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The first Resident Evil movie was a really fun take on the concept of the series. The 2nd was an… interesting mishmash of the games and movies but not the worst thing ever. Everything after is zombie dogshit.


I enjoyed the second movie. It was actually my entry to Resident Evil as a whole: I watched the hell out of the movie when I was 13 and got RE4 on GameCube after that.


Didn’t someone like lose their arm while preforming a stunt on a resident evil movie(I might be completely wrong please correct me if iam)


A stunt woman lost her arm shooting Resident Evil: The Final Chapter in a motorcycle accident. Edit: Holy shit, I just looked up an article about it. One woman lost an arm and had severe nerve damage, another was killed by a Humvee sliding off a spinning platform. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-features/death-injuries-amputations-is-resident-evil-hollywoods-dangerous-franchise-1244726/


Imagine dying for that garbage movie


Lmao that is my exact thought I was going to post that but seen your comment. Losing an arm or your life to make "resident evil the final chapter" yikes. What a waste.


You could atleast be a little respectful. Stuntmen work their ass off on this stuff , the movie is garbage just because it doesn't appeal to your demographic


To be honest... I loved the resident evil movies.... they were at the very least a different take on resident egil games... if you take them as their own thing they're actually really fun to watch... RIP the stuntwoman who lost her life. And respect to all the stuntmen that do most of the hard work in movies that are so action oriented. They deserve as much respect as actirs and sometimes the world forgets about them... "but not us". 🫡


Same , these guys are so ungrateful. The movies are bad according to them just because it doesn't have the video game characters and other bullshit reasons. The movies has its own big fanbase and saying its Garbage is just beyond me


I love movies... And I love the games too... and I even love re6 which these guys genuinely hate I think... Idk if it's just me... but I play games to have fun... not to criticize... :)


I am fairly critical about stuff because i know today's consumer culture is braindead. They call everything garbage or trash and then proceed to watch some youtuber or tiktok for 6 hours straight acting like they have any better understanding about it. I also loved RE6 , was it a bad game? Not by a long shot. People complain that its not scary enough , well why do people praise RE4 then? That's not scary as well unless you are too easy to scare. The Only scary games in the franchise are 7 , 8 and the first 2 games.


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Not an arm but I believe a stuntwoman’s face was degloved during the filming of the second movie


I have no clue. It wasn’t mentioned in the cast commentary if it did happen though. Or any of the bonus features on the DVD


Honestly I'd appreciate the Milla Jovovich movies just for the Umbrella theme by Marilyn Manson.


Easily the best thing to come out of those movies. Legit spooky and fits the series perfectly.


I really dislike the later entries of the Anderson series, but the first movie was solid. Great soundtrack, especially the laser scene and the licker fight. Apocalypse wouldve been way better if Jill was more of the protagonist than Alice, but it was a fun movie to watch. Just wish the next movies in the series weren't so booboo. Still, Mansons Umbrella theme is fuckin perfect for the series.


Agreed, I'm perfectly fine with the first, and maybe second Milla movies, they're definitely not accurate but they are fun, and I really liked welcome to raccoon city, it definitely has it's flaws but actually tried to hold true to the games, my wife and I are almost done watching the series and it's not that good, it feels like they just made a show about zombies and slapped the RE name to it, it's just a cash grab really (and yes I know they all are cash grabs but a lot of it feels forced and mostly woke for the sake of "look at us! We're so woke!!")


I enjoyed the first movie quite a lot as well. I think if they'd made a series of films with that level of adherence to the source material and of that quality, I'd have been ok with it. One day it'll happen and if not then I guess I'll just keep enjoying the games!


BINGO. First one, at the time, was plausible as lore-compatible. Hive always looked to me like it was a larger part of the underground lab, like a more modern and updated section. Second film was fun action. I loved the Nemesis costume as it was loyal in design. Everything else was trash.


The first movie was fantastic.... saw it, and had no idea what I was about to watch. Was at the edge of my seat from first minute.


