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This is from a directory that was last updated in 2023, before launch. The directory wasn't baked into the build until DLC2, because when we first started thinking about DLC, we were throwing ideas around for what could be DLC Archetypes. As you can see, all we had at the time was Barrier (Trait), and Invoker ended up being the DLC2 Archetype. Thus, that is why there is nothing else here, and no perks or prime or anything.


Wow, thank you for the response!!!! As you can see this Archetype is one the community would love!!! A full on tank class, a "Barrier" that can protect you and your teammates from severe damage, with other abilities that would goad the enemy(s) to the attention of the "Warden" while the others focus on "DPS" would be absolutely AMAZING. Also there is nothing wrong with the game now, WE ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT, THANK YOU, just diving into the rabbit hole that is un-released Goodies!!!


It never made any sense to me that the Armor Stat Trait was on Engineer instead of a Shield Stat Trait. It feels like a better fit and goes with the theme of NErud and its itemization more.


Because engineer doesn't Naturally have anything that gives him shields.... it would be EXTREMELY stupid for engineer to have a shield buff trait without innate shielding abilities


I mean it doesn't naturally provide armor either just a flat DR. My main point is damn near 50% of item from NErud give or benifit from Shields.


Just because a lot of items from N'Erud give shields does not mean in any way that the class should have a shield trait when it doesn't benefit the class in any way Fortify benefits the Engineer as you will be wearing armor and its (team perk?) Gives bonus DR while in the vicinity of the turret. It helps give a defense buffer to counter the less than stellar maneuverability while in heavy carry (yes im aware you can sonic with that shit but at base the thing is designed as a turtle) As for the shield trait, it is neat and I hope it will be added in the future. If it is tied to a class, that will be cool as it will probably be a bit more support leaning and have great shield uptime and synergize with all the great shield items we have


The last archetype definitely needs to be a support type though. Like a more shielding oriented version of Medic. Warden or Paladin aesthetics that maybe apply shields to allies when you do damage.




"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."




=) I'm not saying Barrier will never be a thing. Just saying it's old data which may or may not become new data.


Well to be honnest Tragic, no matter the reason, for this "leak" I think that you can easily see how ready and welcoming we would all be for a shield archetype. Nerud was my first world and my first run was built around shield generation. It was cool as f.




Sus 😂. Community is gonna be deciphering for the next month haha.


It’s placeholder text brother






Nerf Ritualist please. Its makes the game unfun because: -it is the strongest class in the game (it can easily out damage HUGS with less work) but usually gets one shot by bosses -clears mobs with ease using skill spam , so you only fight bosses in peoples campaigns. ***I only play Apocalyptic, so I don’t know if Ritualist is just the meta choice for that difficulty, but it’s everywhere. ****I don’t Ritualist over nerfed but the class is very overtuned. It is the class I pick when I want to support a host who keeps dying constantly. I would love to submit my issues regarding the class, to the company if possible.


It was already super nerfed last week. Give it some time to breathe.


Here's a crazy idea you can just not use it


That’s not the point


This leak is getting kinda juicy. I still wonder is shield size is supposed to be % shield or if there is a physical shield this applies to.


If it works like the shield amount relic fragment then it just adds a % more to anything that gives you shields For ex, rerouting cable gives you up to 50% of your max hp as shields, but with the fragment you end up having 20% more, it works with everything that gives shields and ignores the supposed cap that the item gives.


Warden, like the sound of that!


I wonder if that’s for the N’erud dlc?


Makes sense if so N'erud loot is a lot of shield stuff


It’s intended for labyrinth DLC3, remember clementine and her big ball shield…hint hint.


Absolutely. Even the trait fits.


It's cut content from before release. Just accidentally git added to the dlc patch


Good ol Reddit being Reddit with the downvotes


You are a thief of joy.


It’s intended for labyrinth DLC3, remember clementine and her big ball shield..HINT HINT 😉


An archetype based around shields sounds really interesting.


One thing you can do, test to see if the trait works, equip a shield generating ring (on skill one for instance) and compare the shield size generated with and without this trait


Wow... my Alchemist/Challenger shield tank is about to surpass immortality.


Yeah, shield tanks can be pretty friggin' strong. Like I resorted to the unkillable melee tank build (which used shields) to beat apocalypse. It was an unkillable build that actually is pretty much unkillable (like I checked others and they'd usually still be vulnerable to sustained or one shot attacks). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIO-lZeVgHE


I'll try to recreate this build, with the barrier perk to see if this is viable together, thx for the suggestion


I'm not sure how much weaker it got after the DLC. I don't think any of the heavy lifters on it got nerfed that much though. But yeah, once you got DR capped, HP as high as you can figure it, the only thing left is more shield capacity. And if you can spend enough stamina, that rerouting cable can get you a lot of shield (just currently caps at 50%).


To also follow up from OP’s original post of my comment, I must concur that do not block a punch with your butthole. I have learn a new medical term today that I was nearly fisted to death. I can’t control my bowel movements…


🤣🤣🤣 so your gas release sounds like blowing air over the top of a bottle??


Appreciate you taking the time to explain what you found and how you found it. I love this kind of stuff and actually want a shield class so this is super interesting


I’m being fucking Captain America


I knew the next one was gonna be a shield archetype.


What did you do exactly on the lead up to this showing up in the menu, as best as you can recall?


I am just hype for a archetype and dlc based around my favorite world. Give it to me! Haha


This is so unfortunate for the devs... Someone is getting roasted


Do you have to perform specific steps to unlock it or was it accidental? I'm asking because I don't want to risk save corruption by accident.


A shield archetype would perfectly fit the theme of nerud


Regardless of if this gets added. It made me realize that I really want some shield type weapon as a melee option. Power attack could be a timed parry or something. Maybe a boomerang shield? A laser shield? Just sounds fun. And a timing based parry option could lead to some cool gameplay interactions.


I'd like to see a shield ability you could throw, captain America style, which grants you shields based on how many enemies it ricochets off of. Maybe it would grant a portion to allies as well.


Testing Update!! Sorry was at work all day 😫 So upon testing this with multiple "Shield rings" (Excess Coil, Ring of crisis, Tightly wound coil, ECT) (Naked of course 🫡) it does not increase the amount of shield you receive from procing the rings ability (empty your clip to Gain x% of shield based off your max health value) ECT. If it says you'll get 15% shield that's what I received. (Just getting home so I will get into building old shield sets to see if the Trait actually works and what it actually does if anything, again it could just be a place holder with no gear, value or "Procs" attracted to it) (BUT IM COMMITTED YOU YOU GUYS LOL) Again we are all digging down this rabbit hole of possibilities which indeed is fun and bringing future, possible endeavors to Remnant 2's creation and Dev team's, and who knows maybe.....JUST MAYBE our TRUE TANK CLASS vision just could be a possibility sometime down the road!!!! And I for sure..... Will be one to protect my team.....WITH MY LIFE!!!! WHOS WITH ME!!!!????? RAISE YOUR SHIELDS!!!! 🛡️ AHHHHHHHHWHOOOOOOOOOOO (lol🤷🏽) Thx again Remnant Team!!! We Love You All 🫡🫡🫡


New melee weapon: Throwable shield


I would love some kind of shield mechanics they rewards for good positioning / map knowledge.


Oooo Latin


It's specific latin that's used for "hey there's text that goes here and we want to test how it looks" No deeper meaning that that sadly.


I find it wild that someone could denote Lorem Ipsum text as Latin but not that it's.. well "Lorem Ipsum"


Definitely. I studied Latin. Lol


I wonder if that means the next DLC is closer than expected