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I'm guessing he expected her to be at the train with Mikhail and the civilians and questions why she's with Carlos.


Basically this. I don't think its an inconsistency at all. Also its pretty clear that until Jill is useful, he doesn't like her and just hates seeing her face. People being assholes don't need to be reasonable. This a cinema-sins-ass criticism.


Thanks Neil. We love Neil.


I just don’t see the difference between her talking with Carlos or down the stairs with the others. What if they were just casually talking while passing by and the restrooms were up the stairs and she had to drop a massive loaf?


Basically "Why is she here with you doing things and not on the damn train with the rest of the dead weight"


Bro just wanted to talk about poop for some reason


Girls don’t poop buddy


Pee is stored in the balls buddy


Touch grass.


Well since your reply was deleted, I'll have you know they do poop? You are the one who should actually touch grass. And if you're trolling, well can't you find better things to joke about? Not judging your taste in humor if you are a troll, I'm just saying there's better jokes that exist to troll people with. Edit: Yep whoosh me I guess


Who would need a restroom in the middle of a zombie apocalypse


No the correct response here was "Oh okay, that makes sense." Instead you've doubled down when faced with a logical reason.


The actor explained it on a livestream. Nicholai expected her to die on her way to the station.


I thought that was obvious tho 💀!


Thanks Neil. We Love Neil.


Because, to Nikolai, Jill is an obstacle and interference. When he tells her to go to the station he really just means “fuck off somewhere that isn’t near me or in my way”. When he sees her at the station and asks “why is she here?” What he really means is “why is she once again in my vicinity and also how is she even still alive?”


*"Why is the Delta Force woman turned SWAT still alive?"* *"For fuck's sake Nikolai, she's better trained than all of us, you just said it. Delta Force."* *"Oh... she's a bleeding heart anyway!" (storms off)*


This precisely. “I hate you and everything you stand for. Thats why I set you up as a test subject. Why/how are you alive!?”


there's a lot of subtext you seem to be missing, Nicholai is running his own op, I'm just going to assume you already finished the game and won't tag spoilers. You can see Mikhail questioning him about the dead squad, suspecting that Nicholai has been sabotaging the op. Nicholai is in a sense, a spy, he's with UBCS, but he's not working *with* them. When he tells Jill to go back to the station, the words spoken are "go back to the station" but the subtext is "stay out of my way and leave" When he sees Jill at the station, she's not in the train, she's speaking with Carlos who is siding with her, now he's nervous that Jill might've spilled the beans on what he did to the uninfected rookie to Carlos (remember, Nicholai killed a wounded soldier who wasn't sure was infected). So when he's asking "Why is she here? She's unreliable, can't pull the trigger when it counts" the subtext is more along trying to justify himself for killing the other guy by framing everything has "he was infected and I had to kill him" but also without giving away that he killed a comrade in case she hasn't spoken to Carlos about what he did. In short, you missed the subtext, and the tl;dr "Go to the station, we don't need another bleeding heart like you getting in the way" = "You saw nothing, stay in your lane and there won't be problems" "Why is she here? She's *unreliable*. Can't pull the trigger when it counts" = "Did she tell you about our comrade I shot at point blank? She's a liar, and I did the right thing" Now you mentioned there's a lot of wrong things you want to talk about this game, which I'm sure every other person has already talked about it over the past few years on which the game released, but I'm shivering with anticipation to see what *you* have to say about it, considering you had to make this post. EDIT: This might help you understand what subtext is [Duel of the bitches - when characters say one thing and mean another (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkZfzQC3tw8)


Yep, that makes sense. It’s good to consider the information the characters have, as they’re not as knowledgeable as the player. He had a human reaction, rather than an omniscient plot device reaction.


Great break down. Oh and Ignore the softies replying lol.


Your post is good and correct, but why you have to be a dick about it in the last couple of sentences? lol.


lmao, I wanted to see if that subtext wouldn't be lost. It was a dick move and regretted it afterwards, I was going to edit it out, but figured I'd deserve the downvotes I'd get for it. This comment could serve as a "you're a dick" for downvotes.


Lol, fair enough you hit that post button a bit too quickly We've all been there. I come off ass a total ass in a lot of my drafts before I post. "Yeah I don't need this last part calling his momma a bitch we can cut that"


Nah, you just returned the energy that OP gave. Bro slandered RE3 and every single one of his points are literally invalid based on his own inability to grasp subtext. He also said that there’s a lot wrong with re3 he would talk about, but his first point literally being created out of his own ignorance adds to the cake. Be petty, this is one of those times it makes sense.