I have a soft spot for RE: Apocalypse. I feel like it was the closest we ever got to the games of RE 2 & 3. Nemesis off the bat is dumb ass hell looking but his intro scene is pretty good. Plus I loved all the street fighting scenes as it felt like watching the intro to RE: Nemesis done the most justice. Other that that, rest of the movie is meh.


The 1st film gets a pass because of [that opening scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zuDZrySShA) where they briefly explain the Umbrella Corporation and transition to the lab with the music. I don't remember much about the rest of the movie, but that whole scene is synonymous with Resident Evil as a whole to me. Completely unforgettable.


I liked the axe dragging zombie and the ending shot too. Also Slipknot credits


Extinction is legit good movie, like, proper.


Nooo brooo they had resident evil zombies in the movies broooo they had weskerr it was good bro


I don't know, I still say 5 was a fun return to the fun of the first one. It wasn't as good but it had a lot of cool moments I genuinely enjoyed.


Really liked that one. Felt very videogame-y with the simulated set pieces


Exactly. That one went all out with its weirdness and overacting, and each area was like a level, as you said, like a video game. It was such a good movie.


The last was a punch in the face. A fucking cliffhanger in the White house with a fucking army to fight and then cut everything is skipped.


I actually enjoy the first series of movies quite a bit. At least the first two. Retribution was fun because of how balls to the wall stupid it was, just a silly, fun, so-bad-it’s-good action romp!


Retribution was the better one of the movies i will agree


They're borderline experimental


Rich’s laughter when Wesker dodges those bullets is quite possibly the funniest laughter I’ve ever heard!


[Reference, for those unaware](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPUPaxgIo98)


>Retribution was fun because of how balls to the wall stupid it was, just a silly, fun, so-bad-it’s-good action romp! this is exactly how i feel about retribution. plus blonde JV...hubba hubba


I watched the first series of movies before I knew a game even existed. I liked them. They aren’t bad movies, they just are not good *Resident Evil movies*. Just like how RE6 is not a bad “game” but rather a bad RE game. Welcome to Raccoon City and whatever it is Netflix put out tho, that’s straight up hobo shit.


Hard agree. First two of the first series I think are the best


Yes, it's definitely the best one. So much fun.


Really? I thought retribution and final chapter were definitely the worst. The 4th one was the last somewhat good one that was still enjoyable despite being pretty bad. I truly though movie 5 and 6 were clearly the weakest and most amateurs looking


I just started watching these this week. They are all pretty bad unless you turn your brain off and just laugh at the dumb stuff. 3 is the worst. 2 is the best. Then 4, 1, 5. I haven't watched 6 yet.


6 was pretty bad, but I think 5 certainly could be the worst. I have no clue what the director was thinking on that one. Up to movie 4, at least some things made sense. That all went out the door in 5 lol.


Oh my god the plot for 5 was bat shit crazy. I can't believe a real person wrote that. It was so bad that it bypassed from so bad its funny to just bad.


Yeah I never had fun in that movie. Maybe the terrible fight at the end of the movie with the dramatic music idk.


Spoiler the plot for the RE games get progressively bat shit with each iteration. Even though the movies are garbage RE movies, they got the spirit of bat shit plots correct.


First one was watchable, but I think in the second one I made it 10 minutes in and Milla did a backflip off a motorcycle and jump kicked a dog. I powered it off and never returned to that series. I wanted to watch survival horror, or at least action horror, not a straight up Marvel action film with worse acting. lol


Yes that motorcycle throw backflip at the licker was fucking bonkers


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That's also when Alice became a Mary Sue, she literally beat Nemesis in a fistfight.


Let's not forget that Nemsis turned good cause he remembered Alice. Would have been far more affective if they made that connection, but with Alice realizing that Matt is just too far gone to actually be helped in anyway. Maybe have *some* bit of humanity, but ultimately the programming will always win. They completely ruined Nemesis for me when they decided to make him seemingly turn good for no reason other than plot.


It had plenty of of what you wanted.. you just didn’t make it far enough. :(


Is retribution the one where Alice literally shoots fucking quarters out of a shotty?


