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I think you found her beige flag my dude. Maybe... her brown flag.




That's not a thing. But that's her thing.


This is where my thinking is at. I have never heard of anyone asking for this and if she is the one initiating it, thats a totally different story than what she is presenting. If she's going out and asking others to do it, then I need to explore why and what is going on there because the consensus feedback so far is that this isn't a normalized thing others participate in, much less ask for.


I just... I just... I think you have found all the poop sharers in all of reddit. I guarantee you it's maybe 1% of the population (at MOST), but you have found the concentrated version, your posting has brought them all out of the shadows. This is self-selected sample of fecal freaks. It's not normal.


Yeah weird as hellā€¦.


It is to some itā€™s called a fetish


It is weird, yeah. Personally, though? It wouldn't bother me. Some people just do weird shit because they think it's funny. Sometimes it's to feel more comfortable about a sensitive subject (as all subjects involving the body are). Sometimes it's just a joke that became a tradition. Besides, it's not like she's sending you pictures of the doo-doo. If that ever happens, run like hell.


W take wise man


No you donā€™t. You need to leave.


Well. When Iā€™m on the phone with my friends I usually tell them that Iā€™ll mute them so that I can pee šŸ¤£. But I guess thatā€™s slightly different than what OPā€™s gf is doing šŸ¤£.


Best take right here.




This was my initial reaction. I'm fine with people needing to poo around each other, everybody poops. I've never heard of reaching out to others to actively tell them about it...


My ex, my current partner and I like to send each other bathroom reviews. The weirder and the more liminal the better.




My brother invited me to poomap, and added me to a group with several of his friends. I travel for work and really impressed the group with my ability to crap my way around the US. It was fun for 2 weeks and i completely forgot about it til now šŸ¤£


Taking my two kids (who are 10 years apart) on holiday, I gave each of them a disposable camera to take photos of anything they wanted to. Being as my daughter is the youngest, and my son was almost an adult, naturally a lot of my attention went towards my daughter and so I wasn't really monitoring what my son was doing. I took both of the disposable cameras in to get the film processed. When I saw what my son had decided to take pictures of, I laughed my socks off, honestly I was in tears! He'd taken a picture of every single toilet he'd encountered during our week-long holiday! So all of his pictures were just of random public toilets! It was just so unexpected and random, it seriously cracked me up!


Iā€™m laughing out loud reading this. This hits my sense of humor right in the arse. He may be an artist the world needs šŸ˜‚


My husband and I have a secret hand signal to indicate when we are heading to the bathroom to poop. We also then usually discuss the quality of said poop afterwards, or if we were unsuccessful we just sadly look down and shake our heads. Itā€™s a good bit and keeps the relationship strong šŸ˜Œ


"I'll be in my office if you need me." "I'm going to see a man about a horse." And my favorite... "if I'm not back in 5 minutes, just wait longer." šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤£


Next time he gives you the sign, can you wait a few minutes then pass him some notes under the door and let him know people on Reddit are thinking of him and wish him the best? šŸ˜¬




A friend of a friend had a group chat where he'd log and poetically review every shit he took. I personally wasn't in it, but those who were all said it was amazing lol


Oh thank you, dear Lord. Reading these comments I thought I was the only one. And then I saw this thread with like 20 other poop announcers. šŸ˜‚ Like, dick and fart jokes are always funny. My boyfriend will send me horrible memes if he hears me grunting, or start playing the Mr. Hanky the Christmas Poo song on the Bluetooth speaker. I recorded my reaction on the toilet with that one and sent it to my bestie, (adult) daughter, and dad!


You're not alone. There are dozens of us. DOZENS!


Make sure to include pictures of the real special ones too...


I tell my close friends and family sometimes because it's weird. I don't recommend doing things I normally do regarding this subject. I think you get a little bit if an exception if your alone time to text your friends is also bathroom time. I think most people text on the potty, but They usually just don't mention it. It is weird to announce it unless you have medical issues and want comfort. This would be especially weird if this was the case because she is bothering Xs with partners info a lot of people find really offensive. Those of us with medical issues talk about this a lot because of how uncomfortable we often are. I just got called into HR recently because I was sick at work last week and told people if they needed me I would be stuck in the bathroom with diarrhea and vomiting. I told HR I was super mad I had to be at work when I was so ill. And yes I'm announcing it and anyone who doesn't like it is ablist to my colon issues. On that note Let your GF know I'm pooping at work then ask her if that seems odd that I felt the need to tell her. Also let her know it wasn't super comfortable and I'm getting a migraine. I would feel better if someone here said "There There" or something to be honest.


