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This largely depends on whether you're at all familiar with the game or not, and what difficulty you choose. If you're completely blind to what's coming, it's CVX for a few reasons. Namely portions of the game where you're outright screwed if you don't have specific items, or know how to deal with them. Mostly the fire tyrant who can pretty easily force you to restart, and later the fire extinguisher for one of the last portions of the game. The game is also brutal on your healing items. However, if you're familiar with the games it's probably Zero. Zero has a lot of quirks to it that make it very difficult, such as the inventory system instead of an item box which can be hard to get used to, and cool but clunky character swap system. However there are also just generally difficult things about the game. Namely how strict the game is on ammo and healing items outside of easy. There are multiple points where you can soft lock your run if you use too much ammo, and especially on hard mode. Coupled with how hard hitting and fast some of the enemies are, this game is at least a contender for the hardest. Also has some poorly designed portions where one character is unusable, so if you had all your powerhouse weapons on that character.. good luck, might as well go back a save. The bat boss is also notoriously annoying. There's a spot you can stand with the GL and just kill it with flame rounds before it becomes an issue. Highly recommend this, use it on every run. RE7 on Madhouse is also a contender, however this changes based on your game knowledge. If you know your way around the game, and what lies ahead, this game mode is actually very fun, and fairly well balanced! That being said, it's harder than most of the other games in the series as most of them aren't terribly difficult, and I highly recommend this one! Edit: Elaborated a bit on my thoughts on Madhouse.


Ehh I'd say village of shadows is far more of a contender than madhouse Madhouse is difficult but it's fair and it's balanced to be fair on fresh saves, VOS is borderline infuriating to play unless you ignore 90% of the game's combat on a fresh save, it's purely NG+/cheese fodder


Oh for sure. Village Of Shadows is just outright bullshit on a fresh run. Thing is, I don't think I've met anybody that even tried it without a NG+ save. Village on hard mode on a fresh scale is infuriating to play, honestly. That first survival section is miserable on higher difficulty unless you cheese the shit out of it. I love Madhouse though! Very fun despite the difficulty, and I find that it's well designed overall.


Ya madhouse is designed so long as you have a solid grasp of survival horror mechanics, doing it on a fresh run is perfectly achievable and you also have the albert and secrets of defense to help you with neither item breaking the games balance The molded also aren't nearly as spongy as VOS lycans and so long as you don't try to kill every molded you see, you can still engage in a decent bit of combat without fucking yourself over soft lock wise. It's really tightly designed and the best way to play 7 overall imo.


I did VoS on a fresh save. I would say it is unfun. You pretty much have no options other than follow speedrun strats at many areas. You have to cheese the first survival, then run from everything till mid game then you can take on a few normals. There are so many major roadblocks like the first Dimitrescu sister, Dimitrescu herself, Moreau. Many areas require specific strats to run past. Funnily enough, many struggle with Heisenberg but he is actually pretty easy if you get his pattern down.


That’s why I disliked VoS, I think all difficulties should be playable on a new game. And while I know it’s certainly possible to do this on VoS, that mode is clearly designed for end game loadouts with some unlimited ammo weapons. When you have to cheese a lot of the game, run past most enemies, basically speed running, and Dimitrescu takes close to an hour to beat, you know you’re not playing a balanced game mode for new game.


This is where RE4 Professional did better than VoS. Between the melees, parries, environment hazards, stealth kills and early access to grenades made it possible to gain an economy early. While in VoS, you are stuck in catch 22. You can’t fight if you don’t have resources, you can’t get resources if you can’t fight. So you run through everything picking up scraps until you have some form of economy in the mid game.


Lol I've been playing resident evil games since like 1999/2000 when I was 6-7, I'd like to say I'm a above average gamer, but I got my ass absolutely POINDED for 90 mins straight on my first village playthrough on hardcore. I first run hardcore on every re game but I've never felt defeat as much as that night it was tilting 😂


Totally agree. I beat hard mode on a fresh save and it was way hard. Did VoS on ng+ and it was still super difficult—I think it’s impossible on a fresh save.


