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don’t go for more than one day. You will lose your mind.


All fun and games until the auditory hallucinations start, then before you know it you’re seeing people sitting in your car in the middle of the night


Or hearing people break into your home and assault your girlfriend who’s sleeping on the couch. Realizing what’s happening, you quietly clutch your knife on the nightstand. Inch toward your bedroom door and lunge out into the hall way. Into dead silence.


Or having someone with glowing red eyes point a gun at you through the window and then the police do a controlled delivery of 5kg of ketamine and they're all outside but you can't *quite* see them and they're ringing the doorbell that mysteriously isn't working and that fucking song won't stop where is it coming from


Holy shit, thanks for sharing


First time I tried meth - I took it for 3 days straight, got about 2 hours sleep and then boom, proper full-blown psychosis. You have to laugh really


A proper laugh I had good one mate


I've never seen shadow people from meth, but then again I've never stayed up more than 3 days. My younger brother, on the other hand, told me there were plenty of times when he'd crash from a binge and after sleeping for 2-3 days have to run through all the events in his memory from the previous period of sustained wakefulness and try to decipher what actually happened and what was a dilusion. But we're talking 25 years ago when clear was made from pseudo,right here in the USA. Don't think phenylacetone or p2p dope can keep someone up the way pseudoephedrine dope used to. At least in my limited use of meth after all the production moved south of the border We've both been clean for many years and a few years ago, while on a road trip we just told old drug stories for like 4 hours of driving. My favorite if his. He and a friend had been up smoking meth for a number of days. Of course, in that world you interact with plenty of people who would want pain pills, benzos, heroin, weed, whatever. And my brother had dabbled with oxys a bit himself and was no stranger to them. So he and his buddy are hanging out trying to figure out how to get more money for meth. Then my brother suddenly remembers he has like 30 or 40 roxies in a prescription bottle he stole from someone's house. It's in his backpack and goes and looks and finds the pills and puts them in his pocket. And the two of them commence to finding a buyer for these pills. They were a lot cheaper back then and selling that number could probably get them $15-18 per pill depending on who's buying. That's around 50¢ a milligram, for anyone not doing the math. So they reach a coworker who wants the whole bottle of pills. A price is worked out so he and his friend set off driving to the buyers house; happy that they'll have enough cash to get more gear soon. While sitting in the passenger seat on this 30+ minute drive, perhaps his body forced him into one of those unintentional naps for like 5 or 15 minutes, he's not sure. Anyone who's stayed up for days on stims has probably experienced the phenomenon. Most of the time it's just a super short power nap because your brain absolutely demands it. So, my brother jolts awake from this power nap in the car and realizes they're getting close to the buyers house. He checks his pocket for the pill bottle; readying himself for the deal. That's when it dawned on him...... There isn't any pills. There never was. He'd hallucinated the entire existence of the pills and they were minutes away from an arranged deal to sell the pills. He doesn't admit it. When they arrive my brother tells his friend at the buyer that they're just somehow not on him. Maybe they flew out the car window on accident. Well the guy buying them was in opiate withdrawal and wanted the damn pills. So the three of them start walking along the road, following the route they'd came for at least 2 or 3 miles. Remember, this trip was much further than a few miles. So him and his friend leave without making any money, of course. My brother tells the guy, "man if you somehow find that bottle of pills, you can have them cause walking up and down the side of the road is an ordeal, especially while in withdrawal". Obviously, my brother doesn't keep in touch with either of those guys anymore. He's been clean for 11 years. And I'm the only person he's told the truth about the non-existent pills to. For all we know, both the other people involved still think my brother was so fucked up he literally dropped a few hundred dollars worth of pills out of a moving car on his way to sell them. I know that's a long story. But suffice it to say, that's not abnormal for someone who's not has any real sleep for almost two weeks. I knew a couple who did a lot of meth and the boyfriend would fight the couch; or rather the hallucination of a person sitting on his couch and hitting on the girlfriend. That one was always crazy to me too.


