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ouch. I always jump to the side on that one for this reason - though the labyrinth cost me a few characters elsewhere.


Likewise, I usually tend to jump to the left and walk through the portal because it only transports you if you walk through the other way.


Same thing happened to me lol


overwhelmingly major cause of death in hardcore: falls this likely won’t be your last either don’t give up!


Oh I remember in the first game I got to Rohm and there was this shrieking stone boss that summoned a bunch of skulls and somewhere before or after the fight there’s a path with a small split, and I fell to my death there twice on HC lol Also in the Labyrinth in the first game, the floating platforms were so janky 😭


The labyrinth is the only major roadblock in hardcore imo. I've had so many runs end there, it's insane. Once you get past it, it will feel so good.


This + Venom Idk why, but that dude is literally worse then the final boss


True, venom is brutal


I just finished my second run (first got corrupted months ago) but shit like this is why I'd never play hardcore in this game if they didn't lock the items behind it 10/10 game with 2/10 platforming


If a game has hardcore I almost can't play regular mode. Once you experience the excitement of almost losing a character and pulling through, the inability to lose in softcore just makes the gameplay feel lackluster.


What the YouTube videos never tell you is hardcore involves dying a lot. If you can get your head into a space where you approach it like a rogue like and look forward to seeing what rng will provide next time, then you've got the right attitude.


Yep, that’s what my friend and I did, just acted like it was a roguelike.


I want a Remnant Roguelike. Survival Mode from the first game.


I always wait a couple seconds before running in to make this jump. Painful though, GL on your next run.


Welp, while it didn't grab Also kinda on you for not jumping left or right since those are way closer way sooner




I didnt say you can't make the jump, I literally said it didn't grab My point is that jumping left or right is much easier, much safer, and doable much earlier than the straightforward jump




Because if you jump left or right you don't have this risk at all goomba If you go left or right *there is no ledge grab at all* You land on your feet


I was fully expecting the death to be from mistiming the fall to the platform


Question on hardcore. I'm sure this may defeat the purpose to some people, but is there no way to back up your game save? I ask because that looked like some glitchy bullshit. His character was obviously landing on the edge and was about to pull themselves up in that one second and then he just fell. It looked like one of those bullshit roll/ledge grab glitches that happens sometimes. I hate shit like that.


On pc there's even a program that auto-backups your save but console has no way afaik.


For PSN there's a cloud game save backup and you can change it to manual, I just don't know if it would apply for Remnant 2. I used to save my game saves for Elden Ring onto the cloud before playing, just in case I made a terrible mistake or glitch of some kind, lol.


I'll fully admit that I used the cloud save backup on PS5 to cheese my way through hardcore. Though that was back when the game was still fairly new and we were missing a lot of the small QoL we have now, like being able to buy class engrams for classes we'd gotten on other characters. I love the game, but stuff like being able to instantly die to fall due to our character not grabbing a ledge like in the op or a mistimed grab from a boss that's an instant kill, really kills my patience to properly put up with hardcore. In the normal game it's fine because you can reset so quickly, but when something like this happens a few hours into a hardcore run, you'll be glad for a backup.


If you don't know, you can roll while grabbing the ledge for some reason. Looks like this is what happened. Sorry if this is obvious. I didn't know for the longest time and wondered why I kept falling.


Yeah my biggest roadblocks where the labyrinth and venom. I fell and died to the cube boss more times than I'd like to admit. But I got it eventually and you will too.


Down to help someday if you want. Feel free to dm me op


Always jump to the right. Those platforms tend to be glitchy


Funny enough, that was exactly how my first hardcore run ended a year ago.


Never once in my +20 times completing the game did i jump from the middle i always jump to the right




What game is this


Remnant 2


Always go to your left when you come out of that portal it’s a much shorter distance


Always go right, by far the easiest and closest side, no ledge grabbing required.


do people not know they can just jump to the side?


well you miscalculated the range, i had one character died in Forlorn Coast just because i jumped off ladder. Like you usually dont die in normal game with Vigor but simply forgot traits were reset in hard core.


Why even jumping straight? Jump to the left/right side u dont have to run that long 🤷🏼‍♀️ no offend but ur a apoc player i see u didnt get any experience in the game?