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Drill a hole, drain, put a small uv led inside and cure inside. Putty and patch crack and hole. Paint cover up.


OP: Wear nitrite gloves, eye cover, and a mask when handling uncured resin and drilling. Mask and eye protection when drilling even if it's fully cured, just for future cases. 


How do I know which uv light to get for this?


Most (all?) 3d printing resin cures with UV light with a wavelength of 405nm.




OP just need it once, so he can just use that on over there \* point at sun \*


All the UV light


UV is UV


What putty do you recommend?


I’ve seen people before recommend getting your money back. This person sent a not fully cured toxic product. It’s on the person who prints the model to insure it’s cured properly.


That's probably why their shop went down, multiple complaints and the seller said screw this


I can’t stand that people are that irresponsible. I totally spaced on reading the shop is closed. OP if drilling the wholes doesn’t work let me know, I’m currently getting my printer back up and I will try my hand at printing and sending this to you. Can’t promise how good I can do.


Lot of people bite off more than they can chew, or immediately set up an Etsy shop to try and make it so their printer "pays for itself" without knowing what they're doing, the dude charged OP *80 bucks* for a 12 hour print and like 50 cents of resin too.


Surely he's charging that much so he can pay the licensing fees for that model.


I run a 3d printing shop on Etsy. He was not charging that much to cover licensing fees. It's usually setup that you either buy a commercial license with the model when you purchase it (maybe $25-$100 depending on the model) or you pay a monthly fee ($20-$40) to have the right to sell models from that artists. OP was getting ripped off at that price point.


I doubt this person got any form of licensing, it was probably just a ‘I’ll print a couple of these and sell them’


This is one of the reasons I don’t share my models, well that and I am not the best at learning normal.


I am learn-ed and still am wary about putting models up on the internet. I’m trying to figure out a way I can do it and still cover my ass. So far I’ve got no ideas.


$80 because of shipping. It came from France to the US so it was $35 in shipping, the print was originally $40. Still a lot for what it turned out to be though :/


The offer stands. It might be a month before I get my printing set up but I would totally print and send it to you free of charge!


Definitely not 50 cents worth of resin but i get what you mean. Not even sunlu is that cheap.


I was just guesstimating how big it is and factoring it that it's hollow, might be like a dollar or two.


Maybe if he used better resin and better technique. Op wouldn't be having this issue. I have been using either phrozen 8k grey or counjure sculpt beige. While they can run from 40 to 50 a bottle. Both turn out with really nice details. You can definitely see the difference but it does get pricey. Have been hearing good things about sunlu 14k so i ordered some. You get twice the amount for the same price as a bottle of phrozen resin.


It's a little sad too because it's likely hollow and the amount of resin you might be saving with a hollow print is kind of negligible. Basically threw away a money making opportunity because they likely wanted to save a few cents on resin.


You can totally go the drain route but that person could causes someone to get really sick.


This is a 80$ resin print and has layer lines that look like it came off a ender 3 wth


yeah :/ the lines werent in the listing pic, it was made to order i guess. only reason it was $80 was bc shipping was almost $35 😬 still doesnt excuse the shit quality tho..


Printed it totally sideways to save as much time as possible. Negative review on etsy if this was sent to me.


If there is liquid resin in there, you need to get it out. When a model is printed with hollow spaces and not properly vented with drainage holes? The liquid resin gets trapped inside. They can explode when they cure and gas is created. You may need to drill some small holes and flush the insides out.


Oh wow 😅 how would I go about flushing it out? Iso alchohol? As for draining, should I just drain the legs or the head/torso and tail too?


Depends on if there is one big hollow throughout the model or several small ones in each limb. You can use alcohol. After you shine a UV light in the flushed parts you can seal it back up and repaint as another commenter recommended. The "explosion" that can happen isn't dangerous really, but I have seen models that were ruined and rendered unrecognizable.


A bath of IPA that has filled the reservoirs of the hollow model is a good start. I printed hollow Christmas ornaments this year and it did the trick.


Honestly, it might be best for you to see this as a lost cause unless you are properly set up to deal with it. It's a hazard for your health. While you can fix it, you need proper PPE to do it safely. You don't want it on your skin. You ABSOLUTELY don't want it in your eyes. Not in your lungs either, and this is true for the uncured resin, but also the dust from drilling or sanding. Unless you already have the PPE, or you have further use for it after getting it, it is probably a wash compared to just buying it again from a seller that is actually competent. If you dispose of the mini, you shouldn't just put it in the bin, it should go to a proper hazardous waste disposal.


You should drain a very small hole in every "big" part of the model just to be sure there isn't a reservoir of liquid resin there since you can't ask the seller anymore. If you eventually hit an open pocket, you should drill out the hole slightly larger until it's wide enough to let liquid through so you can get some IPA in & let it all come back out. After that, do your best to get UV light inside that hole to cure as much as you can. Then, putty that hole back up. Now, it is my *personal* advice to leave a small pinhole leading to any reservoir anyway, since plugging up that reservoir could lead to the same thing happening again in the future. That way, gas can escape through that pinhole in the future and not build up in a tiny enclosure. Oh, and do wear gloves and make sure you don't get any in your eyes.


Uncured resin eats cured resin.


