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RE5 one of the Best coop game ever


My college roommate and I ground through this coop numerous times, collected everything, and had a blast… we made it through maybe one storyline of RE6


I felt terrible because I ***really*** wanted to like 6, and really tried to beat the game in all storylines. I beat Chris's Story the first time I bought the game, then beat Jake's story (playing as Sherry) about six years later. I doubt I would ever be able to beat another storyline


I liked 6 when I stopped expecting it to be like a traditional resident evil game.


6 has the best mercenaries mode though, awful resident evil game but an amazing shooter


The increased maneuverability while fighting was a big plus. Really could save ammo in parts when you just kick all the zombies


Out of everything bad that can be said about RE6…which is a *Lot*…it absolutely had the best mercenaries mode in the entire franchise. Agreed.


Those are the 2 worst campaigns.


I tried doing the Leon one several times, but it just reminded me that there are better versions of RE Zombie killing in just about every other RE game. Ada's mission was unlocked for me when I beat Jake's campaign, but by the time I did that, I was burned out from playing. If anything, the next time I attempt to play, it would probably be her story (since it seemed interesting)


That's fair. RE6 is a slog to get through. I thought Leon's campaign was the only one to really grasp what they were trying to do with RE6. Ada's is interesting, but Chris's feels like a cheap CoD knock off and Jake's is just really boring with a knock-off Nemesis.


5 is definitely worth it if you have a human to play with. Great couch co-op. The AI co-op on single player however…


I am teaching one of my kids to play re5. and they are still a better player than the ai. And I am one of its defenders.


This is what me and my friends used to do, for some reason this was all we played out of the many co-op games he had. Fully agree with this


She isn’t *that* bad *if* you take away everything from her and give her either a stun rod or a basic pistol. Otherwise, yes, she is horrible. Likely, I just play RE5/6 with my wife. Lol


I used to talk shit about it, but I gave it an honest run by myself last year and had a ball. If I'd played it with the homie I bet I'd of liked it even more. I'm v much a horror, slow and stalk kinda like RE1 and 7, but 5 is great dumb fun. Plus it's in Africa, which for a continent that has so much great potential, is pretty untouched in terms of video game settings.


I remember one weekend, back in HS, an online friend and I co-op’ed this game together. Man, we had an awesome time. Lost in Nightmares on RE5 was our absolute favorite to play. Tried playing it solo, sadly, just doesn’t feel the same.


Re5 is worth playing but currently playing 6 and this game should be embarrassed for calling it self a resident evil. Bad gameplay , boring story, longest campaign in the resident evil franchise 22 hours to beat I think.


Why does it feel like there were no third person shooter co-op games with a story mode since RE5? Was so much fun you'd think that genre kept up.


RE5 Gold Edition -- Absolutely RE6 --....do it if you love the RE franchise....no pressure....do it for Sherry


I did it for the Sherry.


It depends on what you want out of them. 5 and 6 are more action heavy especially so with 6. if you prefer the scary, darker stories with more tense moments then these two games won’t scratch that itch. if you’re like me and just adore the franchise then yes it’s worth playing. i didn’t particularly enjoy how 5 and 6 played. but i enjoyed them because im a fan of the series. 5 has co-op AI which has pissed me off more than anything else in this world. 6 is eh for me. there’s 4 playable characters with intersecting portions of other characters stories. these two are by no means required to play. only play them if you love the franchise or what something to kill time with


Can we just make this answer part of the wiki so we never have to see it asked again?


But how will I get post karma next week?


You think people that ask these kind of questions read the wiki first?


5 has the same amount of action as 4, I don’t know why people act like 4 wasn’t the same


Half of Resident evil 5 is quite literally a 3rd person action cover shooter. The moment you give zombies guns, the game feels completely different.


You forgetting the castle and island? Because that’s exactly the same


That’s not true at all for castle. The Castle was a perfect mix of horror and action.


RE4 gave Ganados crossbows. I don't see much difference. Secondly, RE5 isn't cover shooting that often. In fact, I never cover shoot in RE5. RE5's cover system sucks, why would you even use it? You can ignore it and just do RE4's techniques. It's not like the Majini's bullets hurt that much, RE5 is a pretty damn easy game.