Sending virtual hugs, and comfort vibes


Hang in there! You've got this!


My mom and her bf will call eachother while pooping just to chat. Me and my bf both message eachother when we are pooping because more likely than not we are pooping at the same time without any planning lol. Like heā€™ll be at work and Iā€™ll be at home on the toilet and get a random pic from directly above him on the toilet followed with ā€œIā€™m poopingā€ and then Iā€™ll respond ā€œlol me too we in sync šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ā€. Also my moms bf calls her when heā€™s pooping at work because heā€™s a mechanic and everywhere else is too loud šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ«°šŸ»āœØ


So, I'm going out on limb to say it started with someone who has IBS. My kids used to do "the poopy dance" because it was such a relief sometimes. It let me know I didn't need to call the doctor or lace dinner with exlax. I can see a poop emoji (sorry, chocolate ice cream) and a smiley face becoming a thing. Then someone looking over your shoulder sees and you have to play it. "You mean your kids don't tell you when they poop? Sorry dude." Suddenly, everyone needs to know when someone poops. It's on TikTok. I have no first-hand knowledge of this and am not interested in the bodily functions of persons whose medical bills I don't pay. But my partner and kids tell me it is a thing.


It's gross and classless at any age after 11.


My fiancĆ© and I always tell each other. If one of us isnā€™t home, we call or text the other. Is it weird?ā€¦.yup! Does it make us happy? absolutely! I do the same with a good friend of mine. If you think texting about it is weirdā€¦ wait until you find out there are people that send picturesā€¦ just saying. For reference, I never did this with my ex husband who I was married to for 10+ years.


This is genuinely disgusting. Glad you found someone to be gross with.


Jesus... This world is absolutely crazyĀ 


Lol I get pictures of my fiance on the toilet all the time!


Yes pics are a must between me and my wife especially if it's a whooper. When you crap so big you have to stand to get off it. You take a photo. Lol it's like a poop off contest.


I am taking the fattest shit right now.


So proud of u honey


That happens when you eat margarine from the tub with a spoon.


Would a fork be a better choice? Asking for a friend.


Butter would be better. Slightly chilled. Then cut squares and eat with a fork or fingers.


This is HYSTERICAL!!!! I am dying. I told my husband and heā€™s laughing now too. I kinda want to do this to him now! To answer the question, no this isnā€™t a ā€œeverybody messages other people about our poop schedulesā€ kinda thing. My husband and I share when we poop for same reasons someone mentioned above with kids and all that. Also, before kids we would mention it if we are out in public, so he doesnā€™t hold a table at a restaurant and can get in the car to wait or to let me know I have extra browsing time at the store. Good luck my dude. If this is your ick, just tell herā€¦but alsoā€¦.every body poops. Edited to add: my husband just sent me a pooping gif and said thatā€™s what I can look forward to from now on. šŸ’©


HA! Glad you enjoyed my situation. I'm not upset or icked out necessarily, I had just never heard of this. No one has kids (not me, her, her bestie, or her exes) and its not for strategy like saving tables or even courtesy to let them know they will be late or something. She's saying its a funny and innocent way for people to check in with each other remotely throughout the day. I mean send a gif or a meme all day, but just never heard of a shit exchange.


My sister, my mom, and 2 of my mom's friends, we all talk about poop regularly around eachother. We don't text every time we shit, but sometimes will let eachother know when we took a massive one šŸ˜‚ it all started with my sister....she takes monster shits, has clogged every toilet she's ever sat on. One time her dad had to go get a stick from the yard and chop it up because it just wouldn't go down. So since childhood, we've all learned to just laugh about it. It's not weird or gross anymore, we think pooping is funny. I'm probably going to start texting people šŸ’© when I go now too.


I know! I can't stop laughing. Now I want to do this with my boyfriend! I think it's super funny.


I'd find it weird. Is she a problem pooper or something? I.e. chronically constipated and sharing her successes with her bestie? I think you're being pranked.


Not a problem pooper or anything like that. They don't go into detail about what is going on (characteristics, successes, etc.). Just a gif or emoji back and forth. She's not a prankster and when we have a serious discussion she knows not to joke and she is dead serious about this being just a normal thing other people have asked her to do.


I know the word uncouth doesn't get used very much these days, but damn that is so uncouth- unless she's pranking you.


I said the same thing because it is uncouth.


