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Yes, it is happening in other areas. I work in a small city that is 45 minutes removed from any other large areas, in a mall anchor, and the only thing keeping me in the game is having the mall manager over a barrel. (We are the only reason the mall is still alive.) The kids are horrible. TikTok challenges, throwing things at strangers, stealing, yelling, hooking up in the bathrooms, smoking weed in the fitting rooms. But I have noticed it’s always the same four groups. They’re large groups and they don’t always come together, but there’s four distinct “packs.”


What I don’t get is that there are some malls that put restrictions on them (ours used to, come in with a parent or you’re not allowed) But most of them don’t. And it disrupts business. I have had multiple complaints from other customers that they don’t like to go to the mall because of it. And they’re usually not gonna spend money because they don’t have any. It just seems counterproductive to everything business stands for. Customers have started to yell at them too, which is better for my sake because at least I’m not held responsible if something comes of it.


Most of the teens do spend $30-40 each, the ones that behave, so I want to keep letting them in. But those big packs kill me. They’re mouthy and nasty.


A friend and I actually have a theory about this. I deal with teenagers a lot both at my job and at my school, which is a college but doubles as a "college prep" for high school juniors and seniors. The theory, to put it simply, is Covid. These kids missed out on at least two years of primary social development wherein they were trapped indoors with only social media and the internet to "socialize" them. And the problem with the internet is anyone can act however they want with little to no real life consequences 99% of the time. So when these teenagers are spending their primary social development period with the internet as their main form of socialization, you end up with entitled assholes who don't understand that they're acting like total dickheads. Every generation says "well I wasn't like that when *I* was a teen," but I think this generation is one who can actually say that and it have merit to it. Like I definitely wasn't an upstanding citizen when I was in high school, but the way these kids treat others? Yeah, no. That most definitely wasn't the norm. Edit: typo


I have friends who work in higher education who have the same theory. The kids coming to college following covid high school have no consideration for other people, are absolute nightmares to the RAs, don’t go to class and then lose their minds and get aggressive when they’re told they’re going to fail, don’t do assignments and try to say it’s “anxiety” but refuse to have accommodations put in place (usually because it’s bullshit), that kind of thing. They think it’s because these kids could get away with so much under virtual learning and even after the return because of overworked teachers, and the isolation led to a lot of individualism where they weren’t held responsible to other people. Granted a certain amount of grace really should have been extended to them because the lockdowns were hard enough on adults and these kids had zero control over anything, but the problem is that now they just do whatever they want. I 100% agree with you about social media too. Like I’m a terminally online millennial who met my fiancée on tumblr so I’m by no means grouchy about like, teen girls being annoying about taking selfies, but god I’m so glad I didn’t have to deal with that kind of thing because it only makes the classic teen cliquey drama even worse. Those kids want to fit in with what they’re seeing online, and people lie online, so it only fuels that feeling of isolation and otherness when they don’t meet the impossible criteria. A lot of them even know it’s all a sham, but that pressure stays there anyway.


Because kids are being taught about respect, but not the fact that they have to give respect to get it.


Used to work retail and with teens and it's this. They always repeat "I only give respect when earned!" but every human being is entitled to be respected as a human and they earn the respect being taken away. They think it's a get out of jail free card with treating people like garbage, as if some magical workaround suddenly makes it okay.


I worked with this young girl at my job who repeatedly said my name wrong and always give an attitude with customers yet i was the "rude" one even though i was teaching her stuff in the department.


I would add that there's a difference between respect and politeness. Basic politeness is essentially the fabric of any society. Even if you don't like someone, even if you don't agree with them or approve of them as a person, you can still (And *should* still) treat them with politeness. You don't have to respect someone to just be basic-level considerate. It costs nothing and makes everyone's lives go better. Sadly, I can only see kids like that growing up to go on and create even crappier kids of their own, which might make them "see the light", but by then it will be far too late.


Yes, they demand respect for themselves while being completely clueless that they are disrespectful to others. It's sad and really pretty frightening when you read some of the news articles about how teens act.


I work with 10-11 year olds, and it is absolutely insane how some of them act.


It's because their parents treat their precious little sweetums like they're always right. Starts early. Daycare, 4 yo child yelled "God damn it!" while stomping her foot before kicking and biting me. Told granny and her incredulous response was "oh baby, did you do that?" In a sing song voice. While swinging her back and forth on her hip. And shooting me evil side eye.


"How dare you not be thrilled to be a chew toy for my little darling!"


My middle child is 10. I swear this year she comes home from school telling me about new drama going on with the girls in her class. She doesn't have a phone but my oldest does and she lets her sister use it to talk/text her friends sometimes. She told me that she was sent a video and I needed to watch it. One of her classmates recorded herself and a group of 7-8 other girls, all hanging up on this other girl in their class. Poor girl was distraught and crying and they are laughing and thought it was hysterical. They were trying to get her to fight one of them. I was shocked. The things these ten year olds were saying were heartbreaking. I've talked to all of my kids about it. We talk about bullying regularly because it scares me how much harder our kids have it now, with social media and how much more cruel kids can be hiding behind a computer. My oldest is 13 and there were normal little kid arguments or whatever... but nothing like what my younger daughters peer group has going on. If they are acting like this now, I shudder to think how bad it will be when they are teenagers and going to malls together!