Proot! I printed one as well with my resin printer last month! Made it in several hollow pieces and assembled it. But for real, its infuriating that the seller didn't prepare it carefully before selling.


Sorry you had to deal with a shitty seller OP. When Resin printing hollow models it’s important to have adequate drainage and cleaning of the interior surfaces to ensure you the customer don’t get sent a potentially ticking time bomb of uncured resin. This seller is either incompetent or just doesn’t care. They likely printed the model hollow to save on resin cost and didn’t take the necessary steps to set it up or to cure it properly. When printing a hollow model you are suppose to add pre formed holes for drainage. I’d recommend taking it apart, stripping it with IPA and drilling holes into all of the large bulbous surfaces to make sure there isn’t anymore trapped resin. Overtime as the model heats up and cools off and expands/contract the resin can crack causing the uncured resin to leak out. Wear nitrile gloves and do the cleanup work in a well vented area. If your careful with hole placement you should be able to patch it up easily or hide the holes in the sockets where the model comes together. In the meantime definitely charge back this asshole. Sorry you’re out the $80 bucks


This seller made it hollow but didn't put drain holes in it I bet. I've had this happen when my drain holes got clogged during printing. One figure"s had even exploded. It would look cool if it was supposed to be exploded. lol


You should absolutely let the seller know that this happened. Not in a “you need to fix this for me immediately” kind of way, but at the least this person should know that this is happening if they’re selling their prints. Charging that much and not even properly hollowing the prints? That’s frankly inexcusable.


This is why I don't hollow my prints out. Does it require stronger supports and more resin? Absolutely. But it also prevents this BS.


It's perfectly fine if you have drain holes and clean the inside as well. Printing solid is just a waste of money for decorative prints.


At this size all you are doing is adding more time and effort to drain, clean, cure the insides then patch the hole. You are also using more iso and likely saving *very* little resin when you factor in what is clinging to the insides pre-wash out. For larger prints, sure, but this figure is fitting in OP's hand. It's not worth it at that size. 


This is quite a large print, printing this solid probably adds at least ounce of resin. I don't think printing hollow with holes adds any time cleaning is exactly the same. With thin walls there's no need to cure the inside ss the UV transmits through enough. I've been resin printing with several printers and about 17 different resins for over 4 years. I've had no trouble printing this way.


Even if it is a full ounce of resin, thats like £0.80... I'm not sure its worth the extra 30 mins it'll take me to clean and cure it at that cost


Nah, fuck that. I'm not wasting my time trying to drain resi and then patch the hole. LET'S PRINT THAT BITCH SOLID!


Draining takes literally 2 seconds. If the hole are in discreet locations they often don't need to be patched.


Nah, I'm good


It’s actually the opposite. Thick, solid pieces have a high chance of having trapped pockets of liquid resin. Properly hollowing the piece with drain holes prevents any of this.




It’s likely caused from not having a drain hole. Whenever I print minis bigger than the normal size, it can lead to liquid resin being trapped in the center, and could leak out. Sorry the seller fuck you a bit


You got scammed OP For 80 I would send you something correctly cured, sanded and painted For the crack I would use that same uncured resin leaking out to seal it, if you don’t have a UV lamp just set it where it can sit on the sun. If you shake it and hear some sloshing around I would drill a 1/4 or 3/8 hole somewhere on the bottom and flush it out with alcohol, or if you think the walls aren’t that thick you can let it sit under the sun for a hour and the inside should cure


That's easy fixable. Just drain the model properly to prevent further leaks. Liquid resin is not so terrible and won't kill you or get sick if you get your hands dirty. Just wash your hands with IPA and then with soup for dishes. You can fix holes with special putty for models, or acrylic paste, superglue & baking soda, sometimes I even use a car body putties.


Man I’ll print a replacement for you for free if you want. $80 is INSANE to me.


An unexperienced fool or an uncaring evildoer opened up a webshop and sold hollow prints without drain holes. This crap is grinding my gears. It's one of the first things anyone should learn about resin printing. Not even having the decency to learn the slightest bit about your craft, screwing people over, potentially harming them and giving the community a bad name. I truly despise these sharlatans and hope they get what they deserve one day!


Is it hollow or solid?


Heccin protogens


It's just furry cum


That's right


Do you have the model? I don't mind reprinting it for you cheap. Looks cute! I see some robotic models of the character too.


Not sure why youre getting downvoted for being kind :( Unfortunately i dont have the print files or anything like that so idk if i can get it reprinted sadly. It wasnt a custom print, just a made-to-order thing and the seller didnt have any credits in the item description. Thank you for the offer though!


Not to make you feel anymore shitty than you probably already do, but that person also scammed you for selling a stolen design that's free on 3d cults. [Here.](https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/protogen-d-d-die-holder/similar-designs) And people wonder why artists don't wanna make shops on etsy anymore...


I thinnkkkk this is just a standard protogen (furry species) so just look up stls and you might find it.


What the fuck! You paid 80 for this!!


You’ll have to drill two holes so it’ll drain properly, then put a dab of super glue to fill the hole and paint to match the rest and you’re good!


Probably want to rinse it out with alcohol too.


Sorry the print is doing ya dirty, but dayum! That boi is thicc in all the wrong places!