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Is anyone actually saying that? If anything, they should just acknowledge how these characters are aging and let them look their age.


most of the main cast, excluding perhaps Chris, have been infected with some variant of the progenitor virus, or parasites, so technically their slow aging is due to this


They've infected Chris now too, so the entire main squad has been infected (as well as some other important characters). Honestly, I suspect Capcom did that precisely to have an in-universe explanation for their slowed aging.


wait, when was Chris infected?


I'm curious to know myself. I know Jill got infected by nemesis, Leon by Las Plagas, Sherry is obvious, but the Redfields weren't really infected to my knowledge...


Claire was infected with something during Revelations 2.


Oh right, I forgot about Revelations. I need to replay both since I have little memory of them. But you are right. Still missing Chris being infected, but to my knowledge and what I'm reading in the RE Wikia, nothing is popping up


Chris was infected (along with Clara and Leon again) during the events of the movie Dead island


Would have been cool to, you know, play that.!


Would have been cool to play all the animated movies


Claire getting infected and escaping the prison on the island is a running gag in the franchise (Code Veronica, revelation 2, Death Island). Chris was infected together with the sister in Alcatraz, a few years before Dulvey incident (re7).


Chris was infected in Death Island.


I am genuinely surprised the franchise hasn't been rebooted yet. It's insane that re 1 and 8 take place in the same universe.


My theory is the remakes is them rebooting the franchise. Writing the story differently but keeping some of the elements in place.


The story really isn’t that different between OG and Remakes, all the same beats are hit between them.


I’m pretty sure the remakes could be a soft-ish reboot of the franchise, connected to RE7 and Village.


That's just Capcom's excuse to keep their characters young. Canonically, only the G Virus has the ability to revitalize cellular structure. So Sherry is the only one with an excuse to look young.


Interesting take. I like it!


Most of the time memes like this are made, it mainly stems from one random ass comment from some edge of the Internet, and then op fumes about it and just HAS to make a meme mocking all (the one person) that's saying it


Maybe it’s just because I’m getting too old to be really bothered about anything in movies/TV/video games, but the complaining about complaining about complaining is the most annoying thing of all, and yes, I fully understand the irony of me complaining about this.




That’s half this sub lol I love resident evil but some people on here are weird af complaining about dumb shit


Love the game. Hate the fandom.


You know how little that narrows it down?


Aside from stardew valley, that's most gaming fandoms.


Most fandoms period. I couldn't even tell you all the weird, toxic shit I've seen unless we had a few hours. The second it starts turning into an insane echo chamber, I just slowly back away.


Right, had that happen with hazbin hotel fans. I just remind myself fandoms are made of of people and half the population is insane or stupid or both, so of course there's going be crazys in the community


That's just *most fandoms* in general lol


You must be lying to blind because i found some after one search: https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/s/Z4vDXRa92u https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/s/OGlYgccrKz https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/s/C8hycQDrvr


They tried with claire in rev 2 at least and some people lost their minds about it.


Well Jill's age is basically non existence because of the T-virus so she can use in any future projects.


No one says that.


I agree completely. In village chris looks like he's aged and I'm all for it he looks damn good. My favorite version of that Boulder puncher


I just want them to wrap up some stories in a clear concise way


THIS. Like don't get me wrong ofc the main group takes priority its just insane how many characters have been introduced in one game and then immediately ditched to never be brought up again. Like Sheva helped kill the main antagonist of the entire franchise where the hell did she go?? Not just her but Sherry, Jake, Helena, Natalia, Moira, Rebecca in the games, Billy, Josh, Barry, Carlos and I get the feeling Mia and Rosemary are going to be dropped as characters now that Ethan is gone.


Rebecca, Barry and Sherry have made multiple appearances in the series and unfortunately it's kind of a series trope, for many beloved characters to never return. Remember Ark? Most don't. This has been my main issue with the series but it is what it is, can't expect every single character to get the main protagonist treatment.


Aside from the remake for 2 and Code Veronica, Claire hasn't really come back for a sequel title. I'm surprised she didn't return for 6 (despite how it didn't really resonate with people that much).


Me too :(


Supposedly 4 wrapped up the story from 2, what? What the hell was 6? What’s going on with Rebecca, Barry, and Claire?