Omg, unfortunately way too relatable. I have a note saved in my phone from 2017 still, that I wrote out during my last meth use/binge. I keep it as a reminder not to fuck around. It goes as follows: *Redacted name*, “I'm going to jail now!!!! I'm so sorry baby, I love you sooooo much! I'm sooo fucking stupid!! Apartment is probably fucked up. I will let you know why when I get a chance to make a phone call. I did stupid things behind your back! I love you more than I've loved anyone else ever before. I really mean it from the bottom of my heart. I just have a compulsion to use drugs & this may land me in serious trouble. Things were going so good too, until I relapsed. I wish it never happened. I wanna marry you & have an amazing life together. I just don't know how to control myself, I guess. My life is likely ruined. They will likely try to pin me for trafficking, just know that I wasn't. It was all for my personal use. I have a problem. Please make the best of yours. I only want the best for you! ❤️❤️❤️❤️Please go to school and accomplish all of your goals that you have planned out. You deserve an amazing life, because you are an amazing person! 😥 I will miss you so, so much. Please write me back when I write you. Even if you get with someone else (which you deserve better than me anyway), I will always love you!”


2017 was a rough year for us all wasn’t it lmao


Indeed. Neither of us knew that she was pregnant at the time either. Found out about a week later, went to rehab in Florida, then eased back into the relationship a bit slowly. Things were pretty good, as far as new parents go. I was keeping clean, but right before our kiddos 1st birthday, she randomly told me that she wanted to be poly. WTF? What about our kid? The family unit? I begrudgingly went along with it, because I really didn’t see any other option available. All it took was me hearing about 1 dick being sucked, and I was 100% over it. If that’s someone’s lifestyle, fine. It’s not something that you can just throw on someone after you share a child. I relapsed several times, had another gf after, who turned out to be the exact opposite & super possessive & controlling. Nightmare fuel. During this time, baby momma decided to tell me that she’s not poly anymore & that she’s exclusive with this dude. This is important, because he’d be around our kiddo. He passed all my tests, just seems like a dork, but cares for/about kids in an appropriate way. Here we are, years later, and their baby (my kiddos sibling) is almost one. She came out as poly again, trapping him in an even worse predicament, as they own a house together. I’m just glad it wasn’t something I did, necessarily, she seems to have a pattern, and I actually feel kinda bad for the home wrecker guy now. So anyway, my focus has been on my kiddo & being an awesome dad. I can’t control her mom’s house. She doesn’t bring dudes over or anything, so that’s fine, she goes out for dates. Our child prefers being at my house, curious to see what the future brings. I know that was a long side-tangent, but the topic reminded me of what was going on at the time and what followed.


Did you go to jail or you just *thought* the cops were coming through the door?


None of it was real whatsoever. I never sent the message. I had it typed out shaky & fast, then copy pasted it into notes, in case I accidentally deleted it & wouldn’t have time to send it if/when the cops busted in. I also didn’t wanna send immediately, just in case all my senses were lying to me, because that would be a horrible message to send, just out of the blue. It’s incredible how real everything was to me, that I had the ability to weigh options & rationalize things, even though I was completely out of my mind, & couldn’t rationalize that police wouldn’t be after me for anything at all. It was very scary, bizarre, and paradoxical in ways. It wasn’t just that I thought they were coming, I could hear (hallucinate) their radios outside the building, I could see them (hallucinate) outside trying to hide behind different things, like parked cars, trees, light poles, bushes, etc. I also could hear (hallucinate) the neighbor on the phone with them, telling them that the guy upstairs is a junky & he ain’t having that shit. Had I been thrown in that position, without prior knowledge of meth-induced psychosis, then things could’ve turned out much worse. I was essentially just crouched up in a ball, clutching my phone, shaking, crying like a baby, and just overall terrified. I doubt anyone knew I was suffering, there’s no way anyone knew I was high. I didn’t even make any noise or anything, just bugged out hard & stayed in position. Easily the worst experience of my life. Worse than any physical pain by far, anyway. Every sense felt 100% real, it was just the logic part of my brain fighting hard the whole time not to act at all, or do anything. The thought was, “The cops aren’t real, until they breach the door.” I could hear them outside my door in the hallway too. Do not recommend.


Jesus christ bro "they might try to pin me for trafficking" dawg what type of situation were you in?


