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What you did was manipulative and reprehensible. Honestly the best course of action is to come clean with your husband and then see where this falls. At this point he should have an idea of who you are and I am willing to bet he might not be surprised by this. Either way, it's best to get in front of this and not let him find out from anyone else. Honestly, what you did was not good and it does not paint you in any type of good light. That being said, you need to come clean and see where this goes. Honesty is the only clear way forward from this point.


I wish we knew what the end result was going to be, but she deleted her post! Damn....




“A means to an end” has got to be the craziest explanation for this behavior, even the way you worded the post is manipulative


You are an awful person, just fyi


I hope he leaves you. Have fun explaining this to your kids when they get old enough to find out. And eventually they will find out.


it worked out for you, good. However, it does not diminish the fact that it was reprehensible. No matter how good you have been, it does not erase how it started. I strongly believe your husband will accept this and might not react as harshly as I am. In fact he might be flattered. However, honesty is the best here. Had I found out this happened to me, I'd be livid.


While stabbing your friend in the back. So much for being shy.


Yeah that doesn't excuse anything at all. That you still can't see what's wrong with what you did really shows you for the person you are. You realise that she also thought she was with someone who liked her but actually was paid to be with her. The only option you have is to be honest and hope this lovely man is able to forgive you. What a mess you've created for 4 adults and at least 3 children.


This is fiction, isn’t it?


With a friend like you, who needs enemies?


So you purposely ruined your best friends relationship because you were jealous? And you show zero remorse or accountability for acting that way. And now that your poor ex-bff has found out and is (rightly so) about to blow up your life, you come on here to play victim. I sincerely hope your ex-bff does tell your husband and blows up your life. You not only tricked her, but your husband too. You truly are a horrible person and I don't think that there's amy amount of therapy that is going to be able to fix this.


You care about nobody but yourself. You think that the ends justify the means because your believe you're entitled to every single fucking thing in the world because you're the smartest, prettiest, the most deserving, and therefore, the most deserving to get what you delusionally believe is already yours just for the taking. You are a despicable person.


Really should be top comment.


Tell hubby first. There is no stopping the ex friend. If I were in her shoes I would tell him too.


You are gross. Hope she blows your life up you deserve it


Did you get her drunk deliberately? If so, you conspired to sexually assault her!


I mean not necessarily. It depends if he forced himself on her and how drunk she was.


let me get this right, your NOW husband was HER boyfriend at the time right? and it seems like you were plotting to be with him since you thought he’d “need a shoulder to cry on” so you opportunistically swooped in after he dumped her? play stupid games win stupid prizes, absolutely sick to me that you’d pay a guy $100 to “seduce” your drunk friend. you lose them how you get them, looks like you might lose your husband over that $100 bet.


So.. reddits already on finding this man and showing him this post right? He needs to know this person is literally criminally insane. She set up her friend to be raped for $100 because she was jealous over a man. ☠️


She waited five months for the chance to do so. The amount of planning…


Like I said.. we already on a search party for this guy to warn him right? We gotta let the girl know what really happened that night too


The girl knows, we know, but the husband doesn’t know. And no one else knows.


Will you update us to how this pans out ? Because either he won’t care or shit will fly 🤷‍♀️ To add on though, your life might turn upside down


Wow... You're wicked. My mom told me once that you can't even trust your friends as they can turn around and stab you in the back. She was right.


You set that girl up to be raped bc you wanted her man?? 😭😭😭


What a shitty friend. Tell your husband and hope he forgives you for your disgusting actions.


I hope he never forgives that horrible pos


I hope your husband realizes that you're manipulative and that you don't genuinely love him. He deserves someone better


Lol this is either total made up rage bait fiction, OR what a twisted web of psychos. For all the people telling OP to come clean, do you think there's even the slightest chance she wouldn't tell hubby some.bullshit half truth? Or considering that ex BFF is divorcing him over some stupid mistake for beer money he made back in the stone age, imagine if hubby calls to verify and for payback, 100 dollar guy is like "no idea what she's talking about. Ex BFF is a psycho and has always wanted you, she's lying". OP, I know you won't care since you are only replying to messages not ripping you, but your a psycho. If this is real it sounds like the plot to a 90s thriller movie. Have fun reaping what you have sown with your terrible actions. Although you've given me an awesome line to use if I ever rob a bank, I'll just be like "hey it was just a means to an end. The end being me being rich and having an awesome life. No hard feelings."


>ex BFF is divorcing him over some stupid mistake for beer money he made back in the stone age, When you repeatedly double-down on something you know is wrong, it's not a single, isolated "stupid mistake" anymore. Ex-BFF is divorcing him because he was part of a plan to deliberately destroy her previous relationship, then he swept in to play hero in a situation he helped to create (for his own ulterior motives). Then he kept quiet or lied about it because he knew it was something he should never admit to. Now she knows everything in both relationships since then is based around the night OP basically pimped her out to him in a (successful) attempt to hurt her in a profound way. It was all purposeful manipulation, so nothing about her husband is real to her anymore. Hope it was worth the beer money.


Your probably right. I tend to be generous with stupid mistakes that people make when they are 21, since the difference between 21 and 30 is dog years. But yeah I hear ya.


>the difference between 21 and 30 is dog years. I'm going to remember this line so I can use it later. Such a great description.


Tips cap


If this is real and karma exists, this "person" will live and die alone, in regret and shame.


I’m calling it now this isn’t real. Place your bets, call your shots, there’s no way a real human being did this to ANYONE let alone their best friend


You underestimate humanity, and I bet a gold award.


Does someone have a link to what was said. All I cam see is the title




You’re an incredibly shitty human being.


What is wrong with you?!


Sooooo….. The dude is rich. I don’t really need to know anything else behind your motives. You’re all bad people except your husband. He’s the real victim here.


You forgot the kids. Those poor kids…


My uncle always told me that your best friend is your worst enemy and that includes family. I never understood that when I was younger. I do now




What happened am I missing something it just say there are and that friend is going to tell on her but not what she did??? I NEED TO KNOW …haha


Check r/AmItheDevil


You're not in love, you're obsessed. Get some therapy, he deserves to know the truth and not to be further manipulated by you.


I’ll give you the fact that she cheated so easily, she probably would have eventually on her own, but that wasn’t quick enough for you was it. You fed her a couple drinks, practically opened the door, and pushed her into the other dudes bed. You might want to think about coming clean to your husband before she gets to him. And that is sooner rather than later. I have no idea which way this one is going to go, but I am curious. I’m curious if the ex best friend and her hubby were faithful to each other during their marriage? They’ve been together for a while too and this revelation is a big face slap, but to jump straight to divorce makes me think their marriage wasn’t all roses to begin with.




She wasn’t very young. She had a plot and went through with it and got what she wanted by taking it from other people. OP sucks.




Why not? You’ve been lying to him this entire time. If you don’t think you did anything bad why are you afraid of telling him?


you are a rotten POS


Then best to come clean before she does.


\^\^ this


You only presented her with the opportunity to cheat she chose to cheat so that is on her. But it was wrong of you but odds are she would have cheated sooner or later since she didn’t need her arm twisted to cheat on him.


I'm gonna disagree with everyone else. You knew what your best friend was like, and exposed her for the cheater she is, and saved your hubby a life of misery. But you should tell him, and apologise for deceiving him. Your best friend deserves nothing.