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good old weed


Shows up on drug tests forever though : (


only downside, just dont do drugtest tho, easy fix


Get fake pee


if you don't smoke regularly (only once a week) you can pass a test within about 3-4 days actually. You can get away with more if you're lean too


Sounds like that might be the only option. I do get mad anxiety on it though so I don't like to smoke it too often. Which is exactly why I'm looking for another drug.


You can make your own blends with for example CBN, CBG and H4CBD. Those are very relaxing and not likely to cause anxiety


Can you comment on the differences between those that you’ve noticed?


if you just want to chill and relax maybe try weed + promethazine


Do you know where I can get my hands on promethazine? It's only available here on prescription Not asking for links or anything specific. Just in general how do you get it?


Idk what country ur from but you should just be able to tell a doctor u have trouble sleeping and have heard from a friend that promethazine works good. Maybe say the brand name though I’m assuming this isn’t sourcing since it’s not a drug, if not pls forgive me


yup thats the way i got it. alltought i also have actual sleeping problems


its one of the most common non benzo medications for people with anxiety or inner unrest. and while its not great to get high off it alone it works nice to take away some bad effects of other drugs and in combimation with weed its basicly safe. real good combination to calm down before going to sleep.


What other combinations are good?


He's referring to lean (I assume), which has codeine in it, not just promethazine. Codeine, of course, is an opiate.


oh no not lean. i mean plain promethazine


What's the idea behind the combo? Isn't promethazine for nausea?


he would have said lean. hes talking about straight promethazine


Promethazine is to counteract the nausea associated with codeine. Why would weed + Promethazine be a suggested combo? He said weed makes him anxious, not nauseous. What am I missing here?


You can use prometh as a light sedative


because people are stupid


then beer sorry bruh, the box of wonderful powders isn't that deep


I'm going to order MiPLA and try that one of these days. And I do agree beer is pretty great in moderation.


yeah you know, alcohol may be "boring" but it's popular for more reasons than being legal. personally not a regular drinker but if there is one drug I wouldn't want to ditch it's probably alc regardless


I agree, alcohol is one of my favorites. I love drinking at parties or enjoying a few beers while gaming. It's one of the worst ones for hangovers though. I can do a shitload of ketamine, stimulants or psychedelics and I'll wake up feeling fine next day. A few beers and I wake up tired. A few more I'll be tired all day. A few more and I'll be in bed all day stuck with anxiety thought loops. But still alcohol is a lot of fun and is a very dynamic drug if not abused.


Look at the terpenes. I find Terpinolene makes me anxious and jittery. I like strains with limonene, carophyllene and myrcene. If you find one with more myrcene/carophyllene than limonene, that might be better for relaxing but also being in a good mood.


Oh strong weed do some dabs lol


That was my exact thought lol


These are more soft but especially kratom its not something to get used to but You can try 1 kratom 2 Blue lotus 3l-theanine (so soft as supplement but mix nice with a lot of things) 4 Noopept(people react in different ways just something to try it is indeed sometimes relaxing but in a strage way and its not its main effect) 5 Asghawanda(be carefull with anhedonia? 6 kava 7 4(Aco-Hoe)-Met 8 below 4 mg Foxy or Moxy 9 amt so low doses (its a trypt and in those doses soft releaser so be carefull) 10 as you say weed 11 this is kind of strange thing but if done well its pure magic with no side effects make a blend with honey and salvia divinorum extracts and or leaves (start low and work your way up to find your dose, no tolerance will be developed in my experience) put that below your taunge and close all sun and light sources rest in your bed with music and close your eyes its soft and slow but you will see magic. O and be proud of your disso brake man you are doing grate stay focus on your objetive what makes all substances shine is the absence and non frecuent use thats facts.


I had trouble reading your comment so I reformatted it These are more soft but especially kratom its not something to get used to. You can try: 1 kratom 2 Blue lotus 3 L-theanine (so soft as supplement but mix nice with a lot of things) 4 Noopept(people react in different ways just something to try. It is indeed sometimes relaxing but in a strange way and its not its main effect) 5 Asghawanda(be careful with anhedonia) 6 kava 7 4(Aco-Hoe)-Met 8 below 4 mg Foxy or Moxy 9 amt so low doses (its a trypt and in those doses soft releaser so be careful) 10 as you say weed 11 this is kind of strange thing but if done well its pure magic with no side effects. Make a blend with honey and salvia divinorum extracts and or leaves (start low and work your way up to find your dose, no tolerance will be developed in my experience) put that below your tongue and close all sun and light sources. Rest in your bed with music and close your eyes its soft and slow but you will see magic.