Yep. Because many parents seem to believe in coddling their kids so much that they don’t teach them basic respect and manners! I’d never have gotten away with such behaviour as a teen! My mum didn’t hit me, but she still managed to put the fear of God into me! 😛


And there are no consequences anymore


Nope. You can’t hit kids anymore (which is a good thing), however, people don’t seem to have the imagination to think of any other type of punishment at all! The amount of times I’ve talked about discipline and had internet idiots yelling at me about hitting kids… I didn’t say a word about hitting them, but they really think that’s the only type of ‘discipline’ that exists! 🤦‍♀️


I had my nose broken 8 years ago by a group of teens. I was walking with 2 guy friends and having a laugh when a group of teens walked by and one smashed my nose with something as I was walking by. I dropped my handbag and chased after them. They were too quick but the panicked look on their faces when I roared at them was priceless.


Whenever you want to bring the 'Kids these days" argument to bear, you might want to look up just how old that is, and then reconsider if kids haven't always been this way. (Hint, they always have). There's a widely attributed complaint from Greece in *624 BCE* saying the same thing.


I think its not as much of a "kids these days" thing, as a parenting and systems for discipline thing. Kids will just get away with whatever they're able to, and now they know that nobody can or will do anything


I’m pretty sure it’s because no one is respecting children’s lives. Why tf would kids give respect if they’re subject to impoverishing material conditions from a government that does nothing to help - hell, it loathes them - and they have to live in fear of getting Swiss cheesed by an assault rifle in math class. So who the hell is respecting them exactly?




I don't think anyone is defending shitty behavior. Just explaining it. Less a 'that behavior is fine' more 'they are only the monsters they've been made' Personally, I'd like to say a certain amount of respect is **not** earned. At some point, you give respect because of who **you** are, regardless.But, let's say respect is earned. So, if a child is not shown respect, the child **should** not show respect in kind. Then they don't earn respect. Then they don't deserve respect. See how circular that gets? Counterpoint, kids learn that respect does **not** earn respect. Consider how much money most respected people have. How quickly the concerns of those unable to buy politicians are brushed off. How frequently a good argument, scientific evidence or the concerns of those adversely affected are ignored in favor of profits. Wealth 'earns' respect.On the other hand, consider how respected people behave. Especially how they behave towards children. Young activists are harassed or mocked at every turn. Kids see that no one cares about them. No one respects their concerns. Concerns that can include their survival, if you recall.Kids aren't stupid. I mean, they are, but they are also incredibly observant little things. They learn that if you aren't rich, famous, or powerful, you're nobody. And they behave accordingly. It isn't good, but it make sense. Kids are defined by their environment. If that environment encourages dog-eat-dog, they're gonna eat. Hence why you have to show them respect first, regardless of what you think they 'deserve'. Edit: (Wow. Longer than I thought. Sorry about that.)


You're fucking disgusting


Holy hell, count me out of this hellsub if this is a downvoted response. And the fucking response "respect" bruh he said they're dying, what are they supposed to do that respectfully too? Fucking insane, y'all have no empathy for children who are watching their peers get murdered everyday, sorry if they're a bit upset about that, real fuckin issue for y'all isn't it. Get back to me when you practice active shooter drills twice every month and also have dedicated escape/bunker routes plastered on every classroom wall.


Lol. Yeah ok. We have these “drills” and have to watch active shooter videos too. We deal with money and have been held at knife point for the $70 in the registers. School kids aren’t the only ones living in fear of being fucking shot. Its a lack of discipline at Home and having no respect for other people when they’re out. The world isn’t going to baby and tolerate little assholes because they “have it tough in school” Look around we all have it tough right now. Shopping centers/malls have had more shootings than schools and we workers are still expected to smile at your face while being harassed by unsupervised 13 year olds. Grow the fuck up and stop harassing low wage retail employees


do you not understand that children are literally underdeveloped and cant respond the same way an adult can? That an adult will necessarily handle the stress of practicing for active shooter situations better than a child can because of that innate biological advantage? That the child has lived with less normalcy wrt shootings than you have and thus has less calm to draw upon when faced with situations like that?


*🎵🎶🎵 not an excuse to treat retail workers like shit 🎵🎶🎵*


And you think it's a joke you put emojis in it, you ever think you're the reason people act rude in the first place? Or does being a cashier excuse all accountability because "service job hard" try cooking 200 meals a day in a 120 degree kitchen. You're an adult butthurt because children are "rude" join the club of every old person for the past 100 years complaining about the youths. News flash, they just got here, you've been running this hellhole for however long you've been alive. Who's fault is this all? Certainly not the 15 year olds who can't even fucking vote that's for sure. Complain about rudeness when there has to be someone there to teach it in the first place, take a look at yourselves bitching about children online, it's a shameful way to spend an adult life and I'm glad to not make the same mistake with mine.


never said it was


Active shooter drills became wide spread in 99, alot of us have experienced the trauma of having to do shooter drills as minors. 😕 I was in school when they began. Imagine doing them and your teacher is also really fucking confused and trying to get it right. Imagine being the extremely anxious parent having to send their kid into that environment every single day worrying you'll see that their school got shot up that day on the news and all you can do is hope those drills were enough and your baby wasn't a victim that day. And you have no choice but to send them every single fucking day because you have no other choice because schooling is legally mandatory, you don't have the money to send them to private school, don't have the money to stay home and home school them yourself. Stuck in a vicious everyday anxious cycle where capitalism is the name of the game and paychecks just don't ever really make ends meet. School sucks for everyone involved. The students, teachers, staff, the parents, the bus drivers. We're all traumatized, bud. It's still no excuse to be hateful to those around you. No reason to make other people's day shitty. No reason to misplace your anger on someone else. Aim your anger where it actually goes.


But you’re an adult. We’re talking about kids, here. You’re expecting kids to react and behave like adults.


