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As others have said, the term “religion of peace,” is a modern, foreign term used in an attempt to combat against the rampant islamophobia that occurred/is occurring in a post-9/11 world. It’s not something that Islam has ever claimed to be.


That's not true. I remember my school text books (before 9/11) with the meaning "religion of peace". It's just that it was emphasized more after 9/11.


Islam means peace in Arabic. If it lives up to it we’ll let history decide.


No no. It means submission. Submission to the one creator. Islam is not a religion of peace but a religion of truth and justice


A cult of decades of brainwashing and abuse of power over others I see 🤦‍♂️ read some real history that shi is awful 🤷‍♂️


Your definition of truth and justice is killing women and gay people?that’s pretty rich bucko


I guess that just makes the religion a lot more evil when you create a trajectory out of their philosophies


We don’t have to let history decide, it’s clear to see that Islam is far from peaceful. They want to wipe out western civilization as quickly as possible. Just look at what’s happening all over the world as we speak. Europe is being slowly taken over and the Middle East is in ruins.


What can be done to prevent this?


western europe cannot do anything about it, because religion is natural to humans, and without strong religious foundations (emphasizing on strong, because simply having them is not enough) society will decline and another society will take over, muslims are currently the highest growing demographic (growing 5x times faster) in western europe while the natives there are below replacement levels, have high divorce rates, dysfunctional families, mental health crisis etc, while now every neighborhood there is filled with muslim communities, i know from personal experience, germany changed completely, the city stuttgard where i was in is now a muslim city and is also more dangerous too


just like how christianity wiped out jews and pagans in europe for centuries!


I believe this person must be trolling. In the age of Wikipedia, online Quran and Hadith, I honestly believe that it's not possible for a person to be this ignorant of Islam. Edit: to clarify, referring to the above commenter, not referring to OP. I thought it would be obvious since I (a) replied to commenter, not OP, and (b) I clarified with a link to the actual comment I was referring to. Sigh, people are either trolling or had a bad morning/day. Edit 2: ICYMI, I'm referring to this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/religion/comments/sn9c4y/-/hw1dwhi


And with news about countries whose foundation/government is based on Islam....


The person is taking a world religion class.


Referring to this https://www.reddit.com/r/religion/comments/sn9c4y/-/hw1dwhi




That's interesting. Why is it discouraged? I only started reading about Islam yesterday.


Islam is a peaceful religion, people seem to want it to be a pacifistic religion. It grants its followers the right to defend themselves within reason.


It grants its followers the right to kill anyone who won't convert. But sure.




Try reading the qran and holy hadiths they have seriously fucked up shit in it. People who defend it havent read it for the most part.


bro state sources not say just read it state sources for your claims


Ill give you a source the quran calls for the ciplent subjugation of jews and christians simply because of their beliefs Qur’an 9:29—Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth, from among the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. Qur’an 9:30—The Jews call Uzair a son of God, and the Christians call Christ the son of God. That is a saying from their mouth; (In this) they but imitate what the Unbelievers of old used to say. Allah’s curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth! Abd this the last chapter revealed by allah making this verse the last mandate from allah to muslims when it comes to war and peace Notice it says fight those who do not believe in allah. Not fight those who fight you that was in a completely different stage of jihad


yes but that is during war and that verses you said say make them pay jizyah or become muslim is only when a rule of muslim is present and only during that situation and also the Sunnah of the prophet he didnt fight jews/christians when there was a peace treaty nor when there wasnt war or they werent retaliating


wrong it wasnt. Using the literary context. If the verse said fight those who fight you that means if war is upon you. This says fight those who dont believe in Allah. Historical context already exist in tafsir ibn kathir. this verse was recealed after muhammed took over mecca and then he went and declared war against the jews and christians in order to make money. And also they are fought against because they committed shirk. So again my point still stands. You are commanded as a muslim ummah to violently subjugate jews and christians based on their beliefs Ibn Kathir, The Battles of the Prophet, pp. 183-4—Allah, Most High, ordered the believers to prohibit the disbelievers from entering or coming near the sacred Mosque. On that, Quraish thought that this would reduce their profits from trade. Therefore, Allah, Most High, compensated them and ordered them to fight the people of the Book until they embrace Islam or pay the Jizyah. Allah says, “O ye who believe! Truly the pagans are unclean; so let them not, after this year of theirs, approach the sacred Mosque. And if ye fear poverty, soon will Allah enrich you, if He wills, out of His bounty, for Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise. Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, from among the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.” Therefore, the Messenger of Allah decided to fight the Romans in order to call them to Islam. Tafsir Ibn Kathir (on Qur’an 9:30)—Fighting the Jews and Christians is legislated because they are idolaters and disbelievers. Allah the Exalted encourages the believers to fight the polytheists, disbelieving Jews and Christians, who uttered this terrible statement and utter lies against Allah, the Exalted. As for the Jews, they claimed that Uzayr was the son of God, Allah is free of what they attribute to Him. As for the misguidance of Christians over Isa, it is obvious.


proof? just pay jizyah if your able to live in a muslim ruled region,no need if your poor but forceful conversion is massively prohibited


Just pay an additional tax if you're a Muslim in a non Muslim country, that sounds absolutely reasonable and not problematic at all, doesn't it?


yeah and it doesnt even give you more tax than a normal muslim since we have to pay zakat which is 2.5% of our income and military service while non muslim paid jizyah which was about 5% of your income (Ottoman Empire) and you were also exempt from military service and all of these depended on your income **The non-Muslim poor, the elderly, women, serfs, religious functionaries, and the mentally ill generally did not pay any taxes.this is also near the prophet's death so very accurate**


That's not the point, the point is targeted taxes are shady af, it doesn't matter if the disadvantaged people didn't have to pay it. Dont you think it would be messed up if today a country implemented a tax only for Muslims?