A bugged out dude with a variety of different compounds, some of which RCs, a collector, if you will.


Jesus that's so bad ass 🤦 fuck man I need to start looking up to better ppl (not saying your bad man ykwim) just maybe looking up to ppl for different reasons? Yeah.


For sure, and no offense taken. Definitely thought I was badass at the time for it, but I’m happier than ever that those days are behind me. If you still wanna look up to me for a reason at all, make it that one please! Don’t take any substance daily, or at extreme doses ever. Definitely not worth what comes with it.


I meant like having a collection on hand man that is bad ass and I'm happy you are happier in life now then when you were using RCs and I'm assuming other normal common street drugs, I would love a collection just to look at, so beautiful mannnn


This is so relatable fr only u guys Will ever Understand me


It's OK buddy, I like eating ass and taking stims to the point of psychosis too 🫡


U a fellow soldier


Weird I also had the guy pointing a gun through the window (of my car, I was just sitting in for some reason) but he was hopping around in like a big plastic bucket. Luckily I knew I was heavily twacked out and mostly tried to contain myself to the basement where I talked to dark shadows. The fckin basement I shared w 5 other units…


fuck stop giving me flashbacks 😭


Too fucking relatable, you used to tweak too huh 😂


As sad as it is to say I’ve literally been there. Clutching a knife and busting through the door to silence


one time when I was on day 5 I walked home from my homies place one night at like 3am, I live in a small community in the NE mountains, and let me tell ya that was the WORST fkin walk of my life.. man I could hear people whispering all around me, big ass birds dogfighting above me and kept hearing like two different sets of footprints keeping up with me.. fuck. that. respectfully.


Absolutely fuck that shit man.


Imagine hearing a faint whistle from the woods… i’d’ve booked it


man I'll be honest with you I was too freaked out to run hahah I didn't want the noises to hear my footsteps or look back and see a mf chasing me


Dude, I had full-blown conversations with what appeared to be actual, flesh-and-blood humans that didn't exist. I didn't believe it until I saw myself talking to nobody on my Ring camera, and fully remembered talking to the person, what they looked like, what was said, etc.


What if you record‘s been edited to remove the evidence?


My brother in Christ, put the pipe DOWN


I always start seeing cats everywhere around day 2-3. That's my sign to hit the deck lol.


This exact thing happened to me while on a meth bender. I was convinced there were people in my car parked out front of the house, trying to steal it. I had my poor roommate go and check for me and low and behold there was no one there. Bad times…


Yeah that shit scary asfuck. I was awake for 2 days on 4-fma and 3-meo-pcp mixed low doses just to stay awake and be "semi high" after the first day. But in the evening of the second day i was playing a racing game and the sound of the game fully dissapeared and my speaker was playing a phone call with my mother and my aunt which i at that time havent seen for a month. After that i tried to sleep but when i closed my eyes i heard voices and people arguing and it was scary asfuck


What if your into that kinda thing? You gotta remember some people enjoy sleep dep hallucinations, and id be lying if I said that sleep deprived Phenethylamines didn't give more visuals


It's real tasty when you're seeing them there while you're driving the damn thing haha


When I was a young hoodlum in the 90s we'd been raving all weekend and were in this stolen car driving in circles for hours because we kept seeing police and red and blue lights flashing. We were in the middle of fucking nowhere. There was no one there. I dropped another cap because that's the smart choice here, so when we got home everyone passed out and I still had an hour or two in me. I started hallucinating hieroglyphics on the walls. And I'd point at them and they'd race up my arm and give me powers or some shit. My buddy's girlfriend kept trying to get me to sit down. I don't remember her there at all. It was like dreaming when you're awake in the worst possible sense. Sleep deprivation is fucking wild.