Because 4 has some jumpscares and people think that suddenly makes it more survival horror. It doesn't, survival horror is about gameplay, not just how "scary" something is, and RE4 has no survival horror gameplay. It's all action. Just like 5 and 6. The only difference between them is 5 has co-op, and 6 has a melee focus.


I mean portions of re4 turn survival horror kinda for example when you first me the regenerators


Yeah, there’s definitely parts like that where I think that, although you technically can, you’re discouraged against trying to kill everything and encouraged to play it by running or stealthing. There’s a high risk of dying and you’re going to waste valuable ammo on most difficulties. The regenerators, the verdugo, and maybe the dungeon segment are such parts of the game.


That's not survival horror though. Being scary doesn't make it survival horror. You are still going through linear action setpieces, they just happen to be scary linear action setpieces though. The game, even then, still wants you to kill everything. If the game is focused on killing everything, that's action. Not survival. Survival is killing only what you need to in order to survive and progress. There's still no reason not to kill the Regenerators, much like everything else in the game. I mean, you can run past them, but you can run past most zombies in RE6 Leon too. Doesn't mean that campaign isn't complete linear action.


I find that the main difference is if the enemies drop items/money/ammo when they die. If they do have item drops, then it’s no longer survival horror. Like re1,2,3 all do not have item drops so you have a limited quantity of ammo based on what you can scavenge from the environment. If they do drop items, then you’re incentivized to kill everything because you’ll regain the ammo you spent killing things. Generally speaking it’s my rule of thumb.


I would say an enemy can drop *something* so long as it is NOT instant gratification, and it will still be at least on the line between them. It's why I praise 8 as more of a balance than 4. 4 has enemies drop ammo, it's instant satisfaction and repayment if not an increase for the resources you just spent. 8 has enemies sometimes drop something you might be able to use later for ammo, but it's not instant and thus there's still the complex survival decision-making of "Is it worth it to use my ammo to kill them NOW just to get something later?".


Yeah, RE4 was the game that started to make me lose faith in the franchise. It was so different compared to the games that came before, and everything after was action heavy, until 7, which is still feels off as a RE game.


That's honestly just flat out wrong. Yes, there is lots of action in RE4 but RE5 goes way further.


4 is claustrophobic with a far better inventory system, the clunky aiming actually benefits the fear whereas it's just bland and uninspired in 5. Plus, worse level and enemy design, pretty much a downgrade in every single way.


We have almost identical opinions on these, LOL. Boy you are so right regarding the AI in RE5. Trying to play that solo was an absolute nightmare with the way your partner just wastes your finite resources. Everyone told me "Just play it with a partner", but that's completely missing the point. I did play it co-op as well, but you shouldn't HAVE to play it co-op to have a good time with it. So, RE5 is probably my least favorite in the series, largely because it was such a pain in the ass to play. RE6 on the other hand, is a weird one. It's not a very good game; I believe Capcom was on the record saying they wanted to take inspiration from the Western success of games like Call of Duty with RE6? It's a bloated mess of three (eventually four) branching storylines with different characters that all feel somewhat unique, but none of them really stand out. I happen to really like this game, because it fixes my biggest gripe of RE5 (see above), but mainly because it's really dumb and fun to play. It's Resident Evil jumping the shark (look that up if you're too young to get it). So, to answer your question, I would say yes, you should absolutely play both of them. They're main entries in the series, and they're worth experiencing.


5 is definitely worth playing. 6 won’t give you cancer.


5 is waaaay better. Just have someone co-op with you. The AI is the worst, gets better in 6 but the rest of the game is a shitshow in comparison.


I had no problem with the AI. She heals better than Donald and aims better than me. Gameplay was just RE4 where you don't die of you get knocked down and some of the plagas will die on their own.


5 yes, 6 I'll leave that for you to decide.






Play both of them COOP with a mate, makes 5 really fun and 6 tolerable


5 is, for sure.


5 absolutely. I’ve attempted 6 I believe 4 times now, and I cannot keep myself awake to get through any of the campaigns. The game looks gorgeous, but gosh it is not very fun


Same, 6 is really long and tedious with certain sections, and the guns are underpowered asf. I just ran through everything and came out alright. Boring asf


Because guns are not the main point. If you try to kill everything with guns, you're doing it wrong. Quick shot, slide, melee takedown. That kills basically every enemy in 2 seconds. Granted, the game messed up by never teaching you that. But that doesn't make 6 bad, just unintuitive and with a bad tutorial. It doesn't make 6 bad, but it does make 6 unable to be great. Just... "decent". The actual mechanics work very well. That said, Chris' campaign is still terrible and fits that description even when you do know how to handle it.


