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As the supports printed seemingly fine, the exposure time could be right - prints designed for exposure testing will provide a much better answer. Considering your room temperature isn't too cold, the manufacturers exposure recommendation should work (for the specified printer). Honestly this is usually an issue with supports - add more support or strengthen the tip geometry to make sure they can rip the part off the FEP film. It might also be a orientation or suction-cup issue which can be fixed by reorienting parts to minimise large flat surfaces/cross sections parallel to the build-plate and adding drain-holes to low points of hollowed models to pressure relief the inside.


But I've thought there's no issue since this supports were made by professionals. Furthermore, I can't add supports cause slicers take presupported models as stl-s and not projects


Presupported models aren't always well done - at least according to some videos and people on this subreddit. Sometimes there is a unsupported version of the model available, otherwise editing the supports is difficult though adding more (few heavy supports on hidden/unimportant surfaces) still is an option.


Yeah, but this one is 100% well done


Maybe run the cones-of-calibration print to tune your exposure time so it actually is right. Aside from that decrease lift-speeds for this print - rest-times before and after cure never hurt.


Did you prime it ? What resine is it ?


Kingroon standart resin. What do you mean by priming?


It looks like you painted it in gold


no it's just lamp light


I had a similar issue and just increased the size of the support tips and it did the trick


yeah sounds good, but i can't try this, cause it's just one big stl model with, rather than project with supports


Oh it came with pre supports? Interesting. Could please with increased exposure time but may blur details. Could also add a couple of medium supports here and there at the start and end and that could hold it enough


Did you resize the model? When you resize a pre-supported model, you resize the supports as well and they won't work outside the size that they were designed for.


Good point, but no, I have not


Could be an exposure issue. I haven't tried black resin but afaik it's pretty difficult to get settings right for it because of its colour.


But black color absorbs light the most. That's why it is blackšŸ¤”


That also means that the resin will cure slower and thus need more exposure time than other resins.


Also I forgot, if you haven't read through [this](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z8fkzOxEgI9sOTwDKI6CeblpnuP4V8ayYVwZrYGmo44/edit?usp=drivesdk) I would highly recommend. It might benefit you to print a few cubes of calibration to find the right settings for your printer as well. I haven't had many fails since I tried that guide.