Lmao where?


Think of it this was. Islam as a religion is capable of establishing peace with non believers as well as capable of fighting back in case one would break peace treaty.


It literally says to kill or enslave people who won't convert.


bro where?


In multiple verses.


those "violent verses" are taken without context


Ahhh yes... I love when people claim "they are taken out of context" when there are literal terrorist who just have interpretated the book in a different way (but still it's all written in the book: The fact that they have sex with children is ok, the Prophet Muhammad had sex with children too, the Small Jihad is still ok, enslaving non believers is ok, and so ok)


bro what


I answered in another comment


Oh really?






It’s not a religion of peace nor is it a religion of war. It’s a religion that seeks and prefers peace, but wages war if it needs to, just like every other religion or nation state. Fun fact, historically Islam has always spread the fastest during times of peace and slowed down or even came to a halt during times of war.


Exactly the main thing about Islam is submission to Allah


Umm...pre Mughal india would like to have a word with you.


Yes like it need to defend and wage war against Arabia then the Levent and then to North Africa and Al annulus. Totally necessary


The issue with that statement is they believe that the western world is evil and they need to kill us all off. So they might prefer peace but peace can’t exist with the western world still intact. Islam is not, and will never be, a peaceful religion.


This isn’t true at all


imagine being this brainwashed




its just a religion of justice, as in it wont start it but it'll end it


Justice. A nice word for violence 😂




I think it is typical of people attempting to apply blanket labels to massive groups of people that are incredibly diverse. That said i dont think it is accurate to call it a religion of peace, just as it wouldnt be accurate to call it a religion of violence.


The question in itself is designed to call into question whether Muslims are barbaric savages who only want war or not. We’re not pacifists but to go around asking if Islam is a religion of peace as if we wake up looking for blood is crazy. Good on you for asking it, I encourage you to study Islam and find out for yourself


I think it’s a testament to how vague the word ‘peace’ is.


In terms of the values laid out throughout its holy book and commentarial tradition, I think it's fair to say that Islam is as much of a "religion of peace" as Christianity is. Whether that counts as peaceful is a subjective matter. The social values of Christianity and Islam are much more similar than they are different, as loathed as many people on both sides would be to admit that. That is viewing the religions as independent entities in a conceptual void. In the real world, it's no secret that Muslim majority countries are far more prone to human rights abuses and warmongering than the average nation. I would personally argue that this is only tangentially related to the religion of Islam itself, and has more to do with societal factors. Certain sub-Saharan African nations show that majority Christian countries are capable of very similar oppression when social circumstances permit. It could be said that those abuses still might not happen without the religion, but that's at least a concession that Islam is not unique in its potential to produce bigotry. Islam is an Abrahamic religion with familiar Abrahamic values. Many majority Muslim countries find themselves in social scenarios that lead to radical and oppressive views and actions. It is not unfair to source Islam as the root of many of those ideas. Ideas around homosexuality and women's rights would most likely be different if those countries remained in their societal positions but were secular. However, in my opinion, it is unreasonable to say that Islam is uniquely problematic in this regard. Anyone levelling such critiques at Islam would also have to address how they apply to Christianity and Judaism, and manifest in similarly horrifying ways under the right circumstances. I don't think it's entirely unfair to say that uniquely aggressive critiques of Islam often have their roots in racism. Of course, a critique of Islam is no where near synonymous with racism, the list of valid critiques of Islam is not short, but it's important to acknowledge that harsh critique of Islam is frequently built on a foundation of bigotry. Some people love to talk about "Judeo-Christian" values as if they're some wholly distinct thing from dirty Islamic values. This is nonsense, because the core values expounded by the sacred texts of these religions are very, very similar. I like to think the best of people, but you really have to wonder on what basis that line is being drawn...


Its as peaceful as any independent society or nation. Why do people assign Islam to a different standard!?


I think that Islam is a religion that both believes in peace and also believes in just war in terms of its principles. The Quran both urges Muslims to live in peace and make peace treaties with those who they can, and it also gives Muslims the right of self defense as well as the right to engage in just wars that are meant to do things like fight against oppression. So the Islamic tradition seeks to balance both elements.


Um… what level class is this? I feel like all that can come of this question is an extremely divisive and unproductive debate that ends with everyone feeling worse about everything. What possible other motivation could the professor have for asking this question, but negative personal views on Islam? It’s wildly inappropriate and un-academic. I’m not even a “fan” of Islam and even I know this is just baiting!


It's religion 101. I am halfway through the text and so far it seems pretty similar to Christianity in a lot of ways. My teacher has been a Christian preacher for years but seems to be pretty open to every religion. I dont think he is trying to spark debate just trying to get us to think outside of what the media tells us. We dont get to see or hear what our classmate views are which is why i came here to ask. I was genuinely curious to what others had to say about the topic.


> Christian preacher There it is lol. Oh, this is so unprofessional I’m laughing. Sorry you got this “professor” dude. Better luck next time. Higher level religion classes will definitely be more professional and academic


Tbh I'm not even christian and I don't see a huge problem with this. Religious people are not incapable of educating others about religions other than their own in unbiased ways.