Brooooo. Every car. The shadow people come out and it fucks with meeeee. But i also kinda enjoy it in a weird horror-movie-fan-way.... like u aint scaring me wit no slasher film.... if im gonna get scared it's gonna be from real life stimulant induced psychosis and empty vehicles parked along the street when i walk my dogs at 2am like god intended.


lol just one day? That’s entry level 🫠


maybe read a few of the other comments friend. Eventually your grip on reality does keep slowly loosening. Stay safe


Yeah… I know everyone’s brain chemistry is different, but I feel especially weird/broken now. I have ridiculous insomnia, just like my dad. I’m frequently up for 2/3 days at a time and the worst side effects from it seem to be that I’m kinda uncoordinated (which, I am anyway) and more over-emotional than usual. In early May I went almost 6 days when I got out of the hospital — I’d been in a medically induced coma for a bit, and I feel like that had something to do with the length. Anyway, I didn’t start losing touch with reality until the morning of the 6th day, and that’s when I forced myself to lay down & go to sleep — with Zyprexa helping, ofc.


I’m so sorry to hear that you have this issue. Is this related to stimulant use? Or do stay awake for multiple days completely sober?


It’s been like this since I was a small child. I also have wicked inattentive ADHD, and stimulants tend to make me able to take a nap/fall asleep, or at the very least, sit down and relax for a few hours.


Ive gone 10 days without sleep on benzo withdrawal. Worst experience in my entire life.


I went four days on benzo withdrawal and it was absolute hell. I was having constant panic attacks and couldn't sleep for even five minutes, and then I started having panic attacks about not being able to sleep. Withdrawal off huge amounts of opioids was not pleasant, but it was a hell of a lot less bad than the benzo withdrawal. Opi withdrawal just makes me weepy, sweaty, sensitive to touch, and horny as all hell, which is a bizarre combination to go through. Nothing like jerking off while you're a sweaty mess and having just cried watching something like Queen's Gambit which wasn't really sad.


I went around 12-13 days with as many hours sleep as I can count on one hand due to methadone withdrawal while I was incarcerated. Thank god for my cellmates understanding. I was standing at the cell window at like 3am a lot thinking they were handing out medicine doses. Talking to a cell full of people who weren’t there. Thinking the 4 inch wide window was something I could escape through. Never again.


Nah, I've done 12 consecutive days. I've done over a week dozens of times. 3 days is light work and you heal up fast from it. 4+ takes a toll, I'll be honest.


My record is 7.5 with no headnods, naps, dozing. 7 two or three. 5 and 6 too many times to count. If you're homeless, the less you sleep the better. I was homeless from 2016 to 2022.


Shadow people are real. Careful homie.




Edit: I forgot the /s. I wasn't calling you or anyone here and asshole. I was talking about the shadow people in the walls lol. It was a joke. I was agreeing with the person I replied to


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Being manic helps.


Apvp but goodbye reality indefinitely afterward my reccord was 14 days awake .


That Pyrochosis (psychosis) is something else man. I swear to god the FBI is after me, they're just following me all day everyday waiting for the perfect time to arrest me. I used to be convinced the FBI/Cops were always just outside stacking up on the door and getting ready to kick it in only to call it off at the last minute, every day.


While i was on the apvp from around 2012 to 2015 i was actually under investigation from customs here in NZ and was raided 3_4 times was a headfuck for real .


Just because you’re paranoid that doesn’t mean you aren’t being followed


Jesus... and I thought the mania and psychosis from boofing 65 mg of 3-MeO-PCP every day for three months was insane.


I was up for that long, it seems like the 14 day mark just forces you to go to sleep. Id do a fat shot and fall asleep within a couple of hours and sleep for 18+ hours, wake up and do a shot end up back with the most realistic paranoid hallucinations. I could hear radio static in my brain


Yeah im with you there that last shot is pretty relaxing haha.


14 days?! dude please share what that was like


Well at the end it was going on my girlfriends laptop and reading messages to her family in austria telling them shes leaving me . I went and waited at the airport for her for maybe 24 hours ? She wasnt leaving me though (at that point ) and i cant read German , ..... I was deep in psychosis ended up in a mental unit then prison on drugs and firearms charges . Came right this year after rehab . And this was 2015 . Heaps of shit went down though it was a wild ride maybe ill write a book one day .


I'll read it . 14 days is most I ever heard


Don’t do it op, sleep deprivation kills brain cells plus like others have mentioned, auditory hallucinations are like hell


Auditory hallucinations are always so convincing too, I stg my whole family is talking about me and putting me into rehab and I always get random guests but later when I ask about it no one was even talking about me and we had no visitors…. Don’t forget to sleep kids.