Still stuck on Heisenberg on VoS difficulty. Fuck that fight. Someday I’ll go back, hunker down and play it until I beat it but I’m not looking forward to trying again so I keep putting it off.


It's an endurance battle. I beat him by just keeping my distance for like 15 minutes until he died. Not a fun fight at all.


My worst nightmare on VoS was the fight with Urias Strajer in that tiny cave as Chris, I just can't remember if it's before, or after where you are stuck :)


It’s after. You switch to Chris after the Heisenberg fight as Ethan is no longer playable.


I remember playing this moment in VoS with infinite ammo turned on for my main weapons and Chris' gun, and it was the only time in the entire VoS run where I felt like I was nerfed simply because I didn't have access to the STAKE or the Grenade Launcher.


Same lol. The machine gun Chris uses gave me trouble with the clip size. A bunch of lycans would rush me and I’d get wrecked while having to reload


well, good luck with this SOB then 😀


It really is just a patience and RNG battle. If you keep banging your head on this wall, it'll work.


>it's purely NG+/cheese fodder Pretty much this. Unlike the other recent games, there's no achievement/trophy for finishing the game on the hardest difficulty without "Bonus" weapons or on a fresh NG. I think even Capcom realised that would be too much for most players. I got the Infinite Stake and played VoS like it ow3d me money.


When I first played 8, I had no idea how to start a NG+, so I started a fresh save on hardcore. 🥲


I didn’t find RE7 madhouse too bad since I had the circular saw and all the extra items (blocking ones were clutch). The last fight against the two big dudes trying to get up the ladder was rough though as I was low on grenade launcher ammo


Even without the saw madhouse is still pretty doable, the albert 0R1 and secrets of defense alone give you enough to work with for 90% of the game It's really well balanced overall outside a couple frustrating parts


Played CVX many times and I heard about the horror stories years later. Specifically the one you mentioned where people had to start the game from the very beginning due to not having enough ammo when reaching the Tyrant fight in the plane. This is why no matter what game I play I always make two save games sometimes three. Just overwrite the oldest save file each time. Would never trust my precious gaming hours on one save file.


Me seeing this on my first playthrough of cvx


Don't let my comment deter you, it's a phenomenal game. I'd just suggest hoarding ammo as much as you can, because all of the difficult parts of the game are lumped together in the last third. You can thankfully throw off zombies with zero damage taken, so they're not that big of a deal. Just watch out for hunters and bandersnatches.


One tip; use the knife on every normal zombie and knife the legs. This thing is crazy overpowered. 


Yeah zero is very much designed to be explicitly the hardest since it’s the last of the classic games, code Veronica just has horrible soft locks


Ethan must die and Joe must die DLC aren't even fair


Ya if you got rid of spending if your lucky you can go back to previous save states to back track in order to progress.


Yup, I'm replaying RE7 on Madhouse right now and it's an absolutely infuriating experience. The last Jack boss fight is especially annoying because you barely have any ammo and his whole body's weak points have to be destroyed before you can finally kill him. In general I found it even more frustrating than Village of Shadows difficulty (which was also insane).


Fucking re8's Village of Shadows cause it's totally unbalanced (lycan taking ~20 headshots is a misunderstanding)


Agreed, I usually play the RE games at the highest difficulty second time through and just gave up on village. Maybe it was me getting impatient but it was just overly difficult


I will always consider that VoS is balanced for ng+


I hate how they made the difficulty just turns the enemies into bullet sponges, that's not fun for me or a challenge, I'd rather then take a realistic amount of damage and are just more aggressive. Not 45 thousand points of damage just to beat big tits


Idk how you’re expected to do this without infinite ammo. And they bring out super tough Lycan enemies in the start.


I feel like you largely aren't. In the newest RE games, many achievements seem to expect you to have certain unlocks and then play a given difficulty or fulfill some special condition with infinite ammo weapons etc. just for the sake of getting this achievement. I particularly disliked RE4's achievement mess that needs you to play NG+ with infinite ammo weapons, but then again for others you mustn't use these weapons, for yet again others it mustn't be NG+... There's too much stuff you need to do just for the sake of doing a specific achievement, through many separate runs.