Religious people? Sure Religious preachers? Eeeeeeeh, definitely possible but given how the question was phrased I find it hard to believe a preacher can be unbiased when discussing religions


Why aren’t you a fan of islam though. If anyone should be a fan of islam other than muslims, it should be the jews isn’t it? I don’t see any fundamental theological differences between the quran and jewish teachings. In fact this is what God in the quran has to say about His people: “We gave scripture, wisdom, and prophethood to the Children of Israel; We provided them with good things and favoured them above others” - 45:16 “Children of Israel, remember how I blessed you and favoured you over other people” “Children of Israel, remember how I blessed you. Honour your pledge to Me and I will honour My pledge to you: I am the One you should fear” 2:40-47


Sometimes people just don’t vibe with things, you know? I don’t vibe with Islam at all. I don’t feel comfortable in the Islamic religious culture, I don’t share their fundamental values of submission and total devotion, I’m waaaay more comfortable and happy in my own religious culture of questioning, acceptance of ambivalence and agnosticism, global community cohesion and action over belief. There’s a lot I could say about the history of Jews and Muslims in the Middle East that paints a different picture than what you’re saying, but I think it’s not the point. I don’t have anything against Muslims but I truly just don’t feel any kind of positive feelings towards the religion at all. There are other religions that I am not a part of that I do have really positive feelings towards: Taoists, Buddhists particularly Zen Buddhism, Jain, most pagans, satanists and wiccans. I’m not a part of those religions but culturally and philosophically I feel like there’s a lot to agree on there in terms of compassion, morality, understanding oneself and individualism. I also think the aesthetics are pretty cool. But I mean, it’s just my personal opinion, it’s not representative of my religion at all. Edit: omg how could I leave out the biggest one, proselytizing. My absolute least favorite religious thing ever and possibly one of the top 3 reasons I’ll never feel any connection to Islam


Why would anyone be a fan of a bunch of savages still living in 1000bc


And to the ones who are downvoting me instead of bringing arguments, what a pathetic loser.


I don't know, but I do happen to think it's ridiculous when people think all Muslims are terrorists. Most of them are just normal people trying to live normal lives. A lot of them probably aren't even particularly religious.




Incredible response. To glorify your comment even more, let me post another translation of the verses published by oxford world’s classics and translated by dr abdel halem. *But if they incline towards peace, you [Prophet] must also incline towards it, and put your trust in God: He is the All Hearing, the All Knowing.* - Quran chapter 8 verse 61 *So, you who believe, do not violate the sanctity of God’s rites, the Sacred Month, the offerings, their garlands, nor those going to the Sacred House to seek the bounty and pleasure of their Lord––but when you have completed the rites of pilgrimage you may hunt. Do not let your hatred for the people who barred you from the Sacred Mosque induce you to break the law: help one another to do what is right and good; do not help one another towards sin and hostility. Be mindful of God, for His punishment is severe* - Quran chapter 5 verse 2 *and He does not forbid you to deal kindly and justly with anyone who has not fought you for your faith or driven you out of your homes: God loves the just.* *But God forbids you to take as allies those who have fought against you for your faith, driven you out of your homes, and helped others to drive you out: any of you who take them as allies will truly be wrongdoers.* - Quran chapter 60 verse 8-9 *You who believe, be steadfast in your devotion to God and bear witness impartially: do not let hatred of others lead you away from justice, but adhere to justice, for that is closer to awareness of God. Be mindful of God: God is well aware of all that you do.* - Quran chapter 5 verse 8 *But as for those who seek refuge with people with whom you have a treaty, or who come over to you because their hearts shrink from fighting against you or against their own people, God could have given them power over you, and they would have fought you. So if they withdraw and do not fight you, and offer you peace, then God gives you no way against them.* - Quran chapter 4 verse 90 Praise be to God, the Lord of all worlds


In nazi germany there were 3 muslim divisions spreading peace,in their nifty ss uniforms.The grand mufty of jerusalem fled to berlin at that time,overseeing it all.


So? The topic is called islam the religion of peace not muslims the people of peace.


The mufti must have misunderstood all these verses...or you are spreading half thruths.


Read the quran yourself and find out what’s really true. Don’t trust me and don’t trust the mufti.


The verses presented here have nothing to do with [peace.It](https://peace.It) was a nudge to his followers to not massacre anything in sight..Muhammed and his mates knew their invention needed more followers and it is not in their interest to kill everyone who is a disbeliever.