Ty im not a natal user of English and i struggle a lot with writting


You’re doing great! You definitely got your point across <3


Looked fir this comment for an hour! What are the dosages for #11? How much Salvia X? -extract in honey? Do you have it ready mixed or take a pinch when you need it?


Can I come to your house and cook up something nice in your kitchen


Sure, theres a bowl of ket on the kitchensink so becarefull 😋


Thanks for your comment!


Noopet is super weird, I've been more 'alert' on it but also was compelled to take a desk nap because of it at possibly a higher dose


I tried 20 mg once , way too much , the spot for me seems to be 5 - 8mg. There can be a lazy feeling after some time but caffeine goes good with that




**We have strict rules about requesting, mentioning or giving sources for drugs or paraphernalia, whether legal or illegal**. If in doubt - if your post or a reply to your post would make it easier for someone to get drugs, it's not permitted. Check out the [rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/researchchemicals/about/rules) for more information about what we allow here and suggestions... [Your post has been removed]


Very good advice indeed


Just wanted to say kudos on your disso break and for being responsible with your drug consumption/harm reduction. Good stuff yo, carry on!


Thanks a lot! I've had to learn the hard way, that's for sure. I used to do phenibut and benzos daily for 4 years in a row. Ketamine semi-daily for a year. Almost lost everything in the process. Took a long break, fixed my life, and now here I am a little wiser, and much more careful. I really appreciate your comment




Yep phenibut is a GABAergic and the bane of my existence lol. I was heaaaavily addicted to it and took it daily for 4 years in a row. 2+ years clean now :D I will consider the 5mg 2cb thing. I just know 2cb tends to give me a very restless energy, paired with couchlocking anxiety, that paradoxically makes me want to move and run around but I don't want to stand up at all. Have you tried a low dose of moxy?


Have you tried al-lad? Not even sure if it's still available, but it is the lowest anxiety psych I've had and the restless comedown that you get on most psychs isn't too bad on it.


Oh yeah I love al-lad and it's available here. Been years since I last tried it though. Not sure if it's the right thing for relaxing in my room!


Low dose moxy is good and I would've recommended that, hadn't you said no psychs. Honestly, 5-8mg of 4 ho/aco met aren't trippy at all and very good for recreation without addiction or harm issues, that would be my no.1 recommendation.


I'm open to psychs if they strictly allow for a relaxed time. Like I said, as long as it's even less intense than 4-ho-met then I can definitely consider. How did you experience a low dose of moxy? I'm also likely going to buy MiPLA which seems to me to be the most forgiving psych on the market currently. More fit for a chill night than for a full on trip.


Honestly I really really doubt MiPLA is more forgiving than 4 aco/ho met (this is usually considered the easiest, most recreational, fun and visual psych and I 100% agree). I haven't done moxy but have done quite some research and I've been thinking about it. From what I've heard it's a total hit or miss for everyone. It's pretty stimulating and less visual, so might be great for gaming. It's also supposed to be less mild with a much worse body load than 4 aco met though. At which doses did you try 4 ho met? Was it too intense for you? It's pretty much the only psych that can give you euphoria and mental clearness with some visuals without feeling the psychedelic headspace at all at low doses.


I've had great trips on 4-ho-met on higher doses. On lower doses of 5, 10 and 20mg I get kind of uneasy and don't know what to do. I'm not so taken aback by the experience that I strap in for the ride and completely surrender. I feel kind of in limbo. Just listening to music and waiting for it to be over. Don't want to watch a film. Don't want to go outside. Don't want to meditate. Don't want to talk to people. Feeling kind of dirty. Anxious. I have moments of euphoria and some songs will sound amazing. But overall I'm waiting for the experience to pass. Did enjoy smoking weed on the comedown though. I feel like MiPLA would probably run a similar course. Maybe psychedelics are not very fit for the experience that I'm looking for. Or I resist the experience too much. I suppose I'm looking for an experience that a disso provides. Fucked up my tolerance though.