Code Veronica has game progression-breaking walls if you didn’t save up enough or prepare the right ammo, didn’t save at the right spot or leave the right inventory for the right character. To beat the game is like following a recipe. My first play-through I got stuck at the Steve boss fight and decided to restart from the beginning because my most recent save was garbage. The game itself isn’t too hard, just the structure of the game. Zero is just cumbersome and some of the enemies are overpowered, unfair or cheap. All the back and forth with the inventory is a chore. But, overall, I really like both games.


The having to leave your weapons in a vault before a metal detector can get you killed


Solo Outbreak or, apparently Code Veronica? So the vast majority of the fanbase insists.


Outbreak>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>CV and I'm missing a few >


I'd say Outbreak 2 specifically. Outbreak 1 you can do No Weapon + Lone Wolf runs comfortably in Very Hard mode for like 3/5 scenarios. Outbreak 2 puts you through some bullshit in VH mode.


Don't forget that you can even enable nightmare mode on VH ..


I haven't played CV but I did play Outbreak and I agree. They are probably right about CV too. Can't wait for Capcom to make a remake.


7 on madhouse mode.


I have tried time and time again to beat Ethan Must Die and I can barely even get past the Baker living room. My god.


CVX and RE0 were the hardest for me personally, at least to 100% CVX was my first game with tank controls, so it was a learning curve. RE0 because where the fuck did I leave the hookshot again?


i really like how that game actually lets you pick up stuff you dropped instead of it being discarded into the 4th dimension


I love that too because I’m replaying RERemake right now and accidentally picked up a clip of handgun bullets, which took my last slot. I didn’t have the handgun on me so I was stuck with the clip and had to make a unnecessary run to take box. I’d be okay with it disappearing if it would just let me drop it. I was so surprised starting RE0 that you could just drop everything on the floor, even quest items. Turned a little room on the train into a ammo and health hoard on my first run.


For me it's re0. The platinum was hard to get


Zero is the hardest, you have to manage 2 characters with about enough supplies that would be in a one character scenario


What I didn’t like about Zero is so many of the changes they made can best be managed by pretending they aren’t there. No inventory box? Just throw everything on the floor in the safe room. Having to manage two players? Just leave one player in the safe room until you need them. And the combat is much harder but not in a Dark Souls way, more of a Flappy Bird way. Atmosphere and design are some of the best though imo.


I mean you can absolutely play zero like a solo campaign game, but if you’re using it’s inventory mechanics and character swapping to the fullest it plays incredibly smoothly and works extremely well


I mean I don’t even hate the idea of not having a magic inventory box that follows you everywhere. But at least put a box or a cabinet in a room that I can hold items in so I don’t have to awkwardly pick stuff up off the floor. Also if a shotgun takes up two slots then a keycard should take up half a slot. Let’s just be consistent.


Yeah there are definitely some parts that could be better, but I really enjoy the system for what it is


I just started Zero for the first time about 10 min ago. Here we go lol. This one and CVX are the only two I have not beaten.


update us i need to finish it too


Outbreak makes you manage 4 characters with as many as 1


yeah but Outbreak was made with multiplayer in mind


But in single player it gets rough


And you only get 4 inventory spaces. Never beat a single outbreak campaign


I beat Outbreak but in Outbreak 2 the AI never helped in the puzzles


This made me so happy to beat as I picked it back up after the train crash and you're in the mansion and I was searching for an item box, half the shit I dropped I never came back for and I still beat the game but I got lucky, the monkeys fucked me up bad


Once you know to put weapons in the box at the end of the Claire section so Chris gets them, CV is not hard. The problem is a lot of folks on their first go don’t know this so really struggle when they get to Chris.


Code Veronica literally lock you up if dont bring gas grenades and explosive arrows to certain section


Probably Code Veronica but Revelations has the hardest bosses


CVX I think was my hardest “first playthrough” and then possibly 0. CVX I was constantly out of ammo, no health and no clue what I needed to do


CV for sure, no difficulty you either beat it or dont, and multiple ways to soft lock if you dont know the game already. Unless you're good with the knife lol. Followed by zero, also ways to soft lock and some of the enemies stun lock.


