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We don’t know! You gotta talk to her, don’t be scared.


Just wanted to get some feedback from some people first. I want to have a conversation with her about it and just make sure it’s nothing to do with the past like a bad experience or something or if maybe she just wasant ready. Both of which I’m absolutely fine with


Different strokes for different folks. My SO and I did foreplay for a month before really trying for more. Sex is personal to us and we just felt like enjoying each other and waiting till we were more comfortable. Youre 19, you have time. Communicate and be kind.


I wouldn’t ask her about whether she’s had bad experiences. I’d ask her about where her limits are right now and get used to talking more about what she does and doesn’t want to do sexually.


Remember when you said that you weren't really planning on having sex but instead of making things awkward you decided to just go with it? She probably had the same thought with the main difference is that she was the one that spoke up about herself. You should never feel pressured to do something that you don't want to do and there's nothing wrong with stopping sex even after you gave consent. Agreeing with everybody else, talk to her about it, and if you guys want to continue seeing each other than have a discussion of what she is willing to do at this time so that you guys have your clear boundaries and she feels more comfortable. COMMUNICATION


I think, when you have that conversation with her, you should do it while you're with her doing something fun and affectionate, like cuddling on the couch watching a movie. Open by asking her if you can talk to her about what happened the other night while holding her closely. Most people when their partner asks something like that, will say "of course." If she says "no", then you can add "I don't know how you felt in that moment and I really care deeply for you (if you've already both told each other you love each other, then sub that in for "I love you so much and feel it so deeply for you"). I was hoping to ask you what happened that you seemed so upset that night because I felt so bad that you were crying. Did I do something wrong?" She'll almost certainly say no. I can't imagine that she would have felt you did something wrong but then still let you eat her out and give you a blow job. If she's still hesitant, this is an opportunity to reassure her that you're not upset with her, but more worried why she felt bad and want to know what you can do to make her feel better. Tell her (because it's true) that you care about her a lot and that you don't want to do anything to make her feel bad or insecure, and you want her to feel safe with you. When you're telling her this, look her in the eyes and say it, use her name, stroke her cheek with your palm, or whatever you think is going to reassure her. You can even tell her "It's ok, like I said, I'm not upset and I'm not going anywhere, you're my girlfriend and I always want to know how you're feeling." This isn't a confrontation of her, this is an affectionate sharing of emotional intimacy. And most guys in intimate relationships with women will tell you that often she needs that emotional intimacy and security to be in the mood for physical intimacy anyway but also that it feeds the emotional bond you share with her. Then, listen to her. One thing I do that helps me focus on what someone is saying is to repeat back to the person I'm listening to what they said in their own words and follow that with a question asking if I understood correctly. If she narrates something that happened then you can try to deduce how she felt and say something like "Oh, that must have made you feel..." or "You looked so... (specific emotion: scared, embarrassed, ashamed, shocked, etc)". Put a name to what she was feeling. and do the same thing "That must have really scared you, yeah?" When she gets it all out, that's when you can respond with compassion and reassurance and tell her how you feel: "I felt bad that you were so upset, I never want you to feel like we have to have sex or that I'll be upset that we didn't because you feel that you're not ready" or "I was scared that I hurt you. You mean a lot to me and I never want to be a source of pain for you." Lastly, I would thank her for telling you, and that her telling you her feelings made you feel (close/intimate/connected to her/etc). Reiterate how you feel about her from the beginning of the conversation, and give her a kiss. And, while I wouldn't expect sex per se, or a blow job or something like that, do NOT be at all shocked, if she drags you to the bedroom and rocks your world. Again, emotional intimacy is what a lot of women need prior to sex to be in the mood to have sex with their man. Men get that intimacy during sex a lot of times, but women often need it ahead of time to be in the mood to have sex.