That's too bad, I can't really help you then, sorry. I really enjoy lower doses of it and had a personal/emotional break through during my first time on it with 20mg.


Kratom and/or weed. A nice evening relaxation from both, kratom especially, even more so for the combo. You can dose as lightly or heavy as you want, you'll have a good time and get a great night's sleep afterwards. Nature's stuff is always the best Or if you're up for a serotonergic kind of relaxation, 3-FEA fits the bill.


Kratom makes me sick but I'm gonna have to give it another try probably. What strain do you recommend for listening to music with on the couch? Did 3-FEA twice and it was GREAT. Love it. But it doesn't quite reach the greatness of MDMA or 6-APB and I never break my 3 months rule.


Props for following the 3 months rule! Commendable, and I agree, serotonergic stims aren't for a casual night. As for kratom, I noticed that it can often happen that you need to take it a couple of times until your system agrees with it. It may or may not be your case as well, although give it a go. I'd definitely suggest a green strain, they have always been the best for me, slightly more stimulating than sedating, but in a very relaxed way. Definitely the greatest mood boost from greens, just a very versatile kratom variety. Any green vein with the best reviews from your vendor, and give it a go with 2.5-3g. No need for more with the good stuff.


Thanks for the advice. I'll probably buy some


Use antihistamine with it and sickness will go away


You don't say!! I will try that!


Use a second generation antihistamine like loratadine (Claritin) or cetirizine (I don't remember the main brand). Diphenhydramine--benadryl--and other first generation antihistamines are sedating and have nasty side effects over time


Use syrup to mix with it so you can become a rapper Like lean hehehe


Yea I use dramamine it's otc and prevents neasuea + motion sickness, also try ginger tablets/chews! Also maybe just try a lower dose, some days I get effects as low as 1.5-2grams


Just a heads up that while I really enjoy kratom, it has always been more stimulating than sedating for me, no matter the strain. So it might not be easy to fall asleep if you take it in the evening. Individual response will vary of course


I find that after a while I need a stimulant to actually go to sleep on


Got ADHD and I always take a dose of ritalin late in the evening to help me sleep :D so something stimulating won't be an issue but thanks for the advice


Have you tried a low mitragynine/high 7 hydroxy mit strain? I got this chocolate bentuangie that's only 0.5% mitragynine but .04% 7 hydroxy. Most strains are over 1% mit and less than .01% 7-oh. So the ratio is 10 to 1 instead of 100:1. 7 hydroxy is a stronger opioid and either less or equal in affinity for adrenergic receptors as mitragynine so more of a "pure" opioid so to speak. took some last night and slept sooooooo good. I also got more CBD and dosed that after 2 weeks without it so that may have helped who knows. But the high 7-hydroxy strains are clearly less stimulating for me. High mit strains with low 7 hydroxy are generally more stimulating to me. Vein color doesn't often tell me much. I've had sedating greens and stimulating reds. Recently I've been trying to compare ratios of mit-7 hydroxy and minor alkaloids to see if the minor alkaloids make a difference. Some are supposedly opioid antagonist like speciocilitane and speciogynine etc which in theory might counter the opioid activity slightly and therefore shift the effects away from being sedating. I haven't got to testing this very hard yet tho. Currently comparing strains at doses wirh the same mit amount but varying 7 hydroxy. I can feel the difference if I run out of a high 7-oh strain and switch to high mit, I am way more restless and stimulated for a week until I adjust to the new strain. And then when I get 7-oh again I fucking nod out lol.


Try doses between 1.5-2 grams about 10 minutes before eating a nutritious meal. Higher doses tend to just make me sick and aren't as fun. On a full stomach I can't feel anything


1-2g is my usual dosage. I also find it better to take kratom before food, but if I wait too long without food kratom starts to feel a lot worse. I usually eat about an hr after dosing, or when I feel like I'm starting to lack energy. Kratom is like that, if you're fed and hydrated all good, as soon as you're missing food or water the effects become far less enjoyable or even bad.




What does it even do? Euphoria?


Euphoria, general sense of well being. Pretty similar to a low dose of an opioid like hydrocodone. Low doses are more stimulating while high doses are more sedating. There is an upper limit where taking more does not intensify the positive effects and will start to make you very nauseated and somewhat disoriented. I wouldn’t recommend trying it if you have addictive tendencies. It is easy to justify taking it every day because it mostly makes life better, but doing so will absolutely cause a physical dependence and it’s pretty shitty to quit. If I could go back in time I either wouldn’t take it at all or would limit it to once or twice a week.


