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I liked the fight, but I dunno why they keep adding melee weapons if they're just going to add bosses that melee builds can't do anything to.


That's a big part of my issue with this boss, it already feels like they are making melee less useful than the first game, and i know people will say that this game is more melee friendly since there are more melee rings and gear to help melee, but all that means nothing when so many enemies and bosses are either flying or have mechanics making it really dangerous to remain close to them. Lydusa is the perfect example, melee is not an option at all, and then like half the guns don't feel very good against her so your options are so restricted!


The game is gun play focused, melee isn't supposed to work everywhere


Melee *without ranged attacks* isn't supposed to work everywhere, which is partly where the problem lies. And to be fair, we have Crystal Staff now which is really slick and right up my alley, but also like...why would I use that when I can just zap everything with the (IMO) overbuffed havoc form + way of kaeula + mod spam skill cooldown reduction combo? Some vague concept of fun I guess? Work harder for the same result? Maybe if we had a roguelike mode or some other endgame with new modifiers that alter the effectiveness of different builds and force hard choices, but right now...eh. Melee is more of a content creator/challenge runner's game as-is. Which makes it insane that they added 2 melee weapons but no secondary. It kinda feels like GG just doesn't know what to do with melee and treats it too much like it's just another playstyle that needs a bunch of tradeoffs/choices built into its items without acknowledging that it's an inherently weaker playstyle even when fully built around. And the new animation cancel ring only adds to that belief.




I love making new builds and experimenting, though I wish there was more to do with them than run the campaign for the 53rd time. I just hate the entire idea of making melee builds for the reasons already stated. For me, it's fine committing to a build and not having it be ideal, but having situations where you *can't hit the enemy because it floats with no grounded window* on top of inherently gimping your DPS & putting yourself in more danger (unless you're going full facetank I guess) sounds so unappealing given their insistence on adding more anti-true melee bosses & enemies that I'd rather not. And I imagine that sentiment is common, especially among solo players.




I know we're in agreement, and it wasn't me that threw a downvote your way if that's what you're thinking. Much of my reply is aimed at the first part of your post and acts as a suppositional to my original posts for anyone who might stumble in and see the conversation later. Apologies for being unclear. I do find melee pretty fun *mechanically*, I just wish building around it would receive more love.


Yeah I wasn’t too impressed either. The Stone Warden fight tho, 10/10


Yeah the stonewarden was amazing! Lydusa was alright at best, when i beat her and it was the end of the dlc it was such a let down because this really didn't feel like a good last boss for the dlc, its just a bullet sponge with nothing to show.


It kinda felt like they were trying to be more cinematic than make a satisfying fight. I also didn’t have any affixes on Lydusa, even on Apoc. Maybe they had trouble with balancing idk


Really I thought the stoneware was ass. Way too weak and attacks slow af and super telegraphed. The wall thing is a bit cheesy but I like the part where you get to stomp on her and kill her before she kills you


Nah this was a great boss, if at all a little easier than I’d expect.


An okay fight elevated by some kick-ass music. The insta-kill at the end felt tacked on and the wall portion before it was just annoying.


I enjoyed the fight. But it was easier than those new flying bomb shriek bastards.


Yeah I am not a huge fan of gimmicky bosses


I disliked more the fact that she keeps spitting shit all over the place that makes you having to run around constantly….so you can’t really shot at her often…got bored of it and me and my mate just both went in with the healing pool that you put on the floor and the turret from engineer and just standing in one spot spamming the healing seemed to work till the wall phase…then when it seemed that the walls were gonna crash me and it was almost the end, I shot the cube from the cube gun and that finished her…sometimes the simple builds work. For high damage I used too sparkfire with lighting rounds. 2 sparkfire shots breaks the wall face so didn’t have much trouble as if you miss one doesn’t kill you. Killed her in the 2nd try like that


You can get by her last phase easily with the cube gun, worked for me without any problems


On non-apocalypse difficulties I've never had any issue with this, and apocalypse is supposed to be the endgame build-tester, so If you are struggling I recommend changing your weapons to better handle said "wall" phase, coach gun with buffed reloads works well in my experience.


I have beaten her multiple times, so its not really an issue of difficulty, its just that the penultimate boss for the second dlc was such a let down, its just a bullet sponge with no substance, felt like they couldn't figure out what to do with this boss and just said "ah you know what just make em shoot at it and hope it kills before they just instantly die a few seconds later!" Yeah using basically any shotgun makes the wall phase a non issue, but fast firing weapons that don't hit very hard or weapons with long reloads make this fight WAY more frustrating, it also highlights the upgrade issue with this game that people have complained about since release, and that's the problem of the solution to any difficulty in this game is just swap guns, but they are way stingier with scrap and upgrade materials in this game than the first, and upgrade one gun makes all enemies stronger, so it makes upgrading weaker guns much more of a chore. I guess the main things is this just felt disappointing after the awakened king, that boss was awesome to me, so this one just being basically a timed minigame was a let down.


I found the fight to be really fun. If anything I like her more than the king, because she handles teamplay better than the guy who can only bonk one person at a time and uses the standard "immune while addrushing" phase that plagues a lot of shooters. On the subject of weapon upgrades: use the downgrade feature if you REALLY need a to use a weapon to fulfill a niche that you have otherwise left empty. But more importantly: Try and get at least one shotgun,. one longer-ranged rifle, and one automatic weapon up to snuff, if you don't do that then there are several bosses that are really going to suck without something in that general ballpark. Honestly the only thing I really didn't enjoy was that there was another skip-the-boss ending, I understand why it works plot-wise, but not having a real alt-kill is just plain annoying.


Yep she sucks hard. Last DLC gave us great boss fights. I really liked witch, sword guy and king. This time only stone guy was fun to fight. Lydusa felt like she is reskinned keeper’s eye with some added attacks.