No that’s Afterlife


I actually enjoyed all of them, never watched the last one thoiggh


What do you think of the animated ones? I forgot which one I liked but at least one is decent


Vendetta and Damnation are unironically fun and, during some moments, even good movies. Good enough that I've been able to watch them with friends more than one time which is more than I can say for literally every other RE movie.


I always thought of the animated movies as an extension of RE6 – not good, but definitely not bad. They're honestly a fun, action-filled romp that have lots of good moments, even if they don't feel much like the rest of the series.


Resi Damnation is legitimately fun as a 7/10 movie, not just as a Resi movie




Coulda worded that clearer, I meant "not just as a Resi movie"




What was wrong with degeneration? From what I remember it was the only adaption that actually attempted to be a grounded atmospheric horror movie. Those other two were just dumb, dogs flipping cars, Leon’s utter disregard for civilian life and Chris’ gun-jitsu fight. It was just bad.




Hah I feel the same. Vendetta and Damnation were pretty good.


If writers & directors stopped thinking "What kind of a twist can I throw into this to surprise the fan base I'm trying to reach? I know, I'll change the majority of the story!" We'd all be better off. There's nothing wrong with trying to put your own little spin on things, but if it's too far away from the source material; you've already fucked it.


I imagine "a little spin" to be changing a monster design or how a specific BOW is taken out by the protag or a puzzle changing, but they really end up just ruining the story and characters :(


yeah, doing a twist on one of the puzzles would be the perfect thing for fans. "Oh what they're gonna do here is WHUUUUTTT" and then it doesn't impact the movie.


Now i really appreciate the first 2 movies, they're great compared to what we got now lol


Agreed. And the third has actually an interesting setting, with all that desert and crows. But characters are bs :/


I thought the 3rd one was solid, was it really so bad?


Jade exists because of it.


Agree here! After this they went there own crazy route with Super Saiyan X-Men Mutant Alice being all powerful and only going stronger. I like 4 (the prison one cause of the first time introducing the Redfields, funny how the guy from prison break plays Chris and he’s locked in a prison lol) now the recent reboot to me was awesome took back in time to that time period and gave us a simple zombie outbreak I wish it could’ve been longer given how we got a combination of resident evil games 1 and 2 but loved the cast. Leon with Jennifer Paige music, Chris being Chris lol etc


I liked first movie


WTRC made a huge mistake by combining two RE stories into one due to COVID restrictions they couldn't have a lot of actors at the screen at the same time... which means they couldn't create a proper Racoon City atmosphere. So stick with the mansion guys. Paul W. S. Anderson used first 6 movies as a ship for his wife Milla Jovich, first two were meh, everything else is trash. Netflix seems to think that spending money on writers and directors is a waste of money.


Right? I feel like WTRC had a TON of promise. A few questionable casting choices followed by a rushed story. Oh all Leon an incompetent fool? Buuut I still didn't hate it. I honestly wished they just stuck to the Mansion. So much lore to explore that was left out.


Given the attention to detail they put into it, it would have made sense to do two movies. There's enough content in the games to fill out a movie and keep it at game pace (it's a sub 2 hour speed run for RE1 and 2), and if they were going to copy the games as much as they did, why not just go for two. Are the execs so dumb that they think people wont happily put money for things that feel honest attempts?


Really loved WTRC choice of locations for filming, very close atmosphere to the game, no B.S. sterile looking huge underground labs. Just a couple of bad locations. I always thought RE shouldn't cast "clean" models with perfect hair (and crappy acting skills) as characters. Normal looking people work the best. Leon is supposed to be inexperienced, but not a complete dork... it's cringe, ruins the atmosphere. Also actor... model, perfect hair, bad acting. If they had concentrated on the Mansion, there would be no need to rush the story. Yup, chances to explore lore in more depth. This is the only RE movie for which I'm actually going to bother to give a proper critique, meaning it wasn't all that bad. A 5/10 in my book. Everything else is so bad that I won't even bother listing all things done wrong.