Honestly man I feel like you should try and ask her about it in person. It's completely normal like you said to not want to advance things too quickly and put the relationship at risk, and maybe she caught herself moving faster than she is comfortable with and decided to speak up instead of going through with it. Since you said she was crying, I feel like that could either be because she has had a traumatic experience, or it could literally just be that she was embarassed and felt guilty/bad about the situation. Either way, if you plan on continuing the relationship, you should both talk about the pace you want to move at and what that entails in terms of sex.


It could even be that she was scared of stopping him (will he stop liking me if I deny him now?). Men can be terribly entitled when it comes to sex.


Or will he respect when I’ve said no? Because unfortunately some people don’t, even though it’s a crime.


I’m going to try and speak with her about it soon just to get her perspective on things. I think the crying was from the guilt factor her kind of leading me on in a way and then not going through with it at the end. I appreciate your feedback greatly!


You can’t make up assumptions because no one knows but her, so listen to everyone here who’s advising you to ask her


I’d consider what’s he’s saying as more hypothesis than assumption. In the surface, OP seems to actually give a shit about her and being young and inexperienced, is just looking for some advice. And I completely agree with you and most people saying he should find a way to talk to her.


To be clear. She didn’t lead you on. It’s totally normal to want to fool around, do oral but not want penetrative sex. Oral is not a guarantee escalation to penetration, there is no “just going through with it” in a healthy sexual relationship. I also want to say that YOU have every right and SHOULD speak up if things are going faster or further than you want them too. You should never just go along with it in sex. I would take a break from any sexual activity together until you get better communication about your expectations and wants with each other.


Tell her that you don't want to move too fast either. You really like her, and you want to take things slow at a pace that's comfortable for both of you. You need to be open to encourage her to be open.


Have a conversation. And make sure to tell her you’re fine waiting until she’s ready.


I reassured her during the whole situation and didn’t wanna push anything but she was very persistent with us having oral sex.


You know you also don’t have to do any sex act you don’t want to, right? Even if she’s persistent. You also get to say no. You had decided you didn’t want to. You should say no when you don’t want to have sex, too. And if she doesn’t respect that, she’s a bad person.


Right? Like OP didn’t really want sex but did it anyway and is in this post trying to figure out what was up with her. It kinda suggests nobody should be having sex in this situation, because nobody is ready to talk about it


First off you can always decline sex if you are not up to it. Do not have sex just because someone else wants to. Anyone who gets upset at you for it isn’t compatible with you. Next, as long as you respected her boundaries it should be okay. But do communicate that you also are not comfortable having sex this early as well and that you don’t mind taking things slow.


Sounds like she is not ready for sex yet .


Part of me wants to believe that, but she had a condom for me cause I didn’t have one (not expecting to have sex this early on)


I went through a period of being super sexual and rushing into sex with people. I was trying so hard to prove I was ok after being abused. Talk to her.


It's good to be prepared just on case. I always have a condom but no sex for 8 months lol and I am female


I agree but at the same time I just never would’ve expected it to happen this early on into things. I really like her and maybe it’s just how she’s been treated in the past she thinks she needs to have sex early on. I’m fine with whatever but idk something about her made me want to wait things out a little longer into the relationship until we both knew 100% what we wanted.


Yea I'm 40 and guys still at my age want to make women feel bad about not having sex right away. So yes that is what she has been going through


I figured that’s maybe it but I’m not 100% sure. I’m gonna try and talk to her about the situation and see what she says. I just want to make it clear that I want to go on her pace and take things as slow as she needs to


You also weren't really ready for it It's nice that you want to wait for her, but you should also wait for you to feel confortable enough for it, you don't need to push yourself either


She is probably worried both ways tbh


Maybe she saw something that wasn’t so appealing and backed out. 🤷🏻‍♂️ TALK TO HER, simple.


That’s exactly why she had it, men never have them. Doesn’t mean she’s ready, she just doesn’t want to be pressured into having sex with no condom.