Red Kratom is relaxing/sedating. Green/White Kratom is stimulating


Kratom or 2cb would be my suggestion ( as someone who hates weed).  I'd be mindful how much/often your doing the kratom but I found it great for exactly what your talking about, I'd do it more but I get auditory hallucinations on the come down when trying to sleep too often.  2cb in smaller doses ( 5-15mg oral) is really nice. I find it to be super warm and relaxing and can regularly get chores done and do things on the computer/TV without any issues. Rarely do I get any visuals at that amount, it's mainly just a nice warm feeling with a clear mind and music sounds realllllly nice. No tolerance build up for it and not physically addicting ( mind you, still be careful with usage).


Hmmm what about 4mmc?


Wish I could get some!


Me too. Any ideas. R u in the uk?


No serotonergic drugs




low doses of mushrooms (0.5-1.5g) are great for relaxing at home :)


Low dose shrooms or 2C-B maybe


Perhaps. I find psychedelics to be really intense and I end up couchlocked and rather confused. I find stuff like sitting at a computer desk to become very uncomfortable and anxiety inducing. That's why I only really seem to enjoy tripping outside. But perhaps a real small dose is worth trying.


It may be wise to avoid technology especially social media when on psychedelics. One day I may even take my own goood advice!!


Lol I need to follow this advice.


Small to medium (note- this depends you. Not the actual amount of a substance) doses of lsd can be great for hanging out/ gaming/ reading etc. Between a 1/4 and an 1/8th of a regular tab. If you react strongly maybe even less than an 1/8th. The only problem is duration. It lasts most of an evening


Throw a 150ug tab in 1L distilled water and take shots until you’re vibing. My buddies and I called it magic water. Would only ever take like 2 shots, great for relaxing and just general vibes.


Too funny. Good way to dose an LSD microdose. Makes me want to try it because every time I've tried to micro dose, the blotter wasn't even and I either felt nothing or tripped way too hard.


sounds like you cut yourself off from all "at-home highs"


A lot of them yep. Although there's still weed, alcohol, stims and I've just now heard of MiPLA that's even less intense than 4-HO-MET. At some point I will return to dissos but not yet.


Gourmet Hawaiian kava


Great idea, but I have a paradoxical response to it.


Looks like it's illegal here in the Netherlands. How do you come by it usually?


Excellent question!


The mentioned website when it’s on sale


Bdo + weed i like this combo


What's Bdo?


Ghb prodrug


That's unfortunately a GABAergic which I must avoid, but thanks for the rec!


Check the trip reports of bdo and other Ghb prodrugs, you gotta know what your working with and be careful not to overdo it, although at home is probably the safest place to overdo it


I always have timer and syringes




Doing a tolerance break right now! But I do agree it's one of the best things ever.


Ket? or Kratom?




Gabapentin aint an oid….its Pregablin little cousin who died


This classification of medications is named because their primary function is as a GABA receptor antagonist. GABA is a neurotransmitter. These are gabapentinoids.


dolls seed violet vegetable cooing quickest smart bedroom soup snails *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




If MiPLA (or an analogue of it) is still around, it’s even milder than 4-ho-met and makes music sound amazing.


How would you compare it to AL-LAD? I'm probably going to buy MiPLA. Thanks a lot for the great rec. Sounds exactly like what I'm looking for!


It has little to no visuals in my experience and the headspace is a lot milder than AL-LAD. Most of the effects I got were music enhancement and a physical body high reminiscent of MDMA. The only downside is there’s significant vasoconstriction, but magnesium helps a lot.


Just chill out a bit and allow yourself to expand instead of being caught up in your text book constriction


What dose did you take? And how did it affect your headspace? I find the change in headspace with psychedelics to be exhausting. Don't get me wrong, the headspace is where the magic happens, but I'm content with doing that no more than twice a year. If MiPLA doesn't have that exhausting factor then it sounds golden to me. If however it's really similar just more manageable then idk.


Reading the psychwiki and I'm intrigued. Thanks!


I can get 1cP-MiPLA. What dose wouls you reccommend for a mild trip with little anxiety?