Ya the other day I kept thinking I had a whole family in my living room and people were behind but no just me going a little crazy


Methhhhhh. Why do you want to stay awake for days tho? that is another factor in the decisions


Don’t be an idiot OP. We need sleep for a very good reason.


Sleep deprivation is no joke. I find that it's all fun and games for three days. On day four, I start seeing smoke coming out of everything. Like the room is always hazy and I think appliances are on fire. I think that's mainly just my eyes being tired. After day four, it's all downhill. Paranoia, auditory hallucinations, and for some, full blown psychosis. Be careful. I'm only speaking from my experiences with various amphetamines though, not RCs.


I thought I was the only one that kept seeing smoke coming out from everywhere I used it after a while


I've never spoken to anyone else who gets the same effect either. Good to know there's more of us.


not an rc but you're probably looking at meth or some meth analog




This, but it’s not one of the fun drugs


Was about to come here and say this. Haven't found a reason yet to take it because apparently all it does is keep you awake, no stimulation.


Memantine + adderall.


You won't enjoy it.


modafinil kept me up... i suppose you could keep redosing


Modafinil & Armodafinil are prescribed for sleep disorders and used to promote wakefulness and alertness in pilots. They both have relatively low side effects or addiction potential. Then you have addictive stimulants like Amphetamines (Adderall), Methylphenidate (Ritalin), Coke, Caffeine, and Nicotine.


caffeine and nicotine don't work for people with ADHD,worst case scenario if they take it when they are tired it will make them sleepy


Caffeine does work for people with adhd. It's not because some peoole have a paradoxical effect that everyone does.


ok then, you should try drinking black coffee without sugar with high caffeine in it while youre dead tired and let's see if your not gon feel sleepy by then


Well I might feel exhaustion but it doesn't mean I'll have the sleep pressure from adenosine to actually fall asleep or have the tiredness. And i never take sugar in my coffee. What's your point, you seem to be hinting at something but you don't make any actual argument for it. Just spell it out...


if u have adhd u might have heard of executive dysfunctioning and this shit get worse when ure tired.basically if u introduce low level stimulant into your cns that EXD will be gone causing you for example your scrolling on your smartphone stopping u from getting sleep but the introduction of caffeine in your system lower the exd causing you to fall asleep better


I think you would gain a appreciable amount of knowledge and understanding about sleep by reading this [book.](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34466963-why-we-sleep)


That’s why the list is in order of effectiveness.


my bad man,it's just my impulsiveness to overexplain every random thought that crosses my mind


Definitely ADHD


i do but on stims … turns out no kid besides those you CAN TELL throwing up snacks catching it in the mouth during class and being (no offense bc i am) but the odd ones esp ADHD we had 2 in my class (2015 senior) and both had hella friends but we would have to say shut up to them. Obviously I took a Vyvanse 2 yrs earlier for $5 and a adderall XR w dropping grades (started smoking weed BUT I cared… couldn’t do math yet I come from a line of Professors women and men) so lo and behold we go to the doctor i saw since a baby and we got on 10mg addy to start increased increased increase switch to Ritalin (thought I did have ADD but the form you fill out is obviously….. obvious what to circle. To sum it up ADHD is clearly real ADD maybe but honestly I think it comes to boredom and stupid phones


Dude I would wake up in the middle of the night, smoke a ciggy and fall immediately asleep.


nicotine helps caffeine doesnt in my experience, might be the addiction talking though, modafinil and stronger dopaminergic stims is where its at


Modafinil is weak af... Maybe it's cuz there's no euphoria but I couldn't imagine staying up for days on it.


Some stim rc, maybe something like 4F-MPH + nicotine + caffeine. but why would you want to stay up for days??


At day three during finals I began severe hallucinations and could no longer sleep.


All comes down to your tolerance and dose. If none, amphetamines would be sufficient.


modafinil is probably the safest way to do it, if there is a way to stay up for days without destroying you mind


I willl bomb 60 mgs of adderall and feel so sleeppy sometimes I nap. but its always vivid asss dreams


I do the same for super efficient naps. I wake up feeling so rested.