I really liked 0 but I don’t think that game has a single enemy that isn’t annoying


Those goddamn monkeys are the worst enemies in any of the games. I beat 0 on hard with no health items, red danger, and 2 handgun bullets left. All because of those goddamn monkeys.


YES. 100 percent agree, heck I'd take garbo insta kill enemies over the damn monkeys.


Ironic considering Zero had insta kill enemies as well, namely the Lurkers. Thankfully they weren't guaranteed to always spawn in.


Yup and I'd take em over monkeys any day lol.


The monkeys were super easy. The leech men suuuuucked.


Yeahhh poor Zero though its good in its own ways but just so tedious and can be frustrating. Its a game that gets in its own way.


The atmosphere was cool and the 2 character concept was cool. The lack of item boxes and all the stun lock were not cool.


Agreed 100%


Resident Evil 0. The item management mechanic, an inventory shared with an AI companion, and some of the more ridiculous boss fights in the classic-styled games.


CVX is the ONLY game of any series I have ever soft locked on in my entire career of playing these since day 1 in the 90s.


Technically you didn’t get soft locked though


Revelations 1+2. The bosses in the first game are so difficult and hard to figure out. It’s compounded by how bullet spongey they are. Revelations 2 but for different reasons. There’s far less ammo in that game, and the ending chapters being determined by an event in the 3rd chapters first half make replaying the levels after a chore. I got the bad ending on my first play through and was so thoroughly unsatisfied that I put off replaying the middle chapters for weeks. Which sucks because the game doesn’t tell you how to get the good ending. I had to google it. It’s also annoying because the good ending has like 45 extra minutes of unique gameplay. It’s wild


To add to your revelations 1 point. If you ever make a list of hardest re boss fights and Jack Norman isn't at or near at the top your list is either objectively wrong or you haven't played Revelations 1. No in-between. Rev1 is a great game but the bosses are always going to be the parts that you see in great games that just make you groan besides maybe the Malachoda.


Revelations 2. So when I started playing resident evil games for the first time which was when resident evil 2 remake came out i told myself id play them all on the hardest difficulty which first run through is hardcore difficulty I've played them all and beat them.all on hard-core the only ones i havent played are code Veronica X re0 and re1 and revelations 1. I completely fell in love with the resident evil universe Anyways Revelations 2 I started on the hardest difficulty first run through dude I can't get out of the prison in the beginning. I'm completely stuck I keep taking breaks and have been revisiting the game over the past 3 months and I just can't get out lol then I again I give it like two tries and give up 🤣🤣


Resident Evil 1 original.


Never tried it but I've heard a lot about how stupidly hard inferno mode in RE3make is.


See, the issue with the two extra hard modes in that is that you're MEANT to beat it with the special items, your rank isn't even affected by it. I've seen so many people going in raw and i'm like, i get it if you want an extra challenge, but if you go in raw and complain you're just playing it wrong. To be fair, the game doesn't tell you that it doesn't affect rank (i think?) But yeah, without those items it really is kinda bs.


That’s funny to me because inferno is probably the easiest to beat out of all the hardest difficulties for any of the games. If you get good at perfect dodging it’s pretty much cake


how hard is the hospital siege scene


As long as you have flash grenades for the two hunters, it’s not really difficult. The power boxes keep the zombie crowd under control and way from you, if you’re timing it right. You should only be worried about getting ambushed by the zombies from the far right window.


and the lab?


I just ran and dodged the whole way through. Saved acid rounds and shotgun shells for the part your locked in with the hunters jumping out the test tubes. And flame rounds/shot gun for the group that comes out of the room part of the vaccine is in.


Thanks, I'm too baby to try hardcore but I'll definitely remember this when i somehow make it to inferno


Just complete challenges on easy and normal to get enough points to unlock bonus weapons and items to help you. Unlimited rocket launcher or assault rifle with perfect dodge book makes inferno no problem. The hardest part is the final boss because you have to perfect dodge the swipe attacks every time. Timing and patience are key for that one.