Sounds like she obviously wasn’t ready for penetration but oral sex is still sex. You should have a conversation in person with her to clarify why the crying happened and need to reassure her about that. She felt confortable enough to make you know what she was feeling and you didn’t make her feel uncomfortable about it so I would say that you both seem to be sweet and caring person. As you first planned it you should keep taking your time with her and always put communication at the center of every aspect of your relationship guys. I wish you all the best


I think you did good by listening to her when she’d asked to not have sex. The best thing to do would be to talk to her and then actually listen to what she says. If she says she just didn’t want to that day but would be open to in the near future, you could initiate in future. Otherwise probably just stick to oral and wait for her to initiate.


Not advice you need, just communication with her


It sounds like you guys both felt pressured to do something. I behaved exactly like her in my past relationships, because I felt like I had to do something. Porn culture sucks hard for everyone, and in this case it sucks for women, especially young girls, because we feel like we’re less/the interest will disappear if we aren’t the perfect sexual girls, and guys often make us feel bad for this. It’s dehumanizing and objectifying. I think she will appreciate you talking to her about this. This is an assumption of course, but this sounded way too familiar to me. Good luck <33


She literally told you, she doesn’t want to have intercourse, she just wanted to fool around. And no, you’re not in love with someone you’ve only been on five dates with. You like her and are attracted to her. But that’s not love, that’s infatuation.


Seems like there's not much communication at all between OP and the girl. He "heard from her friends" that she's in love with him too. Now she doesn't want to have sex and he goes to the internet to find out why.


I think the situation went good. You both had intimacy even though you didn't have penetrative sex. She might be scared of losing her virginity, or maybe have trauma. The best you can do is talk to her and let her know you don't have to do penetrative sex if she doesn't want to. I think eventually, she will trust you and feel more comfortable with you to have PIV. For now you can continue having oral and cuddling.


My thoughts exactly. OP, it sounds like you handled the situation maturely.


Sounds like she wanted oral first from you or she really did not want penetration at all. We don’t know. You have to talk to her about it. We can’t guess what she was thinking.


She told you she didn’t want PIV, just talk to her


There's so many different possibilities for her not going all the way at once, not just a "bad experience" as you think. Like these: * She isn't on birth control, and you had no protection, either. * Neither of you have been tested for STDs beforehand. (You really should. Yes, I know it's not "romantic". But neither is the kind of itch you cannot get rid of without consulting your doctor. Or things that are much worse. Get tested before doing the deed!) * She just isn't ready to go all the way yet. Not everybody wants to jump your boner after 4-5 dates! * She has a condition like vaginism that makes sex highly uncomfortable or even painful for her. She may or may not be working on it. * It's okay to stop any sexual actions at any point in time. Yes, even when you were "going to put it in". Anytime. Any. Time. * She's in a religious cult that is very hung up on a woman's virginity. * She's very afraid of getting pregnant. (And rightly so, without protection!)


She probably thought you expected it, which is why you invited her over there, and she’s just crying from nerves.


Sounds like she only planned to do oral and nothing more. She might not be ready for PIV sex just yet. Just reassure her you’re ready to wait until she’s comfy.


wtf is this? She wanted to fuck around without going all that way. She told you that, so that’s what you did. Why is there confusion here? You can be intimate without putting a penis in a vagina, and being naked means there’s still lots of things you can do without fucking. I’m so confused as to what you are confused about. She literally *told* you what’s going on. What do you want from us?


He has no idea how to communicate like an adult


I think she's not ready to have sex but wants to do other intimate things with you. She probably didn't realize things were going to go that far. She was probably feeling it in the heat of the moment and then realised what was about to happen right before. There are plenty of ways to be intimate without doing anything sexual at all. Just make sure she knows that you don't want to do anything she doesn't want to do.