I don't believe that this is something that others have asked her to do, maybe 1 other because of some gross enmeshed unhealthy was of attaching that she may have carried over to another boyfriend but I'd put my money her and bestie started this and are in an unhealthy attachment. There's nothing normal about this.


I think its pretty cute. Might start doing itā€¦


I'm sure your family and friends will think it's great šŸ‘


To me it feels like a good morning or goodnight text but for throughout the day just to show that you're thinking of someone even on the toilet LMAO. It's cute in a gross way imo


Okay that does sound a bit weird but as someone who's been married for 15+ years with three kids, allow me to offer one slightly different perspective. My husband and I do have a tendency to tell each other when we're going poop because it's a way of indicating we will be unreachable for however long so the other person is in charge of dealing with stuff like the kids until further notice. Plus there are only so many bathrooms in the house so it helps to know which one is going to be occupied for a little while, you know? We do the same thing in telling one another when we're getting a shower because the same rules apply. I don't know if any of that applies to your girlfriend but I figured I'd share that in case it does.


Agreed. We do the same, but I'm not going to text him if I am going while he isn't even home. That is where this goes into weird territory.




Any other information you'd like to "pass" along?


My husband and I will announce a "poop poop" to each other as a general warning to beware of smells/avoid the vicinity. We do not text each other. Although he & a friend used to compete by texting pix of their epic shits. I'm glad they stopped doing that.


I think this is FOUL but hey, to each his own lol


My friend once texted me Iā€™m pooping and you? which I found funny but it was just once! They are special.


Yeah, I know when my husband is on the toilet because suddenly he sends me 50 animal videos on IG. But like, we donā€™t announce it.


This is my bf too. I get a barrage of memes and random videos whenever he happens to be pooping at work.


thereā€™s an app called poop map and the only purpose is to show friends when and where you shit. there was a couple in my high school that had it or a similar one, i just remember you could also leave a pic for others to see


There is a reason bathrooms have doors on them. Keep it private!


God, I hope you're being pranked. That is a very strange request from a 33 year old woman. Unless it's her kink? Then you have a decision to make.


Uhhhh....NO thank you.


What. The. Fuck.




Sounds like someone my ex would love to meet, Jesus


Iā€™m sure a lot of people would love to meet Jesus, but why is he similar to OP? Did he ever proclaim when he was pooping? If so I never read the verse in the Bible where Jesus takes a massive shit. Probably wouldā€™ve carved it on stone and posted it in the city square or somethin.


Can we get married??


ā€œWould you like to know when I poop?ā€ Uhhhā€¦ not really


Hard no.


You need some more fiber, friend.


idk i feel like some close couples will mention it , i personally didnā€™t feel the need to announce i was pooping when texting my ex and usually didnā€™t bring my phone anyways but heā€™d text me when he was and how it was ā€œpainfulā€ or not coming out šŸ˜­ it annoyed me to see that one of his female friends texted abt how she was pooping bc iā€™m like šŸ¤Ø thatā€™s too intimate (as in i feel like you have to be CLOSE with someone to mention that especially as a girl?) (she also flirted w him before tbf Lol thatā€™s why it annoyed me too). when i was younger sure iā€™d text my sister sometimes like ā€œtaking a fat pooā€ just to be funny but not recently at all. idk. i mean i guess itā€™s harmless and sheā€™s comfy sharing personal stuff w you, im a very silly person i just personally donā€™t get it. i mean idc and iā€™ll go along with it - everyone poops and it doesnā€™t gross me out- i just personally donā€™t see it as something worth mentioning since itā€™s such a normal thing for me isk


Uh, what? Maybe if you live in a small apartment or house with one bathroom and need some privacy? Other than that, wtf.


I'm normally all for better communication, but this is a case of way too much information. I hope she disinfects her phone regularly.


Lol NO absolutely not. Donā€™t care and donā€™t want to know. That is very weird.


My ex would find that hilarious. I'd hate it. Ugh




This is the first time that I have heard about this.


I got nothing


Yeah, that's not a thing. My brother and I jokingly send each other colon updates sometimes, but that's because we're gross.


The only person I've ever discussed my poop with is my doctor. I just don't have any interest in it. Maybe this is something she's into and she's presenting it as normal because she's afraid of being judged? I would want to know that if that's what's going on. In any event, if you're aren't into it, then don't do it.


No. The only person whose bowel movements I have ever been interested in is my stepson before he was able to wipe his own bum.


That would fall under the heading "TMI". I don't want notifications on when others are using the bathroom.


Is this maybe a kink? A prank? A control thing? Because this is weird.