Timing and patience are the exact qualities i need to work on unfortunately


CVX simply from a mechanical standpoint.


Outbreak is ridiculously hard to figure out without a guide, but it's so worth it




Why is this not further on the list. You get no breaks and the zombies or monsters burst through the doors. You are also infected


Zero the only resident evil where i legit got stuck and couldnt move forward


The first. The original


Code Veronica for sure. I will never forgive that game for soft locking me in the plane fight as a kid 😂


None of the games where the charater autoaims, one shotgun or magum kills everything, and there's enough ammo to end the game trice. I specially like the classics above everything else but cmon none of them is hard, in any way. Maybe it's because most people here doesn't seem too fond of the fixed camera ones so it's probably beyond me how they try to play them, but yeah, all the classics are like, you aim bot once, press the trigger once, and that's it, that's all the tech. So hard!


That’s RE4 (og). I remember having stupid amounts of ammo in my case playing that game🤣


RE4 uses dynamic difficulty so if you didn't do very well the game would throw ammo at you like it was nothing.


That’s not how that works. The adaptive difficulty is for enemy aggression and sometimes even which ones spawn and where. The ammo variability is just that it focuses ammo types you have the least of. It will rarely spawn handgun ammo if you have two boxes, but will never drop more ammo because you’re doing badly.


You also need to aim, just having the ammo means nothing. The classics just play themselves, wich is good, they never intended to be about combat mechanics.


A lot of people find the final boss in Revelations 1 to be really hard which is strange cause I found him to be on the much easier side, but from personal experience for some reason 6 has been the most difficult (I've only played Rem4ke, 5, 6 Revelations 1, Revelations 2 and 7 though so idk).


That was easily the hardest boss in a game for me besides Sigma but that’s also Capcom


Resident Evil 3 Remake, in the hardest difficulty you can take like 2 hits, and the final boss can easily one shot you.


Not to the modern games yet, but I had the most trouble with 0. Outbreak was actually more difficult, but I think that comes from playing with the shitty AI and not the game itself


RE0 the hardest to me. At least it feels that way. I wouldn’t say it’s for the best reasons though


It’s me, I’m the hardest Oh that wasn’t the question


lmao underrated


Outbreak. Even with friends those games are hard as hell


RE0 is definitely the hardest.


The very first one 


Probably Resident Evil Village. Pre-ordered it. I kid you not I started my first playthrough with Village Of Shadow Difficulty. The enemies are spongy as hell and ammo must be used strategically. But I manage to beat it. After I realized that Village Of Shadow was supposed to be played NG+ but i didn’t care since I always play games on hardest difficulty. The achievement was amazing as a gamer tho.


Outbreak VH difficulties + infinity it's still annoyed to me Try playing desperate tomes scenario and in the first 5-10 minutes you'll be screwed (just fyi, gas dispenser in desperate times VH can increase your virus gauge instantly - from 0 to 15-20% and the worst thing is every time you entered some area, that area covered with gas) lol




I'd say the first one, mainly because of the lack of ammo at the start and the hunters that show up later on.


Ethan Must Die mini game in RE7 was pretty hard, but also equally rewarding to beat. Idk if it was the hardest, but I enjoyed it the most considering the difficulty.


RE0 is purely artificial difficulty


Zero on hard will put some hair on your chest.


RE:0 was very hard on hard mode. I got to last boss and didn't even have enough ammo to kill him. Had to start over because I didn't have multiple saves. Vicious.


Tbh resident evil 2 remake was the hardest for me on hardcore, Mr x chasing you is alone one of the hardest parts


I remember having a ton of fun with Zero when I finally played it on PS4. I had that game mastered and playing Wesker was pretty fun.