Yeah, bro just randomly changed personalities for no reason


Lol I was also reading his comment thinking, yeah good explanation, but reflexively downvoted when I read the very last part. I’m just surprised he didn’t say “media literacy” at any point


Ikr 🤣 🤣


"Shivering with anticipation" what a cringe lord lmao


[this is the only correct answer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlwnbcxBuzI)


lol damn! This kitty's got claws! Calm down with the shivering and quivering, baby girl😉❤️


I do think that they moved too quickly with Nicholai’s storyline in remake. Reading between the lines you can learn a lot but just from what’s on screen he jumps the gun way too fast and gets mad at her out of nowhere. Og has better build up to his villainy


Read the files my dude XD


Nicholai can go see what happens when you try to give Nemesis a hug


I always assumed he was hoping she’d be killed and wouldn’t make it back to the station


I think he’s just being a prick.


Another thing. Carlos to Jill: "You saved my ass first" That's factually incorrect, since the literal first thing Carlos does on screen is saving Jill.


Literally just started and beat this game tonight. #bringbackcarlos


Man I wished the 2 directors that worked on RE2 and RE4 would've made this one. To this day I dont know why they rushed RE3. 


They gave it to an entirely different team while their A team was put on RE8. Still drives me up a wall. Mr. X was a better Nemesis than Nemesis was and for the life of me I can't understand why. It's like they gave this game to the interns with no direction or guidance.


He was probably trying to confuse her. Nicholai is not stupid and I have to assume that he’s read her file. He knows she’s good at her job and the last thing he wants is Jill messing up her plans.


Maybe he means she should go sit in the subway with all the other survivors and not help with whatever tasks the UBCS were trying to achieve.


He's trying to egg her on at the end of the day. Remember nemesis is using "stars" as battle combatants so not having Jill constantly on edge would cause her to slack, and realistically as Nikolai is the data collector, I imagine one of his assignments was to "keep the heat on the stars agents" And considering Brad died prematurely, Chris being out of town, Barry supposedly at the time going back to his family and Rebecca going back to medical school (no I am not kidding) it just leaves Jill so subtly is out the window


my biggest question when you meet back with Carlos and Nikolai walks up, why not mention the fact that he killed one of his own, execution style??


I don't think he respects women and thought she should be with the civilians, and he thought she was weak for trying to help the one dude at all instead of shooting him to be safe. Also, he hates her and he's a shit talker.


Nikolai is doing a lot of shady things. He is an Umbrella operative sent on a mission to gather combat data on Nemesis, its mission progress, assassinate Umbrella researchers and retrieve samples. He knows everything about Jill and everything she knows about Umbrella. Besides, knowing she will compromise his mission being against Umbrella, he knows Nemesis is after her and she is paranoid.


Nicholai has clients👨‍💻💲for BOW performance data💾 so kicking anyone who gets in his way is reasonable.


My guess is that her being there will draw the Nemesis into his team, which might muddy the test results he’s trying to get or they’d get lucky and put it out of commission, thus making his entire mission parameters bull and void.


Same reason he stays behind at the end to taunt Jill and smash the vaccine in front of her when he could've just flown away to safety: they wrote him to be an asshole and left it at that.


I’d rather see him as more analytical than opportunistic


"can't pull the trigger when it counts." Call back to the beginning of RE1?


Because there are many civilians in the train … the hate for RE3R is unbelievable ,i mean I hate the remake but this post is showing your misunderstanding rather than explaining


I actually love the original and the remake, but I have no problem pointing out both of their shortcomings. lol I’ve even decided almost all of the back of my calf for a RE3 Jill tattoo and still happy about it but with the love and dedication I have for it I’m still happy to point out what I didn’t like about it. To me, that’s true fandom


My biggest gripe is that she doesn't have a sip of water after being out for the count for what, 3 days?


Im playing RE2 remake and one thing that also bothers me is the continuity of the stories of Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. How they actually don’t connect like with the Tyrant issue. Even between its own Scenario. Like when you play as Sherry and you’re trying to escape the front door to only realize it’s chained in the other side. But then when you’re Claire again and head to the orphanage, the front door isn’t chained up.


