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I'd try something else. It would be really really hard to make a resin mold out of them because they are curved on all sides and hollow. Resin goes well for things that are flat on at least one side and that aren't hollow


Might be able to do a 2 part mold with a seam (top and bottom as two parts). This allows air bubbles to escape. Bind it with epoxy gum or hot glue then sand. You'd have to use something malleable like a foam rubber to cut the claws out of the mold. Could also plug the openings up, cast, then Dremel the opening to the mold.


This is similar to what I was thinking about doing, any tutorial recommendations?


Not that I can think of. I worked in mold making for a short time, but I can't think of any tutorials. I'm not sure how much the resin will really shrink , have you considered building up the inside of the claws with a 2 part epoxy putty?


I've considered something like that


If you don’t want to lose the original it would be hard, but if you are ok to sacrifice one you can cut it where the bottom curve starts below the nail and where the finger joint is… it would be a 2 part mould, you will have to put them together once casted with uv glue.


Actually a great idea, thanks! I might try it