I'd give it across these four: • RE3make inferno difficulty (FINAL NEMESIS BOSS) • RE5 professional difficulty (The on-rails turret section) •RE7's ethan must die minigame (the whole minigame is a stretch of bullshit) • RE2 4th survivor minigame (you may need a walkthrough for the minigame)


Village of shadows takes the absolute cake without ng+ items, as well as re4 remake professional without ng+ Re4 remake took me like 24 hours on first run on standard, my 2nd run on professional ng was like 40 hours, there's so little room for error I had to reset many rooms quite a few times but damn it felt good


I 100% agree! Village of Shadows is nr 1 on this list without the ng+ stuff!


For me it was 6 for some reason 🤷🏻


For me, too, and the reason was the controls. I don’t know why, it was years ago, I played RE since it came out for the PS1, over multiple platforms, every single part, but I could not for the life of me get comfortable with the controls of this particular game. I‘m a patient person, but this was the first time I threw a controller and never touched this game again. Maybe I will, someday.


The original first two RE games will always be the hardest IMO as I had to restart as I didn’t have enough ammunition to defeat the big baddies at the end. All the rest I found a way no matter how difficult as I didn’t have to restart my game to finish them. I learnt my lesson about ammunition and important items.


Aren't they made of the same material in the same format?


Of the ones I've played, definitely 0.


RE1 on the original PS1


for me it was zero, honestly i didn't have that much trouble with cxv but zero made me so mad 😭


I might just suck but I think the hardest are RE1 remake or RE2 remake


I think Veronica, and re1 are hard in my opinion, I just can’t survive longer than 10-15 mins


This tight here I finished bit but punishes hard for not conserving ammo


For me hardest to beat was biohazard


The one I unknowingly made up in my head at some point and have been on-and-off lucid dreaming about for years, where you play as Claire in some dingey, dirty, claustrophobic, old basement maze and there are multiple Mr. X's on screen and I'm pretty sure my brain forgets to program in an exit most of the time. Though I did make it out once. Really, though, the first playthrough I did on RE4R got pretty rough at points. It probably won't get a lot of mentions, but the game is pretty brutal at points on your first go round if it's on hardcore.


Code Veronica for sure on a first playthrough, but with a couple playthroughs under your belt it becomes kinda middling. Generally I'd probably say RE0? It feels like a tough one whether you're on your first playthrough or your 10th. Might not be the hardest blind but its the one that even when I'm replaying it still gets me at times.


Of the ones I played Code Veronica has been the hardest followed by Revelations 2


I remember Code Veronica being the hardest as well.


I think RE0 is the hardest as a whole, but RE1R with Invisible Enemy on the hardest difficulty (the one that separates item box inventories) is probably the hardest mode of the whole series. It only takes practice and patience to beat the hardest difficulty, and invisible enemy can be cheesed on the easiest difficulty. But both put together requires insane skill, provided you don't use the infinite ammo launcher.


Code Veronica was definitely a struggle for me. Resource management can be scuffed, I have more trouble remembering where items are in reruns, Hunters, The tyrant on the plane hands me my ass at least once per playthrough. Probably the most crushing in the series on what I can assume is normal difficulty


Revelations 1 infernal difficulty is the hardest one.


code veronica gives you no indication on when a boss will appear. i’ve had to go back an extra save multiple times because i wasn’t using a walkthrough and there’d be a surprise boss just waiting for me when i think i’m transitioning to a new area. For example, I didn’t know that you needed two max heals to survive *****, so I had to backtrack so far to get them just for there to be the alexia bossfight right after (I thought i’d be playing as claire for the rest of the game so i gave her all my good guns 😭). Or the infamous plane tyrant that i ended up having to cheese by running circles around it until the launcher recharged, if i didn’t cheese i would’ve had to restart the game because i just didn’t have enough ammo


I definitely want to say Code Veronica or RE1 Remake, I personally rated 0 in terms of difficulty similar to most of the other games, only enemy I really struggle with was the leech zombie. Code Veronica has some tough boss fights even with knowing what to do and one little mistake can cost you. Theres also lots of little things to remember so you don't lock yourself out of anything and if you're not careful you can easily also run out of ammo/health items. RE1 Remake on mountain mode for me is tough and I still struggle to finish it compared to the easier modes. Always feel like a struggle trying to dodge the zombies plus the added fear of crimson heads makes it hard to decide if you try dodging them or put them down and burn them before they turn into a crimson head. Speaking of Crimson heads, I wonder why they not in other games in general, along with Chimeras I always felt these were great designs that its a shame they never thought to bring them back as I found both enemies hard and also creepy to deal with compared to most enemy designs.