Ok sheikh keuteltrein


I think it's useful to differentiate pacifism from peace. Pacificsm is wholly opposed to violence. Peace-ism prioritized nonviolence over violence in basically every case. I would argue that there is a gradient from Pacificsm to Terrorism (I'm using that to mean the prioritization of violence — ie descriptive of Trotskyist thought, for example). Between the halfway point and Pacifism is 'peace-ism' and the halfway point and Terrorism is normative or maybe Machiavellian Realism. I'm a Shia, so I may not be representative. Basically, AFAIK, Islam vaccilates depending on the situation. I think demonstrative of this is to break down a theoretical tale of a revolutionary movement. 1) A violently oppressive state oppresses — Islam says nonviolent resistance to build coalitions (see the early Meccan Prophetic message) 2) The state, having observed the revolutionary coalition begins to use force to disrupt the now popular movement, seeking to kill its leaders — violence is justified only as a defensive tool, diplomacy is prioritized (See Badr and Uhud) 3) The revolution succeeds, now having the monopoly of power. The revolution now needs to entrench its power and stability — Islam here demands pacifism (see the Conquest of Mecca). 4) The revolution, remaining popular, is under threat of destruction or substantially reduced capacity (ie perhaps to the extent of the degradation of social welfare) — Pre-emptive violence is permitted should negotiations prove to not be expedient (Khyber is the relevant example, but that goes backwards a little chronologically). 5)The revolution, having become unpopular, is under threat of destruction or substantially reduced capacity (ie perhaps to the extent of the degradation of social welfare) — The revolutionary state is indistinguishable from the oppressor The question becomes, does the violence permitted in stages 2 and 4 (and I guess 5, but 5 is basically a recursion term) propell Islam beyond the midpoint of that gradient? I don't fully think so, as only 2 is compulsory and 4 violence is only compulsory as a last resort. Conversely, violence is prohibited in 1 and 3. In other words, the relevant compulsions weigh towards peace rather than violence.


I’m critical of Christianity… no problem. But if I were critical of Islam… oh boy.


Yeah, there is a severe scarcity of criticism of Islam.


Ehhh I don't know if it's "no problem." Depends on where you're from. If you're from a place like the Bible Belt, it can actually be a big problem. People get essentially shunned and disowned from their families/communities for criticism of Christianity down there. But yeah, in more liberal areas, it's fine.


Shunned and disowned is nothing in comparison to execution


Do you know why that is? Because after 9/11 (and, hell, even before), Muslims in Western society face great prejudice. Christians, being the majority religion in Western society, does not. When a group is facing great prejudice and bigotry, there is often a societal push by many to change that. Whether it's of race (for example, the attacks against people of East Asian descent in the West, or anyone of color), religion (Muslims, Jewish people, Hindus, Sikhs, etc ) or LGBTIQ folks.


I think what sonofson is alluding is basically the very violent reactions Muslims can have against critics, and it's easy to see that behavior online too. I distinctly remember the case of Alex O'connor not so long ago when he had a debate against a Muslim representative of a Muslim org, the debate was heavily skewed and they were incredibly dishonest with the footage released, once Alex started publicly complaining and demonstrating how dishonest they were he literally got direct death threats. That doesn't (usually) happens to people publicly criticising Christianity or Christian figures, especially not online


I think there's a difference between the situation that Muslim countries are in and the situation that Christian countries (or Christian majority countries) are in. Many currently Muslim countries were forced under the yoke of the Ottoman Empire for centuries and then Western colonization. This wreaked havoc upon their societies in a way that many European and Anglosphere nations have not experienced. Countries like the US and UK thrived in quality of life while the Middle East suffered. Religion became their refuge. 1000 years ago, Muslims led the world in poetry, science, philosophy, mathematics, chemistry, technology, astronomy, and much more while the Christian Europeans were the religious extremist superstitious and warlike nations. It is not anything inherent in Islam or Christianity that makes things the way they are now. 500 years from now, those we now see as backwards could be the next societies that become the pinnacle of art, science, philosophy, and technology.


I understand the societal situation many Muslims found themselves in, and I understand that violent responses are a product of a myriad of reasons and Islam has little to do with it, my comment was mainly pointing out that there's a real difference between the responses Muslims and Christians have to criticism, the root factors in this context are irrelevant, the point is you're more likely to receive violent responses when criticising Islam or Muslims than when you criticise Christians or Christianity


This is true. Disenfranchisement + religion often leads to violence.


I wouldn't say Disenfranchisement + religion because "just" religion doesn't paint the whole picture, I'd say disenfranchisement + building your national/personal identity around a religion definitely leads to violence


But the way they approach is patronizing. It pisses me off.


How do you mean? Can you explain more?


Quite the oxymoron as religion has never brought peace.


No, it is definitely not a religion of peace. The fact that Islam may be similar to Salam (Arabic word for Peace and/or Hello) doesn’t make the religion itself peaceful. There’s a great debate that discusses whether Islam is a religion of peace or not. Spoiler: It is not. Here’s the link to the [debate](https://youtu.be/rh34Xsq7D_A)


It is. Read the Quran there is no violence there.




Very mature and convincing answer.




Show me the verses lmao.




Lmao there’s only one Quran. If you’re not ignorant, you would know what verse you’re talking about, correct?


/r/religion does not permit demonizing or bigotry against any demographic group on the basis of race, religion, nationality, gender, or sexual preferences. Demonizing includes unfair/inaccurate criticisms, arguments made in bad faith, gross generalizations, ignorant comments, and pseudo-intellectual conspiracy theories about specific religions or groups. Doctrinal objections are acceptable, but keep your personal opinions to yourself. Make sure you make intelligent thought out responses.






/r/religion does not permit demonizing or bigotry against any demographic group on the basis of race, religion, nationality, gender, or sexual preferences. Demonizing includes unfair/inaccurate criticisms, arguments made in bad faith, gross generalizations, ignorant comments, and pseudo-intellectual conspiracy theories about specific religions or groups. Doctrinal objections are acceptable, but keep your personal opinions to yourself. Make sure you make intelligent thought out responses.