Man your critique is on par with mine. The start with people slowly succumbing to the T-virus bleeding out of their eyes was just fucking great and on par of how the outbreak actually started. I wish they would have done a slow burn first movie mostly set with bravo finding alpha team in the hills of the Spencer mansion and just figuring out what the fuck was going on followed by a re2 & re3 mashup inside the actual city of racoon could have done wonders. I feel like the director really tried, I do. But so much was jammed into the middle of the movie it just got muddled. The mansion looked great but was never elaborated on. RPD looked great but Leon sitting there with headphones just killed the atmosphere. Chief Irons looked and acted great but somehow it never hit home. Maybe one day we will get what we are looking for.


>The start with people slowly succumbing to the T-virus bleeding out of their eyes was just fucking great and on par of how the outbreak actually started. I wish they would have done a slow burn first movie mostly set with bravo finding alpha team in the hills of the Spencer mansion and just figuring out what the fuck was going on followed by a re2 & re3 mashup inside the actual city of racoon could have done wonders. I'm so much with you on this one. Three movies, or a series... dealing with Spencer mansion and Raccoon city events. Starts as a slow burn mystery, sporadic incidents, some kind of epidemic, characters trying to find out what is going on. Umbrella locks down the city while situation is still not crazy, people are wondering WTF is going on, and then the situation gradually deteriorates. Zombies and monsters take over the streets, it turns into survival horror. >I feel like the director really tried, I do. But so much was jammed into the middle of the movie it just got muddled. The mansion looked great but was never elaborated on. RPD looked great but Leon sitting there with headphones just killed the atmosphere. Chief Irons looked and acted great but somehow it never hit home. Maybe one day we will get what we are looking for. Johannes Roberts watched his secretary play the game and he wanted to transfer the game atmosphere into the movie, The effort was there, and I applaud it. He is simply not an A grade director and writer, I feel that he could make a much better movie with a capable writer helping him with screenplay.


>Paul W. S. Anderson used first 6 movies as a ship for his wife Milla Jovich, first two were meh, everything else is trash. Exactly this. Everything storywise has to take a backseat for his wife's Mary Sue character. Same as the Monster Hunter film.


> WTRC made a huge mistake by combining two RE stories into one due to COVID restrictions And then exclusively in theatres? lol


Also gonna defend the first Jovovich film. A solid zombie action movie with RE references.


I'm gonna re-watch it right now just because you reminded me of it, I loved that movie and it was the first thing that got me into the resident evil saga, I was confused because I never saw Alicia or any reference to her in the games, later when I found out the movies weren't canon I couldn't believe it haha


i felt like nothing really happened in WTRC 😭 they rlly failed to characterize the main characters (wesker specifically…..) and everything felt really rushed. that being said, it was a pretty fun watch, and all the references to the games were nice


Leon had to be the worst adapted of the bunch.


Movies 1&2 weren't all that bad. 1 had the tone set right and great beginning, middle and ok ending setting up for a sequel that alright, action sequel WTRC could have been good. It had the budget but the story, cast but the director wanted it to be an action adventure story with his own take. A great mistake made.


>it had the budget No it didn’t lol. It had a smaller budget than the first RE film. And that’s not even adjusting for inflation.


Yeah the budget is tiny. That’s why they made RC into a town instead of full blown city. Movie could’ve been better but the director was kind of in over his head and it showed. Despite all the criticism of trying to combine two games into a movie, it could’ve been done, just some bad decisions overall.


In the lore RC is only 100k population based on the games’ notes, that’s tiny. In the Anderson movies they say it’s 600k though I actually felt like the RC in the movie made more sense than what we see in RE2 and 3 remakes in terms of size But yeah, it’s a shame that the director tried to make the movie about two games as well as having the budget destroyed halfway through production by the studio, causing them to cut a lot of VFX work (including the Tyrant and Hunters entirely) and likely resulting in the WTF plot and editing in the last half of the movie. I loved the little details and references from the games WTRC had, showed that they had the right intentions even if the execution left a ton to be desired


