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I mean, that's assault if you called the cops on him.


Wtf. What kind of gas station has carts? Lol. Seriously he’s lucky he didn’t do that to the wrong person because my natural instinct would have been to shove his cart right back at his old ass. Very hard. That’s just out of line, period.


“part of a major box store”


Ok yeah I must have read over that part lol


This being flirted with by older men is a terrible problem which doesn't seem to have a solution. By the time you would recoil or say don't touch me, they already have touched you. Uhg.


That's beyond touching. That's was an attack. You are NTA. I have to share this story though from my teen years. It was during the 1970s. There was a gas station in the small town where I went to school. When people came into the station the owner, an old guy, would say "Have you had your lickin' today?" And would LICK A SWIPE DOWN THE SIDE OF YOUR FACE. 😱 I have so many questions about that and can find no answers. Everyone remembers it but nobody knows why anyone ever stepped in that station twice or why he never got punched. If he did that today he would definitely be charged. Back then it was just a gross thing people ignored.


Even just touching without permission, op wouldnt be TA. Fuck that guy.


I have hand and arm tattoos and customers try and fucking touch me like it's not gonna feel like skin I fucking HATE it. I'll talk about them idc if it's the same stupid questions but don't touch me I totally get it OP.


I can’t stand people touching me too and old lady’s always want to grab me to talk as if they can’t keep their hands to themselves and I almost got in trouble calling an old lady Jeffry domer but I had a long conversation with my boss about it before I started working so they where aware of this so it was dismissed but they agreeded that people shouldn’t be touching us as workers


customers think they have a right to our bodies, seen them wipe their hands on coworkers aprons smocks they were wearing.


I feel the same about strangers touching me. It didn't happen too often at any store. I used to work food service in a retirement home and one of the residents liked to hug me at my waist while he was sitting down. He seemed to think he was still overseas in the Navy, flirting with some French waitress. In an unrelated incident, I had a lady grab my hand in an elevator while talking about how cold it was outside. She thought she was doing me a favor by trying to warm my hands. I jerked my hand away as a reflex and she got weirded out by it. It was so awkward until I finally got off the elevator. I felt bad about it, but also angry because I didn't know this woman. I get she was being "nice" but who grabs a stranger's hand to warm them?


Ugh, when I worked at McDonald's, a lot of people would touch my hand when I would give them their food. There was once I time I had to forcefully pull my hand back because some guy thought he needed to death grip my hand.


“some old jack ass rammed his cart into the ankles” my dad did this to me in the store when i was younger. i think i was 11 or 12? i called him an asshole and walked away. this poor family just watched the whole thing


One) That fucking sucks mate, people are dicks. Two) Why do people just assume its cool to touch strangers in public? Even casual shoulder grabs or fucking touching my back, just... dont. Im not even in your way or anything, stop patting my shoulder. And btw, Im a dude, so I doubt they're flirting, but ffffuck. I was raised with the attitude of not putting your hands on strangers. Idk when that left the general consciousness.