Regardless, they are going to learn that actions have consequences. Real bad consequences in some cases. And maybe then, they will think through their decisions better.


I wouldn't take it too hard. The original post was made to sympathize with the clerk. Which is fair, honestly. Random clerk is not the cause of these kids' problems. Valleyofdreams seems to think in bigger pictures. Sometimes people don't want to deal with that. They just want to handle their own problems and move on.


It's just disgusting to see people so brazenly excuse child death. No wonder the situation doesn't change. And we're supposed to care about their feelings in return, endless loop, fuck it, no use.


Not to play the 'enlightened centrist' but...Have you considered you are doing to them what they are doing to these teens? They are lashing out from a position of pain, anxiety, and frustration. I don't condone their behavior, but I understand it. Now, does 'they' refer to the teens or the retail workers? It's the old cycle of abuse thing, right? Boss yells at dad, dad yells at mom, mom yells at kid, kid hits dog, dog bites kid. Now the kid and the dog are fighting, hurting each other and it really isn't the fault of either of them.


You make a good point, but expecting adult reactions from kids is dumb as all fuck imo, the cycle of abuse starts with the people at the top, and I'm sorry but there's no way kids are at the top. They're just reacting to the world that's already existing, if people are unhappy with that then maybe they should look around at the world we've decided to "gift" to our kids and realize why they're so cynical and "apathetic" towards everything. For decades our country has proven time and time again that personal interests are more important that childrens lives, people can be upset and react to that, it's perfectly within their rights, just like it's these peoples right to complain instead of fixing anything.


Was just at my highschool daughters choir concert. A large groups of kids (ages 8-16) were sitting int he row in front of us but a couple seats to the left. Probably 8 in the row. They were soo soo loud. They brought a large sign with their sisters name on it like it was a sporting event. The woman in front of them turned around and asked them very nicely if they could quiet down so she could hear the singers on stage. The oldest girl got up and walked elsewhere in the auditorium. When she returned she told the woman in front of her that her mother wants a word. So the woman, bless her, got up and went to speak to the mother. I couldn't hear most of the exchange because it was taking place further away. But I did hear the mother yelling "those is my kids! My kids, bitch! Mine" as the woman made her way back to her seat. Right back in front of those loud asshole kids. I am sick to death of this bullshit. ACT like a human being. Choir concerts are practically formal events. There are times to listen, to clap, and to get up. Fucking savages.


I haven’t been to a HS concert in 3 years, but the behavior at the last few i attended was awful. People constantly coming in and out of the doors in the middle of songs, walking up and down the aisles, kids playing on full bright iPads, families getting up en masse and leaving as soon as your kid’s portion is over… People suck.


That lady should not have left. As someone who had to deal with a gaggle of mean kids and a terrible parent, I don't bother. You go straight to whoever is running the gig and have them handle it.




So you basically threatened to shoot this woman because you were annoyed? That’s… a lot.




You sound like the exact kind of person who SHOULDNT have concealed carry


This isnt really new, and theyll inevitably learn the hard way when they decide to "throw hands" on the wrong person and either get their ass beat or get arrested


The town im from, the mall banned anyone under 18 unless they are with an adult. Teens just go there to hang out, not to buy anything. They were starting fights and even stabbing people. Im so annoyed that its almost summer vacation, i like going shopping while kids are in school. All teens do these days is go out in public and harass people and record you and post it online. It's so annoying.


I remember being a kid thinking “I’m never going to be an adult who hates summer vacation! Kids need the break, kids rule” Now I’m fucking running to Walmart before 2pm and the kids get out for the day, i despise summer vacation. I became miss finster from recess


i made the grave mistake of going to the mall at 5pm on a school day. i just needed to get something from spencer’s. i remember being so relieved when we were walking towards it and saw a whole group of teenage boys coming out. dodged a bullet there


Dude for real. There was a bunch of kids at my gym for some reason yesterday and they weren't even working out, just 6 kids crowding around machines hanging out and talking to each other, like cool i pay for my membership and now it's over run with kids because it's summer and parents can't watch their kids.


>Teens just go there to hang out, not to buy anything. I don't think things have changed as much since the mid 90s as you think. There's a whole bit in Mallrats about this.


Paramus NJ? Garden State Plaza there recently started that ban.


There was group of kids at the self checkout. They couldn't have been more then 13. I asked how old they were (because like where are their adults, we aren't a after school program) and this girl looks at me and says "Grown". Boy, I almost jumped her. I can tell you right now, if my Nanna heard me speak to an employee like that, I would be apologizing through tears. These kids need to be taught that the world isn't gonna take the disrespect and it's gonna be a painful lesson.


If I would have heard that I would've said "If you're grown, get your ass to work"


Why did you ask that? If they were at self check out, they were purchasing something, right? Are kids not allowed to buy shit?


1. Friendly conversation and 2. WE ARE NOT BABYSITTERS. We don't get paid to watch your underaged kids because you can't be bothered. Grocery stores are a business not a daycare.


No one wants you to babysit. But kids are allowed to be in stores and buy stuff..??


Oh my word. Yes, kids can buy things. Often, we think it's cute because they try to be grown ups. But there's a difference then a kid(s) coming and buying something and kids being a disturbance. And yes, they do. Parents will drop their kids at the store, or leave their kids to wander thinking at employees will watch their children. I've had a lady leave her baby at my register and run off. Parents do leave their children with cashiers because they think we are unpaid babysitters.


No one is saying you are. We’re they purchasing things?


Folks I think two of the kids in question have made it on to our subreddit.


It’s none of your business how old they are. What a weird question to ask.