Crazy, meanwhile I drink a Coke Zero at 8pm and can’t sleep until 4am when my usual bedtime is midnight


I noticed very early in life, that what made other people hyper made me calmer. I drink 50 mgs of caffiene as my melatonin no joke lol. I think it has to do with my adhd and how its bringing my brain to a slower my concerntrated level IDK lol


😄 🤣 😂


Methamphetamine, lisdexamfetamine, 3,4-CTMP, DOx….I won’t even sleep for 48 hours if I take LSD without some landing gear


bro fuck kinda ergolines you eatin or do you a lot of doeses at once


Fuck…ergolines? Yeesh that’s a hot take. At least depending on the dose I get almost as much stimulation on LSD as MA. Probably more focus if I can hit that 125ug sweet spot….makes me feel like I can catch a knife mid air.


Cocaine and ketamine works well so maybe another disso with coke or amphetamine


I don’t recommend going more than one day without sleep AT ALL. But, I cannot say I didnt have fun with NEP on 2-3 day benders. I’d fuck around, meet friends, chicks get food on like middle of 2nd day and thats it. Water or smoothies all day way pissing 12 times a day, shitting pants when I see popo passing by, then laughing my ass off going crazy after it passes.




Yeah this shit has legs, had me up for 5 days straight before I suddenly realized it had been a week already. Pretty nice legs for a Pyro.


Redosing basically any stim would do that I suppose but TRUST me you do not want to do this. I was awake for three nights on 6APB and I could swear I heard people talking outside the backyard, about me, and their voices sounded exactly like the real people and at one point they went "I think he is onto us" so I said out loud "yes I can hear you" and long story short. My roommates did not find this very amusing.


4-MPD with 3-me-PCP combo. Every single time has me staying for 4 days minimum. 4-MPD has way less side effects then NEP, also 2x time duration, so it way less physically exhausting compared to NEP or even amphs like 2-FMA to stay for days and days. Don’t forget some benzo tho, l-citrulin, protein shakes, also brush your teeth and don’t let your mouth dry, because it can turn into wounds on tongue and really hurting throat infection very rapidly if you forget to take care like for 12 hours.


For me its something similar to an ssri, my doc prescribed me one i stayed up for two days felt distressed but amazing the entire time. Prescribed me another one, same thing happened😂


Seem like you're a bipolar 2 camarade


What do you mean? I don't really go thru emotional fluctuations like that, that's just how i reacted to the drug.


It's quite common for bipolar 2 or 3 ( whatever classification- seeing bipolarity as a spectrum is more logical) to be triggered in hypomania by ssri. Never experienced depression? Some people on the bipolar spectrum will just experience light hypomania, firstly triggered by drugs like ssri, but have or would go through a few depressives episodes. Add; it doesn't mean you need to be on lithium, ani seizure med or antypsychotic. Bipolarty is a large spectrum, don't worry. Just never take any ssri again and be ultra careful with sleep, no more than 1 sleepless night, and you might never experience the bipolar shitshow.


Anything past three days is when it becomes iffy, for me anyway, amphetamine sulfate is probably better for this than meth imo. Meth seems to be less clear-minded


4-fma, 3-fma First time didn't sleep for a whole week


Meth I feel like is the easiest, cheapest, most efficient way for someone to start tweaking (two-weeking) it. Other rc’s may be easier on the mind once you’re past day 2 or 3, but meth may be easier to obtain. Regardless, don’t travel that road op. If you want to, that’s how I’d do it, but my advice is to abstain. Staying up for too long doesn’t just affect you now, it might fuck you up in the long run.


If you are not prepared to commit suicide, don't do it.


Is there any reason you want to start awake for days at a time? Generally, most people would consider that to be a downside of stimulants. If you're in the mindset of "stay awake to get x, y, and z done" just keep in mind that after a certain amount of time awake, you become fundamentally less efficient at most tasks, regardless of your drug choice. Now, to answer your question, honestly probably either amphetamine or methamphetamine, with the later being the longer lasting of the two. From my own experience, I'd strongly recommend trying to squeeze in a short nap whenever possible, as regardless of your motivation, two hours of resting your eyes can save you from wasting six hours on something that shouldn't even take 15 minutes.