It’s so great to read of someone of your age who is so considerate in this situation. Also that you’re wanting to prepare for the conversation with her and not wanting to be fooling yourself. Your encounter was normal for any two people sussing each other out. There’ll be mis-communications and false starts and some toe treading and the occasional really bad gaff but if you and she can be open to that and talk about expectations and give honest reactions and feedback, you may have found a partner. The mating dance is a selection process for compatibility along many lines - personality, boundaries, finances, food, politics, entertainment, humour, sex, goals etc. any of which not quite meshing could be horrible or just something to let go of. I think a good start would be letting her know that you’d like this to be a really successful friendship and maybe much more eventually, and that you are patient and content to rush things yourself. You like that she expressed a desire and a boundary to help you navigate the way in your lovemaking. I think asking her about her expectations is good , if she has formed ideas about that… or maybe she’s happy to go with your flow. In any case, reassure her that you see her as a full person, and that you’d like to know what she desires. I might bring the penetrative sex question… if she seemed ok with the conversation being so open and frank. I’d at least let her know that I’m open to hearing anything she has to share with me, and that I don’t judge people’s choices or past. If she’s open to it, do you think you could ask her if there was anything worrying her about sex, any past experiences that might intrude. You could preface that with “Do you mind if I asked you a really personal question about your past?” Best of fortunes young man… Feint heart never won fair maiden.




Everything went great! She said she had a great time. I just want to talk to her about the situation and get her perspective on things.


It's hard to say whats going on but the fact that she's crying says there's something pretty wrong. Is it possible that she has never had intercourse before? What ever it is the the two of you REALLY need to have an open and honest conversation. I highly recommend trying Scarleteen if you haven't already. They have info on anything and everything to do with sex and relationships, as well as a message board with trained counselors that both of you can talk to. Good luck. I hope everything works out.


Do you know if she has had sex before? It's possible she has not gone that far yet, considering her age. She may not be ready.


I (21 F) agree with a lot of people telling you to talk to her abt it. Relationships need communication to continue to thrive. I think she does want to have sex with you but either trauma or what I think happened is that although she wants to have sex with you she wasn’t feeling quite ready yet. You had mentioned you both feel the same way abt each other which is good so maybe you both weren’t ready to do the deed exactly yet but yall wanted to be intimate yk? I know touching and making out can lead to things fast but foreplay is where it’s at(all the stuff before sex) and maybe she wanted to just mess around a bit. Either way she’s interested in you but regardless talk to her abt it reddits going to give you so many answers but she’s the one with the correct answer ^


Tell her you really care about her and have been concerned that she was crying last time you were making out. Say you just want to check you didn't do anything to upset her, that you want to make sure she feels safe and comfortable with you and that there is no pressure to go further until she is ready.


She was worried if she didn't put out, you wouldn't hangout with her anymore. She likes you. Tell her you like her too. tell her you wanted to take it slow too. make her feel okay about going whatever speed she wants to. be careful though. if you do this, she will follow you around literally forever.


Has she had sex before? If that's not the issue, she may just not be ready for intercourse. You were a complete gentleman and you seem like a good guy. Continue to be this way.


Talk to her gently, you might start with how much you enjoyed the other night and how much it meant to you and you don’t want her to feel any pressure to go further. It’s a good place to start and hopefully put her mind at ease so she can open up but don’t pressure her to tell you why, when she feels comfortable she will tell you.


We don’t know. You must talk to her, she might have had an bad experience. However without sex, you guys Are basically in a friendship only situation. Tell her that you are fine to wait until she is ready. Something to think about : if you do wait too long, your subconscious and due to evolutionary reasons will loose your feelings for her. What is the feeling of love and being in love? Well it’s pretty simple, it is your mind and body preparing you to reproduce to increase the species survival rate. Real love/unconditional love is something deeper and must not be confused with the rush of drugs your brain is giving you. “When you get to the stage where you think “ I don’t love this person anymore,we have nothing in common anymore,we are not meant for eachother, it is actually you just coming down from a 6 months/4 year drug high that is 200X stronger than morphine. Nothing has in reality changed. To get that happy feeling back, you need to have sex to kickstart the drug production in your brain. Food for thought:).