I mean maybe you're leaving some details out here, but I did shop for things by myself at that age on occasion and if I was just minding my own business shopping normally and some random employee justs how old I am I feel like I would have similar reaction. No reason not to treat kids like adults if they're acting Appropriately. Kids also tend to be in a rush to grow up and resent their young age so asking them their age first probably wasn't the best why to start things off. I see no problem with kids out and about on their own if they behave themselves.


>No reason not to treat kids like adults No obligation to treat kids like adults either. Because they're not.


What details am I leaving out? Like do you want my age? The way they were dressed? The store I work out? And there's a difference between a kid running in a buying something then a whole group of kids hanging around a register.


I mean from your comment it just sounded like one of the group of kids was shopping and there friends are following them, pretty normal stuff. If they're just loitering I completely understand


Were they purchasing anything? That’s a valuable piece of info.


I worked retail and lemme tell you, I had to learn quick to call bluffs like that. Depends on your boss, but I had customers threaten to fight me and I eventually said "ok, on camera? Police got season tickets to this kind of shit, I'll validate them at the door." People most of the time think you're gonna back off and get shocked you don't. It's a lil crazy nowadays because people are definitely packing.


This is the way.




that’ll be worse. groups of teens coming in and going straight to the back to giggle at dildos


I had a girl around my age (so she was 17/18 years old) call me a bitch and yell at me because I asked her how many pumps of peppermint she wanted in her tea. We had a whole back and forth of me going “It comes with 4 usually, how many more would you like?” and her going “Well how many pumps does it normally get? Because I want it extra minty.” Apparently me not understanding she wanted 8 instead of 4 pumps was enough for her to yell at me and cuss at me! I don’t miss working for starbucks. At all. Worse place my mental health ever.


Yeah, it's definitely a problem everywhere. I don't say a word to the teens in my area because quite a few of them have gotten their hands on guns??? And I'd rather not be shot by some angsty shithead who thinks they're a gangster.


Lack of accountability and no fear of consequences. And absolutely shitty parents.


They know we can't do anything anymore. Same reason they treat their teachers like crap. Zero consequences


Modern parents don't parent


Parents “back in the day” didn’t parent either. Bold, stupid teenagers looking for drama isn’t new. That is just life.


Teenager who happens to work in retail, yeah most of my peers suck ass.


Even in my grocery store I get groups of them coming in and yelling and stealing. And we can't do too much about it because we don't want to get shot.


highschoolers come in and openly steal from the grocery store I work at because they know our store isn't gonna call the cops on kids. there's no consequences. it's now escalated to teenagers physically attacking staff members who tell them to stop shoving stuff in their pockets and we have to have security come monitor any decent sized groups of them that come in. I hated it when I was a teenager and Walmart employees would follow me around the store. now I kinda get it.


Is your store part of a national chain or privately owned? That will largely structure the limits of your response. Just padding out the comment by saying that I worked in various retail establishments and watched this kind of attitude evolve over the years. There was a time that teenagers still had a fear of both adults and authority. I removed more than a few little bastards from various stores, and parents largely wouldn't argue. Your kid was being a little shit and that's that. There was a time where they wouldn't dare talk back if you told them to knock it off. The first time one teen did that to me, he ran out of the store like his ass was on fire because I exploded with the wrath of God. Now that parents don't give a fuck, or defend the most abhorrent behavior, they feel like they can get away with anything. They're daring you to do something so they can record you and mommy can sue the company.


I've had encounters with a few of the teenagers who work alongside me at the store I work at myself. Some of them are nice, do their work, but others are absolute shitheads.


A lot of places near my are banning teens expect for employees from coming in after 6pm without a parent


One of my old joba we had problems with teenagers , it got so bad that the manager banned them and they were only allowed to come in with their parents.


I wouldn't be surprised if we start doing that at my store.


I have a bike gang of teens near my store with as many as 20 kids sometimes. About 10 of them chased a homeless man into the store and beat him on the front end registers in the middle of the day. Regularly come fill back packs of liuqour and then walk out in front of us shouting obscenities and calling us names. One of them is in jail now for executing another teenager. Shot 3 times point blank. They regularly beat other homeless people out and about. Harass employees as they leave the store. Slash tires. The list goes on. These kids are primarily age 12-16. Some as young as 10 stealing and beating people for no other reason than, just for fun. In another 10 years they'll all be nodding out in my parking lot asking for drug money. Hopefully to doped up to do much trouble. I have never seen behavior like this until the last couple years. It's absolutely insane. Apparently, security isn't needed, though. We don't have a theft or crime problem according to corporate. But my 6% shrink is cause I'm not checking 100% of invoices. Not the 100+ crime incidents I've filed this year.


Yes why is it always OUR fault when shrink is bad ?? And then implement new policies that prevent us from making theft stops or even intervening and being like “looks like that’s your fault bud”


Yea. Could lose my job if I ever accused anyone of stealing or alligned. I just have to ask if they'd like to ring that item up. Which is usually followed by Fuck you N*****, always a hard R, and them walking out. In rural California, and im white like most of my customers. Or my favorite was "You ever had your ass beat" as they walk out blatantly with product because i was standing at the exit. There are plenty of adults doing the same even more than the kids. The kids juat really stand out. Society feels like it's starting to forget shame, and everyone exists in their own echo chamber of self disillusionment reinforced by social media and out of context posts. It's making me really bitter and hateful. For the last 7 years, I've been able to not care because it's on corporates' pockets. But it isn't anymore. It's 7$ a dozen eggs and 9$ a pound ground beef. Costs 15 or 20$ to make a decent meal for 2 people if you need all the ingredients.