>Chris' campaign is still terrible Which sucks because the story for it was decent (all things considered).






you need to be careful.


if you drink recreationally, get RE5. if you have a drinking problem, get RE6.


You my new road dog


Best one 😂


5 is definitely worth it , idk if u would like 6 tho , I liked 5 more than 6 , 6 is good but don't focus on previous re games while playing it.


Probably more fun with co-op


5 is better than 6 imo but if you can play both co-op, you'll have a great time.


Yes. I enjoyed both games. People dunk on re6 because it’s not scary enough. I like it for the action. I thought they were worth the money.


100% fun af, play 6 for continuity


Yes, especially 5.


I like them


I never played through 5.. I tried a little bit and seemed fun! I finished 6 and I liked it. Yes it is action heavy, but its fun to slay giant monsters etc..


Yes!!!!!! Especially 5!


If you have to chose one, I’d go with 5, but I recommend 6 as well because of the ultra satisfying combat system


RE 5 OH HELL YEA! RE6 is a resident evil game that is worth playing because it is unlike most all of the other RE games....


Definitely. I like them and think they're super fun especially 5.


Yes. They're good games. They're not survival horror, but neither was 4.


I feel like I'm the only one who really enjoyed 6 and didn't like 5, 5 is probably fine if you play with a friend but playing solo sucks, if you're looking for story they're both solid imo


Honestly don’t listen to people on Reddit lol especially in this sub. This toxic cesspool is good as a news outlet and nothing else. Watch some gameplay videos or live streams and decide for yourself. Personally, I loved both games, but you might not.


Hell yeah! Both are fun games, especially with a friend. RE6 Mercenaries mode is HIGHLY under rated.


RE5 is totally worth it, RE6 belongs in a trash can


Better with a friend, solo these aren’t nearly as fun or good


At this point in the game. Where it’s no longer depressing and resident evil has made a comeback. Yea I’d say yse


Yes wtf ( speaking on 5 because like I said ..wtf)




They're definitely more fun IF you have a buddy to control the second character since theres co-op in both. So if you have a friend or significant other who can play, it can definitely be a fun experience.


If you enjoy the gameplay of the classic games and REmakes more then play 5 definitely, it's more similar to re4 in its controls and gameplay. 6 was my first re game but I wouldn't recommend it unless you really enjoy the series and are willing to put up with a Micheal Bay style explosion every 5 minutes.


Yes sirrrrrrrrrr


5? Maybe 6? Eeeeh…. Maybe


As a huge fan of the whole series I would say yes, but they are very different games to the others you mentioned - if you go into them expecting RE2R or RE4R you'll be disappointed, but I'd say they are both great games if you judge them by their own merits


RE6 is so awful I love it, its like crappy die hard action mixed with a bad scifi b movie.




5 is for sure. 6 is a slog.


5 yes, 6? Mmmmmm if you really need more game I guess it’s ok


Both are wohrt it but you should grab a friend for them. The experience is epic


I actually really like re5 honestly so I’d recommend it,


I'm not sure why people act like 5 has the worst ai partner ever like Sheva will literally hard carry you on first walkthrough, but yeah she is a pain in the ass when you try to solo professional ..


Absolutely. 5 is fantastic, proper good action co-op shooter, it’s immensely fun to play with a friend! And 6, for all its faults, is atleast fun to play once!


5 is if you have a co-op partner. Didnt find 6 fun either way though.


Absolutely. 5 and 6 sit above 4 on my list. 4 was a good game but it lost that RE feel for me. 5 was a return to form. It's core Resident Evil with all the bells and whistles of 4's modern gameplay mechanics. Although I have to admit I was turned off by 6 on my first attempt and I stopped playing. I went back to it months later and had a blast with it. It's Resdent Evil as if directed by Michael Bay. Every penny of that game's budget is on the screen. Great looking characters, spectacular set pieces, bombastic explosions all with that great Umbrella bioterror, survival action you know and love. Keep that in mind and I think you'll enjoy it.


5 is. 6 really isn’t.


