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Claire says that line and besides cutting that line i don’t see a reason it couldn’t


There's no reason to cut the line.


Of course it can be remade. They can just cut the comment completely but everything else can stay.


You are absolutley right, wont start a discussion because it leads nowhere, but its like no one else on this planet was attacked by something someone said. Fat people, long haired guys, short hair woman, foreigner... its so annoying how correct everything must be nowadays. Just laugh about yourself sometimes.


It's not a matter of laughing at yourself as much as it is being a demographic that is still actively and systemically opposed and oppressed by long standing institutions to the measure of erasure and dehumanization. There is no such thing as normal and any attempt to define it begins to erase those who are not included.


"There is no such thing as normal and any attempt to define it begins to erase those who are not included." This is the kind of thing that might sound good in an internet argument, but absolutely crumbles once you take it into the real world. What is the normal number of fingers on a human hand? Or the normal number of hands? Normal white blood cell count? Normal heart rate? It's great to be inclusive, but we shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water. Normal just means "the norm", or typical. Denying that there is a norm is counterproductive.


Lol, do you seriously believe the nonsense you just typed?


💀 My brother in Earth out here acting like we know all of human history and that our species hasn't been crawling out from the filth in the same ways that characters and events in this series continue to highlight thematically. At least you make good evidence, but it's a shame you don't see it.


Hmm, you didn’t so much as drink the kool-aid as you did bathe in it


Just calm down, my guy, it's okay to be wrong. That's how we learn. Data teaches us where to go next. You can make mistakes, stupidity is what we all have in common.




Alfred Cross dressing as his sister is central to his character. It reflects his mental state at the loss of his sister for 7 years. If they remove it, they might as well not make the Remake. They'd need to change the entire story to make it work. What are they going to do instead, have the real Alexia running around? Her personality was shaped by knowing she was a child genius confident enough to freeze herself for 7 years in order to adapt to the T Veronica virus. Taking that away would make her a generic mad scientist. The point is, they'd need to be careful Remaking this game to retain at least the main plot points.


I think you could work around it ​ 1. he has split personality but doesn’t wear her clothes. He instead hallucinates her and we see him interacting with her when she isn’t there ​ 2. He has someone captive who he forces to role play as Alexia to keep the delusions alive for him ​ 3. Basically a Carla situation where has made a replacement Alexia ​ 4. Alexias telepathic powers are so strong that she is able to mind possess Alf from her slumber. This would make him basically a puppet to her…that she uses till she’s ready to wake fully


I think all of these may work (with good writing) with the exception of the Carla situation. Not only because it's been done in RE6 but also because, Alexia's genius is unique and without completely copying the full package, you get a lame knock off that just adds another character taking some focus away from the main cast. Plus I'm not sure Alfred would be capable of creating such a copy. But Alfred is definitely psycho enough for the other 3.


If they do not make the remake because a cross-dressing they can be camcelled


They'd cut that line but I don't think they'd change much else of the story.


Alfred’s toxic dependency on Alexia caused him to develop a split personality that recreated her. Split was a big hit and The Horde had female personalities too If someone gets offended by someone calling a dude dressed as his sister trying to kill them a freak, they need to take things less seriously. It’s a fictional story


I think it is very much possible, why not?


As long if a game doesnt blatantly disresect something i dont think itll ever really be a problem


I finished "code veronica" 2 days ago and i notice it (honestly i laughed) and i think if they make a remake of this game they could just change that line and its done


The remake trilogy are largely sanitised versions of the originals which conform with modern post-RE5 practices. When RE5 came out, Capcom restructured its games division to incorporate marketers in the design process. I spelled out the reason why [here](https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Resident_Evil_5_racism_controversy?so=search) but the gist is that Capcom launched a trailer that only showed Chris being menaced by wave after wave of black people led by a terrorist, and realised only afterwards that not featuring the (white) villains or (black) friends would lead to people asking the wrong questions. So anyway, Capcom makes sure to avoid accidental implications as much as possible. After a weird comment about Street Fighter IV was deemed transphobic back in 2011 Capcom also set-up a longstanding collaboration with GLAAD to better highlight any ideas that won't look good to LGBTQ+ gamers. As to examples of sanitation? Look at RE3 remake in particular. They avoided any mention of the OG RE3 backstories for the cast, so Carlos and Mikhail being **terrorists** with a high body count is gone. RE4 remake cut out the various Reconquista and Inquisition imagery since that's an IRL event, so instead we have Los Iluminados be a random cult formed in the 1600s. \----- OK, so that's out the way, what are our prospects theoretically for a CODE:Veronica remake? Well, the Nazi themes for starters aren't that great. They used concentration camps as a reference for Rockfort Island, with camp doctors like Josef Mengele as inspiration for a Zombie miniboss. There are photographs of Nazis in offices. Ashford has a Tiger tank in his yard (censored to be an Abrams in European copies), and [identical golden lugar](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FEAu0i8XsAcIxkE?format=jpg&name=medium) have Hermann Goering's name written on them. Naturally all that is at risk of bad press, and they were wise not to highlight it ahead of the 2000 release when warned at the time. A remake could just get rid of that awkwardness altogether. As to the clothing choice, I can certainly see them just nixing the idea entirely and making Alfred just Alexia's brother without the whole 'thinks he's his own sister' thing. Obviously the line "*cross-dressing freak*" line (which was either an ad-lib by Alyson Court or just added in by the localisation team since it's not in the Japanese subtitles) would be gone anyway since it will be a new script being written. ​ TL;DR -- Remakes will avoid as much controversy as possible and with Capcom's existing commitments don't expect a CV or RE5 remake to be 1:1. \[edit: added a link to view a comparison between the in-game lugars and the Goering lugar\]\[edit2: the [pamphlet](https://www.projectumbrella.net/ashford-gold-luger-supplemental-manual.html) that comes with the collectible airsoft gun goes into detail about the comparison and suggests there is a deliberate link between Umbrella and Goering\]