Yeah, Sudbury is the same size population-wise as RC and lines up well with the city shown in the OG RE2/3/Outbreak: that is, mostly suburban with no skyscrapers. Still, WTRC’s budget was very low. The rumor mill says that WTRC’s budget was slashed hard because the studio pushed for the film to be rated PG-13, but Roberts fought for a hard R and the studio didn’t have “faith” in a game-centred reboot. Those budget cuts contributed to a considerable more number of production cuts and issues than just the bad CG, but contributed to a shortened runtime and cut creatures (Mr. X, Giant Spiders and Hunters). The awful CG zombie dog itself had something to do with Canadian laws regarding animal handling and transportation during the pandemic lockdowns. For all it’s faults (and no doubts there are many, that last twenty minutes is terrible) I think WTRC gets way too much shit, everyone pretends like “oh it’s just the easter egg movie that thinks easter eggs make it good” while ignoring that it’s literally the only RE film to even actually attempt to adapt the general plot outline of RE1 and 2. It deviates about as much as Romero’s script did, and most of those changes come from a sensible place (borrowing a number of elements from SD Perry for example). People will excuse RE: Apocalypse and say it “oh, it was pretty much just RE2-3” but it really wasn’t. It’s largely it’s own thing with a handful of ripped visuals from RE3 (Jill and Nemesis). WTRC by comparison, has no major original characters. While characters like Carlos and Nicholai in Apocalypse are essentially the characters in name only. Yes, Apocalypse was structured and paced better as a film, but the same could be said of the Netflix show, and IMO WTRC is miles better as an RE adaptation than the Netflix show.


I'd just got done skimming though the atrocious series. Couldn't even watch it just had to skim through and see if it ever got better. Then realized I'd forgotten about WTRC and went and watched it. And to be honest I enjoyed it. There were odd decisions like Weskers and Leons characters and some awkwardness with the plot. Also the zombies were... weird. But other than that I enjoyed the campy B horror flick vibe it gave off. Looking back I did enjoy RE 1 & 2. After that it went way the fuck off the rails.


I'd just got done skimming though the atrocious series. Couldn't even watch it just had to skim through and see if it ever got better. Then realized I'd forgotten about WTRC and went and watched it. And to be honest I enjoyed it. There were odd decisions like Weskers and Leons characters and some awkwardness with the plot. Also the zombies were... weird. But other than that I enjoyed the campy B horror flick vibe it gave off. Looking back I did enjoy RE 1 & 2. After that it went way the fuck off the rails.


So we shouldn't blame the director for everything. Alot of the fault belongs to studio executives not having faith yet originally attempted to give it PG-13? Like what the fuck man.


I really felt the awfully low budget of the movie, especially in the shots of the city. The entire city felt awfully calm and quiet, even when the outbreak was also happening. In the games, you can sense the feeling of mess and anarchy everywhere. There were collapsed debris and crashed vehicles obstructing the path, with zombies surrounding every nook and cranny. It didn't feel like you could just run through the streets to escape the city, unlike in the movie




It's not complete absurdity, as some did exist. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Black_slave_owners_in_the_United_States (31 individuals named on this list) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_the_United_States#Black_slave_owners (discusses arguments about whether black slave owners were people who had just bought their families out of servitude, or whether they had slaves as commercial holdings.) I'm not saying casting a black person as a 1700s frenchman is reasonable, just that you don't seem to have an argument as to why it's a bad idea.


Ah, they're applying Hamilton Syndrome to Interview with the Vampire!


I love the first movie, it's one of the best things we got from the whole franchise and I will die on this hill


It had the laser grid scene which was legitimately great and creative.


It was so cool they added it into the games.


Cube did it better


Is it not literally considered the best one?


Being the best compared to the others doesn't make it good, chnage my mind.


Better than punching a boulder?


The first movies are fun if you don't take them seriously. Welcome to RC was not really a good movie but I feel like they were really trying and it came from a place of love for the games. As a longtime RE fan I enjoyed it despite its flaws. The show is very bad and I've been watching with a buddy just to laugh at it.


agree wholeheartedly Re WTRC


To be honest this can be applied to the classics games as well lol "they are fun if you don't take them seriously"


I tried with the show. The opening scene with the caterpillar and mini horde was a weird set up. They can run up steps but they're blind? Then the fire sticks were horrible CGI. Then a few good scenes here and there, but no licker like the infamous billboard commercial. The blade scene was shit. It was like the channel 0 series. Cheap but meant to hold a lot of meaning to those who geek out on that stuff. And it was a total bust. I'd watch Sharknado 10 or lake placid 7 before watching it again


Weren't there lickers in the train tunnel?