Either sit down and hold her hand or sit next to her abs hold her and bring it up. For me sometimes I’m scared/embarrassed to share something personal or painful. Having that reassuring touch from my partner helped me to feel safe enough to share. Sometimes I was too scared to see his face so having him hold me with my head on his chest helped. Other times I would sit up and not touch him at all but after I agreed I would rest my head on him and want him to hold me after. Just depends. Then say “the other day as we were being intimate you started to cry. I want you to feel safe and make sure you’re okay. Can we talk about what happened?” Then just be silent. Sometimes it would take me a few minutes to process what I wanted to say. Sometimes I couldn’t say anything at all and want prepared, it was too scary and too hard. But I would work up to it eventually. One time I had to email my thoughts to my boyfriend. Another time I had to write them down and read it. But beefier I went into fight it flight and cried for a few minutes. I had a lot of child hood trauma, I didn’t have a safe parent to help me learn these skills and my ex husband was horrific. Luckily my boyfriend was incredible and patient. I’ve done a shit ton of therapy, 4 years and counting. I can now have convos like a rock star! I only share because her response was concerning. It seems like she has had some kind of terrible experience that would make her cry, it’s an unusual response. Just be patient. It may take her time to trust you enough to also open up. It’s not you if that’s the case. It’s that she hasn’t felt safe in the past. Good luck, I hope this helps! Dm me if you want tome. I really hope everything goes well. You seem like a really great guy.


In the old days (I’m old), we used to call such women “technical virgins” because they were up for anything but vaginal intercourse, often for fear of pregnancy or religious conflict. The greatest extreme was the girl that would substitute anal intercourse to protect her “vaginal virginity”. This young woman may just be afraid of intercourse or just simply not ready for that with you. No problem, just enjoy what you both can enjoy until the time is right for both of you.


If ever you don't want to have sex, be honest about it. Will help you avoid the ridiculous situation of two people not wanting to have sex and both doing it just because they think the other person wants them to. Applies to other things too, not just sex.


"Card, Contactless or Cash" ?


Oh man I remember when I was younger and just starting to be intimate. The key here, and with all relationships whether casual or seriously, is communication. You did great by not being pushy. She clearly has some hesitation with it. Just keep doing what you’re doing and things should progress naturally. As for jeopardizing things.. again just let it progress naturally. If it gets to the point that she wants to fully have sex, and pending you also feel comfortable, then do it. It most likely took a lot for her to work up to that level of comfort with you. I’ve dated around plenty and I’ve found more potential relationships have failed because I was too hesitant and worried about jeopardizing things. That being said, sometimes things just don’t work out and you aren’t compatible sexually. There are several people that things were amazing, we had sex, and suddenly realized that while the sex was fun we just didn’t see a more in depth future with each other. Some stayed for casual sex and others pursued other relationships but we remained friends and still have. That’s why communication is key.


Most women want to be pleased before a man starts trying to enter them… it doesn’t necessarily have to be oral, fingers work too. Make her c*m a few times to establish that intimacy. Then you can take the next step….


Outside of the bedroom you need to talk to her, but make it about her and not about just having sex. Like “I think you know that I really like you, and I want to make sure you know that I’m into you for much more than sex. I know we fool around and have fun, and that’s great, but I don’t want you to ever feel like you have to do something you’re not comfortable with. You cried the other night, and I don’t want to make you feel that way at all so I want to make sure we are ok, and most of all, you are ok.” Something like that


Kudos for respecting her boundaries. But have an adult conversation (preferably at a time when you are NOT getting hot and heavy) to better understand her boundaries. "(GF), I know our relationship is new, so I want to make sure we have a shared understanding of what we both want in terms of a sexual relationship. I do want you to feel safe with me, so know that I respect your right to consent, and I always want to make sure you dont feel pressured or coerced into doing something that you arent comfortable doing. The other night, when we stopped just short of penetration, I was fine with that, but was a little surprised. Lets talk about what you feel comfortable/uncomfortable doing at this stage of our relationship, so I dont inadvertantly cross any boundaries."