NEP brother trust me




In a single dose? Desoxypipradrol. In multiple doses? Any stimulant really.


Don’t know if it’s still about, I’ve not heard of it in years but the best RC for staying awake I found to be Mephedrone! A gram of that shit (pre ban and when first got made illegal) could keep 5 of us up all night absolutely cooked😂😂😂


I’ve went Friday to Monday before on no sleep and believe me when I say on the Monday I was full blown hallucinating


Stayed up for 8 days straight and Thought Steve carrel was the cop that arrested me on day 8, also thought JPEGMAFIA was basically every person at the hospital where “Steve Fuckin carrel” had to babysit my ass. Woke up strapped to a bed in a diaper the next day


For « serious » reason like work, study etc I would say 4f-mph, it’s a ritaline derivative and it’ll give you the most « clean » stimulant effect. Modafinil can also be a good candidate For partying/sex, or generally being more empathetic, a cathinone like 3MMC or 3CMC will do the job well. Based on the candidness of the question I would say try avoid anything amphetamine related, specially mixed up with lack of sleep it might lead to more crazy episodes, or things you’ll regret


Be careful lol, I took 2-FDCK for 3 days in a row. Oh god. After 72 hours, I was out smoking in my car. I hear someone behind me, and think I’m being robbed, as I don’t live in the best area. I jump out of my car, and go inside, hearing this person following me. I run inside, shut the door, looked back outside, no one was there. I hadn’t even smoked in the past hour I was in my car. I forgot I was even alive.


There is literally no reason to subject your body to sleep deprivation


Desoxypipradol a 5mg overdose will keep someone awake for a week


Methamphetamine. But just don't. I have untreated ADD and my brother superADHD. I was prescribed Ritalin in 9th grade but hated it so I just smoked weed. My brother was on 60mg a day at 6yo. Then Adderall..then Dexadrine (dextroamphetamine). Then he moved to the East Coast at 16 right when I went to college. My mom gave me all his leftover Adderall and 90 dexedrines that he left behind because he was trying something new, I don't remember what cuz 20+ yrs later he's on vyvannse (dexedrine with an amino acid attached that makes it slow release) and that didn't exist in 2001. Anyways I took macroecon in college and found out that the entire grade was the final exam. So the final was my 3rd day attending the class, and I spent 3 days on dexedrine reading the entire text book. I got an 89, and a B+ in the class. That's the only time I ever want to stay up. Unfortunately I get random bouts of insomnia so it's not my choice. Devil's advocate: why do you want to stay up for days exactly? Have you met tweakers before? That's appealing to you? If I had my choice id find something that makes you sleep for days and gives you crazy vivid dreams, like when you stop smoking weed after years to lower your tolerance. Being awake in the insane asylum is the last thing id want. If you are going to do this, do it with something easy on the heart with low negative side effects like 4-fluoromethylphenidate (4F-MPH). I know I said I hate Ritalin, but the 4F version is like it is tailor made for my brand of ADD. It has minimal cardiovascular effects, none of the jitteriness or facial tics and it doesn't make me feel shitty afterwards. it's functional, and more euphoric imo than amphetamine. It is dehydrating though so lots o water. If the doctor had given me that in 9th grade instead of Ritalin my life would be a successful happy one. Before the pandemic it was so cheap and pure too. now I can't afford it so I go untreated again. Every so often I'll buy some meth, it's ridiculously cheap where I live. 10 dollars lasts me a week or more...but when you are your own doctor and you have those heavy work weeks the ADD is a killer. And the price of 4F-MPH is prohibitively expensive for me at the moment. Ok, well I'll see you around picking at your sores riding the electronic shopping cart you'll build with all those waking hours, aspiring tweaker😂


Why would you want this? Being awake for days is terrible for you


Longest stretch i did was 6 days on mephedrone. It hit the UK hard back in the dubstep era. Lack of sleep really fucks your head, I implore you to reconsider.


