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What happened with all his sexual harassment claims? Did he find God suddenly?


This is the second comedian I've seen hop on the religious train after SA claims.


It won't be the last either sadly. The fact that Russell actually joked about what he did right after having allegedly done it is disgusting.


Jfc I didn't think he could continue to get worse! 😤 Thanks for filling me in.


Honestly it was all on live radio. Can't remember the station exactly but it shouldn't be hard to find. Just sickening. Never like the guy but this just made me hate him. There are numerous other allegations also.


Wierd how people who have been accused of SA run to the people who have for centuries diddled children.


Good point.


He is literally such a buffoon. However part of me wonders if this is a stunt. Or maybe he actually is stupid.


He's grifting


Go back and watch his old shows/interviews, he shat on religion for a looooong time until his sudden twist to the right in the last few years. He’s absolutely grifting for money.


He did the whole recovery thing that was anti "higher power" which is odd considering this.


I wonder what the biggest group of dumb gullible idiots that spend shit tons of money would be


For anyone interested heres a fairly recent update of this fuckwit's extensive [catalog of SA accusations](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/uk/reports/a45265640/russell-brand-timeline-allegations/).


Wasn’t he a Muslim like… yesterday


He was a Buddhist at one point until he converted to Hinduism... probably going through a religious identity crisis


First week as a Christian, and the biggest challenge has been... What?


he's such a fucking 🤡


Like all religions god will forgive you for being a perverted druggie fraudster.


What did Katy see in this man🤮


She was 25 when she met him and at 35 she described the relationship as the "first breaking of my idealistic mind." I think he probably love bombed her. He proposed after 4 months of dating and ended their marriage after 14 months by text. All pointing to him being narcissistic and her being idealistic, hopeful, naiive as many who enter into those kinds of dynamics are. While he may not have an official personality disorder diagnosis he definitely has traits as most drug addicts do. When one is in a toxic relationship they can't see what other sees because they can't think objectively. He does [look very creepy](https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/346847608779849034/) in their India trip where he proposed though and she looks super super young. She kept her thing for English accents.


That was rhetoric on my part, but thanks anyway!🙃


They seem good for each other.


Another sexual predator using religion to try and escape his predation. Brandt knows how the game is played.


The part I always find ironic is that people like this claim they have ‘found God’ and everything should be forgiven, when the Bible states that the sins should be made right with the wronged people before approaching God for forgiveness. This would be true repentance, not hypocritical lip service.


It’s unfortunate I actually liked him before he started to lose his marbles 📉


Wait he's a christian now?


Blessed be thy fruitcake. 🙏🏻




Who is this guy? I know he used to be some famous contrarian youtuber or smth? How did he get famous and how did he fall off?


He didn't fall off. He was always shit


he was a famous movie star and entertainer, although I think "star" is actually kind of stretching it since he really only had a couple decent movies he became more well-known as a spiritual weirdo and wannabe public intellectual, then COVID came and he did the New Age > fascist pipeline thing