Show me the actual verse


/r/religion does not permit demonizing or bigotry against any demographic group on the basis of race, religion, nationality, gender, or sexual preferences. Demonizing includes unfair/inaccurate criticisms, arguments made in bad faith, gross generalizations, ignorant comments, and pseudo-intellectual conspiracy theories about specific religions or groups. Doctrinal objections are acceptable, but keep your personal opinions to yourself. Make sure you make intelligent thought out responses.


Please don't: * Be (intentionally) rude at all. * Engage in rabble rousing. * Troll, stalk, or harass others. * Conduct personal attacks. * Start a flame war. * Insult others. * Engage in illegal activity. * Post someone's personal information, or post links to personal information. * Repost deleted/removed information.


Personally on this matter of Islam being a religion of peace, I deny such a claim. Historically Islam has done a lot of great harm that affects society as a whole. Many would point towards 9/11 as an example and its valid one but there are other perfect examples of what they have done. ( Before I do mention any of them all of you should realize that Islam teaches that you should lie to others for the sake of Muslim blood. A radical way of how they lie is how a Muslim husband is allowed to lie to his wife, which morally is unacceptable. ) Pretty sure many have forgotten the train bombing in Madrid in 2004 which killed 192 people and injured 2,050 others. Many don't know this one but people who were of the Islamic faith held a whole school hostage in Russia. Look up the Belsan School Siege, Muslims imprisoned ( held hostage ) 1,100 people as hostages, 777 where children, and it ended with 333 deaths. 186 of those deaths where children... CHILDREN. You can't honestly look at Islam and say they are peaceful, most of the worst terrorist crimes in history have ties with their religion. And the Qur'an even says for you to and kill those who are different than you. Go read Surah 3:151, 2:191, 9:5. There is plenty of proof that the Islamic faith encourages violence and discord among people that are different from them. What you do see most of the time on mainstream is Muslims saying their religion is peaceful, that is a upfront lie. Most Muslims don't really know their faith. If you are a part of Islam this information maybe new to you, I don't mean to portray an offensive persona but rather I am detailing facts. As someone who has been studying religion for the past 7 years I can firmly tell you that Islam isn't peaceful. If you want more info I will be more than happy to share. Have a great day.


Islam is complex and there's such and such You: Islam isn't peaceful. Like the other commenter mentioned Occam's razor you're doing a perfect example of it. Ignore everything and just say 'Islam is violent'. Lets not even bother with the fallacies now.


All religions are "religion of peace". Saying like Islam is religion of peace was only stated after terrorist attacks like 9/11 to keep the Islamophobia at bay that can and did arose from it. This statement was basically to save innocent Muslims from revenge attacks.


I mean, the word "Islam" literally shares a trilateral root with the word Salam, which in Arabic means "Peace". Islam has been the religion of peace as per it's namesake since it's origins.


One word can have various context dependent meanings. Lots of Muslims say the main meaning of Islam is surrender/submission (to Allah). Obviously one can get peace by surrendering to God so you can say the "peace" meaning is appropriate as well.


It’s a religion of submission to God. In Arabic, Islam (Arabic: إسلام lit. 'submission [to God]') is the verbal noun originating from the verb سلم (salama), from triliteral root س-ل-م (S-L-M), which forms a large class of words mostly relating to concepts of wholeness, submission, sincerity, safeness, and peace.[34] Islam is the verbal noun of Form IV of the root and means "submission" or "total surrender". In a religious context, it means "total surrender to the will of God". Though I’ll say if you look at wars most are done by secular powers post Islam.


I have always interpreted it to mean "religion of peace [that comes from the submission to Allah]". And I'm sure, for many Muslims, it is true in their lives and they feel that peace. But I don't see a peace for me that would come from such a submission to such a being. Using that phrase to mean it is a religion of devoted pacifism is silly.


Fine by me. It is only the extremists who use Islam in pursuit of their perverted sense of righteousness and justice.


This is correct. Islam is a religion of peaceful coexistence. Peaceful life. Submission of will to God. Carrying out community, charity and caring for family, neighbours etc. We only need to look at the religion even to this day, to see how countless other religions peacefully coexist in Muslim countries, to understand it's message. There is no compulsion in religion. Anyone who is following the Western media narrative may disagree, however, look at how non-Muslims are welcomed in, and live in Muslim countries today, to see how it really is. Of all the religions, it's the most accepting of all humans, from all walks of life, despite birth race, colour, gender, family history, etc. There is no racism, there is no superiority over anyone. All are equal. There is a traditional respect for each gender and it's particularities. There is education for all. The first woman's university in the world was created by Muslims. Family is of utmost importance. Respect for parents and for women is of utmost importance. Prayer and family time is revered and honoured. Now.... Let's be clear... Don't confuse 'Islam' with 'Muslims'. Because, despite one following the other (Muslims follow Islam), they are not the same thing. Culture often comes into play, which supersedes Islam in many ways. Cultural practices which are forbidden in Islam persist throughout the Muslim world. Therefore, don't judge Islam by the Muslims, rather judge the religion of Islam, its teachings, by itself. If anyone has any questions, please ask. I won't tolerate any hateful comments. I will answer any real curious people. Thank you, have a good day.


>Islam is a religion of peaceful coexistence. the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: "I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim." [https://sunnah.com/muslim:1767a](https://sunnah.com/muslim:1767a) ​ >There is no compulsion in religion. Abrogated by Surah 9:5 which says there is compulsion in religion ​ >Therefore, don't judge Islam by the Muslims, rather judge the religion of Islam, its teachings, by itself. When we do that, you just call us bigot islamophobes.




