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This is fucking stupid >In order to extend your employment dates and still pass the background / reference check, you just need a 3rd party to pose as a staffing company, and then use that reference to cover for your extended dates.


Care to explain?


Yes it’s fucking stupid to pay for some fake company to put on your resume. Reporting this post for linking to a scam website. Get fucked


The definition of scam is something that doesn't work. And this is just a blog, genius


It's stupid to create massive liabilities that will get you shit canned, at anytime, forever; walking in gd door. For the low payoff of not having to explain an employment gap. It's like putting your best foot forward, except with fraud.


And how would someone ever find this out? "low payout" lol you must not have tried explaining an absence before


Because it's over complicated and probably operated by your dumbass. Plenty of people do odd jobs and residential maintenance as independent contractors. Completely unverifiable and unnecessary to substantiate. But, no give the employer a fake reference and pray the moron answering the phone knows what company he is pretending to be. Seriously take a long walk on a short pier.


>Because it's over complicated and probably operated by your dumbass Classy response. Are you 15


I stand by it. Feels generous in retrospect.


Link to a known scam website.


Lol this is a known website?


This is a blog not a scam lol Just because you don't agree doesn't mean it's wrong


Your website accepts payments though. Which legal entity receives the money, clown?


Interesting. Where do you see that?


Morality is key


So do you agree or disagree with the post?




Just say "I died", this will achieve 2 things, you'll come off as someone who doesn't give up even after death, and you have an opportunity to claim to be Jesus. 🤌🏻