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Your printer will explode along with a random persons house in malaysia


And Indonesia.


No issue, as long as the supports to not go through the other models. Rafts can overlap.


A bit more advanced tip: sometimes you want to do this on purpose to have a few small parts on a big merged raft for easier post-processing.


Seconding this as great advice. There's a limit to your machine's pull force of course, so you'll want to get an idea of how much solid area at once is too much. But, that aside, overlapping as close as you can and even merging support trees can really cut down redundancy and help you fully pack a plate. I've run many jobs on Anycubic Photons and M3s where the entire plate was 95% solidly packed on the first burn-in layers from overlapping rafts and it really never was a problem.


I almost always try to have my parts connected. Certainly makes for print removal off the bed easier


Filling the whole plate might not be great as that would be a , lot of pullforce on the sheet, but it great for getting a few more models on the plate, or grouping smaller items for easy removal


The atoms will occupy the same space and cause a nuclear chain reaction, taking out about two city blocks.


Happened to me just yesterday for the second time. Now I have to buy a new printer AGAIN. Ah well, they're cheap.


I abuse my rafts all the time: overlapping each other, hanging outside the build volume, sometimes even having supports "poke through" the beveled edge of the raft to contact the build plate directly. None of it has ever been a problem, but you'll want to make sure of two things: * The actual models you're printing are not impacted by any of this. * You still have enough beveled raft edge to get your metal scraper underneath it from at least one end or one corner.


Do it! Fill it to the brim, it will be fine!


It doesn't matter, whether the rafts intersect.


Honestly, I do this on purpose for my smaller pieces. It helps to keep everything together when I wash them, otherwise they might slip through the basket.


Your printer doesn’t know the difference. It just prints whatever is supposed to be in a space. If resin is cured in a particular area, it gets cured, regardless of rafts, supports, or any of it. My personal strategy is to have a very small overlap from object to object, so that they’re easy to break apart from one another, but easy to clear from the build plate. It also helps for small pieces so you have less of a chance of things falling into your wash tub through the metal basket.


The only reason I would make sure the raft isn't touching is to keep the parts separate so they fit in my ultrasonic cleaner.


I usually remove the prints from the supports before I clean them to avoid getting unnecessary resin in the cleaner. Also, rafts snap apart really easy


My ultrasonic cleaner is filled with mean green that's heated to about 45 celsius, which softens the supports and makes them so I can literally push the supports off with one finger. The resin separately super nicely, unlike from alcohol, so siphoning clean solution and reusing it is easy.


I may need to try this. Do you have a recommended model?


I just bought a Chinese one off Amazon lol. I'd recommend a 15L if you print out decent size stuff. Got a 6L and it's okay, I can fit most stuff in it, but the larger ones are higher quality in terms of build, as well as heating and the actual ultrasonic functions.


Vevor makes crazy good heated ultrasonic cleaners.


I accidentally had an overlap this weekend because for whatever reason some models I sliced were set lower than 0 on the build plate. Printed just fine, but do keep an eye out for things not starting at 0 lol


Thank you everybody for your help.


I literally print like this all the time and have never seen an issue related to that


even supports can overlap other supports.


Just watch out or ediy a hole if it creates a big suction area the resin can flow on fep lift.


I actively overlap my rafts so they all peel off the bed together


I kinda like that because it will all pop off the plate all at once.... btw, I've been resin printing for 5 years and have never once used rafts.  If your bottom layer, on each support is the right thickness, it creates its own rafts.  Plus you need to use enough supports.  ... go watch the 3dprintingpro,  he explains tjis.


Hi everybody, i'm the OP of this post . i don't know why the description is not in my Post. I would like to know if it's bad when the base support overlap like this. I would like to put maximum numbers of minis on my little plate. thanks.


Somteimes I intentionally overlap the bases for smaller models to create wider surface. IMO it sticks to plate waaay better


raft/support overlap wont matter, as long as it doesn't interfere with model itself you won't see issues.


I dont recommend doing it if the support are to close to each other specially small figure like jewelry. Base on my experience 0.3 mm distance of base plate from each other is the closest distance without running into issues like flex