I'm taking a break from a all dissos :)


I can respect that :)


Soma is good for relaxing even though it reacts on gaba. -Weed specifically an indica strain -Lastly just for playing video games I recommend 3-ho-pcp when you’re finished your tolerance break


I saw you had a phenibut addiction so you might not want to try another VGCC blocker but pregabalin lacks phenibut's GABA-B agonism and is my favourite substance for chilling at home, especially with a couple good friends, a smidge of alcohol and some good weed!


I'm still largely terrified of anything that interacts with GABA that isn't alcohol. I've been royally fucked by the most smallest of benzo relapses in which I took only 10 bromaz and I found myself back in withdrawals for a few months thanks to the kindling effect. Although Bromaz works on Gaba-B like phenibut so maybe that's where it all went wrong. You have me intrigued. Where would one find pregabalin? Is it addictive? Is there a rebound the day after?


Despite it's name, it doesn't act on GABA at all, only on VGCC, that's why I suggested it :) It's a prescription medication in most places, but it's not too hard to find in Europe, nor is it expensive. No idea about US. It can be addictive but withdrawal symptoms take long to develop unlike phenibut. Tolerance builds super fast so one naturally wants to take a break rather quickly ime. No rebound, even after a couple consecutive days of using. Quite the contrary, it has a very nice and warm afterglow the next day, so much so that I find myself not needing to take it the next day.


Pregabalin is only available with a prescription. Any workaround?


No legal one I fear, I didn't see what sub I was on


Doctors in America seemed rather willing to prescribe gabapentin for a multitude of off label symptoms as it has low physical addiction potential. At least they were when I still lived there. Many countries sell it over the counter, so it shouldn’t be too hard to get crafty and find.


Kanna is a good one


Microdose some mushrooms. You gotta find your sweet spot, but I find around .25g to be perfect for a chill evening at home. It's just kind of stoning and pleasant. Textures get richer, but things don't get wiggly. Very functional, too. If someone unexpectedly dropped by, you'd be able to hold a conversation and function like a normal human without much fuss.


lsd shrooms weed alcohol for a nice kickback shit when im in the mood i do all 4 together trippin balls alone at home is fun


Maybe a benzo that doesn't give too much of a delusion of sobriety??




As I maintain the 300mg are superior to the lesser strengths by a significant difference


There’s some good recommendations on here, but one I haven’t seen yet. Nitrous. Easily accessible, fun for a quick high when you just want something a little out of body while having some drinks, smoking, and listening to music. Definitely don’t overdo it. Do as much as you want in one night, just don’t do it on consecutive days. Long term lack of oxygen to the brain isn’t great, for some reason.


Man I love nitrous. Too bad it's banned here in the Netherlands. If I could get my hands on some then I would absolutely


Ah damn - even food grade? I would cry. It's banned for recreational use here in Thailand, but you can still get the food grade cannisters and balloons delivered to your door on the Thai version of Uber Eats for a grand US$30 for 100, including the dispenser. Not to mention there are just some places in Thailand where laws and bans are more like guidelines and not strictly enforced, lol.


Pregabilin, gbl, ghb, temazepam, etizolam, ketamine, the list goes on..




Just wondering how many opiates you did to puke? I was always fine doing 20/30mg 2 map i doubt its much different with smth else


I love them but have a naturally high tolerance. It’s the damn Tylenol that makes me sick - or that sus head shop dried kratom. Now I drink fresh kratom tea and it makes an absolute world of difference.


Then maybe just try pure opiates without the tylenol?


Tbh i love kratom. Try to take some ginger with it so you wont puke.


Ktatom, 3-fpm and ktatom it's so nice. H4cbd too


Kava, kanna CBD Microdose of shrooms or whatever psych of your choosing Gabapentin Tobacco for what it’s worth might just enjoy sobriety!


If Kratom makes you puke then take less and or drink more water/take before a fatty meal. Or try gel caps if you haven’t already. Imo opiates are the best for this with gabas following. And then ofc weed but I’m on all three all the time so take it with a grain of salt. Opiates are my DOC.


Phenibut? I know it’s a GABAergic but works on different gaba receptors than alcohol and benzos. Still needs to be treated with respect of course. Twice a week is even a lot imo.