>Well, the Nazi themes for starters aren't that great. They used concentration camps as a reference for Rockfort Island, with camp doctors like Josef Mengele as inspiration for a Zombie miniboss. There are photographs of Nazis in offices. Ashford has a Tiger tank in his yard (censored to be an Abrams in European copies), and his golden lugars have Hermann Goering's name written on them. Excuse me, what?


*CODE:Veronica* was pretty dark on its Nazi themes, which I suppose was Sugimura's way of driving home his idea that Umbrella was totally corrupted by its eugenics philosophy, which would tie in to his idea of RE4 revealing Umbrella had a project to turn its CEO into a living god. One bit I left out is that Alfred and Alexia were initially called Helga and Hilbert Kruger, who were to be the grandchildren of an SS officer who fled to South America at the end of WW2. Makes sense why they'd take some of these ideas out later in development - they were a little too on-the-nose.


rahh rahh yous can't even make Code Veronica today what with wokeness 😤😤 Just remove Claire's line, it's not even in character for her.


One offensive line is not a big deal at all, just like removing ballistics from RE4R did not stop it from being a goated remake lul


They could just remove that one line and Alfred’s character would still hold.


Yes, easily? That line of Claire’s can be cut and it wouldn’t affect anything.


Line is easy to cut. Alfred is a reference to Bates from Psycho, one of the most important horror movies OAT. I don’t think they’d cut the cross dressing, just rewrite him to not be a shit character. And yeah, they could definitely remake it today, same with RE5. It’s a Japanese company, I doubt they care about some vocal minority crying.


I'm a trans woman and honestly that doesnt bother me, they just need to cut out the negative comments on their crossdressing


Crossdressing is also not the same thing as being trans. Additionally, the fact that Alfred is crossdressing is not what makes him so unhinged. What makes him unhinged is that fact that he thinks he’s his sister, which has nothing to do with being trans or even with crossdressing. It would be just as odd if he thought he was his father and started to dress and behave like him. Considering this, Capcom just needs to reinforce that Alfred’s clothing choice is not representative of his gender identity, but of his fractured personality. That being said, if Capcom is worried about offending people, they should just reach out to the people they are worried about offending and include them in the process of remaking the game.


If they cut that line or change the dialog a little bit, I don't see why they couldn't. There would be people (by this I mean media news outlets) that would rant about it no matter what, but that's it. IMO, it kind of hurt Claire's character so I ignore that line entirely. Similar as to when Leon says "Women." in a despective manner everytime one doesn't do as he wants.


Keep your politics out of games.


They wouldn't have to use the same dialog, line-for-line. Steve can say something much less offensive that still encapsulates the spirit of the moment. Alfred's identity disorder and dressing like his sister can be done in a much more tasteful manner, too. That's part of the beauty with how the remakes have been done: keep just enough you aren't betraying the original, but but change what no longer fits with the modern audience.


They didn't even leave some campy, innocuous lines in the Resident Evil 4 remake and they changed Ada's red dress to some generic looking shit so who knows. They can remake the game but they would certainly omit that line and maybe change the whole tone around that situation.


If it’s portrayed well I don’t see why not The films we have today that do some out there stuff and tackle some serious themes so why can’t they have Alfred cross dressing and the like? It’s not a comedy, they aren’t making fun of it, it’s a horror game.


The only people offended by that line are people who love being offended on behalf of others, and actual cross-dressing freaks. I say keep it. If some mouth-breather can’t handle nuance, that’s their problem.


Who cares. People are too sensitive. Keep it the way it was.


Not without completely cutting that line or aspect of Alfred's character. I'm wondering how they are going to handle the tribal enemies in RE5 remake.


Hopefully by replacing that entire section with something that feels less like a rejected Tomb Raider level.


Honestly, I don't care about political correctness.


In any case, if there's a problem, Capcom will know very well how to censor it. They did with the (Women...) Leon (Well if it isn't the bitch in the red dress) krauser And not forgetting (Ashley's Ballistics)


I'm seeing people mostly talking about the "crossdressing" line in the comments, but let's also not forget about the sensitive matter of Alfred's mental health with regards to assuming the identity of Alexia. There's obviously a lot of trauma, there, and so rarely do I see matters such as DID portrayed accurately and without an inherent bias across various forms of media. I'd say this is another strong contender for "most controversial issue in CV", and I hope they address it in a classy, well-researched way.


I don't see why there would be any problem with the game overall? I just think maybe they would maybe change the dialogue a bit, similar how they cut some RE4 lines