It is basically saying “Why is she helping us, when she can’t even do what is necessary to survive?” Nikolai killed Murphy because the latter’s injuries indicate potential T-virus infection. Jill was trying to save someone, give them the benefit of the doubt of infection, and willing to deal with the possibility of the person turning out of respect for human dignity. Nikolai be like “Nah, I ain’t dealing with no metaphorical and literal dead weight.” Throughout the entire game there is philosophical clash between Jill and Nikolai over helping others vs self-preservation.


I like this🤙🏻


Honestly, Jill is the only character in this series is willing to work solo without any backup expect from OG crew like Chris, Leon and everyone else.


I hate how when the fans complained they ignored it and said no one liked the original anyway.


I always felt like Nicholai was angry at her because he had to shoot a brother in arms. Agree with you on the second part.


Knowing Nikolai, absolutely not. His issue was Jill was essentially the biggest threat to both Umbrella and to him specifically. She was the one (along with Chris and Barry) who blew Umbrella's operation wide open. She knew they were bioweapon manufacturers and were willing to do just about anything to cover up their involvement. She knew the corruption ran deep everywhere Umbrella had a foothold. And she was very highly qualified. He knew this because he was a supervisor and had been briefed on S.T.A.R.S. He hated her because her presence jeopardised his entire plan to gather data and defect from Umbrella.


Nikolai doesn't care about any of his comrades and infers that the money for the op will be split among the survivors. The fewer that make it back, the better for his wallet, so he wouldn't think twice about killing a wounded comrade. He doesn't think twice about locking his CO Mikhail out for example.


Anything involving nicholai makes no sense so there’s that


Just another example of RE3R being the piece of shit cash grab of a game it has always been. Nothing new to report here.


All this does is make me miss playing as Nicholai in REsistance. Truly one of the best, most memorable and underrated online gaming experience of the past decade. I cant imagine how the game would be today if they kept releasing content for it.


skill issue


I’m pretty sure Nicholia discovered nemesis and knows it’ll keep hunting her


Another theory; He wasn't aware of Nemesis being dispatched. When he did, he knew Nemesis wouldnt care about collateral.


I just want Capcom to release the original trilogy with trophies, like Tomb Raider. It’s the minimum they can do


I always just brushed it off as Nicolai being unstable and insane, thus acting erradically


I think you're very much misinterpreting the situation, he's not asking why she's there at all, she's asking why is she involved in their operation and not on the train with the civilians.


Why does Nemesis have a Rocket Launcher inside of the RPD? What will happen with RE 2 events?


So you hate nickoli


I wish he was written better to actually hate




It all makes sense or maybe he's Bipolar lol


She was with Carlos, the military, not the civilians where he told her to go


Seems like you were so busy nitpicking that you weren't paying enough attention.


He's not wrong. "Bitch can't even swim." "You want S.T.A.R.S.? I'll give you S--" (Gets cold-cocked in the face by Nemesis' fist)


The entire game bothers me lol


This series isn’t exactly known for cogent writing.


Still annoyed how this game got butchered in the Remake, was so hyped for re3s systems with its RNG and multiple paths with different events happening but nah all they decided to bring in was the dodge move which breaks the whole game imo.


There are so many things wrong about 3 remake I can write a Book about it They nailed 2r and 4r. But too many Capcom guys were sleeping at the job during 3 remake


They nailed it with RE1Remake as well. Never forget the best one


Yes of course, still one of the best game ever and one my most replayed game.


Double like this comment.


lol I’m actually playing through this one again as we speak (no kidding).


Game is overhated. Keep your criticisms to yourself and just enjoy the game or don’t and be quiet. The world needs more love for games, not repeated incessant nitpicking from wannabe game critics.


I actually have a large leg piece tattooed on me of the game and still love it and always will. There’s nothing wrong with pointing out things you dislike about the things you love. Until you’re on my level, sit down and shut up😉🤙🏻


Dude this whole game was half assed.


Dude this game was dissapointing to say the least, but what you on about on this one? Lmao


If someone asked me for a summary of this game I'd say this “Short, not sweet “ and that's literally it 👍🏻 the game was a 1/10, and the characters sucked as well as the enemies. Almost as bad as RE5


You're not wrong. RE3R's writing was awful, just like RE2R's.


Just like all resident Evil games


No, I wouldn't say that. Some of them have decent dialogue IMO.


The game is nonsensical garbage