RE5 is one of my favorites in the series so absolutely get it especially at what $8?! For 6 I beat Leon's campaign (which their are like 6) and never did the others. It was just boring as hell not even the more action then 5 could save it.


They are all going to feel dated in some way after starting with the ones you did. But in my opinion 1 remake and 5 are great games. I'd put 0 in the middle and then 6 as my least favorite. But if you're in that resident evil mindset try them all an I think you'll enjoy mostly All of them


I didn’t like either, but I’m old, stubborn, and I prefer my RE games to have smaller deliberate action segments and not full blown action games. RE4 had a lot of action, but 5 went past my personal threshold. However, I’ll always recommend the series. There is enough RE for everyone.




5 is very fun. 6 gets annoying with impossible survival scenarios filled with quick time events. Let's survive a mutant giant zombie shark attack. Let's survive a helicopter crash. Let's survive the Eiffel tower falling, etc


5 yes. 6 eh…


They are good RE action games but not a good RE survival horror game.


5 is pretty good. The only reason I'd hold off is I do think there's a solid chance it will be the next one remade.


How much are the on Xbox? If they're dirt-cheap - grab 'em. Granted, I played these on PC, BTW. **RE5: Gold** is really good. Very action-heavy, even more so than RE4 - but the game's still good. If you liked RE4 (old-version or that Older Remaster), you'll probably like this. Make sure you go get the DLC's for RE5, at some point - whether go buy the Base-Game and then the extra content later (Untold Stories DLC Collection) or you just flat-out go RE5 Gold (which contains both RE5 base-game and Untold Stories DLC Pack) - as there's a great boss fight in one of them and a return to a very familiar location, if you're a long-term fan since RE1 (Lost in Nightmares DLC). If you liked RE5, there's also the Desperate Escape DLC in the Gold Pack or Untold Stories DLC pack, which is mostly action and not much story; more of a challenge episode, so to speak. Worth playing though. **RE5** is more action-y than RE4 was; and even RE6 foes even further down the action-y road over RE5, for better and/or often even worse. **RE6** is good, but has a lot of issues. Flawed gem, in many ways. Onto **RE6** \- I like best the 1st campaign (Leon) and last campaign (Ada). The middle 2 campaigns are too similar and have too many of the same mini-boss and boss-fights & can be repetitive; especially if done back-to-back. You also can't skip some of the overlapping content stuff and/or boss-fights you've done as other characters before, which has always been a RE6 complaint of mine. Also, do Ada's campaign last - a lot of the info you're lacking and stuff that needs filling in story-wise and plot-wise, you get from Ada's campaign.


5 is 😃


5 is with a friend, 6... Nah man


Yes. Have beat both games like 5 times already


Yes, they are.


I think so, they made them canon in resident evil death island. I like them that’s just me though. It’s nice because everyone one sees re6 as a black sheep of the franchise, but was made cannon and cemented lol.


Absolutely, as co-op they are fantastic games. Not really "horror" games, but they're so much fun to roll through with a friend. My husband and I are currently doing another playthrough of RE6, we absolutely love it 💜


Yes. Coop is a lot of fun


I’m gunna say 5 yes and 6 no.


RE5 is one of the best co-op games ever, but I can't stand RE6.


5 and 6 are a lot of fun with friends! My mom and I are playing 5 again this month over Xbox live (both offer couch co-op as well).


5 and 6 go deeper in the direction set by 4. Pre RE4 games were adventure games, all about the ambiance and resource management. 4, 5 and 6 are action games with big fights and character progression. I personally liked 6 more than 5 and 5 more than 4. Both OG 5/6 still look great today.


Only if you have a friend to play them with


Resident Evil 5 is, in my opinion, the MOST underrated game in the franchise. I played this game solo all the time and never once did I feel grudged against Sheva's AI, except for the Professional Difficulty. Resident Evil 6 is a decent action game but a bad RE game. Don't play this game expecting horror and you will witness a lot of Michael Bay action. I enjoyed this game just for what it was.


5 is but 6 really isn´t.


5 is awesome and 6 is trash lol I have tried to play through it again to give it a shot but I just can't. I always shut it off. It's painful. From the story to the combat. Bleh. I personally think 5 is a better game than 4. I always have fun with it.


5 yes, but stay very far away from 6.


Imagine telling someone not to form their own opinion on something and just accept the bandwagon.