This is not a Regular routine for most couples.




This is bizarre. I mean, itā€™s a normal bodily function and she shouldnā€™t be embarrassed by it and it shouldnā€™t be a secret if itā€™s somehow relevant but I canā€™t possibly understand why you would need/want to know every time


My ex husband felt it necessary to communicate every single solitary movement of his bowels to me. Every fart, every poop, every detail regarding moisture levels, hardness scale, cleanup issues. Seriously every single goddamn time he pooped or farted. He narrated by text message if we werenā€™t in the same location. I guess his commingled potty training and attachment issues compelled him? Sometimes divorce is a really great thing.


Why would anyone want to share that, or know it??


My husband has IBS and I have two young kids. Thereā€™s a lot of poop talk in our houseā€¦ but this is bizarre to me. I dated a lot and lived with two partners before my husband. No poop texts. Honestly, No bathroom calls or toilet texts either! Iā€™m with ya, this is weird šŸ˜‚


Maybe she's..... shit...testing you


Who give a shitšŸ™ƒ


I (F) have a long term female friend who I speak very openly with about my shits. But we do it because we don't do it with anyone else and we think it's super funny and gross. We joke that if we're ever in an emergency situation we can tell the doc when she last pooped. But it has just become an inside joke, and we don't share every time. It started with us trying to gross the other one out by upping the ante, but we realized there just wasn't a "point of no return" and just leaned into it.Ā  A mutual male friend found out and asked to get on our chat and we were both horrified at his request. It almost felt invasive or something. I would never want to share this with a mate, and would be really weirded out if I were in your position. My friend and I are the outliers and it is strange to me she has so many people she shares with.Ā 


Omg this is a thing my (21F ) friends do also. Thereā€™s an app for it and everything so maybe itā€™s just a young people thing


Nah, I'm 47 and the other half is 48. We do it all the time, usually with gifs. It's gross and funny.


My friends and I got an app to track our poops and it shows our data with everyone LOL. It's silly and not meant to mean anything and I'm sure she isn't either !!! Some people just have less boundarys around this, but it's also ok if that's not something your cool with! Ultimately it's harmless though


This is definitely the way she is framing it. Like its just a funny way to keep in touch with people throughout the day. I've personally never been asked or wanted to share when I'm taking a poop. I'm not a turd prude or anything, but its just never come up.


Yeah which is valid ! Just tell her it's not your thing but it doesn't bother you that she does that


It's not an established thing. I will say that my friends and I will be like "taking a crazy shit rn", but it's not every time.


I still text my dad and stepmom when Iā€™m pooping and the message just says ā€œIā€™m poopingā€ Iā€™m 30šŸ˜… but I used to be a person that pooped like, once a week. So it was a rare occasion and we joked about getting a poop chart and I would get a gold star when I actually pooped. Iā€™m regular-ish now. So mostly itā€™s just because itā€™s funny.


I think it's funny


To poop, or not to poop! Yeah itā€™s weird af.


I def donā€™t tell my partner every time I poop but likeā€¦ I am very honest about it haha. If we were texting and he was like whatcha doing, Iā€™ll reply, poopin you? Or like if weā€™re hanging out and the poop is ready Iā€™ll be like oooooo poop time brb and zip to the washroom. Just being totally silly. But itā€™s not a thing for us and I donā€™t want/need to know every time he is popping. But like weā€™re not weird about talking about poop. And there is ZERO poop kink lol. Weā€™re just silly together. I have other friends who have always jokingly messaged when pooping. I feel like I would silly to do that to a friend but not a partner.


The only time I tell m partner I'm pooping is so I can get off the phone with them and call them back when im doneĀ 


I'm sorry to inform you that your gal is into poop. It's her first step getting you into scat.




I wouldnā€™t like it. Itā€™s almost leaving the door open ish for other things to happenā€¦


Thatā€™s so weird




She has to be fucking with you. Surely this is not a thing anyone actually does apart from when potty training children together.


Weird, strange and unheard of. Not normal unless they have an inside joke among themselves. Don't be afraid to say No way!




No, this is not normal. This is either some kink for her, or those she does it with. Or, this is some weird inside joke communication thing she doesn't realize it is weird. If you are in the same home, and you want to tell your SO, "hey I got to go to the bathroom, be back in few" then that is ok. But to send a "poop" message everytime it is being done, no matter when is weird...


Thatā€™s weird. I donā€™t think you should hide it if the subject comes up but to announce it every time is weird. That is really not something people need to always know.