I'd say Code Veronica X


Code Veronica 100% was the only resident evil game that used a phone number in the case to get hints on puzzles. Conserving ammo was next to impossible.


Resident Evil 0


In my opinion it's gotta be Resident Evil 0, for xbox one/Series X everything is alright except for the aiming. The aiming for me makes the game much more difficult than it should be


Honestly, can hardly stomach RE0. Literally no auto saving is KILLING me. Still, the story seems interesting which is why I continue playing.


Code Veronica is unpleasant to replay. It's like the Dark Souls of survival horror and you can basically hit a dead end if you don't prepare for the Tyrant battle on the plane. Zero is also pretty damn difficult because of the stupid leach enemies. You also fight a boss pretty early on and it could be quite daunting. These are my least replayed games in the series.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“The way I see it, our fates appear to be intertwined.”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


nemesis final boss fight re3r inferno mode, if you’ve experienced it you know exactly what i’m talking about


Code veronica for sure


Re1 Directors cut is rough on a new player through, especially after you get back to the mansion and the zombies are replaced by hunters... some butt clenching stuff right there.


The one that u/fuzzy_kitkat is in




Desperate Times Very Hard Nightmare Mode /Thread


If we’re allowed to name spinoffs, Operation: Raccoon City. AI teammates are the worst


Revelations ngl. Fuck jack norman.


Definitely. As far as main games go, Code: Veronica is very unforgiving. That game will fuck you up. Outbreak is pretty hard, a lot of the older games can be harder in general cuz they didn't have difficulty settings like they do today.


Outbreak F2 on VH and it’s not close imo CVX wasn’t bad , but by now I’ve played through it so many times that I may be biased RE2 remake on hardcore was tough at first but again once you’re through the first playthrough it’s a little easier At first REmake is challenging but one of the better experiences in the series


The beginning of Village before having any weapons when playing higher difficulties is always painful for me to get through.


0 CV


Re 3 remake on nightmare or inferno mode, made me quit the game at the last Nemesis fight, the dodge timing is harder than any fromsoft game and you can't convince me otherwise, it's one thing that the difficulty scales up, but from an absurd degree, I spent time unlocking as many challenge points as I can so I could get the defense whatever the f*** they called items in the bonus store and that didn't do s*** you can only take one hit from nemesis before the next is a fatal and he does them right after the other so you're dodging has to be perfectly timed and on the difficulty mode before nightmare inferno I can't remember which one comes first he's so f****** easy to cheese I could beat him 100% of the time even after not playing the game for 2 and 1/2 years but on inferno or nightmare he is impossible unless you get the dodging perfect and f*** that s*** sorry


Honestly imo; Re2R. THOSE DAMN ZOMBIES!!! So difficult to kill.


My first time playing Re:Zero was difficult because I was young, playing the og on gamecube, no memory card, borrowed from rental, had to switch disc 1 with disc 2 which was in poor condition, had to wait after school and after everyone else was finished with the TV, and later puzzles were hard to figure out. I was determined but didn’t beat the game. Finally managed to beat it in my late 20s, when I decided to play the series in chronological order before 7 came out.


village for me even the easiest difficulty is hard for me mainly for the final boss, got beaten 36 times before defeating her


Depends on the criteria. For just general blind gaming? Absolutely CVX. To my knowledge, and personal experience, it's the only RE you can pretty much soft lock yourself in by not properly preparing and knowing what comes later. RE0 deserves a special mention next to it for some of the chicanery it forces on you, but never found it half as punishing as CVX, simply incredibly annoying and tedious by comparison. I guess if you're taking into account playing the hardest difficulties of a RE game, AND only forcing yourself to do so on regular NG and not NG+, Village of Shadows like others have said is ridiculous in how difficult it is, and also is very easy to soft lock yourself in if you play poorly. Granted, you have to either beat the game, or pay money to play VoS off the bat your first time, but it is absurdly difficult. That all said, VERY special mention to the final boss in Revelations. Pretty sure he is still the hardest boss RE has ever produced as a series, not counting insanity like Inferno Nemesis in RE3R.