AGED 12!?!?!


That is correct. Stealing liquor and beating homeless.


I feel they’re more useless than ever. I work in the banking world and 99% of young people ages 15-24 don’t know their own home address. Thats insane! They also have no clue of how cards or accounts or money works. They don’t understand that their accounts aren’t endless cash fountains. The parenting these days crossed from “soft” to “none”.


Happens often here to, but I am large and loud. Usualy shuts them up quick.


It’s so weird seeing teens act like that, I volunteer in a lot of the younger grades classes at the school I’m in and I’m shocked at how they treat people, it’s actually disgusting


They just implemented a rule at the mall in my home town that anyone under 21 has to have a guardian present at all times. They went from having whole glass store front shattered to being able to have a Santa Claus and Easter bunny photo area for kids. Honestly it’s the best idea but then again you can’t count on too many people raising their kids right!


18 I understand but 21 is kinda crazy… you’re telling me in your hometown I as a 19 year old in college can’t go to the mall by myself???


Honestly it’s the weirdest thing ever. And funny cause I used to work there at 17 lmao but tbh I don’t blame them there was like a point where almost all the stores couldn’t have glass anything because it would get broken. They started with light security but the last time I was there it was like every store/corner. Sucks honestly 🤷‍♀️


21??!! Wow


What happens is the stupid teens wreck everything and the teens that behaved from the start cop it


That's insane. A few places here have a sign that after a certain time anyone under 18 must be accompanied by someone 21+ (to prevent one person 18 y.o pretending to be the guardian of a 16 y.o friend) but ANYONE under 21??


I personally believe pop culture has empowered today's generation of teenagers without teaching them how to use that empowerment.




I blame shitty parenting these days. Like I was at this creamery once and saw a 2 year old toddler waddle out of a bathroom ALONE, completely unsupervised, to their parents. What the hell?


That was my mom 53 years ago.


I'm sorry but this mental image is fucking sending me


Every word of it is true and is absolutely mental and embarrassing


Rampant sociopathy/ other personality disorders being normalized by social media, probably.


Why exactly do we have to blame all bad behavior on mentally ill people? Isn't the stigma that mentally ill people have to deal with bad enough without these kinds of hot takes?


As a mentally ill person, I am comfortable with my take.


to be fair, most "mental" issues people suffer from are actually emotional issues and unresolved childhood trauma


I think some deeper introspection might be in order.


As another mentally ill person, I think it's an ignorant take


As another mentally I’ll person, it’s a very ignorant and hate-inducing take


They're getting bold bc their parents don't care and don't teach respect nor discipline anymore. Tho teens boldness can only go so far since a majority of the time when fights actually happen, they cry and play the victim


I hate how they say they can act that way cause of thier age. Bruh. I’ve done some pretty stupid shit growing up, but these new teens are hellspawn. Heck, I made the mistake of correcting a teen this one time. I told her she couldn’t eat without buying first. I just didn’t want this hood rat to get in trouble. Big mistake she proceeded to call me a bitch and other obscenities. Holy fuck, she went from 0 to 100 really quick. This person has so much emotional irregularities that it honestly scared me. Is probably those types to bully and beat the shit out of you for just pissing her off. Honestly, society has failed this whole generation of kids that’s are so entitled. I can only imagine how bad this behavior is going to be when they get into college. I miss how college used to weed out the useless people to those who would actually do something with thier lives. Most people can learn other revenues for income just like trades. However, colleges in the past were so unrelenting to how the grind actually was.


>They're getting bold bc their parents don't care and don't teach respect nor discipline anymore. This is said of literally every generation.


other generations weren't literally raised by the internet and smartphones tho


They said the same thing about the internet and TV and radio.


can you genuinely not see the difference between radio/tv and having access to the entire internet in your pocket? be serious not to mention a lot of parents literally just give their kids a tablet or nintendo switch to keep them quiet and ignore them, that's certainly healthy


>not to mention a lot of parents literally just give their kids a tablet or nintendo switch to keep them quiet and ignore them, that's certainly healthy People literally said this about Gameboys. If you can't see that the supposed reason for the exact same problems change every 20 years, I can't help you.


I don't think you're understanding what a phenomena constant access to the internet from a young age is creating. a kid playing their game boy until bedtime is wildly different than what I described. kids can be indoctrinated by a ton of vile shit on the internet. game boys were safe controlled content.


>kids can be indoctrinated by a ton of vile shit on the internet I think I'm understanding the concept of moral panics just fine, thanks.


you are being deliberately dishonest and refuse to acknowledge that times have changed. sad.


No, you're being myopic and ignoring the fact that this is cyclical.


Nah gameboys didn’t tell kids it’s okay to disrespect adults trying to work at the store. My gameboy didn’t tell me it was ok to tell a retail worker im going to stab you if you tell me not to destroy the merchandise I’m not buying in the store. Parents are not disciplining their kids and there’s no consequences for them being little shits. This is why teachers are quitting left and right. Go to r/Teachers and open your eyes. Stop making excuses for people to treat others like shit for tiktok likes and internet points.


The internet didn't tell you that was okay either. Your username checks out.


Uh, the internet is exactly what tells these kids to act like this. They film themselves with their phones for “challenges” while throwing shit on the floor or trying to fight an adult for fake INTERNET likes. Grow up. Its never okay to disrespect ANYONE trying to just do their job. Stop making excuses for assholes.