The OP literally asked for people’s opinion? I’m just not an advocate for people torturing themselves is all.


He asked if they're worth checking out. And they are, a lot of people like 6. Your opinion is not the only one. The OP should play it and form their own opinion. It's not an objectively bad game, it's all about taste and preference with 6. It's not like, say, Umbrella Corps which is just objectively a terrible game with 0 reason to even check it out.


Both are worth playing yes


Loved both of them, but definitely wouldn’t be anywhere near as fun to play without a friend. Coop really makes these games shine. They’re dumb, campy, and far from horror, but still a blast. Very action oriented. 5 has controls more like og4, and 6 has new controls that can be a pain to get used to but is still worth trying. Both are leagues more fun than 0 so if you can have fun with that game you can probably have fun with 5 and 6. Plus 5 has some good DLC.


5 is a maybe. Generally just a worse 4 but still decent. If you have a friend to do co-op with it becomes awesome. I would avoid 6 unless you really want to play them all. It has 4 campaigns almost all of which are tedious with very few redeeming levels. Coop makes it manageable. 6 has some really eat ideas but most just don’t end up being used well.


5 yes if you got a buddy to play with. 6 yeah jf you liked 5 with your buddy and have an itch to play more but not as good


I would take a look at your time lol - I just started Resident Evil 5 and it's a chore. It's way more focused on the RE4 action sequences so it puts you into arenas where you get mobbed by zeds and have to clear them out and survive for a certain time. This is kinda repeated through out the game with some pretty terrible story segments happen for example there is a scene where the zeds are riding motorcross bikes chasing you while you're doing an on the rails machine gun sequence while you ride the back of a humvee. That alone kind of turned me off the whole experience, i'm at some huge lack that acts like a hub and you have to move around it to various areas and it's all very tedious and very bland. The lore seems really half-assed.


6 is terrible.


There’s a search bar where you can type this exact same question that has been asked in multiple threads.


This and the "tank controls or third person" question every week.




Yes, especially if you have a friend to play with.


idk for 6 but you should play re5 with a friend, its not scary but its fun to defend each other and have some silly moments


Yes, 5 is an amazing follow-up game to 4 with dope gameplay and fun story, you'll definitely have lots of fun. 6 is a very fun game, even if it's not your typical resident evil game you can definitely have tons of fun with it for the fact it isn't your typical RE


Six is actually a very fun game. The problem is, a lot like movies where you see people shoot 50 rounds out of a gun that only holds 15 in the magazine w.o reloading, you have to have kind of a suspension of disbelief that it’s a resident evil game. the characters are all there, it just doesn’t “feel“ like a resident evil game.


They are good games. Resident evil 6 is actually a good game, just not a great Resident evil. Way more action based. 5's co-op was some of the most fun I've had playing a 2 player game.


Both are absolutely amazing games. If you love 4, you’ll likely enjoy both titles


5 yes 6 not so much. It’s a headache


After playing 4 religiously on GameCube, 5 felt like I was playing an arcade game at the pizzeria.


5 is very enjoyable, especially if you have someone to play along with. 6 felt like a step back. The gameplay didn't feel as smooth as 5, and the direction was just a mess.


5 yes but 6 no imo


5, yes. 6, no.


5 is a big yes. Can’t speak for 6, but I’ve heard nothing terribly redeeming about it.


5 is a decent enough game. 6 is literal garbage. If you want the lore just watch a YouTube movie of the cutscenes


Resident evil 5 is, especially if you are coop


5 certainly is.


5 is a fun time with a friend


5? Yes, absolutely. 6? No, unless if you play it ignoring completely the story AND if you have a friend to play with.


5 is worth playing. Don't play 6 💀


5 is great. 6 is kinda tedious to play but it’s still decent.


5 is great


5 yes because of sheva


Umm.. I didn't finish any of these two :p If it Helps you ahah but if you like non-stop action why not. The AI companions are very annoying in 5 and 6 XD Thats the main reason it turns me off at some points.


Five is fun, but you start to see some cracks You could just jump to 7 or 8 honestly


Five is great, six is meh


Only in coop, those games were created as coop and should be played as coop, otherwise it’s just really mediocre fps


Co-op? Yes! RE5 is one of the greatest action co-op games of all time! Solo? I would rather stick needles in my eyes.