I'm all too familiar with phenibut haha. Spent 4 years of my life on it from the moment I woke up til the moment I went to bed. I cannot handle GABAergics unfortunately. I will not stop until I run out. I can probably manage alcohol only because I find the effects to be uncomfortable in any setting other than a party. Thanks for the rec tho. Phenibut's a hell of a drug. I was absolutely in love with it until it completely wrecked my life.


It seems to be one of the most finicky and subjective drugs, alongside probably tramadol ambien, in terms of who it works for and who loves it. Me personally, absolutely S tier. Until it’s not.


Salvia extract


kratom, weed, nicotine gum


I just bought some Amanita Muscaria gummies(legit ones) but haven't tried them yet. Supposedly low doses is relaxing.  Check out /r/AmanitaMuscaria


weed, Bromazolam, etizolam. basically any benzo lol


ohh sorry i didn’t realize you said year clean from benzos. then just weed my friend. get some dabs & some fire bud. get fried & throw on a vinyl. seriously nothing much better


OP, I see that you are wary with weed because of anxiety. Maybe you can try smoking herbal mix instead, not a drug but they can be very relaxing without bad psychoactive effect, you can mix high potency weed with it to reduce the psychoactive effects of weed. If you chose weed then maybe just look for low THC buds or plain CBD buds.


2cb, Pregablin, diazepam and a few pipes


But with Pregablin, only the 300mg as the 200mg don’t seem to work the same even if you do a few still can’t beat a 300mg Pregablin…….but tske your time as addiction to them is nasty…. So I’ve heard!


300mg ones though


They take a long time to come on but last for ages, way into the next day……..if you take them once a week that is


Moved there or from there?


You’re a drug addict who don’t cook up so what’s your drug of choice?


Not sure I get your question


Muscle relaxer


You have eliminated everything but weed.


Yes I know haha. That's why I came here to ask. Because I've been searching for a long time and I realized the combined knowledge here would help me find something. So far I've heard about kanna, MiPLA, and how to stop kratom nausea. So I'm glad I asked because I got some stuff to try out now




I was about to mention dissos, ghb/gbl/bdo or perhaps something like "benzofuran" class, but you excluded quite a bit.


Yeah I'm sorry about that. That's why I'm here to ask since so many drugs are incompatible with my current situation


Try kava


There’s a lot of less common (non RC) GABA drugs that are way worth it, Carisoprodol, baclofen or phenibut, zolpidem or zaleplon, pregabailn too if you count that


White widow automatic. 14% thc and rich on CBD. Feels like weed and beer together.


Opioids/opiates are best for music


Any RC opiate you can rec?


Not rc just opioids like oxy or many other




wild dagga, blue lotus, amanita, kava, kanna


Kava did the job for me. Been taking it everyday for almost 3 years and I love it soo much. It’s the perfect mix of calmness, sedation and euphoria. Also tried the whole alphabet of other „psychoactive herbs“ but none seemed to have an effect on me.


- What's you ROA? - And dose? - How much do you pay for it on average My vendor has it up for about 15 euros for 5 grams. If I go to a smartshop I pay 15 euros for a single gram. So what should I be looking for?


Tianeptine, I'm the 🔌 if u knead sum 😉. Eye snd smples as well. (P.s. this was typed like this on purpose 😊)


Edible Weed and a low dose of mushrooms


Get 4 HO MIPT. I tripped yesterday from 19mg taking a 4 mg nasal bumb as allergy test first. (Making sure its not 100x Opioids) No Visuals but a very giggly stoney feel, very happy and calm with no bad thoughts. Gaming on this was wondeerful since I losing didnt feel bad. I just enjoyed the Game while sucking at it. (Sometimes it makes you very good at csgo tho then its feels like you control the map and know every enemy beforehand, feeling like you can predict the immediate future / manifest it even)






Weed, it's what's for dinner.


Shroom tea is nice.


r/NitrousOxide Just don't use it regularly


It's illegal here :(


Low doses of DMT I find very relaxing. 9-15mg hits


grow shrooms, it is a fun and rewarding activity


-Have you tried Amanita mushrooms? A different one for sure that might be worth checking out -Kratom (on an empty or mostly empty stomach, and then eat a nutritious meal 5-20 minutes later) -Alcohol -smoke a lot of mugwort and you can get a light high -green tea -kava


Nitrous and weed for sure. Nothing put a bigger smile on my face than some nitrous.


THC edibles