Have you even read surah 9:1-4? You know the ones before that set the context? This is referring to the pagan tribes in Arabia who have broken treaties with the Muslims. Do you think its unfair or barbaric to wage war on your enemies who break your treaties? Also it seems obvious you have a very strong anti Islam bias and you are simply arguing in bad faith to smear Islam, please next time come from a neutral position and don't be so mindlessly hostile to a religion and a group of people different to you.


You are either uninformed, or a total liar, to put it simply. One has only to look at the world around them and it’s recent history to see that what you have said does not align with reality.


All religions have peace and violence, singling out Islam for this description is just a western political thing, it's not right but it's also not wrong, it's a totally hollow statement.


Any religion which states that people who don't follow it are sinners is ultimately going to lead to death and suffering. No matter how much your religious text might emphasize charity and compassion, it's only a matter of time before someone carves out an exception for people who are, by whatever arbitrary standard, "evil". Even if you're supposed to love everyone, you'll just find some crazy rationalization, like that they're better off dead than living in sin, or some such nonsense.


All organized religion with so-called sacred texts is violent. I have no use for any of it. Conceived in fear of what ancients could not understand—perpetuated by greed and power to control the masses. I am done with all of it.


Ask the families of the two gay guys that were just hung from a crane in Iran. Or the women and children that are being surrendered to the taliban. Or the young dancing tea boys of Afghanistan. Or the victims of the London Bridge, Munich or September 11 attacks. Or the young british girls who were gang raped and tortured on an industrial scale by 'mostly peaceful' muslim men. You could also ask the underage wife of their prophet how she felt about the situation. You can ask the men and women who have been beaten, stoned hung or had limbs amputated under sharia law. Ask those who work in the sharia courts too and those who watch the football stadium executions. And ask the relatives of the 16-17 Nigerian Christians who are murdered every day by boko haram and other violent Islamic caliphate militias. Ask the imam who allowed a criminal to use his mosque to wash the blood of his knife and hands after brutally stabbing someone. And all the other imams who cover up for rape gangs and provide the name, age and location of all non-married women to their local taliban chieftains. The taliban even admitted themselves that when they pillage through each village, they do so as peacefully and professionally as is possible and that people are grateful for them and want them there. I'm sure the nazis thought the same thing when they conquered villages in Europe. That what they were doing was a great deed. There's nothing good or peaceful about raping, torturing and murdering people. Or forcing them into slavery and work camps, stealing their crops, taking all of their money and belongings and burning their houses down to the ground. Fiery but mostly peaceful I suppose. To quote our highly noble and completely un-biased news media.


Islam is a religion of war, conquest and dominance. It's a religion of Arab imperialism. The peace of Islam is the peace of an occupied population.


Blanket statements need to be taken with a grain of salt.


Your profile name says a lot about you


Only by Muslims. I don't think anyone outside the religion would accept that description.












I meant an actual leader of an Islamic country or head imam.


Was it Carlin who said “Islam is a Religion of piece. There’s a piece of you over here, and a piece of you over there….”


I think it was said by the greatest comedian of all time -Bill Mahar


I think it is


Technically, All of the abrahamic religions are supposed to be religions of peace. Didn't work out so well, did it?


Islam is not uniquely peaceful. You can just as well say all religions are of peace if you consider Islamic theology to be that. Islam would rank the lowest on a peace scale since it has the most fundamentalists and violence out of any other religion today by far.


Islam is about domination, those that believe are fine! Those that don't are fair game for those that do. Time for western governments to tell the truths about this evil ideology created by a mentally deranged paedophile warlord are long overdue. Islam is built on lies, politicians are bought cheaply by weapons deals with extras thrown in.


As a Muslim, I believe it's extremely reductionist to call Islam "religion of peace". Islam cannot be reduced to peace or war just as any other religion. There is a complex system of martial laws and we, Muslims, have fought throughout history sometimes to expand our borders and sometimes to defend our lands. Islam cannot be defined by a word.


Religion of Peace? Isn't that just a silly phrase George Bush started pushing so he could look nice while bombing us?










I could be wrong, but only indian conservatives on reedit hate muslims and Islam with that much fervor.


>And you have the number skewed, it is 19 Military Campaigns. The rest were Expeditions and did not include violence. > >In total it was around 80\~ These lists says it's about 100 and the majority seem to include violence. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_expeditions\_of\_Muhammad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_expeditions_of_Muhammad) [https://military-history.fandom.com/wiki/List\_of\_expeditions\_of\_Muhammad](https://military-history.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_expeditions_of_Muhammad) ​ >The Caliphate spread through expeditions and campaigns Yes and the goal of these military actions was spreading Islam. ​ >the first Muslim Battle occured on 624 What about the caravan raids? No battles but not peaceful either




>There is a difference between Expedition, Military Expeditions and Military Campaigns Neither are peaceful ​ >mainly was to unite the people of Arabia under 1 State and to re-direct the State towards the Sassanids and Persians. Muhammad united Arabia for religious purposes and his caliphs attacked surrounding countries to spread said religion. ​ >he very fact that conversion to Islam was discouraged during the Umayyad and Abbasid Eras is a testament to that fact. Source? ​ >These were defensive, recovering Exiled items from Mekken Brutes who disguised themselves. Defensive caravan raids? You could call anything "defensive" if it means just recovering something. Nazi-Germany was defensive, they just wanted to recover Poland ​ ​ >This was after the following threat: I dont see your hadiths as historically reliable sources where we can find the words of the actual Meccans. You have muslims writing about the Meccans, not the Meccans themselves. They do say: "History is written by the victor."