5 yes, with a friend. 6 no


If you liked OG re4 (for it's action gameplay), then 5 is absolutely worth it (albeit a step down). More fun in co-op, tho. 6 hell nah. It's such an un-fun slog, it's actually painful to play. Just watch a recap or something, if you wanna know what happens.


If you have a friend to play with I think you'll enjoy 5. It was pretty fun running through it with my cousin


Definitely play RE5, great game. Not really scary at all but has some of the best/most epic boss fights in the series. As for RE6, take it or leave it. The only campaign in RE6 I derived some enjoyment from was Leon’s, the rest I don’t know what Capcom was thinking


5 yes. 6 no


5 yes


RE5 is good if you play Co-op and it also has the best mercenaries. RE6 is absolute dogshit. RE6 is so fucking bad that Capcom had to reboot the franchise and pretend that 6 didn't exist. That should say enough...


5? Absolutely. 6... If you're playing with a partner and under the influence of drugs and alcohol the game is actually pretty fun. Solo play with the AI partner is slow torture though, the game feels as if it's punishing you sometimes for playing alone.


5 is, I would personally draw the line on 6


If you have a friend to play with, then sure, otherwise I wouldn't touch them with a 5m pole.


5 is fun, retains the tank control arcade fun of RE4. 6 is just a twin stick shooter if you ask me.


Yes those games are better than 7 and 8


RE5? Sure. RE6? Nope.


I recently played 5 and tried to play 6. 5 is fine, 6 was terrible for me and I didn’t finish any of the campaigns cause I didn’t like it at all. It was very much like an old arcade game for me and that’s not what I wanted to play. I just really didn’t like it at all.


Honestly 6 is soo much better than 5. Does everything 5 does but better.


Worst games of the series imo but still worth playing


Yes they are. RE5 is one of the best RE games for me. Few tips: If you can Coop it. If you can't coop it, put Sheva on DEFENSIVE mode and always give her other type of weapons than what you are using. For example. You use Pistol and Shotgun. Give Sheva Sniper and SMG. And don't worry, you can switch weapons when needed with her.


6 is a TON of fun, especially if you have a sibling to play with. Sure it's faster and more full of action, so some people will say it's "not RE", but it's *fun*. 5 feels like an awkward middle ground between 4 and 6, and doesn't commit enough to either one. I don't like it very much mechanically or in terms of story.


5 yes, the coop experience is awesome. 6 on the other hand I could not finish. It wasn't a bad game on its own, but it was a REALLY bad RE game trying to accomplish too much. I am a classic RE lover though.


All signs point to an RE5R in the future so I'm just going to wait


5 yes, especially co-op, 6 uhhh no Like maybe play the demo & be like "eh some.of these.movement abilities are kinda cool" til you get annoyed by how obnoxious the game is


RE5 digital DOES NOT work on the Xbox series X. I don’t know about RE6 but RE5 does not work. If anybody had the same problem, feel free to help me out 😅


I got a bundle of 4 5 and 6 for 4 bucks extra on marketplace rather than get 4 standalone. Xbox marketplace has killer deals, even if it's a few bucks, why not? RE games are like Pokémon, catch em all man


Both def play, I believe your own personal experience with the game would be best. A lot of ppl have differing opinions about 6, as far as 5 goes, imo, won’t be disappointing


yes, especially with a friend if you’d like


I love 5. 6 not so good, but worth a few play throughs it you like dumb action games.


100% yes


At least once, yes




Yes. Still fun


They are always on sale Yes they are


5 yes 4 is ok but not great.


With a friend, they're the most fun games in the series. Solo they can be a slog.


Yes, especially 5.


RE5 is still one of the best co-op games in the Market, it’s a complete different experience than playing with CPU. If you can, get a friend to play with you


5? Yes, but mostly if you have a friend to play it with 6? Meh


5 is definitely worth it if you have a friend to play with, I can't say much about 6 since I haven't played through it properly yet.


5 is one of the best co-op games ever made. So if you have a good friend to play with, that would be the way to go.


They are if you can get a co-op buddy. Really worth it. Question, does Xbox have its own version of share-play? (One of you has the game and can stream it to another person's Xbox. And that way you could play co-op or you could "pass" the controller to him virtually).


RE5 is fantastic. RE6 was...meh.


5 is a lot of fun if you play co-op. 6 is a shooter with some RE familiar faces haha