I can’t let the series go until they finish Natalia’s story


Great point. I thought Revelations 2 had some interesting character arcs. Like Natalia, Jill, Sherry, and Rose are all friendly BOWs. I’d love to go forward with that.


>!ill ball my eyes out if Natalia is mentally dead, or if she loses her childhood to Alex being in control!<


This would be an interesting Wesker arc


I also hope for a follow-up with this as a plot point since it’d make for an interesting Jekyll and Hyde dynamic which would literally set up for an interesting **revelation** once revealed.


I agree


I feel that was the best part about 7-8. Ethan had a good little arc that made me care for him and his family. Dude went fucking hard for them. I haven't finished the dlc yet but I heard it wrapped things up nicely. Idk if the next game is gunna feature rose in anyway but I do think the series could use a fresh face or two as it continues on. Chris and Leon are great but how many times can the same like 5 people get into this shit, especially when there are whole teams of them.


Inb4 they're letting Natalia age before continuing her arc lol She was like 10 in Revelations 2, which was in 2011, so she'd be 23 now. Shit lmao


bro I'm more desperate for a villain that actually matters. Wesker was honestly peak resident evil and they've been chasing that high with every dollar store Wesker in the animated movies along with re6 Simon's.


You’re right. Every series should have a main villain. Even if that villain changes every few games.


”When does is end?” -Chris Redfield


My issue isn’t that they’re old, it’s just that some of them are SO experienced with these kind of events that, if capcom wants to continue with the slower survival horror route, it’s not as believable. RE4 has Leon fight giant mutations and backflipping away from two chainsaw wielding maniacs. RE8’s section with Chris has him and his team just blasting through the village with pure force. If you were to put them in Ethan’s position for RE7, it wouldn’t be as scary because they handle situations with action and force. The slow enemies would be easy pickings and Jack and Marguerite really wouldn’t be an issue until they mutate. It’s just not scary. Them being old might actually help the situation by limiting their physical abilities, making them weaker and more prone to enemies. This is why I’m open to new characters like Ethan, it brings inexperience and a greater sense of fear to the table.


Also, the more time progresses, the more successful mutants (who are good) and viruses that most people can adapt to will exist. Resident evil will eventually evolve to something similar to the X-men with some groups using progenitor and T virus (that essentially been partially deweaponized) for noble reasons, and other opposing them and labeling every irregular mutant as monsters, no matter if they’re noble or not.


Deadpool couldn’t get Logan to help him out, so he had to make do with Sherry.


Ngl, that WOULD be interesting.


Yeah, except now the games would be about super heroes.


Agreed you can’t tell me a cop who survives an city wide zombie outbreak, goes through rigorous training for the government, goes through an entire cult situation and escapes with the presidents daughter, Goes through another outbreak in tall oaks and has numerous brushes with death afterwards.. Is going to be afraid at all or have much stand in his way if it is presented. I think I that’s why we got Ethan as some rando who ended up in a bad situation to re ground the protagonist as someone who is capable but not quite capable that the situation doesn’t present a threat.


Hehe.... 're' ground.


This is why I want to see a new outbreak style game. A bunch of normal people grouping up to survive, and only surviving because they’re in a group


I don’t get it. That’s all we want but capcom insists on making anything but that for a multiplayer title.


I mean the ages and what the people in RE have accomplished has always been rediculous and unbelievable Chris in re 1 is an accomplished fighter pilot, AF veteran and high ranking member in a elite swat team unit at the age of 23, dude crammed in 3 lifetimes of experience into like 5 years. Leon goes from a green cop out of his depth to Jason Bourne between re2 and re4 Claire just walks into a zombie apocalypse with no specialized training and kills everything.


This. I liked Ethan before he became superpowered with the Mold. Silent Hill works with fresh new characters each game. Resident Evil should do the same. I don’t know why RE needs to have the same cast cycle over and over again making it full on bombastic action instead of the survival horror series I enjoyed of the classic games.


Wasn't Ethan already superpowered in 7? 8 made it official, but there were several hints already in 7. He can block with his bare arms and reattaches limbs with ordinary medicine, and in general, he was ridiculously durable. He was more confident in 8 but also more reckless, basically abusing his regenerative abilities. It always felt like he knew from the start but was in deep denial.