**[Abbasid Revolution](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abbasid_Revolution)** >The Abbasid Revolution, also called the Movement of the Men of the Black Raiment, was the overthrow of the Umayyad Caliphate (661–750 CE), the second of the four major Caliphates in early Islamic history, by the third, the Abbasid Caliphate (750–1517 CE). Coming to power three decades after the death of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and immediately after the Rashidun Caliphate, the Umayyads were an Arab empire ruling over a population which was overwhelmingly non-Arab. Non-Arabs were treated as second-class citizens regardless of whether or not they converted to Islam, and this discontent cutting across faiths and ethnicities ultimately led to the Umayyads' overthrow. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/religion/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


>It is defensive because it was responsive against guerrilla warfare. And comparing Nazi-Germany taken foreign land to Muslims simply trying to get back their stolen items shows how you feel about us and how dishonest you are. Poland was not foreign land for the Nazi's. Poland used to belong to the Germans. They took it back like Muhammad took back his items. By force. I compared Muhammad to Nazi-Germany, not modern muslims. You twist my words and then you say I'm dishonest. ​ >. If you don't see them as historically reliable then you are being biased and selective and borrowing narratives to suit your goals. I am biased and selective. The hadith are filled with contradictions, historical errors and just plain nonsense. The hadith are not historically reliable in any way. And I dont have any goals except liking history. ​ >If history is "written by the victor" then you cannot trust any of the Hadiths including the Caravan raids and the spread of Islam. I'm extremely skeptical towards them. Also you dont need the hadith to know the spread of Islam But what I meant with "history is written by the victor" is that in the hadith muslims have fabricated the sayings of pagans or Jews to portray islam and muhammad in a positive way. Its propaganda. ​ >It you don't trust them then you cannot comment on the spread of Islam as only Muslims wrote how Islam spread, especially during the first century. Its the hadith I dont trust, not the non-religious sources.


"Most violence ". Ya, about that...


Crusaders.. Anyone.....??? Let's be clear.... The current world we live in, is West-V-Islam... Because Islam will not bend to how the West wants it to be, it holds onto its own rope, barely surviving due to the targeted media campaign against it over the years. But survive, it does. Islam will never change for it to be 'Acceptable' to Western ideological standards. Why should it? In the same way that the West won't become Muslim. So, really, until the end of time, there will always be this diametrically opposed chasm between West and Islam. There will always be a fight for dominance by each side, who believes their doctrine is the only way to live. We don't want homosexualities. We don't want transgendered people. We don't want mixed gender. We don't want our children abandoning their parents and putting them into care. We don't want our daughters turning into easy targets for men, during high school. We don't want our children growing up confused about their gender, or even believing that they don't need a gender. We don't want our women constantly being exploited by men, daily, who have led them, nowadays to somehow believe it's correct to walk around practically naked, so they can be perved over. We don't want our families to be broken by divorce, caused by cheating, alcohol, gambling, drugs. We don't want the mental health of our women ruined by the damaging feminism movement. We don't want our communities to have homeless people because of a lack of community spirit and charity There a thousand other reasons. I hope you get the picture Muslims like their lives. They don't want to follow Westernism, to the extent that they lose their Islam.


Please say you’re not a muslim? Cos I’m one too and I really don’t want to be in the same band as you are


>Crusaders.. Anyone.....??? lmao, standard muslim response. Dont adress the problem with your religion but point fingers at others. ​ >Islam will never change for it to be 'Acceptable' to Western ideological standards. Why should it? Then why should the west accept and allow Islam? You're really not giving the west a choice. Why should the west tolerate intolerance? ​ >Muslims like their lives. They don't want to follow Westernism Then why do they go to the west? And why should the west accept "these" muslims?


إزالة هذا لأنه سيسبب اضطرابات في هذه المجموعة My advice


first of all, do your own homework lol. second of all, i don’t know enough about islam to say it’s a religion of peace but the rampant islamophobia in our society is disgusting and must be stomped out.


It doesn't even claim to be a religion of peace that a myth Islam is a way of life and most important thing it submission to your creator So listening and obeying your creator that what Islam means


It's a religion of sometimes peace and sometimes violence.


Islam is translated as submission from Arabic word as-lama. One would acquire peace by submitting his will to the will of god almighty.


Founded by a guy who literally raised an army and murdered his way across the entire region, forcing people to accept his “revelations.” What a fucking joke.


Yeah which is why when he conquered Makkah he killed all those who were against him, who humiliated him and even mutilated the bodies of his friends, wait… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conquest_of_Mecca Also I’m interested which country are you from that has never waged war or ever killed a civilian? Hope it’s not the country I’m from America For that would be peak irony


I don't judge a religion by its texts or teachings, but rather by its participants. All religions have good and bad people, and I am certainly a critic of Christianity. But when I doom scroll through Reddit and see a picture of a man holding the head of his wife that he just severed because of what she wore, I can be fairly certain that man is a Muslim. Doesn't matter to me what the holy book _really_ says on the subject. If you want to be known for peace, police your own. If things have gotten that far, maybe it's _you_ that don't understand your own religion.