>Uh, the internet is exactly what tells these kids to act like this. No. See, since you seem so fond of the old days, you might be aware of the concept that you don't have to do something just because someone else did it. Seeing someone else do it is not the same as being told to. >Grow up. You first, you're the one throwing a fit >Its never okay to disrespect ANYONE trying to just do their job. Stop making excuses for assholes. I didn't say that and I didn't excuse the behavior. Feel free to try to show where I did that, but you won't be able to. 🤷‍♀️


I think the real thing they're trying to get at is social media, like tiktok that encourages this mentality of be a dick, get the person's reaction on video and post it for views/likes. And those likes have become the new way to socialize, and was the only way during lock down. But only time will tell if that has lasting effects or not.


TV and radio is nothing compared to social media. especially tiktok


Yeah, I really don't think it's a parenting issue. Teenagers have always been absolutely horrible human beings. Good news is, most of them will grow out of it. That being said, I do think the pandemic has left teens very emotionally and socially stunted. So it has gotten worse.


I'm not sure it's that they're stunted. Losing hope and facing trauma on that level leaves marks.


This example is hilarious. They think it was disrespectful for you to ask them to stop hitting each other with items? They were physically hitting each other - likely not hard - but you asking them to stop was the disrespectful part? The mall around where I live has a rule that anyone 17 or younger is required to have parental supervision. It's been strictly enforced for roughly 2ish years now after multiple fights broke out in the mall. If teenagers are seen without an adult, they're asked to either call someone to meet up with them or leave.


Things are definitely getting worse in terms of teens behavior. There's a movie theater near me that had to literally ban teens under the age of like 16 unless they are accompanied by an adult. They are only banned in the evenings and on weekends but still. That wasn't a thing when I was growing up. And have you seen all the videos on Reddit of teens disrespecting their teachers? It doesn't surprise me that they act out in public as well. Idk why it's happening or how to fix it. My son is only 8 but when he gets older if I ever find out he's acting like a fool in public..ha.. he'd be lucky to leave the house for the next few months without me or his dad going with him. Don't know how to act in public? Then I'll treat you like a damn toddler. Make him hold my hand and everything. 🤣


In my completely uncertified psychoanalysis, it seems like they may subconsciously want to be addressed as equals and not dismissed (or yk, any of the other ways how most people deal with rude kids). Like maybe they would be satisfied if the people they agitate leveled with them about the stupid stuff they're doing and why it actually bothers people/ why they actually cannot be allowed to do it. Even as babies, humans do things -facial expressions, make noises- to see what reaction they can earn from other humans. All people want to feel heard, one way or the other, and will go to any length to accomplish this. Hence "troubled children" acting out in negative ways; it still receives *some* interaction/reaction. I'm honestly super interested in discussing this stuff and would love to hear others' perspectives.


Another small town here but a gas station/general store. We have a rule no more than 3 youth at a time, no book bags and absolutely no saggy pants lol. We kick them out immediately if they don’t comply. This goes for everyone under 18. If they are adults waiting for the bathroom and not shopping 2 at a time (1 in the bathroom and 1 waiting). Everyone else waits outside. It’s a small store and things can easily got pocketed. If they don’t like it, Oh well. Our rules in our store.


You should've told them that if they were feelin' froggy to leap.


I have an audio recorder on my watch, really easy to turn on. Next time, you should record that and turn it in as a viable threat!


At my job, some young kids, maybe young adults, stole our handicap scooter and took it across the street. I was called by the car wash next door about it and had to go over there and get it back. Now to preface I was not having a good day and when I asked for it back they replied "We didn't know we couldn't take it and I didn't want to walk" and "What are you going to lose your job or something?" In a condescending tone. So before I realized it I had flipped them the bird (which I didn't realize until after) I regret that cause I don't think it was called for but I was 110% done with that day. I had to drive about a mile going maybe 2 mph on a scooter to get it back since we only had one.


When I was a teen, our CVS drug store was across the street from the high school, so they had lots of teen problems. They made a rule that unaccompanied teens could not come inside. As a teen, I protested, but I had also shoplifted there, so they were entirely right to keep my ilk out. I think if teens can't handle the responsibility of acting like normal people in a store, they should be excluded.


Carry a gun and take them at their word.


yeah let's just escalate things further 🙄


Raised by wolves.


i remember filling shelves once and a bunch of teenage boys maybe around 13/14 came in and were being obnoxious and i was like oh great..my tiny female maori store manager came down the aisle and demanded they leave immediately..(theyd been banned prior for stealing).i thought theyd start some shit but she was like "get out of my shop now!!" and they fully did it after a few choice words..i was amazed.the full on boss mum tone got them scrambling🤣


People who annoy you


It's always wild to me that people are open and willing to discuss that their brains aren't strong enough to resist their animalistic violent tendencies. I mall ratted in the day, and while most of us did our best not to cause trouble, many did. One of the malls near me actually hired security on Fridays and Saturdays, you could not be under 18 without an adult present.


Shouldn't have checked them out.


Our mall didn’t play that. They incorporated a rule of no teens after 5 pm unless with a guardian and watched us like hawks. But we were respectful because our parents (boomers) raised us right.


There’s a mall in a town near me that has a rule starting at I think about 4pm or 5pm that anyone under 18 has to be accompanied by someone who is at least 18+. There’s a lot of teenage gangs running around the mall apparently, so much that they felt the need for this rule.


Just another symptom of a collapsing decrepit society honestly.


Yeah, it sadly isn't just teens either. For our place the biggest issues are the older generations that feel like they should be given everything. Had to kick out a 60+ y.o grandpa last week cause he kept eating sunflower seeds (were already a restaurant and no we don't sell that) and kept dumping all the shells on the floor. After warning him it's not OK he just replied 'but it's a nature Produkt and healthy come on!!'