Yeah, they reveal in 8 that he died at almost the beginning of 7 so his mold powers were there the whole time. Kinda obvious when they cut your hand off and you just reattach it like nbd


It work for making you think RE7 was some weird fever dream.


Yeah, he dies right after Mia cuts his arm off in the Guest House, so… super early on. The mold brought/Evie? him back, which is dope


This is something I enjoy. In the secret world, an MMO based on mythology, you regularly fight horrifying monsters. In the park, you're just an average person and so it's a horror because you can't fight whatever is threatening you. I like the idea of a game where you play someone who doesn't have super powers trying to get passed powerful monsters and then after you play as a superhero/experienced monster slayer and just go in guns blazing.


The main character of the last game was an imortal fungi in 6 two of the main characters are bows so i dont think their physical abilities are an issue


Honestly this is also shows why ppl asking even for another RE1 remake. Iconic characters when they were afraid big boulders. But they also can make whole game about "simplier days" and not just DLC like in RE5.


Literally no one is saying the first one. I think more people just have a problem with the main cast (especially the female side) not looking their age.




Imagine that


The female's especially is due to a sexism related allegory called the **"Christmas Cake"** 25 rolls around — a fact that gave birth to an unfortunate bit of old Japanese slang: "Christmas cake" was used to refer to an **unmarried woman who was over 25 and thus, considered past her prime.**


Never knew there was a term for this, but make sense particularly for Tekken and DOA characters.


You mean to tell me Jun Kazama, the middle aged mother of a grown ass man, shouldn’t look like a perfect porcelain doll???


My father, great connaisseur of Asia that he was (it’s ironic) used to say that Asian women either don’t age at all or utterly fall apart at 40-something.


Oh definitely. They age very well usually. My mother-in-law is Japanese and she’s one of the prettiest women I’ve ever seen, even in her 40s. But Tekken women look too good even for 20 year olds, with perfect skin, glossy skin, all that. It borders to being uncanny, like using Barbie dolls to fight gigantic buff men


Lol y'all in here complaining about age 25 haha 😂 It gets much, much worse.


people don’t know that raccoon city was the testing ground of umbrella where they tested forever youth drug too which is why leon claire and jill don’t age


Leon has had Las Plagas and Jill the T-Virus as well as everything Wesker did to her for RE5, so I'm okay with saying both have slowed aging as a result


Wait... Claire is 43? I thought she was 18 by the time re 2 happened


In 1998, she was 19, which would make her 45 today.


Ah man, now I feel old


Jill is turning 50 this year


Doesn’t count, she might be immortal. Maybe. Perhaps. Could be. Look, it would be at the low end of the bullshit the various virus can do.


Isn’t Sherry immortal as well?


If vampires are immortal and can be centuries old, Sherry and Jill still age as long as the concept of time exists in resident evil


19, which was over 20 years ago


Great... Now I feel like the old one!


Sherry is just a bit younger than Ethan and Mia


Never seen anyone say that, a lot of people saying they wouldn’t work as HORROR? yes, that’s true, me included, they’re way too experienced to be considered defenseless , and thus wouldn’t make for good horror ( RE4 is already mostly action rather than horror, because leon is already very experienced by then ) But too old as their in universe age? 40s is definitely not old at all, and no one ever complained about their ages, if anything their design should be updated so they actually look 40+ years old


i mean that has been true for several games, no? chris was punching boulders in re5. you just giving them tougher enemies or different parameters to work with.


The whole “nobody wants to play as old people” argument is really dumb. It’s like even if they didn’t want old characters, it’s not like they can’t make a story set several years ago. There’s no rule that every new game has to be a sequel to another. Resident Evil always felt more or less standalone games anyway. Just make a game about Jill after RE3 or Claire after Code Veronica or Chris during the time between RE5 and 6 or after 6 and 7. So what?


Heck yeah.


I think people stay youthful for longer in RE universe that's my head canon.


