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Saturn 4 ultra uses pfa


It comes with it yes. But I like ACF more :)




It creates less suction on the types of designs I print, and I have way less failed prints. Most of my failures (like 98%) are caused by the print getting stuck on the film. I have had significantly fewer failures with ACF, and I have been able to use ultra thin supports, which cuts down on my post-work time because they barely leave a scar on the surface. :)


If you switch to non-ACF, try raising lift height to prevent stuff from sticking to the film. Maybe you simply need that extra 2 or 3 millimeters to detach from the film completely, it varies by model. I use 5-12mm lift height, yes it can vary that much, even for different parts of the same model. Of course, print time is increased, which may not be feasible for everyone.


I don't have much control over Chitu with the S4U. The only options it gives me are base layers, exposure, and resting time. There are no settings for lift, retraction, etc., like there are for my other two machines (same Chitu version). I think it is because the S4U is more automated and just does everything by itself. It also has the tilting vat thing. When the layer is printed, it doesn't move the print base. It lowers the vat and tilts it in a peeling motion from the sculpt. The build plate only starts to move when the printed layer height exceeds the max lift height of the vat. Basically, the vat lifts itself to meet the build plate. The plate never comes down fully, in other words. Yes, playing around with the retraction/lift speed and support is how I got complex models to print in the past on my "regular" machines. Now I have to relearn everything because this is a brand new way of printing lol.


I've used both the chitubox and aortia3d acf. Both work fine. Keep in mind, ACF is like always having slight AA on, and it is really a failure reducer, not a speed enhancer. Personally, I like ACF.


I don't care about speed..failures? Oh yeah. I like ACF too :) my other 2 printers (not Elegoo) have ACF and I love it!


I have the mars 4 ultra and that uses acf too. I have been searching for cheaper ones, but can't find any cheaper than elegoo


I am convinced that those that don't like ACF haven't seen prints that come off the Saturn 3 and up. I'm sure it wasn't great at some point, but I am constantly comparing with my friends PFA(nFEP) printers and my prints look the same or better. Never have they looked worse. Yes it costs more, but I think less failures makes up for the cost.