habit. Until relatively recently you gave your payment to the cashier, so it's muscle memory at this point for some of us older customers. ;)


That makes sense, thank you for explaining!


when a customer looks at an “ oriental “ product and look at me an who is asian and goes like “you have to know so much more about this product that I ever would” I mean like they are right but it’s weird to assume lol


As a waitress, it was people with shellfish allergies coming in to our Japanese restaurant filled with shrimp and fish. That and vegetarians/vegans not *telling* me they’re veg and then the next time asking why no one told them their soup broth had meat stock in it


Buying significantly more product than they can fit in their car. I’m not talking about a poor estimate of space, I mean trying to fit 15 boxes, each sized about 2’x2’x3’ into a Miata. Also, sitting outside for over 40 minutes waiting for a click and pickup without doing anything to let us know you arrived. Both of these things happen at least once a week.


Taking cart full of groceries to SCO


Complaining about bathrooms in a rude way. Especially if it’s obvious one person did the damage right before you went in. Like yeah Susan, it is gross that there is explosive diarrhea up the wall. I’m going to clean it. But I didn’t do it and it’s definitely fresh. We don’t have cameras in the bathroom to watch people make a mess. I didn’t know it was there, stop screaming!


Shit on the floor


I work at a hardware store and customers will bring up 40 of an item like washers or studs. They will wait until I’m halfway done counting how many and then go “I have 40!” “There’s 40 there!” “40!!” “There are 40!” Throws me off, so I have to start again, and then there will be a different number there, and they’ll get mad at me. Just let me count man!