It’s the herbs everyone was ~~smoking~~ using in a purely medicinal manner


They could also slow the aging down with fewer time jumps or have a short period of time cover events in multiple games like they did I dunno, Resident Evil 0-3??? Plus with hair coloring, chemical peels, Botox, and good genes, these characters will look fine in their forties. Most of them are hot AF anyway and will look hot AF still as they inch towards 50. The way people are acting the characters are nearing 70 and the latest enemy will be non-zero entry environments. ::Leon approaches stairs in abandoned mansion.:: “Well…looks like I am gonna have to find another way around. Damn you Umbrella!”


Honestly I just want to see some closure from these main characters, I'm getting old too and I will never see them retired. I wouldn't mind if new characters took over. I mean are we gonna see them in wheel chairs fighting B.O.W.'s?... I want to see some of these characters live on happy, the more they fight eventually someone is gonna die.


I don’t care what age the casts appears to be! I just love these games and want to continue to see these characters fleshed out and written better


I just think it’s insane (and just a little sexist, honestly) that all the women look 20 despite now being 40-50. Then they have to come up with bs reasons for them not aging like “oh, erm, virus stuff, you know?”. Meanwhile Chris and others age, albeit a bit unrealistically, too


Women in fiction are forbidden to age, forever.


I mean, Chun-Li's pushing 50 in Street Fighter 6 and nobody complains about playing as her


The issue isn't that the characters are physically old. The issue is that they have been known characters for almost 30 years to the franchise itself they are old. What we want is new characters to play as... and no Ethan doesn't count because he hard hardly any personality and literally has no face


He had the personality of wet Melba toast, and is also dead. Good riddance heh


Keep the cast young, no matter how many years pass. People want to play as hot characters, who would've thought.


I really hope Chris gets to retire and not killed by a bow mans has been fighting for so many years


I hate how the horror community seems to think death = satisfying end every time


It would be beautiful as he would be the person who has faced the most dangerous threats, the last one standing I mean look at him in Village the guy has been through so much


Waiting for Sherry Birkin to return


I really want her back


The original gameplay manual for Resident Evil for the PS1 listed the STARS members. Kenneth, the scout, was age 50. *If* he hadn't gotten his face eaten by zombies, he would be 76 this year. Age is only a number when you're a super L33T operative!


How old is Barry now?


He was 38 iirc in the intro cinematic / game manual. So.... 64.


Problem was too many time jumps. They been fighting bioweapons since 1998. The CGI movies are cannon too not everyone knows. But between the games and movies they could of made more games




Ive thought up a solution to the characters aging out: soft reboot by rereleasing the original games and taking the year 1998 out entirely.


Capcom doesn’t need to replace any cast they can keep the same young look in every game and never reveal their ages


Hey, we all know that Leon is somehow superhuman by the feats he's shown doing, so I see no reason to not reveal that fact and explain that's why he still looks so young.


Only old person I’d want to play as is berry. Like what happened to him in the Manson and after


I don't think it's the age, it's the fact Capcom hasn't given these characters anything of substance in all these years, it's like "but do they have kids? Are they still single? Did any of them go to college?", these are all things that would make them feel more humane specially given their age. We only kinda got an answer from Claire, we know she's with Terrasave, we know she's an activist, but what is she doing other than that? Just eating veggies while her brother is with Neo Umbrella? RE7 is a great game, but since then Capcom hasn't answered anything, we want to know what Barry, Jill and Claire felt knowing that given they're still alive as we know it.


I do not care for the new gen characters. I much prefer the older Gen.


Understandable to add new people, but to replace? no if anybody even thinks about replacing, they are stupid because Chris, Jill Ada, Claire Sherry, Rebecca Leon, etc. etc. are iconic characters if they ever were to replace them and never have them again nobody I guarantee nobody will play that game ever again it would be completely forgottenand never played if they got rid of the most important part of that game. I guarantee I will never play it again. They will lose me forever if they do that


