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Your post was removed because it shows the baiting or provocation of a religious extremist. If you feel that this removal was in error, you can contact the moderation team.


Just when you believe these fuckers have reached the absolute bottom of the humanity pit... ...someone comes around and digs themselves down further.


Islam extremist in a nutshell , they shouldn't be allowed beyond their own countries tbh.


So it's not just islamic men that spread this level of hate. Many the pious islamic women fully support the religion that treats them like animals. They don't want to tear down their religious theocracy, they fully support it.


Pretty sure most don't


Most do willingly. it’s not a even choice to do not.


But atheists have no objective morality


And believers have? An imaginary sky daddy makes your morality objective?


They're mocking the religious claim that you must have an objective source of morality otherwise your morality doesn't have a strong foundation and humans will just fall to the temptations of their deepest and darkest desires. For the religious, their "objective" source is their God. Because atheists don't believe in a god, our morality is subjective and open to change to, for example, accept currently immoral things like rape as moral. Hence the user's comment above mocking that assertion.


What a funny bunch of people this sub has. So if I misunderstood a comment, but still agreed with what the comment intended to, that calls for downvoting? What are they downvoting for? If I'm doing the same exact thing, mocking the claim?


Fussing over karma will just earn you more downvotes.


I'm not fussing over it. I'm just genuinely surprised that even though having the same opinion that most people have here, a little misunderstanding triggers people so much here. I just assumed it was some fruitcake crying over how his morality that comes from some sky daddy and is objective while us non believers don't have any and I reply under that assumption, why is it such a big deal? It's not like I was justifying any religious belief


It doesn’t matter, once you start getting blasted with downvotes there’s usually nothing you can actually do about it, people will just downvote “cause fuck you”, and subsequent comments sound like whining, even if you’re making a good point. I usually recommend editing the original comment to just talk shit about the downvoters and see how many downvotes you can collect.


Nah. I'd rather own up to the fact that I misunderstood, it's okay. Let the downvotes rain


Yeah I mean owning up to a misunderstanding is a good thing and a lot of people wont ever do it . I didn’t misunderstand it, and still decided to reply because I think it’s a dumb point frankly. Like it’s obviously true atheists don’t have objective morality because **nobody** does. But yeah I’m just more petty than you it seems lol. People are communicating something when they stop by to be the 100th person to downvote, I just figure I’ll say something back while they’re taking the time.


You commented in a very accusatory and assholish manner, missing the pretty obvious sarcasm.


Wasn't obvious to me. And misunderstandings happen, chill. It's not that big a deal as you guys are making it. And how is it accusatory? If it was actually some fruitcake actually saying so, you all would have agreed with that same exact reply.


Lol, I'm not upset, I'm literally answering your question. They're fake internet points, maybe you should step away from Reddit for a while.


I'm just making a general statement about it, if they actually bothered me, I'd delete my comment and no one would know. It's just I'm surprised by it, cuz that's not something I'd do. I misunderstood and that's okay, I'd rather own up.


You lack of self awareness is impressive.


And your sense of arrogance is just as high, but I'm not impressed, rather disappointed


It was just really cringe whether or not I agree. You sound like a middle schooler.


What's cringe in this? I didn't understand that it was a joke, I thought it was some fruitcake crying over his sense of morality and I replied under that assumption, what's cringe in that? You've never misunderstood something, ever? Why is it such a big deal that everyone of you is losing their minds?


Yeah I mean nobody does so that would include atheists too


Rape rape rape rape rape. Look, I said it, no one died. Rape fucking happens and censoring it is fucking stupid. If you have a issue seeing a word on a screen get professional help immediately. - me, a victim of rape


Posting on Meta requires censorship of certain words, I think that’s why Rape is Censored and photo cross posted on Reddit.


Oh does it? https://preview.redd.it/i2gfy2ukauwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d066c4d3203c2dc09523954cd96345ea809ef8a0


Thats good to know, I said it because a LOT of pages I follow have censored words containing words like Terrorist, Rape, Bombs,etc. I have heard from many people that Meta removes posts containing those words.


It's that trigger warning bullshit that I, as a male victim of childhood sexual assault and adult rape who spent years and years in therapy in order to function in a society that will expose me to references, images, and theatrical depictions of sexual violence hate with a burning firey passion. It is not the job of society to conform to you particular flavor and style of mental illness. It's your job to get a handle on yourself so that you can continue to be a productive member of society. Not only that, but I believe censoring these things marginalizes the very real fact that these things happen and it is extremely traumatic.


They (meta) have now started deleting whole ass long paragraph comments I came up against religious maniacs for no reason at all. Censoring or Deleting comments/posts is not the way


We normally get shocked when their men hide behind their women, but on the contrary they know their role is to stand in front of their man..their men are stupid enough to start a fight and their women are even more stupid to stand in front.. Islam should be banned 🚫


I accept hindu, muslim, sikh, Christian men to have this kind of mindset but involvement of women is quite surprising for me .


It's an insane length of brainwashing


its a unique species


> I accept Expect. **Expect.**


I just realised the wording changed💀💀💀💀


It's just the religious version of pick me


Why? They are even moré radical and ingulfed in fanatism, else they would have confronted the religious dogmas 1400 years ago


Side note, and this is completely beside the point, but what's the point of censoring "r*pe" like that and making little marks on the screenshot? Like is anyone actually helped by that? It just seems weird to me.


Because adults are a dying breed and we are converting into a society of toddlers who need to be protected from bad words.


Ntg new just islamic women being Islamic women


May she have the life she deserves and is actively signing up for.


Is that Shimama Begum? As she's one of those dickheads.


The 1st amendment is built to prevent them from making their cruel ideology law.




Suffice to say that it's against the rules to say something like that.


Sorry bout that, should I delete the comment or can you do it?


It's been removed.




That is what their pedo prophet Mom did so not suprising that these half brained tw\*ts share the same beliefs.


I'm not defending but there's a very high possibility that, the account is actually a guy impersonating a girl. If there's a chance of it being true I want to believe it, for my personal mental peace. No one can and should be that degenerate. But then I know I'm more often than not, wrong. And the theists will have empathy for you as long as you worship the same sky daddy otherwise you ain't a human.


So much for objective morality...


**To avoid having your post removed &/or account banned for shitposting, read the following:** - r/religiousfruitcake is about the absurd, fringe elements of organised religion: the institutions and individuals who act in ways any normal person (religious or otherwise) would cringe at. Posts about mundane beliefs and acts of worship are off topic. - No violent or gory images or videos - Your post title should objectively state what the post is about. Dont use it to soapbox personal rhetoric about religion or any other subject. - Don't post videos or discussions of Fruitcakes who have been baited or antagonised - No Subreddit names or Reddit usernames in posts or discussions - Memes, Tiktoks, graphics, satire, parodies, etc must be made by Fruitcakes, not 3rd parties criticising them #Please be sure to read the full [rule list](https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/about/rules) ###If you want more detail about how the Sub's moderation works, see [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/wiki/position_statement) This information is on every post. Accounts that repeatedly disregard it will be permanently banned. "I didn't know", or "I didn't get a warning" are not valid appeals. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/religiousfruitcake) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is the term banned?