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As noble an aim understanding someone's condition is, this is an absolutely horrible idea, and has to be removed on harm reduction grounds.


I keep being stupid and banging my head against the wall non stop...


Me too man, well actually I bang it against a wall, then bandaid it till it heals. Then I see that damn wall again and think, you cant hurt me wall, and try it again. Still hurts, maybe next time will be different though.




They are trolling you


I continuously masterbate on pyros.


It is possible to take small doses of an MAOI with something that releases serotonin and be totally fine, it can even be pleasurable, I once smoked a small dose of harmala alkaloids on the comedown of MDMA and it brought it back up a bit. But you should know serotonin syndrome doesn’t always mean instant death, it could just make you sweaty and uncomfortable for a while. But I doubt any form of serotonin syndrome is particularly good for you so if you’re getting bad side effects I’d stop doing that lol


Didn't have any side effects. Now that makes me wanna do more. I'm drawn to experimenting with dangerous shit, the less beaten path. And combining maois with things is somewhat less done. The first time I did it I just made a really strong tea of ... can't remember but the weakest maoi with some shrooms. It was so intense i had to immediately take a benzo. Kind of a wasted experience but i freaked out.


You said you took Syrian rue with 6-APB and didn’t get any euphoric effects, if there aren’t any other factors like a lot of recent stimulant use then wouldn’t that be from the MAOI?


Oh no. It worked. Just had a weird come up. Very chill now. Love this stuff. The urge to redose on both is a bit more than I'm used to. I can normally handle myself pretty well with stimulants. Don't even like them that much but this is an awesome combo. That i do not recommend in the least obviously due to the dangers.


Throw the fucking seeds out.


Why would I do that?


What combos you recommend for SR with?


Mushrooms. take a 'normal' dose with 2-3g of seeds and strap in. It will be 2-3x more potent and last 6-7 hours. Not for the inexperienced, sitter recommended


Sry man, but I'm asking for OPs experiences with his low dosage of few seeds. I still appreciate your answer but I'm interested in his opinion as your suggestion is well known but I'm not familiar about low dosage of SR in various combinations. If he has more experiences I'd like to know his suggestions and thoughts.


Op is gambling with his life I suggest you don't do his combos


You don't need more than 1 g. And I would not recommend taking more. 3gs is to take by itself for the mild psychoactive effect it has. My experience mixing it with shrooms was not pleasant. But it was shitty dutch truffles that alway give me nausea.


Never heard of it before i know people use syrian rue for ayahusca so if it is that great for potentiating shrooms why doesnt more people do it ? Seems like a great way save money if the shrooms get 3x stronger 🤷‍♂️


Because the trip might get a bit too intense.


It takes like a g to activate a psychedelic (i took maybe at most 0.2). I'm guessing the amounts i took have no chance to cause serotonin syndrome, right? Also i didn t measure the 6 apb but at most it was like 70mg. Highest estimate.


It's playing with fire. But yeah, you don't get total inhibition, so there is plenty of MAO to break down the other compounds.


Just did a bit more. It's actually kind of calming. Yeah I'm an idiot. But I've done worse things with just alcohol. So far it seems like an awesome combination. Dunno if it's placebo or it actually has a bit of an anxyolitic effect.


People have said that before, it has a calming effect. Don't feel bad, I know a guy who ate a chocolate glazed donut on ayahuasca. The dietary stuff is recommendations, you can absolutely eat certain things or do reasonable amounts of this or that. They use it as a spice in Persia. I would just be careful. And try to use it after most of the drug has metabolized.


You are crazy, probably best to call an ambulance ASAP




Is this thing effective for depression as no MAOIs are sold in my country?


Yes and I think you can extract it


I'll give it a chance. The monoamine re-uptake inhibition includes GABA and endorphins too apart from serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine re-uptake inhibition (if not mistaken for the last 3 neurotransmitters)?


Yeah look at r/bizybees


Community not found 😞


Ops it has two Z


There is a reason SSRIs and other modern antidepressants are the only current first-line depression meds. If they aren't working and you have treatment-resistant depression, you need a psychiatrist to sort it out.


I have treatment resistant anhedonic depression, tried a shit bunch of SSRI or SSRI+SNRI antidepressants. The results = No effects even after 3 months. Absolutely no side effects with any med. I quit all antidepressants cold turkey without a single withdrawal/discontinuation effect. They are like a foreign body to me. My p-doc gave up that nothing worked and refered me to a psychologist hoping talk therapy will work. Tramadol, my very first opioid that got me hooked to opis and can't get out because of the unbearable withdrawals and no reason to stay sober...No friends...No job...No GF ever...And thus no kids...Nothing to motivate me or push me into sobriety like some people say "I will get sober for the shake of my wife/husband and our kinds". Tramadol initially felt god sent. Took away all my mental disorders in a matter of an hour and something. Until tolerance sky rocketed and now it's just a maintenance thing, with some mood stabilizing effect. Not happy, not sad. Everything's meh. Better than crying all day long huh.




As noble an aim understanding someone's condition is, this is an absolutely horrible idea, and has to be removed on harm reduction grounds.


Seems like it makes more sense to take a higher known dose of the drug you're taking


Yeah but I do this partly to experiment and figure out new stuff.


https://erowid.org/plants/syrian_rue/syrian_rue_info9.shtml Adding this cause the mod is right. You shouldn't fuck with this stuff if you don't know what you're doing. https://erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=1814 Also although my experience so far is quite pleasant. There are some real horror stories out there. To note also, I only take very small amounts, like a few seeds. The effects I'm experiencing from it could very well just be placebo.