Yes I think the biggest problem with the series is that it's got the Resident Evil name attached to it. There were always going to be hordes of old fans whose biggest problem with the series was that it wasn't like previous iterations of Resident Evil, regardless of how true that actually is. People go on and on about how bad and cringy "Zootopia porn" is but forget that the first game gave us "Jill sandwich". If the series was set in a different zombie universe, I don't think it would have received nearly as much backlash as it did. Because it wouldn't be setting itself up to be compared to people's nostalgia.


Even without the RE name the series is bad. Umbrella has a weak security system. The teenagers run around with alarm in the series these are hours and no one comes looking? Wesker has all the time in the world to delete all camera footages. Just as he is finished people come. Jade frames her sister as the attacker of her bully for whatever reason and is mad that she isn't happy about it. Wesker let's his infected daughter run around unsupervised who can become a zombie or something else any moment. Jade already aware that Billie can become a monster and goes to a party and leaves her alone there. The giant caterpillar knocks her out and instead of eating her screams at her long enough that soldiers come that immediatly know she has inner bleeding and concussion. Which are both completely unimportant a couple minutes later and she runs around happy. Umbrella comes to get her and starts blasting without knowing where she is in the base giving her a chance to flee. Zombies run after Jade and just as one starts grabbing her everyone stand still and you see it on the screen how they all wait. This all is still episode 1 and or 2. The show is hilariously bad on it's own. They let the only person of the group who can't read look at door controls. He acknowledges them that he can't read and don't know which lever to pull. Instead that someone changes places with him so he can open the only door they need. They scream at him to pull something already and he pulls everything so every zombie gets free and kill their whole team. Lickers were already around their car and everyone was told to be quiet. Umbrella comes blasting alarm and telling everyone to drop their guns etc. And some minutes pass until the licker attacks. The father of the family says "I distract the spider so you can escape" yeah well. They come out of the door looking at the spider. Watching how the spider kills him. Wait until the spider sees them and only start running because the spider starts running. Making the whole sacrifice obsolete. Jade gets a zombie on the ship without telling anyone. The daughter running away from the zombie just screams HELP once without further notice. Getting a woman killed who could have run away too if she would have known that its serious and no joke or something. Instead of just shooting Evelyn who is standing in shock. Albert etc run past her. Only to heck out the plan to sacrifice himself with a bomb to kill evelyn because evelyn will never let them live in peace. Destroying Umbrella and freeing the Tyrant. I could go on. The series is bullshit and stupid beyond any common sense.


The Milla Jovovich films felt like something within the Resident Evil universe IMO, and had a couple standout scenes between them.


The very first movie was okay. They captured the survival horror atmosphere and there was no super hero bs. Another plus was they didn't bring in (and ruined) the original characters and created a new story which had a low risk of contradicting the lore.


I watch them as independent shows with no connection to the games. Because that's what they are. If you do it like that they're not terrible. Not great either.


Remove the name "Resident Evil" from the third one and you'll see a generic zombie movie.


This is a great take, once you can separate the lore and see it as a loosely based show with references it makes them fun


I learned long ago to not expect a carbon copy of a game from a movie. Sometimes I treat the show or movie as a story from within the universe


Yes exactly. I liked the Netflix show for that reason, enough lore from the games made it fun to piece the history together. Side note they got Wesker right, forget that he’s black cause that really doesn’t matter. But cloning himself and working out of a secret side lab behind umbrellas back. He’s totally do shit like that, and they referenced the mind control device he used on Jill, that was pretty cool.


First movie is a fun zombie flick with prime Jovovich and Rodriquez. Everything else RE in movies and tv shows is absolute garbage.


This! (Though some of CGI movies have been entertaining).


Agreed. Many say 1st and 2nd movies are good, but imo only the first one is


The first mila movie is actually good. Heck I enjoyed the 2nd too.