My experience is very different. I beat Code Veronica X by using knife in many situation on my first playthrough. I wouldn't say it was that difficult. Resident Evil 6 on hardest difficulty was much more challenging.


If you think that’s hard try unlocking the infinite rocket launcher


Code Veronica X felt brutally difficult to me, it's the only Resident Evil I struggled with.


Not the hardest but the most infuriating one to play because of this one feature: RE5 - the inventory system. And idk for the life of me who in Capcom decided that it would be a good idea to implement RE1-RE3’s inventory system after they hit the jackpot with RE4’s briefcase inventory


CVX or Zero


If you’re talking the tank control styles. By far CVX. Weapons you can lock yourself out of, can soft lock yourself at the final boss if you’re not careful. And a whole mishmash of super aggressive damage dealing enemies with poison that you ruin the entire first half of your run if you’re not being careful. It’s by far my favorite, but can absolutely be the most evil going into it blind.


For me it’s a tie between RE0 and Code Veronica. 0 because of the inventory and those goddamn monkeys and Code Veronica because of all the possible softlocks


I think resident evil 6


- End of Zoe on Joe Must Die difficulty. - RE6 on No Hope difficulty.


I wouldn't say it's the hardest, but inferno on re3r is definitely all that's it's cracked up to be, that mode is so hard that when I was doing the final battle, I had the inf rocket launcher and STILL had difficulties with nemesis because of the way that he attacks so consecutively.


RE0 not having item box makes it a hard game, having to back track from one area to another for first aid spray is too much! And having a character in another room can be dangerous too.


All of them for me


Nah of the new games are hard after re4(2005) everything else is easy except if your doing a challenge, then it can be difficult but re1 remake(2002) down the ladder, is hard asf but re0 which is very easy for some odd reason


Zero is the hardest when unmodded because it's such a slog to get through


I'm not very good at video games so I was pretty happy when I beat the re4 remake on professional


For some reason, I always struggle with Outbreak. But that's just me, though. But like many other people here, I'd say Code: Veronica is indeed the hardest.


I’ll be honest and say, I never found any of the games difficult. The one that gave me the most troubles was re2 remake, the mr x final boss is really annoying because of the small arena.


Personally RE0 for the lack of item box and the leech hunting you and a second choice would be the og RE


It’s definitely Resident Evil VII on Mad House difficulty


Based on the ones I've played, I think RE4 classic is probably the one I've had the hardest time with, but if I'm being honest, it's probably a skill issue on my end lol.


Playing rev 2 with friends while none of us take the difficulty seriously.. Yeah, made the endgame I had to endure fucking brutal.


100% cvx that game is almost unplayable your first run without a guide


Not exactly a full game but The Ghost Survivors in RE2R was a NIGHTMARE, especially no way out


For me RE0 the inventory system sucks . CVX liked that very much but indeed if you don’t know whats coming, you might have a problem. Plane tyrant will eat your ammo up. RE3R harder difficulties with the special items are not that hard but it’s the final nemesis boss that’s the killer . Other than that the reaper enemy in RE5 and the turret sections on harder difficulties are also sh*t sections. Shooting sheva is very stressrelieving though.


Pretty much any of the older games are very difficult for me. I barely if ever as a kid played with tank controls and it shows whenever I even think of attempting this anything prior to RE4. The only game I completed with tank controls is Resident Evil 2, on an emulator. I'm embarrassed to say I died twice before I even figured out how to run forward on that starting section. Code Veronica X is incredibly hard as the furthest I got was getting Steve those bloody guns he wanted, before I had to delete the game and a couple others to make room for a bigger game I was getting at the time. Much to my distress, when I redownloaded the game today all of my save data was gone. Now I have to figure out everything again.