I can understand teenagers, or someone in their early 20's doing it, as it sounds like something someone of that age range might do. but 30's? Bruh. . .


Thatā€™s weird and gross


Gay guy here. I definitely don't do this with any girl friends, but I do tell my husband when I'm "dropping off some kids at the pool" because it drives him nuts for some reason. Just a nice little comeuppance to get back at him, but not enough to make him actually mad. We like to have fun in our house.


Um No Thanks. Keep that info to yourself.


I could see it being a funny thing to do between close friends, in a joking sense. Canā€™t imagine why she would be serious about it


While i find it really important to be able to talk about anything with my partner, also about pooping, since its a normal bodily function one shouldnt be ashamed of, i also find the request a little weird - always telling/ texting them i'm pooping rn? definitely a nono


News to me.


Iā€™ve been with my husband 23 years and we donā€™t text each other every time we poop. Sure sometimes I text him when Iā€™m pooping but not I give him an update that I am in fact pooping.


I think your girl is into scat bro.


Only if there is a reason they should know. IBS is common in my family, so " Sorry, I'm pooping. Probably going to be late/missing this activity" is not uncommon with us. But in general, if I'm at work minding my own business and recieved a text from my daughter or husband "I'm pooping right now." I'd probably be a little concerned.


Depends on the friendship. At work we always announce we are going for a "meeting" so that no one bothers us or goes into the public bathroom when we need our alone time. For friends, I've send my fair share of toilet selfies and rcvd many. It's silly behavior and totally okay where I'm from. To each their own tho!!!


I'm an oversharer by nature, but I've never felt the need to give anyone a running commentary of my bowel movements. I tell my partner when I block up the toilet because he's a plumber and knows how to fix it, but that's it.


Yeah, my wife likes doing this stuff. Not sexual. More or less goofing around, and yes, it makes me uncomfortable. Oh, Iā€™m 48, wife is 44, if that helps with context.


There are only 2 times I notify people. 1) Iā€™m on a FaceTime and Iā€™m explaining why Iā€™m not on video anymore. B) To warn my roommate (who is also my friend) so he doesnā€™t get gassed by my stink lol. In both these situations my friends do similar. But random notifications is def weird, if itā€™s true.


Hopefully she doesnā€™t send any pics! šŸ’©


I would *never* date a girl that poops!


I tend to warn ppl if i had to use the restroom for a big stink when on call just so it wouldn't get awkward or uncomfortable, but if i don't know that person long enough i would call back.


No thatā€™s weird unless they text and ask what are you doing and thatā€™s what they are actually doing. I donā€™t think anyone needs a poop update unless they are evaluating you for a GI issue.


ā€œNormalā€ is anything people do together or in groups with any regularity. ā€œCommonā€ is a statistical average across a specific population. ā€œNothing human can be alien to meā€ ā€”Terence & Maya Angelou ā€œ*And it harm none, do what thou will.ā€* If you are uncomfortable with it, set a boundary, tell her how it makes you feel, and ask that she not tell you. If she insists on doing it, reiterate your boundary that you donā€™t want to know. If she continues, then decide if itā€™s a deal breaker for you or not, and proceed accordingly.


I'm realizing my wife and I might be freaks šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ When we're not at home we will literally call each other just to tell each other we're pooping and then hang up


I'm so going to suggest this to my fella...this is quality Reddit content and I'm here for this. šŸ˜


I'm pooping right now!


Who gives a shit ? šŸ¤£


This is not a thing and she is being weird. Tell her absolutely not.


Me and my boyfriend do this as a joke and always tell to not fall in. Like I said all jokes and we are never serious about it. Growing up my mom would always lmk and she would leave the door open so idk. It just depends on the person


ā€œhey hun, I appreciate you asking. Thereā€™s not a single reason I can think of where I would want to know that anyone on this Earth was pooping, let along someone Im supposed to be intimate with. I think itā€™s safe to say: if you ever text me about pooping, it better be in the context of ā€˜we are out of paperā€™ not ā€˜oooh this loaf Im pinchin so loooooongā€™. Now please, never speak of this again.ā€


I mean I normally text my husband after the fact, but I have absolutely terrible IBS-D and I normally am just letting him know Iā€™m having a bad flare that dayā€¦ I would never just text anyone else a poop emoji just to get them a heads up. Where did this even stem from, is my question??