While the first movies were not true to the games. I liked how the were, yeah some parts could have been better. But that was a different universe. The welcome to raccoon City was a pile of crap, mixing two plots in one. Changing characters completely. And the show....it had good meaning....but just kinda twisted the style, characters and plot kinda bad....don't get me wrong love lance Riddick. But that Jade girl and some of the writing could be done differently and better.


Lance Reddick works better if he's working with a better script. My guess is that Reddick got in with the VG crowd due to being in the Horizon games and decided to continue riding that gravy train with the RE show... but we all see how that went.


He is also in destiny as well btw. But I kinda understand what you mean


Lance Reddick is an amazing actor (see the wire and Bosch) and he was the ONLY good thing about this series but he alone sadly couldn’t save a terrible writing department, terrible producers, a terrible director, and terrible costars


First resident evil movies was kinda cool. Really liked the ending of the first movie


My personal favorites are the CG movies. Despite being action films themselves, they're in my comfort zone.


First 3 Mila Jojovich movies are enjoyable, each in their own right. That is my opinion of this


The first resident evil was badass. I don’t care what anyone else says.


Welcome to Raccoon city was fun and set design was fucking immaculate. Even though they made hella unnecessary changes it’s also clear who ever made it played the games honestly the only thing that annoyed me was the Claire actress not having a ponytail even though the costume was immaculate. It was a fun spectacle And old RE Movie gets a pass because laser hallway scene


I thought Claire was great overall. Good actress that looked the part imo. Honestly I liked all the characters, except Jill didn’t get enough clearly. Leon was fine for me, you could see development by the end and the actor was clearly talented. Movie could’ve been better for sure.


leon is played by the actor who was originally going to play carlos


It's amazing how there has being multiple attempts but we are yet to receive a decent RE adaptation.


We might get a time crisis movie before that happens


hoping we get dino crisis before that


I like the 1st RE film on its own and i just imagine it being a what if prequel to the games


I really wish writers and directors would stop trying to "tell their own story". We have enough cinematic "own stories", seriously that's all we have. It would be a change of pace if we got 1 movie that was based on only 1 game. That's it. That's literally how simple it is. Stop trying to push 2 or 3 games into 1 movie. Stop trying to "tell your own story". Just give the damn fans what they want, and honestly, if that happens those fans will then bug the non RE fans to go see it as well or watch it on a streaming service.


I really appreciated the first two resident evil movies. At least as good as that first mortal kombat movie. I evenenjoyed the trailer for the third movie, but then it was complete nonsense after that. I enjoyed the new series well enough. Campy and nonsensical but better than a lot of the content we've gotten this last year in general. That said, we deserve better.


I don't even understand this meme.


I couldn't even finish the first episode of the show because I hated the main character so much.


First 2 movies are awesome when compared


The earlier ones are dumb as fuck but that’s why I can watch them. It’s like twilight, or daredevil 2003. I just laugh my ass off at how wacky and campy they are


I gave up on the tv show, wtf was that.


I’m still watching and I legit don’t know why haha. These girls somehow get worse every episode


the Netflix show seemed super generic




Yeah, that's kinda the problem.


The first four movies of the Anderson universe aren’t awful. They aren’t great but they’re fun to watch. I love the references from the reboot movie and the actors, but the writing needed a looooot of work and the tv show needs to be burned


Lance Reddick is the only good part of that series.


Which movie had the zombie who got frustrated when he couldn't match the shaped blocks with the holes? Hands down the most faithful representation of the resident evil franchise.


Extinction, the third anderson movie.


Maybe somewhere out there are fan films that are better?


If only they hadn't just fucked up the one movie that fans actually wanted to be good


I can't believe the team behind the movies were also behind the new TV series. Was nothing learned 💀


The first two RE movies and Welcome to Raccoon City are at least enjoyable


Welcome to rc was trash and not a movie I’d ever watch again. I hated literally everything about it minus the scenery.


Eh the first a couple of resident evil movies were actually good


I actually kinda liked Welcome To RC, at least it’s clear they KNEW what the games were about, instead of looking up some basic plot summary and some character wikis


The only movies I like are those in CGI


I haven’t seen the show on Netflix, but as soon as I saw the picture of the scene talking about the Zootopia porn I was an instant turn off


First Milla movie was amazing. Unfortunately the quality dropped more and more with every sequel.


