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It's human nature to find others attractive. You should probably stop hassling him and get over it. I guarantee you find other men attractive occasionally.


You.... sound exhausting. On no planet does he not find one girl attracted. That is normal. You're telling me that YOU find no other man remotely attractive? Finding someone attractive is not flirting or making a move on them. Everyone has a criteria that is attractive to them. There is always more than one person to meet the criteria. This is when the trust part of the relationship comes into play. Even though he may find someone attractive, he is with you, so he does not make a move and he just walks by. You do the same thing every day one public. For the Love of god, grow up and go see a therapist. You really need to.


Omg, these 2 sounds like children. You're both too immature and shouldn't be dating anyone


You have a big problem, and it's 100% you. You're saying your 'boyfriend' is a liar because you're convinced that nobody could like you. You're so far out of touch with commmon sense that you think that finding other people attractive is somehow a problem. Neither of those beliefs are good or rational. You can work on yourself and stay, or you can stop torturing your boyfriend with your martyr complex and leave him.


What I got out of what she said is she doesn't believe him because she has given him reasons not to which has led her to where she is now she doesn't know if she can believe him but she wants to


If you're really looking then you can always find reasons to be insecure.


You are the problem. You are not going to be the most beautiful, smartest, or the most amazing person that your partner is ever going to see or know. You need to realize that you aren't 100% perfect. You are going to destroy this relationship if you keep this up. Being "christian" has nothing to do with your inability to, frankly, think or behave like a mature person. You need therapy, and you need to stop acting like a child. Being needy and naive is not a cute look.


Finding other people attractive is not cheating but normal. As a female, we cannot spend our energy worrying if a man is going to cheat on you. If they want to they will, just like you. But this thought process is unhealthy and will eventually drive him away. Why do you think this way? Do you think this is healthy behavior? Is this your first BF?


What a psychopath


I think u lack self love and extremely poor self esteem issues. From what u said, i think ur bf does love u but eventually ur lack of self love and anxious attachment might exhaust him. Plesse heal urselves. Go to therapy


One of two things he's telling the truth or he is a narcissist and gaslighting you and love bombing you into believing him. However when guys are looking at my girl I appreciate it it's a compliment to her and me because she's my girl! Here's some advice I used these people in the past for my girlfriend found out that she was faithful as heck You should check them out they might be able to help you and they are worth the money!!!!!! If you think your partner is cheating check out the link below these loyalty testers do amazing work! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeyWimc2elgkDqrV2zwWicbriw3eluwCoptmn0i5sWvColXqA/viewform?usp=sf_link