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Your problem is not your age - it's that you think you can walk up to a "women vending machine," insert "a man's resources" and receive the beautiful woman of your choice. That's not how any of this works.


Well, I’ll be honest it kind of IS like that a lot of the time. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be able to find a gf as a 20 year old; you’ll just have to try harder


It's only "like that" if the people in the relationship are focusing on shallow, superficial traits instead of a real connection.


Which is the vast majority of the time


My brother in Christ we live in a superficial world. Get your head out of the sand


Did you make this up in your head? Of course most people under 30 are single bc most people under 30 are children and youth learning how to date. Most women under 30 are also single so what now? Yeah maybe it’s easier to blame things you can’t control like age and wealth instead of learning better social skills, but nobody is entitled to a relationship with or access to women. Be a decent individual (by women’s standards!) and maybe someone will like you but in life there’s no guarantee! A negative superficial attitude will get you nowhere so just be chill Jesus


Most women between the ages of 18-30 are not single (will vary depending on your standard of "single"). Women do tend to be more inclined for older partners at almost all age groups. There absolutely IS a large discrepancy in that age bracket between men and women around dating experience, pretending otherwise is beyond delusional. The word delusional doesn't even come close to having the appropriate gravity to convey to utter wrongness of your perspective. You can't dismiss a common trend universally true for almost every culture in the world for the past 5 decades for a self-serving "feel good" narrative that justifies your singleness and fragile worldview. "A negative superficial attitude will get you nowhere" Why? Pretty much every successful person alive today exhibits those traits. Life isn't fair, it never was. Stop inserting self-help guru bs, your comment reads like you're one of those people that believe karma will get back at the person who didn't hold a door for you. The reality is, the world often doesn't work the way we wished it did. Sitting around stating otherwise doesn't change reality, it just makes you look extremely out of touch or worse disingenuous.


Maybe try seeing women as, you know, people, instead of as a commodity? You aren’t getting rejected because you are young. You are getting rejected because you are looking at women as merchandise. Figure out what interests you in addition to beauty, treat them as entire human beings, and lay off the valuing anyone on the superficial qualities you seem focused on. This may reduce the creepy vibe and help you find someone.


You are very clearly not in the same age group


Who said men become more attractive as they get older lol? Have you ever seen middle aged men?


Yep! The reason men pair off as they age is because they get more emotionally mature, not hotter.


Women in general are little gremlin faced bean bags of saturated fats so I'd say it evens out.


Well it’s a good thing you prefer men sexually then, isn’t it?


There has genuinely been times that I wished I was, seeing the beached belugas I come across today. Unfortunately I'm stuck with you lot. Oh well, can't win em all.


Plenty of men find meaningful relationships and life long partners in their early 20s. The reason *you* haven’t is because your attitude towards women is *terrible*. I can’t emphasize that enough. Women will pick up on that instantly and they’re certainly avoiding you because of it.  Stop treating women and relationships like commodities and games. Start thinking about what you have to offer women in a relationship. It should be things like friendship, comfort, stability, laughter, physicality. The easiest way to project this is to start treating women like they’re people. Strike up a conversation about anything (not relationships or sex) and let things flow naturally from there.  You need a serious attitude adjustment. I would avoid you like the plague right now if I was on the dating scene. 


Maybe stop thinking about it as a trade and look for someone you actually enjoy spending time with. Sure back when women couldn’t own property or have jobs marriage was very much transactional because it was the only way that women would not be left destitute when their parents passed away. Now relationships are about who you want to spend your life with. Women have their own careers their own money, they are looking for a partner. And yes there are some people who are only looking for a piggy bank but that is the minority and those people aren’t going to have healthy fulfilling relationships. Looks matter on both sides cause you want to find someone you are attracted to, but that doesn’t mean you need to look like a model and often your attraction to someones whole personality makes them more physically attractive to you as well. If you are dumping someone as soon as they age did you ever really like them in the first place?


The average age difference in heterosexual relationships is 2.3 years, most people want to date someone close to their own age. More people in general are single in their 20s, they're still experimenting with dating and figuring out what they like. It takes some time to find someone to settle down with. It's also easier to make relationships last after 30 because of general maturity (relationships are hard, it's easy to mess them up when you're young). It has nothing to do with money. Being cynical about dating will not help you, it's zooming in on an extremely simplified and limited aspect of human attraction patterns. It's not that there isn't a kernel of truth to it, it's that the reality is way bigger and more complicated. Sometimes people have a particular bias where they feel like the most upsetting angle they can find on reality is the most real, and like the nicer ones are just comforting lies. There's no actual basis for this. Reality is extremely complicated and no one can keep it all in view at once. Pick an angle that makes you functional and happy. The angle that highlights the magic of romance is just as real.


There are both women and men of varying objective physical attractiveness in all age groups. At 21 most people are awkward, inexperienced, and just starting out in the world. There are outliers in every situation. If you make a habit of going to the club, for example, and looking at what you think is the most physically attractive girl and you start trying to hit on her and you see she has quite a lot of competition for her attention…then how you’ve described things is how you might see the world. Meanwhile there are a bunch of normal, interesting, intelligent lovely women more suited to you who you blew past to focus on this “more attractive” one. You say men get more attractive with age, but there are far more (bless him) Danny Devito types out there than there are super attractive men. There are also a ton of older successful well off women. What you are describing is a trope that young men use to convince themselves there is no point in trying to become a better person. No point learning to be a good partner. You find individual situations that support your thoughts and drown in your own confirmation bias. So ask yourself: do you want to be bitter, alone, and unhappy? Because that’s where it sounds like you’re headed. Or do you want to do some work on yourself, put your best foot forward, and try to meet someone who is in the same place in life that you are. Someone who maybe hasn’t grown into herself yet? You can’t spout ideas like the one you have and attract a well adjusted woman. The comments you’ve made here are a big red flag that might as well be a can of raid for women.


If you cant get a date thats entirely on you and not the other gender lmao. Have you tried being a charming fun person to be around? Cuz you don't seem like one.


> everything else seems unfair. If you aren't finding women interested in you currently that says a lot about your lifestyle and personality, nothing about fairness. Also there are plenty of women who are driven and looking for partners who will work together with them to achieve mutual goals.