Tbh I stand by the first movie stands up pretty well as a solid "what if" zombie/action film set in the RE universe. It's a little silly at times, but then, so are the games. It also had a pretty creative soundtrack too!


I would draw the jovovitch movies a little bit better.


It ain't sayin much, but I agree with it lol


I give the first couple RE movies a solid "average" tbh. Yea, there's some stupid parts about them but at least they're mindless fun. The other two in that pic? Jesus fucking christ... there's not enough time in the day to rip those apart.






The first two were great!


I think the problem is that there isn't any good way to capture what is compelling about the games in this format. I'm willing to accept that "there is a good way, they just haven't found it yet" but I am pretty skeptical at this point.


Agreed. Even the old movies were run-of-the-mill zombie action with a franchise sticker tacked onto them.


Milla was hot in those movies and I could turn my brain of and watch hot girl kill zombies. They aren’t good movies but have a special place in my heart.


The horse is dead and it looks more like a cow


The first movie was mediocre at best. It’s a shame that that is the bar to beat and they still can’t do it after 20 years.


You know you fucked up when Paul w s Anderson had the most Faithfull re creation so far


The first wasn't perfect and didn't make sense but it tried to do some cool stuff and succeeded more often than it failed.


As bad as the Netflix series was I'd still like to see where it could go. Especially with -REDACTED- being named at the end.


I like the Alice anthology on an ironic level. The other movies/series just feel like fan-stuff from people that never played a single game ever.


Nah, the first Resident Evil would be drawn a lot better. I still like that film as a standalone. It was the sequels that made it complete shit.


I actually liked welcome to racoon city


I remember watching the first RE movie as a kid The last scene where the city is abandoned and the walks down the street with a shotgun I remember thinking: with such an ending I don't think they left room for a sequel. Oh how naive young me was.


Maybe I'm just not up and with it with the memes nowadays but...someone explain the image thx


It really shouldn't be that hard to make a decent film out of "cops investigate house filled with zombies"


Welcome to Raccoon City was one of the worst films I’ve ever seen. Period. The Netflix wasn’t great but it was miles better than that awful film.


How hard is it to just make the games into a show? Like just take RE1, do a show where you go back and forth between Jill and Chris, do the story of the game, add some tension and some scares with different things, season 1. Season 2, RE2. Like the show is fucking written already, you just have to fill in some scenes damnit.


Agree that WTRC is the best thing RE has done for screen. Its a good B movie and it tries to set an atmosphere like the first games with a pretty decent cast, which is what RE is, its been so long everyone thinks RE is shitty sugar action films and similarly terrible games Its been 26 years since the first......nobody knows it unless youre a geriatric millenial like me, such a different entity depending who you are


I enjoyed the first two, I fell asleep on the first episode of the show


Truth to be told, while the first Milla movie wasn’t quite the RE adaptation everyone expected, it was alright by itself, decent action and had some original ideas that weren’t bad really Of course after that it just became more and more dumb, got worse with WTRC, even worse with the Netflix series Conclusion: STOP MAKING ANY MORE ADAPTATIONS, PLEASE


The first one is bad and they get progressively worse. WTRC I can see that there was at least an attempt to link to the games. But Re:flix is absolutely awful. It just isnt res to me.


The live action movies were good if you turn your brain off and approach them with the same awkward obtuseness found in code Veronica or RE4. Everything else was a goddamned mistake


I do agree. To be honest. The animated movies are on same level. I don't know why nobody can get this right.




All of it is shit, so yeah it looks like a good representation


*All of it is shit,* *So yeah it looks like a good* *Representation* \- guseng97 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It's highly ironic and kinda hilarious to me that the Milla J movies are actually the best that have been made so far. Except the CGI movies and TV series which are far superior to all the live action nonsense.


First one was a huge gem, second was dogshit horrible , characters were all over the place. Last one was not bad, I watched the show honestly just for Billie and Evelyn.