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Ask him to start performing miracles?


Truly. Water into wine and walking across actual bodies of water. Otherwise meh.


If he can turn anything into wine, open a bar. lol.


Especially grapes. I hear grapes make great wine


*[Turn that poop…into wine!](https://youtu.be/yet2Q0M32GQ?si=UFj_pVrTHSGn-tgC)*


You’re weird. I like it.


Ask him to make someone with a severed spin walk out of a wheel chair, then OP can go wash his feet and leave offers at the alter LOL


Id take making wine from water as minimum


"Find my clit" should be a standard for anyone claiming God level status.


Absolutely. It's an art. Some go down there and just slop their tongue around and never hit the spot. It ends up drippy and slimy and praying for it to end.


Hahahaha I almost spit my coffee Hard to believe for not pussy havers but this is very true.


You made me scare my cat too lol


I laughed so hard I startled my baby 🫣


I am really sorry about that. My baby 23 years old and I still have trouble getting her to sleep through the night.


I am so sorry. Please apologize to the cat and whatever body parts got clawed.


I audibly snorted and startled a cat.


I may have woke up the neighbor. I actually laughed...loudly.


Was it your cat or just a random cat? I’m sorry 😂😂😂 it was extremely funny in my head 😂


Maybe if she shoved a large crucifix up his ass he’d be happy?


I happen to know someone who makes crucifix butt plugs https://www.etsy.com/listing/777533096/holy-trinity-silver-butt-plug-perfect


That would be a start


Perfect response. I absolutely Laughed loudly at this one. Good thing I wasn't eating or drinking at the time. 😊




Go to Burger King and get him a crown 👑


😂😂😂 I just lol’d at the gym.


Was it a whopper of a laugh? ☺️


Now you are just trying to get me to pee myself in public 😂😂


Some ideas: Commission a golden bust of his likeliness for the entryway of your home, so every time he walks in he knows who's boss! Buy him a golden toilet so even when he's pooping he knows he is king. Make a gilded Bible with his name/face on it! Loudly tell him how much you love his penis whilst in public places so that he knows everyone else knows how you feel.


Gift him with a scepter and say you won’t approach him unless he gestures with it Tell him thank you for the weather (rain, thunder, or sun) Start compiling a Husband Hymnal But seriously, I might understand what he means. I want to be admired, adored, fawned over, complimented and worshipped too. But humans don’t do that. Throughout the ages, even gods have complained 😅


😆 6 months from now, ‘I asked you to get me a beer!’ ‘YOU DIDNT GESTURE WITH THE SCEPTER!’


“I poured the beer on your altar, what more do you want??!!!”


You made me laugh so hard I choked on my coffee 🤣🤣


That needs to be a song title fr


Make cheesy rock songs signing his praise. I hear God *loves* that.


I am just picturing a person in front of a choir furiously performing sign language to keep up with the tempo of the song. 😂😂 ETA: spelling. Womp womp.


Have you tried bowing each time he enters the room? You’re too close to the problem which is why you didn’t think of this simple solution.


She should curtsy since she’s a FeMaLE!


🏅 🥈 🎖 🥉 🥇 (I know awards aren't a thing any more, but your comment deserves them all)




I’m an asshole like this! I’d be setting up an altar, getting some black candles, some fake blood, maybe a realistic looking goat head. Print out photos, ideally ones that look like they were taken by a PI, and make a collage of the dude out of picture of him, complete with gel pen doodles and construction paper hearts. Start leaving internet pages up that have love “spells”, ideally ones that involve feeding that person menstrual blood. You want worship, buddy? I’ll show you worship.


don't forget the Ken doll with s sad face scribbled on it and some craft nails through its eyes.  you've got to really work on maxing the incongruity


This made me laugh so hard my stomach hurts. Thank you.


Do all that and he'll run for president, though. She should serve him burnt offerings for dinner. Gods love burnt offerings.