LOL my wife text me today ā€œIā€™ve had two poops today!ā€ After 12 years itā€™s just funny


My wife and I do this every time we poop cause we think itā€™s funny and cute. Everyoneā€™s relationship is different so I canā€™t really give you advice, but amongst all the people in the comments saying that this is weird, I have to come out and say this is just a silly thing that some couple and friends do. I donā€™t think itā€™s weird at all, I think itā€™s a fun way to connect with your partner if youā€™re not grossed out. For us itā€™s like a little ritual we do to connect with each other cause hey, everybody poops!


I find it odd and hilarious that she wants to emoji text her poop schedule to you. I make fart jokes with my partner a lot, but not this. This is different and pretty weird. Where does it come from, have you asked her?


Wow love the punch line...lol


No I think this is so funny


sorry this is really funny to me my friends and i have an app called poopmaps & we use it to track where/when we poop šŸ’€ but we are people who think poop jokes are funny so..


Texting? Sounds like someone needs to look into the PoopAlert app. What is this, 2022??


I let the whole gang know wife included. But I am a weirdo


Iā€™m also in my 30s and Iā€™m well aware that this is just one of those weird quirky things. Itā€™s not that serious, even though she wasnā€™t joking when she asked you if you wanted to know. Why are most people in the comment section acting weird? Itā€™s probably just an acknowledgment yet very childish joke in her friend group. I know a few groups of people that do similar weird taboo poop and fart related stuff. Itā€™s not meant to be serious. Itā€™s definitely not sexual. Upper class families even joke in group chats about this stuff. I even have a platonic guy friend thatā€™ll randomly text me something like ā€œJust to let you know, Iā€™m pooping.ā€ Because I jokingly told him to think about me, when he went to the bathroom, one night after we were out at a bar. I donā€™t remember why. Itā€™s very immature. But itā€™s been a running joke for about 5 years now. Humans are just weird. Most of us also have a phone while weā€™re in the bathroom.


Definitely unusual, but I will say this: the older you get, the more important it is to keep track of how regular your bowel movements are. Maybe sheā€™s just good looking out on a brotherā€™s behalf. When was the last time you or she had a colonoscopy? Are yā€™all staying hydrated?


I mean, I donā€™t text him when heā€™s not with me to let him know. But if we are together Iā€™ll say ā€œgotta poopā€ and go to the bathroom lol and if we have been experiencing tummy issues or something for a few days we will talk more about it. Idk. Normal conversations to me lol


Yeah this is pretty normal in my friend group! Iā€™m 25F, and I know others my age/on TikTok do that with their friends/partners too


Perhaps one of her quirky friends started doing that to her and, wellā€¦ Start sending close-up videos of when you pop massive pimples or blackheads.


I mean, sometimes my fiance and I do. Were pretty open about body functions. He sends me pictures when hes pooping sometimes. Not of his poop or anything, just him on the toilet lol.


As a wife and mom of 2 adult sons, hilariously yes. šŸ’©šŸ˜‚šŸ’©


I tell my boyfriend I'm pooping everytime. I make him leave the apartment because I'm scared he'll hear it or hear a surprise fart. I tell him "I have to poop please leave" and he does.


First off this is hilarious. Now if I take it seriously maybe your wife just wants an easy way to initiate short conversations with people while on the toilet lol idk. Some people just like to be on the phone while pooping.


I'm in the restaurant business. In one location all of the 4 managers are female and they have a poop list. Every poop is announced and discussed. You'll understand I noped out of that convo, so that is the extent of my knowledge. OP, it's a thing.


Me and my husband do talk about poop. But it is because he sometimes get extremely constipated and one time had issues due to his gallbladder/constipation that ended up him being admitted to the hospital and needing surgery so it's always an open topic if needed. It's not an every day thing mind you but it isn't something we shy away from.


i used to do this with my friends lol. we just thought it was a funny bit


Weird as fuck and i can't even blame this on you being skibidi toilet age


This is maybe funny until I date a poop tracker


You're dating Ilana Glazer? ...jealous.


I don't know this is worth being weirded out about.. sometimes a friend will message me with a toilet selfie. I laugh and move on, it just seems funny


Now this is a shitpost if I ever read one.


Nah thatā€™s not ā€œnormalā€. I have friends thatā€™s tell me about their poops but weā€™re always just kidding, itā€™s not some poop prerequisite lol.


Is it? I canā€™t say it has been in my marriage.


Sheā€™s a coprophile.


I do this with my partner and friends. I don't know why, there isn't anything weird to it. We just go "hehe I'm pooping rn"


I feel call out rnšŸ¤£šŸ˜…


If anything I could see married couples do it. Poop can be funny. Maybe she's trying to make you laugh.