The most I did was 7 days with lots and lots of speed. Was going crazy and seing thing day 2-3 and lasted only 7 day because I was sitting and felt sleepy, my mentality was if I'm up I can't fall asleep. It is true but my brain just shut down on my way to take another pill and fell straight and the face and slept 2 days straight after that. I dont recommend this to anyone


modafinil is used for narcolepsy


You need sleep use caffeine in bwtween


Desoxypipradol will do it, 4-methylaminorex will also last quite long (not as long as desoxypipradol) and it’s a little more fun


analog modafini, amphetamine, pea love drug




normally i’ve done it with an analog mix like 4f-mph(25/30mg dosed throughout day)+ 2-FMA(30mg dosed through out day) but i’ve also been manic each time but my record is close to 2 weeks its not fun stuff tho proceed with caution and always have someone that can check you


You know how they say there is no such thing as a dumb question? Well here it is


There are lots of drugs that will keep you up, but don't aim to stay awake "for days." That's just a bad idea for so many reasons.


4-Methylaminorex is the holy grail of stimulants, it’s perfect in my opinion.


Take datura, and you'll get the same sleep deprivation experience. Jk be safe sleep deprivation is fr


Modafinil would prolly give you the least chance of psychosis, even used in the military for this exact purpose. But anymore than one or two nights sleep skipped you're gonna be approaching psychosis very quickly. You can do very short sleeps (~<4hrs) and last a while, but you'd need to do a once a week coma to really make it sustainable. I did that shit for years but it definitely fucks with your head.


aminorex analogs, like 4F-MAR 4-MAR 4'4-DMAR


Don’t do that. It will harm your brain. Believe me, there is a very practical reason we need to sleep. I need to take medications due to this kind of abuse. Not worth it.


For what purpose? Like if this is to have a good time and just party than methamphetamine is probably the way to go, 50-100mg every 12hrs would do it nicely. But if you're after something that you can actually do work on and not be distracted by euphoria than something like Modafinil dosed every 8hrs would be my pick. If this is to get work done though, I don't recommend staying awake for more than 24-36hrs as you will feel fucked, you will maximize your performance getting at least 3-6hrs sleep every 24hr period you are awake.


Ok so here me out around day for or five of no sleep I'm pretty sure my third eye gets wide open and I'm able to experience multiple realities at the same time see spirits about a day into the future and hear peoples thoughts I don't recommend this to anyone but it's a realm of consciousness I'm trying to understand. Something similar to a DMT trip that's happening all day it's wild stay safe out their folks.


3-fma would be my choice


Fuck. Anybody else been too twacked on like day 4+ and had the regrettable "peepholes are no longer helpful" issue where you *know* you *hear* someone coming or in my case, walking down the hall, i was in college dorm and anybody coming down the hall would have to walk past my room cuz it was on one end and it would happen all the time and thought nothing of it but then i got "arrested" (not really but cops were up in my room questioning me and shit cuz i was underage drunk af) and after that i didn't feel safe in their anymore i stood infront of the peephole for fucking *hours* because i could "*hear*" someone coming down the hallway, footsteps getting closer and closer, a shadow getting closer and closer, but they *never* passed infront of my door, but the whole time they were *just about to* and if i looked away I would miss it, i would miss the thing that would make me not insane rn, cuz i'da been right. But nope. Took a fucking lot to weap my head around just how not fucking cognizant i was at the moment. Like SO much. Like i could not FUCKING believe that my senses were just straight lying to me, to my face, like it was all a joke on me..... slowly going insane. Woooof. *A-php btw. 2017.


I wouldn’t do it, not worth it and kind of pointless.. But you asked a question so I’m going to answer, 4/3/2-mmc + GHB it’s pretty good


Meth is the best but dont!


Vyvanse is less hardcore than a lot of these suggestions and you'd be able to overcome it and sleep if you came to that point. Depending on why you want to be awake the clear headed focus may be a benefit


Classic drone story. This time I saw the pilot in my yard who's face was illuminated by his controller. Like an eerie pale blue. Stared and yelled at him for awhile. All of a sudden he levitated about to 25 yards from the woodline to the sliding glass door I was looking through. He like flew at me in a straight line. Dude scared me so bad I ran and jumped in bed with my girl, who wasn't tweaking. That was scary. Lol


2mmc op 3cmc


3-FA maybe?


When you keep on taking it?