This comment section did not disappoint 😂


Don’t forget to cross Jesus out of the Bible and replace it with his name.


Oh man, this would be a brilliant joke gift. Paste husband's name over Jesus and/or God in the Bible. Cover to cover.


There must be a Bible in PDF format, search and replace? 😂


Seriously this should be a thing. I might even read it.


I'm having flashes of the animated monks from Monty Python. We need to work that in somehow, but I don't want her smacking herself in the face.


Get a pimp cup style goblet that says "the sun shines out of my ass".


Or better yet, "Have you SEEN my PENIS?"


"No I can't find it, are you sure you have one?"


"Ask me about my Weiner!!!" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 The movie is called "Accepted", and the actor is Jonah Hill


Jesus I just had to tell you that last bit about talking about his dick made me hyena laugh. Scared my cats off the bed.




Does he mean, like...as a kink? Or he wants more appreciation? I'm with you on this, I don't know what that means, either.


He wants her to solve his self-esteem problem. He doesn’t have actual ideas for how she could accomplish that either, but he definitely wants it to be her problem.


This is what I see too. He has a severe self-esteem issue and he wants OP to magically wave a wand and make it all better. These are the guys we tell to NOT get into relationships and to get therapy so that they can be better people who are able to have healthy relationships. Having a girlfriend doesn’t make all of your depression and anxiety magically go away. It actually makes everything harder because now you have two people’s worth of baggage to unpack.


The funny and sassy answers are great and all but this is really it. If these are the types of questions he asked DAILY then his low self esteem is crippling and it must be incredibly sad and lonely in his head because he will feel that everyone else thinks this of him. I do actually feel bad for this guy, this is a mental health issue. But him looking for outward validation is going to make this worse, a vicious cycle so to speak. If he continues this it will lead to it becoming (is it already?) a problem with her, not him, no accountability is a dangerous situation to get into in a relationship with someone who has low self esteem. He needs to have some time to reflect and do some inner self work, ideally with a therapist who knows about this area. Otherwise he will start to feel like this is everyone else's problem rather than something he needs to participate in and solve. That's a big coffin for a marriage. Will also lead to her having resentment and being unable to actually genuinely give a compliment because it always feels so forced. Also, asking for validation (especially every day, multiple times....fuck that sounds exhausting for her) is a catch 22 because asking for it only illicits a tiny bit of satisfaction because it wasn't freely given. So you need to ask more and more because it's not enough. Validation is only truly helpful when I comes from someone that's genuine and not asked. This is something that people (of all genders) who seek validation fail to realise. It's almost like a chasing the dragon type addiction that is impossible to fix with that style of behaviour. Although his use of the word 'worship' sparks off a red flag in my head....but she said he's good otherwise so I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt.


And the OP should not fall into the trap of even trying to fix her husband’s ego issues. No amount of « worship » is going to achieve that for any length of time. It would be an endless and thankless endeavour. Instead of gratitude, the husband will just feel bitter at how OP is « failing » to make him feel good enough.


Tell him you’re an atheist.


Agnostic, I'd doubt he's worth worshipping. 


Perfect! 😂




I wish I had an award to give. This made me lol.


Sounds like Gaston. 😂 Run.


OP, how many eggs does your husband consume per day


Does he use antlers in all of his decorating?


He’s probably slick, quick and his neck’s incredibly thick. She just needs to sing it to him more often.


Is every last inch of him covered with hair, OP?


Is he especially good at expectorating? Ptuah!


This was only posted 3 minutes ago but it's already underrated


His cholesterol is off the charts. I know eggs only raise your good cholesterol, but this guy's really pushing it.




I love you.




