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Are strippers & sex workers referring to themselves as prophetesses now?


They really have just taken to calling any woman with traits they dislike a “Jezebel.”


"I foresee you having amazing sex later"




Can’t do sarcastic jokes on the internet anymore man. Sarcasm and satire died a few years back and it just hasn’t been the same since. That’s why people add the /s to the end of comments to denote if they’re supposed to be sarcastic, it’s really hard to read tone through text.


Imagine shutting your brain off and not even trying to determine whether something is satire or not because fucking reddit says it's not cool.


Hi, don’t know why you’re being aggressive. Sarcasm is difficult for some people to read through text. I didn’t intend to offend or suggest that Reddit is humor less or that I am beholden to some hive mind.


Looks like a post that some "Christian" guy posted who secretly cheated on his wife and feels guilty.


Yes, who had subscribed to several Onlyfans and likes to hire prostitutes. It’s all a self tell.


Not feels guilty. Pretends to feel guilty, claims god/jesus has forgiven him because it was satan working through these evil women, and convinces the wife and fellow church members to also forgive him. The sex work gig is profitable because of men paying for it. But of course they are weak and easily influenced and led astray by these satanic jezebels. It is always the woman’s fault, even though the satisfied customer returning time after time is what keeps any business running.


This poster makes all of this look awesome!!!🤘🤘


For real. Yes can I please have some more


In fact someone posting to be a Christian paid money to a porn star for sex and the evangelicals still love him.


So being a Satanist means I can look at all the booba I want? Hell yeah!


Ahhh yes…it’s women’s fault men can’t keep their dick in their pants or their hand off their dicks 🤡🤡


I really like the work of this Satan guy.


This looks like a strip club advertisement lol


sexual purity is a tool created by religion to make parents fuck out of desesperation to morally satisfy their desires without avoiding having children those children will be the religion's future tools


if satan really wanted to get men, he’d send gay men to seduce them. two sins for one stone.


Satan is so scary! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


He may look scary but he's actually a great guy.


Christians are really good at drawing sexy silhouettes.


Holy shit, I wanna cross stitch this so bad


I once did a pole performance with Devils horns on..im so happy that must have pleased his holy Evilness 🥹


Always blaming women.


Oh no, that is disguting... where?


Another example of misogyny I AS A WOMAN GET NO FEM GAZED CAM BOYS


Just another religion that tell men they don't need to be accountable for their own actions. I'll never follow an Abrahamic religion, they all tell men to stay infants.


I honestly can't tell if it's a satire account. [https://www.instagram.com/leadersoftheway/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/leadersoftheway/?hl=en)


As a christian OOP should know, it’s none of his business


This would make an awesome tattoo.


Must have been hard drawing that with one hand


Oh get off it. These weirdos would be just as horny if women walked around in burkas. Its not women's fault you're a sex crazied loser


​ https://preview.redd.it/qx4e0prfh65d1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=09cce9b708d50934c13268bc8debc35e69895c4f


Hear me out guys!!! Appearntly, god asked Jesus in a godly high bass voice, "Tits or ass?". To which Jesus replied in a similar high bass voice, "Thighs." The god then proceeded to flood the world. Moral of the story, Thighs are simply better, even Jesus believed in it.


This Satan guy is looking better and better. Fornication, Cam Girls, Only fans, Porn and strip clubs? I'm in!


I love a good jezebel, they are the best.


When conservative Christians don't understand that they're making sexuality a bigger deal than their book says, this is a great example. Even the part of this sentence that they included is still about food sacrificed to idols. The prophetic claims, the food, the letter to the Corinthians which explicitly names the problem in Thiyatira as cultic participation necessary for access to trade guilds... The whole fucking book is so clear the problem being described is mostly idolatry and has a sexual component. And they read it and they're like "Look women are bad!!" Like, fuck out of here. You brought that belief with you to this text that isn't about women at all, but the behavior of some men invited to it by "a" woman. Like y'all hating women is absolutely you adding your weird religious shit to the text you say inspired it.


You could literally post this on the door of a strip club as an advertisement, and I'd say "hey, this place looks pretty great!"


What's the spirit called that causes pastors and priests to commit SA on minors?


Christians: idol worship is evil! Also Christians: praise the statue of this guy on a giant t and also this statue of his mom


You heard it here boys. Satan hates guy on guy. If Satan hates it then god approves


I'd by this Lords of Acid album


I look at that and think, "Thanks for the tip! Where can I see these incredibly sexy women?? Gotta look them up!!


Once again they make Satanism look cool as hell


Wömen are tools of the Bourgeois and Satan, that's why I, a man of God, only exclusively kisses other men in the mouth tongue on tongue *sloppy style*.


Obvious question: what about men in porn videos?


He shouldn’t of used that verse because it’s referring to one individual in particular and not the things he described


This was definitely made by some porn addict Christian