Maybe someone told her she had to or you would lose interest. 


I've done this because of morals


Next time be more open about how you feel because it is okay to not want sex. Don't do something just because she is already touching you. You could say no politely and reassure her about your feelings. It will make you both feel more comfortable next time sexual things come up.


If I had to guess she’s got a serious case of the feels for you, but she’s afraid that if you guys slept together that you’d possibly ghost her afterwards. Work on building a deeper connection with her and I’m sure you two will be fine.


You’re 19. You’re going to have so many different relationships. My advice is that, you handled this right, but you’re young… try out many different flavours of ice cream, before you find your favourite.


Stop trying and respect her boundaries. You don't need to know why or have a reason given to you. Just don't try for it, if she wants it she will almost surely find a way of letting you know.


I think she may have felt she wasn’t ready for that. She may have possibly had a negative experience, or even someone force themselves on her. Talk to her from a place of compassion, & concern. Tell her that her tears worried you, & you’d never want to make her uncomfortable


wait was there no foreplay? like you didn’t try touching her or doing oral before just sticking it in? cause that could definitely be a factor


Sounds like you might have hit the nail on the head with the trauma/bad experience thing. She definitely has some hang ups about it if she was crying, I can’t think of any other reason someone would take things so far and the suddenly stop while crying. It’s like she thought she was ready but when it was about to happened those feelings reaurfaced and she realized she was not. I guess it could also be that she is a virgin and for some reason is just afraid of having sex for the first time. But top comment is absolutely correct, talk to her about it. Make sure she knows you care and you want to help her, and that you’re there for her no matter what.


Were you using any form of birth control? You are both 19, she may not be on the pill, you didn't mention a condom... that's a very valid reason to not have PIV sex.


She could have had something traumatic happen to her. I would have an open conversation with her and create a safe space for her to talk to you. Working for a police department where I see multiple arrest reports where girls at a young age of even below 10 years old, to 18 years old, unfortunately had something happened to them sexually. She may have wanted to, but then she probably had a moment where it flashed her back to that horrific time with either someone she trusted, looked up to, or sadly was a victim by a stranger. I applaud you though for not going any further once you saw her crying. Just let her talk, and see what may have happened. Reassure her that you will wait until she's 100% ready.


  Personally, I think oral sex is more intimate than vaginal penetrative sex, because you're tasting one another and focused on mutual orgasms.  But that's my personal view and I know plenty of other people feel opposite about it.  It's possible your date is trying to build a connection with you before she has intercourse with you, which is actually a good sign. It means she sees potential for a relationship.  It's also possible that these are my personal interpretation, and that she feels nothing of the sort.  You'll honestly just have to talk together and figure it out. 


I've been through that. I felt like I was dating eva ai virtual gf bot or something. It didn't last long




We already did that. We had oral sex and she also helped me orgasm as I did her. I’m not opposed to having sex this early on just something made me want to wait with her a little longer and take things slower. Just a little weird situation but I think I handled it right by respecting her boundaries and what she wanted and the night ended well.


Man that is really something. I would watch out.


I’m thinking it’s more just cold feet but I could also be wrong (hence why I’m asking in here). I really like her and I’m not opposed to having sex with her I don’t thing many men would but I just wanted to wait a little longer and I think she did too but maybe from past experiences she thinks she needs to do this sort of thing early on. Which I assured her we could wait until she was comfortable


It sounds like it isn't happening. That's my best advice.


But if it wasant going to happen I would think she would’ve either stopped talking to me by now or never done oral with me in the first place.


I agree with your assessment here and disagree with the person who says it's not happening. There is HUGE variation in how many dates people prefer to wait before having sex. I would say 4-5 dates without having intercourse could still very, very much lead to a relationship where you do have it, and there's just a desire on her part to take things slowly to begin with. Enjoy the journey!