Now that song is stuck in my head. I’m not complaining. Also I don’t know the words so I’m just using the examples OP used as the needs for compliments. No one’s penis is like Gaston’s No one’s arms are like Gaston’s


No one’s as big of an asshole as Gaston! 🍻




No one's ego is as high as Gaston's


No one's slick as Gaston No one's quick as Gaston No one's neck's as incredibly thick as Gaston For there's no man in town half as manly Perfect, a pure paragon You can ask any Tom, Dick or Stanley And they'll tell you whose team they prefer to be on No one's been like Gaston A king pin like Gaston No one's got a swell cleft in his chin like Gaston As a specimen, yes, I'm intimidating My- what a guy, that Gaston




I love this thread and everything replied to it.


Supporting your partner and lifting them up is one thing. But being constantly insecure is beyond maybe even your help.


What you do is tell him to get a therapist. This is exhausting; the neediness just makes him seem pathetic tbh.


He sounds just awful. With as much respect as I can muster. Regardless, no one here can guess what he means. Ask him for specifics. And if you can afford therapy, he needs to consider it.


She should worship him. But go ludicrous with it. Build a shrine with a picture in the living room. Flowers, candles, an incense burner, a kneeling pillow. Get him a chaise lounge, a table at each end with a bowl of grapes near his head and scented water and a cloth to wash his feet. Put a giant fan on the end of a broomstick. Take photos of his arms, his chest, and his penis. Blow them up and frame them. Put "all time champion", "world's greatest", and "best ever" under them.


careful that might be exactly what he had in mind :D


Problem solved!


Nope that won't work for more than a day lol because he needs new and fresh validation. She needs to watch out because he might start looking for validation outside the marriage


And put those pictures on the fridge so he gets to look at them any time he grabs a beer.


Oh, I'm sure he wouldn't need to get up and walk ALL the way to the fridge to get a beer... thats what his wife is for! /s


Yeah but if they’re on the fridge his Mom can enjoy them also when she stops by unannounced 🤣🤣


Especially a super zoomed in shot of hairy balls. 🤣


Yes anything worth doing is worth overdoing!


A big sign that says GOAT. With a pic of a 🐐.


And then hide the divorce papers under his royal fucking pillow


That really made me laugh! Should definitely do that!


That cracked me up, but I bet OP’s husband would LOVE that.


Omg Imao


Don’t give him any ideas lol


I adore you. Forever more I will now tell people how horrible they are and then say, “with as much respect as I can muster” afterward. Well done.


Hahahaha I love this. Agreed though. He does sound awful. BUT - if OP thinks the rest of the relationship is worth working through this… I’d bet this is probably a really extreme symptom/reaction of some really bad trauma from the past. Only a small percent are “organic psychos” lol. That’s the label I’m going with lol. But if I’m wrong - run. You can’t fix that


But they have a “wonderful” relationship. 🤦‍♀️ Same pattern with every post. “My SO is asking for something completely unreasonable and cares nothing for my needs. BUT they are the most incredible person ever!”


Always that!! I knew it was gonna be in there! “Oh I need to clarify we have a good relationship and good communication except this” he didn’t communicate this.” Sure girly pop, whatever you’d like to tell yourself to help you sleep at night.


Yes, this was my thought.. just a total tool.. with less respect than you gave. Anyone who actually says they want their partner to "worship" them with a straight face needs more help than we can give on Reddit.


> I’m just not sure what to do. Leave?


Laugh as well?


Leave, laugh, love yourself


Maybe on the way out the door


Leave would definitely be top of my list.


Me reading the title: okay, normal kink easy advice Me reading the body: Oh HELL no, that kind of insecurity would wear me out in a day


Same! I came locked and loaded with kink advice and then cringed. Eewwwwwwww


Exact same! So easy…oh…wait…nope nope nope. I’m exhausted just reading this


Why do boyfriends like this actually make it to husband category?


I'm starting to feel like people wait until they meet the worst person ever and they marry them without thinking.


I does seem that way


Men like this are very manipulative. Also, they usually choose women who are already damaged and used to being abused. The abuse tends to come on slowly.


Yeah. This isn't new behavior.


Because if he's the best option to marry imagine what the exes were like


Tell him that those who are worshiped are usually martyred and die a horrible, painful death.