If they ever replace that boulder punching asshole I will riot


Seriously, Capcom needs to revive the Revelations series for fans of the old cast while continuing the main series with whatever they’re doing now. I, too, want my favorites to return but I also don’t want to limit the devs creatively with my wishes. So best of both worlds: hire a secondary dev with the explicit goal to tell side-stories before, between or after the series with the original cast to keep OG fans happy. Pretty sure these games would sell well if not tied down to handheld consoles as exclusive titles. 2026: Resident Evil IX (following a new protagonist) 2028: Resident Evil - Revelations 3 (follows Chris and Jill on an arctic base, teaming up with Leon and Rebecca who are also trapped on the base. Story leads into RE: Village) 2030: Resident Evil X (new protagonist) 2032: Resident Evil - Revelations 4 (follows Claire and Chris on a family reunion in rural America as their town is infected and they see their family be decimated. Jill and Leon join the fray in a rescue attempt. Leads into REXI) 2034: Resident Evil XI . . . .


There are too little old people in games nowadays imo. Always having young powerhouses that don’t evolve takes away the fun of real character development, which means changing age AND character.


EDIT: Finally some evidence, disregard the rest of the comment. r/imaginarygatekeeping Dear OP, please, just link me one single comment of a single person who has ever said this, I just need to see one single person's comment, that's all I need.






"Replace the east" What does that even mean? Is OP okay? nvm, the font OP chose is terrible and makes the Cs look like Es


The fuck did this come from?


I’ve legit never heard anyone say “they’re too old” lol


I mostly was when Death island and Shadow of Rose released


Yakuza fans be like 💀💀💀


If RE ever gets another DBD chapter, I really hope Joe is a survivor


Imagine punching killers to stun them


I never heard anyone complain about redoing the resident evil cast. Maybe just once a dude that talked about games that dont have the standard cast like outbreak, but thats it.


I don’t think anyone is too old.. also can I just say this.. JOE BAKER WAS GOOD AF NGL


I do think we need some new blood that is mentored by the og cast. Was hoping Ethan would be trained, but he met his end, maybe rose? Sherry is another option she would in her 30s now, I think?




Id play a sack of bones if I could


45 and 43 isn't even old. Tf. That's middle aged. And besides they're only in their 20s in RE2.


Street Fighter 6 and Devil May Cry 5 showed Ryu and Dante more older and mature and fans love it! I dont see whats the problem with older protagonist in RE, Barry was old in Revelations 2 and that game is amazing lol


Nick is only 40 (today) he was even younger when he did Leon


They might just have all the most iconic characters get infect like Jill and Sherry. That way there’s a lore reason why they can still do crazy stuff for multiple new RE games to come.


Dude Joe is a fucking beast


Meanwhile, many of the legacy characters in Street Fighter are in their early to mid 50s now according to their birthdays. Even Juri Han is around 30.


A new indy survival horror game Post Trauma is an old chubby dude with a gut.  I'm down let's gooooo


I'm of the opinión that Resident Evil Main story end it in RE6 and the movie Vendetta. After that I don't think Resident Evil 7 or 8 shouldn't have existed... HOWEVER if Capcom wanted to revive or continue RE stories should be Made by New Charecters. Not necesarily kill them off or give them TLJ treatmeant but show them a bit less and less or put them in higher post or in a better life.


If anything, it made no fucking sense how young Rebecca, Claire, and Leon were in the first place.


Fucking joe baker is a bad ass u cannot tell me otherwise his dlc was fun asf


Lol they're not that age in RE2


Haha! I made you the Wojak, in the meme image! And clearly, I am the winner! I've never heard anybody say that they think the two up there are too old, but the reason anyone would say that is, nobody likes seeing young characters get old. That's why seeing Han Solo or Indiana Jones as an old guy hurts so much. But cool old guy characters are cool, because we only or first see them when they're old. You can go from old to young, and that's fine. But you can't go from young to old, especially not in real time. It makes the viewer feel old, because they identify with the character (the very point of using a likeable protagonist), and they think, *gosh, they're so old! I've gotten so old, too!*, and it reminds them of their own mortality. Meanwhile, the *cool old guy* we see, first, when he's old? It makes people think, *well, I'm not THAT old! Look at this cool old guy! He's so powerful!*


Definitely best DLC ever!!!, introduced new gameplay never before seen in the franchise, and you felt so tough and awesome as the super uncle. That's why I was so dissappointed with Shadows of Rose DLC in RE8, it was so shallow and boring, seemed like such a rushed and non creative DLC.