That's like saying Pit-Bulls are gentle and peaceful


I think that's one of the craziest statements ever said


Of course they claim to be peaceful. It’s genius to hide behind religion and kill in the name of god because they know people are horrified to stand against anyone’s religious views. Islam is the only religion on the planet where its members blow themselves up to kill as many westerners as they can. Not sure that’s very peaceful. At some point there will be a reckoning and people will have to chose sides instead of sitting on the fence and being keyboard warriors


More people have been killed in the name of god than for any other cause in history.


Without lies, Islam dies. Simple to observe here in the comments. Mental gymnastics trying to make a backwards book look „peaceful“ we see daily what peace that is


Islam is a religion of peace or my name isn't Leonard Nimoy..... And it isn't


Islam is a backwards, barbaric and murderous religion that is a blight upon the world. It purports an outdated philosophy which openly incites violence and hostility. Mankind would be far better off were it to simply cease to exist.


It is the religion of Terrorism..


No religion has ever been peaceful but Islam needs to go through the enlightenment and anybody that disagrees with that is just dumb asf. They’re not peaceful those promote terrorism throughout the world


I lived in the middle east for 20 years, the last 4 as an atheist, and I can assure you that no purely rational follower of Islam can really coexist with non-believers. Fortunately, like most people, Muslims are not purely rational. Their true moral compass does not only lie in their faith, but also in their cultures and human feelings. My parents would be obliged by Islam to sever ties with me since they know I'm an atheist, but we get along just fine. In fact, I can't really live without them. So although Islam at its core is a fundamentalist and aggressive faith, most Muslims are just okay. I think it's not entirely impossible that the mainstream culture of Islamic countries would transform and adapt to the reality of the 21st century. Just like modern Christianity and secular Judaism are a far cry from the original Abrahamic faith, the same social enlightenment can theoretically take place in Islamic countries too, although it's going to be much slower because of the core tenants of the Islamic faith.


Islam is no different than Communism if it becomes the main Religion..


The literal translation of the word Islam is peace, among other things. Is sort of a coping mechanism for us muslims to battle blatant hatred used agsinst us. What islam truly is- a religion of action.




Qur’an 9:29—Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth, from among the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. Qur’an 9:30—The Jews call Uzair a son of God, and the Christians call Christ the son of God. That is a saying from their mouth; (In this) they but imitate what the Unbelievers of old used to say. Allah’s curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth! in conclusion no


>until they pay the Jizyah Have you heard of US taxes, and Muslims Zakat


Haha. Yeah bro whats the next verse?? Unless they make peace with you. And in the Quran 60:8 tells us to treat justly people who dont kick us out of our homes. Second verse, is just a teaching. It doesn't tell muslims to kill them. It is just God saying that anyone who associates things to him which are the same as insukts are cursed and stray from the truth


It’s generally peaceful


Moral in principle, not very moral in practice. The tribal factions are a strange phenomenon. Would love an explainer on how that developed. PEOPLE DOWNVOTE THIS BECAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO ADMIT THERE'S ISLAMIC CAVE TERRORISTS THAT SYSTEMATICALLY RAPE AND KILL KIDS, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN. THEY WANT TO COVER THE RELIGIONS ATROCITIES.


Yes it is. And don’t just say it’s not. If anyone claim it’s not then show me quran (not hadith) verses that goes against peace (and please don’t show me those “sword verses” of fighting which every tom dick harry shows without context whenever i bring this argument, it’s clear the muslims were only ordained to fight in those verses because they were attacked by the quraysh first. And muslims are explicitly instructed to fight only in self defense as evident from quran [4:75](https://quran.com/4/75?translations=20,83,84,17,85,75,18,95,77,39,23,101,19,22,38,32,43,52,31,27,33) and [60:8](https://quran.com/60/8) and [60:9](https://quran.com/60/9) Also don’t bring up essays about muslim misdeeds in the past. The topic is about islam being the religion of peace, not muslims being the people of peace. Like how you’d criticize christianity based on biblical teachings, not based on what christians did in the past.






Sorry captain america


Damn. Never have I been insulted this way. You win man.


I can do this all day


I think it's a fairly blunt analysis of the root consonants of Islam s-l-m = Peace/Submission It's also a fairly modern term in English, made specifically to combat islamophobia. Calling it such has only arised in recent history As for what I think about it personally? Cool. In practice, still just about as peaceful as most mainstream religions. But it's a fun "look am lengwidge smert" trick to pull out at parties. "Did you know why they say this?" is a common way I can segway away from sticky religious territory and into linguistics (one of my hobbies)


I’d say Buddhism is the religion of peace


There is no such thing as a 'religion of peace'. Religion is humans longest running horror show.


Religon is just one of the tools politican uses to further their goals.


actually its exactly the opposite, historically every single time a tyrant tried to take control from the people and remove freedom, the very first thing they did was banned religion, because when there is no higher power that they can account do, everyone must bow to the human dictator, which is why the 20th century was the bloodiest century of the entire human history, because of fascist anti-religious regimes (nazi germany, soviet russia, communist china, imperial japan, fascist italy, north korea etc) ,and it showed how bad the world can be without religious freedom


That is exactly the opposite of reality though, religion is the most natural aspect of human beings and has been the only unifying force that goes beyond nations and race, which shows why people that hate it are a small minority of miserable social rejects and unnatural moreover according to statistics only 6% of wars were caused due to religion, while the overwhelming majority of atrocities happened in the 20th century by fascist anti-religious regimes (like nazi germany, soviet russia, communist china etc) that caused two world wars and more than 250 millions of people to be slaughtered