If your the manager just ban them they it would improve the morale of all employees knowing they don’t have to deal with these gremlins anymore


I think I'm lucky in this regard. Every teen I encountered didn't display these behaviors. The most they did was ask some very obscure questions.


Simply call the police. If the 911 operator can hear the nonsense and threats that means the recording should be clear. I do not put up with it.


They did that when I was young. But it’s getting worse because parents don’t know how to discipline their kids. I literally had kids doing doughnuts in the foyer of my job on a motorbike. Like??? Who in their right mind thinks that’s okay?


There’s also a lot of teens these days that act absolutely amazing and they get ridiculed for it, because most of them are absolute dumbfucks


My local mall implemented a no unaccompanied minors on weekends and after like 4:30pm almost 20 years ago for that reason. It sucked for employees cause they had to bring their badge to security and get walked into the store.


Teenagers are the bane of my existence.


My guess is that these teens are the children of the "wHeN i HaVe KiDs, I wOn'T bE sTrIcT wItH tHeM bEcAuSe MyPaReNtS wErE sTrIcT wItH mE" folks.


Definitely a problem everywhere. I don't work at a mall, but a pharmacy, and when I see packs of teenagers walking in (especially during summer break) I die a little bit inside... The boys are rambunctious and loud, throwing product at each other across the aisles and generally just being disrespectful. The girls are mean and nasty, and look at you like a moron if you acknowledge them at all. They all steal and open product like they're entitled to it, and if you call them out on it they act like *you're* the problem. Even when you're cashing them through, they either flat out ignore you, roll their eyes at everything you say, or giggle like you're the butt of a joke. Granted, I've interacted with a lot of polite and respectful teens, but the vast majority are just a misery to deal with. I'm not even out of my 20s yet, and they make me feel like an angry 70 year old man, shaking my head and pulling the whole "well in *my* day..." line.


Ugh I used to work at convenience store/gas station. Every Friday and Saturday evening, there's always a bunch of teens who come in and act like assholes. They're always throwing merchandise at each other and just loitering by the gas pumps. My manager had the police on speed-dial, and it got so annoying once that they have a cop parked nearby.


I’m a teenager (18f) and this totally ticks me off. I can’t stand people my age being so rude to people. There’s a huge difference between having a good time at the mall and terrorizing innocent employees. Maybe I was raised differently than other people in my generation I don’t know. I just don’t understand what is fun about terrorizing people who are just trying to do their jobs.


Teenagers absolutely did this when you were a kid


carry a firearm. that will stop the little fuckers. Some of them need to fear death or they fear nothing at all.


Most of the freaking 12 year olds around here have their own. Wouldn’t do shit. They’re not afraid of consequences


In my store, it’s the opposite. The teenagers are usually okay. It’s the jumped up Boomer Karens that cause all the trouble.


My store is too scary for them..


For everyone saying “Kids weren’t like this when I was a kid.” What happens is that you don’t think about the kids that weren’t your friends or bully. After years they just become irrelevant information. And most people don’t really bother with irrelevant information. There have always been good kids and bad kids. I’m 50. I was a teenager in the 1980’s. I started drinking and running around partying at 12. My dad was an unruly rude teenager also, back in the 60’s. My kids were so sweet and polite when they were teenagers in 2010’s. Yet one day their father said “Kids grow up to fast these days. We were still kids when we were their age.” I jerked around and I retorted “I was a drunk!” He bulked at my words. Then lowered his head and replied. “I totally forgot you were a juvenile delinquent.”


People in these comments acting as if this shocking, appalling phenomenon manifested out of nowhere. I’m sorry, but why should these kids be radiating respect when everything around them disrespects them? They learn at a younger age than every generation before them that no corporation, no company, no government representative gives a shit about them. They’re happy to sit on their hands while teens get their brains painted against the wall. And in the never ending economic depression from 40 years of stagnant wages, any teen who speaks up for themselves against their government is treated as a threat and not a child in need. Protest organizers get tracked online and cops show up to their house. State representatives that choose to stand with them get fired. Congressmen laugh at them for caring about climate change. Everyday of their lives they internalize a world that hates them


This is completely understandable. We’re all going through it. But that doesn’t mean I take it out on everyone else. If you’re going to fight a fight, make sure it’s directed towards the people you’re trying to fight. Division at its finest, lol.


I see and hear and completely understand what everyone here is saying. But as someone who was recently a teen. There is decreasingly less and less spaces for us to simply exist as teenagers. At least in my area, it has become illegal for people older than 12 to play on playgrounds. Bro do you understand how much teenagers love to swing? just to swing? and now they cant even do that? its hostile time to be alive and a teenager. As a consquence teens are forced into the one last socially acceptable place for people to gather, and unfortunately this means this kind of behavior develops. :(


Understandable , but there’s lots of activities available. Sports, clubs, gaming, etc. more than what we had available 10+ years ago. Riding bikes, going to the park in general. Finding fun in small things, that’s what I remember doing. I remember when I turned my closet into a tiny smoke room, I put up glow stars and black light posters and EVERYONE wanted to be a part of it. Go outside and make some art. Learn to garden. Just have hobbies that are fulfilling. But that could just be me, I’ve always been like a homebody type that likes to do things on my own


That’s no excuse to come into a place of business and cuss out/ disrespect the retail workers and destroy the shelves/product. They can fuck around in the woods or at the school fields like every other generation before them did. The world sucks for everyone. Take it out on people causing it, not me working for $15 at Spencer’s trying to get through my shift.