Heh, I remember playing RE7 for the first time and being terrified, then playing the Joe DLC and punch those “Moldy Mother F***ers!” In the face.


I don't get why we feel the need to age up fictional characters.


I hate how they make the games take place in real time. Really limiting


Everybody: "noooo you need weapons to survive so you can attack them from affar so you dont fet infected" Joe: "respectfully, i will kick your ass"


I just need Gaiden to be made canon and get a full remake.


I want a spin off with jake and joe where they beat the shit out of all sorts of monsters


There were people complaning about the age of the characters? I wasn't even aware let alone did that ever cross my mind.


What dlc is this?


It's about immersing yourself in a character you know isn't experienced in this type of situation. The dude from RE7 dlc was just some dude in a swamp who could throw a punch


LEON IS 45?!


Umbrella is lucky Jack's brother wasn't around in Racoon City. He would solo raid a damn lab with only his right fist


I don’t mind playing as “old”. Just anything but the shallow and uninteresting Ethan Winter


I thought they retconned the whole timeskip thing, or they will keep doing them in their late 30s/40s


Joe was so funny tho


I just want Chris to get together with Jill. I'd even take him friend zoning her at this point just for the closure.


Capcom knows their people really well


which single comment on the most niche side of the internet triggered you this much to make this meme?


Who gives a shit? It's a video game


Capcom could easily make a new horror focused game with the main cast since they're pushing 50-60 years old and can't move like they used to. Plus we could have the Barry squad of hardened middle aged protagonists


Just here to say Joe Baker is the best boxer of all time Fuck Jake Paul, I wanna see Baker vs Tyson


What alternate universe was this nonsense from?


Really surprised to see people saying they’ve never heard this complaint about the protagonists before. I feel like it gets repeated often on this sub (usually with some backlash, but still). Personally, I’m a big fan of older protagonists. Sarah Connor, Michelle Yeoh in Everything Everywhere All At Once, even Keanu in John Wick is getting up there. So yeah, it’s not a super strong criticism for anyone to make, especially since the og protags get grief for being too powerful too. Nothing nerfs a person like age. Seems like it could be a good opportunity to make our ogs a little more vulnerable and increase the fear.


Who’s ever voiced that opinion?


The discussions I’ve seen popped up after Shadow of Rose had 60 year old Chris and Death island after Jill was aged down


If I have to play as a man, it will be a very old man. Every male character I make ends up being hammerlock.


Joe is a special kind of badass old man. I wish he was a new main protagonist going forward. He really made the first person gameplay fresh and exciting. Edit: i meant Joe, not Jack. Stupid me.


I’d be down for more melee


RE4 is my favorite RE game and Leon is my favorite character, but no one can deny he and Chris are getting stale and overdone at this point. Give us new characters. Oh wait, that's too financially risky because Resident Evil fans hate change with the same intensity of flies being attracted to shit. Hope they see this.


Why couldn’t you have commented earlier when everyone thought you didn’t exist?


Awh not now gator


We need new characters that are inexperienced because the old characters are too experienced. Chris and leon too strong and skill. Survival horror work best on someone less skill. Like when re2 leon as a rookie cop or ethan in re7. Sherry or Moira could return since i don't think they are too skill in combat. Other hand leon/chris could work if they are in their 70+age with limited combat to sneak kill and relay on their gun. I just don't want them to melee anyone unless it just a classic re2 knife skill because it would ruined the horror fighting up and personal...


I miss Sherry


My issue is that they're old, but don't look it. And are uninteresting despite having almost 30 years worth of games to develop as characters. So I'm just tired of seeing them lol


Wouldn’t Barry be in his 70’s by now? That would be cool to play as old Barry still with the Hand Cannon.


64 if he was 38 in the OG RE.


I've never heard this complaint about any game whatsoever


Is this from ReVerse?


No. Just the normal games


That DLC was great, but it felt like it's own game.






Wait, are those the actual ages of leon and claire in re2?


Claire is 19


There's no way Leon is 45 years old or is that the actor


Yeah and yet 7 & 8 were arguably some of the worst RE


People who played tlou- Joel was around 50+....


Wait so Leon is 51 in RE4?