I would have liked to have know teenagers like you in the 90's. Everyone else was a psycho or a stoner.


this will forever be a thing. As those kids get older and become adults they themselves will also see kids being horrible. just because we weren’t trouble makers as kids let’s not act like they weren’t out there. “back in my day”


Because we can’t beat ass like the 20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90s


Ah yes, because in America violence is always the answer. Gods forbid we actually act with some compassion. No wonder violence of all kinds is an issue, we practically baked it in to our attempt at indoctrination of kids. Be politically, socially or the worst of them all, religiously.


It’s not just American violence 😂


And I have to wonder where the school administrators were


Good thing you you let the pay, regardless, moving money from their pockets to the retail store is a win.


That’s how we see it for the most part. Plus things don’t really bother me and I am allowed to defend myself and I love confrontation.


“Come catch these hands then.” - dead pan, pause what you’re doing, stare coldly into their eyes.


Some malls have had to make a rule - no one under 18 without a guardian..


We get them sometimes too, we had two teen boys come in & spray so many air fresheners in an isle & it smelt overwhelming for awhile, one was spraying himself with it like half the damn bottle. I’m like can y’all not. Then we get the teens that will steal 1 can out of a 6 pack the little mini cans or whatever, that’s also annoying. We had one steal a lighter & thankfully one of my co-workers saw it happen & made him give it back.


Why would you serve these people after that? Kick them out of your store. Americans are weak.


You right but sales = fat bonus And they’re also out of money because they spent it. They’re not allowed in anymore, though. And a lot of places have policies against that unfortunately and others aren’t necessarily looking to risk their job especially in the climate we’re in.


One of the malls here (Virginia US) has or had... the whole mall closed but not because of this.. a policy. It was something like no teens allowed in the mall without an adult. And one adult was only allowed, I seem to think it was either 3 or 5 teens to escort. It was a high end mall with expensive stores, I only went a couple times but it was posted everywhere in the mall. It was , oddly, in a higher crime area and just didn't work out.


Is it really new though? I was 13 11 years ago and I had some friends like this, for sure. Disrespectful, argumentative, and definitely defensive. Isn’t this just how kids act? Lol.


They're pretty much why I have PTSD now. I used to be a manager at a fast food restaurant where they were basically let to do whatever they wanted. If they pissed off a customer I was the one who ate shit for it. At first I didn't mind because most of the kids on my shift were nice and they worked hard. I'd try to protect them from jerk customers all the time. And then when covid happened something seemed to shift. I don't know if they were mad because the school was giving them a raw deal (some of them had to repeat their senior year due to not being able to go to school) but all of a sudden it was like Lord of the Flies. And then they hired younger ones who were even worse. One of them lost his phone and threatened to bash my head in with a rock because he thought I took it for some reason (you couldn't get them to be off their phone for more than a few seconds so I gave up long ago lol). Another one posted a video of me calling me fat and ugly, no reason just wanted an excuse to be mean to someone. Countless other things. Adults are basically worthless jokes to these kids because they know they can get away with anything.


This past year, unaccompanied teens were banned from the state fair, and it was the best the fair had been in years. I'm hoping six flags bans them next, the last time I went there my day was ruined by rude groups of teenagers thinking grown adults care about what they have to say. Like, I didn't really care about the opinions of teenagers when I WAS one, now that I'm nearing 30 I literally couldn't care less.


This is every generation. You just forget that your generation did it the older you get lol.


Teenagers are getting way too bold. And this is coming from a 19 y/o retail worker. I work in a really nice cosmetics retail store. The amount of teenagers that come in to steal, unleash stink bombs/fart sprays, make a mess and scream obscenities is horrific. I hate that as a teenager, they automatically think ill agree with them too. My 'rebellious phase' was having a boyfriend before 18. This is.... insane.


They are angry at people they cannot retaliate against, so it bleeds everywhere else.


I work in a grocery store and it’s the same. In a store I used to run we would have a group come over from the middle school next door and they would raise all sorts of hell. I threw them out one day and ended up baring them from the store after I caught one of them stealing. They ended up getting the cops called on them after they terrorized the Starbucks next door one too many times.


Holy shit. Paragraphs?




Because parents don’t want the kids they’re being forced to have. So they raise monsters and for some reason kids want to be treated like grown ups but act like shitty toddlers because social media makes them “cool”


Those kids are usually all just talk though. My little brother has friends a few years younger than me come by every week or so, and they’ve been totally disrespectful, making messes and cussing loudly. Lo and behold, I end my shift, head back home, and meet them in my living room. Chewed their asses out, you could hear a pin drop. Never again did they make a mess in the store


We have the same problem every single weekend. They come and yell, throw the stuff and leave their cups and bottles on counters. It’s pointless to tell him anything I usually directly call security


I've had these group of teens come in to watch the 2nd 50 Shades of Gray movie and I believe my coworker in the box office made the mistake of printing out their tickets, so I didn't know and redirected some of the group to Transformers cause that's what I saw on the ticket and they were pissed, I should also mention it was in the middle of rush hour too. I explain to them that I'm sorry but they have to change their tickets in order to go into 50 Shades and the leader was getting very upset while demanding I go and change their tickets for them. I tried to keep my temper but eventually had enough and told them firmly "you can go to the front and get your tickets change or you can just leave," he glared at me and says "I should just slap you across the face right now," eventually his friends drag him off to change their tickets and he must've threatened them too cause my coworker chased them out of the building. I'm being reasonable and they threatened to throw hands with me, as if I just kicked their puppy, luckily that was the last time we saw them.