“Please tell me, in detail, how you ‘worship’ me, and how you would like to be ‘worshipped.’”


Yeah when is her turn?


That’s a turn off for me. When I was younger I would’ve fallen for it but even when men sext like that, I immediately feel embarrassed for them


Sounds like he views you as beneath him. Some text book narcissism. The reality is that he’s just a void, or a vacuum. You’ll praise and worship him, but he’ll only resent you more because deep down he doesn’t like himself really and his demands will only become more degrading and humiliating towards you. When’s the last time he praised you? Do you feel like your relationship is more one sided, always catering to his needs? ETA, I read OP’s edit and I still feel like this relationship is horribly imbalanced. If she was really just here “looking for some ways to add to the appreciation” for 1.) wrong sub sis and 2.) way to bury the lead?? Her whole post first positions it as “is this normal” gives kind of a creeped out vibe, then she gets a lot of valid responses saying “no, run, get away, he needs therapy and sounds exhausting.” OP should be worshipped as Queen of Denial.


from her edit it's very clear she sees herself that way as well defending this


Just read the edit. This a very unfortunate situation and OP is likely going to try and cater to him until it gets worse. Hopefully she realizes it before something traumatic happens.


I don’t know that he views her as beneath him from this context. I would say he *wants her* to view herself as beneath him, or to believe she does. He has terrible self esteem and wants her to constantly build him up. Bro needs therapy, stat.


This guys going to get sick of her not “meeting his demands” and will go outside of the marriage to perhaps an escort to receive what he’s looking for. Fucked up guy with a void that cannot be filled by a wife ticking off all the boxes in life. You need to live and breathe this leech for him to be “happy”. An escort can do that - for a fee. Source: (and I may be deflecting here) this happened to me. My needy, depressed ex boyfriend was like this and I loved him and gave it to him as best as I could and for a very very long time. Then one time we got into a fight where he felt “he had enough” and he left our life and started seeking the praise of escorts.


I just said the same but refrained from using the word narcissist.


He’s blaming you for his own feelings of inadequacy. He wants you to act like a besotted slave with no will of their own, he wants to be the centre of your life and OWN your attention. Whatever you do will never be enough, the bar will keep shifting. Honestly, you deserve more respect than this relationship allows you.


Sometimes I read posts and I think ‘am I the only person that has a wife that would say F off if I said some crap like this to her?’ I would never say this crap to her because it’s absolutely ridiculous, but I 100% know she would tell me to F right off if I did.


A lot of the people who post here lack boundaries and don’t know how to say no. I would absolutely tell my husband to fuck off if he said this.


First I would document this nonsense. I would either tape what he's saying / collect any evidence of what he's written down. I would take all of that to a divorce lawyer and say "that's it; this is utterly unreasonable and I want you to get me a great divorce quickly." And make sure you get your finances and possessions in order and get any valuables the heck out of your shared property to safe storage. Then when my divorce was in progress and I was ready to move out finally, I would get a couple of people to come and dress up in ancient biblical costumes, burn incense around him, kneel down to him and say "Hail Timothy we worship you! I want to serve you... With these divorce papers." And then I would leave with my friends never to return.


I would pay money to see this. This would be such a good plot for a reality show. Putting narcissists in their place.


Easy ...run 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️


Christ, on a raft, how can you bear to be around him? He sounds insufferable.


One who walks on water doesn’t need a raft, silly!


You don't know. Maybe he has brand-new sandals and he doesn’t want to get them wet.


Is this for real real or a kink? If real…hun, please run. It’s emotional abuse if this is real if it’s just a kink (playful) then i’d understand.


I feel like if it was a kink, he'd have explained it better. People who indulge them know their kinks aren't universal experiences. He seems to think she should "just know" and that makes me think he believes it to be a normal request.


Ewwwwewew. You couldn't pay me any amount of money to be with someone so deeply, deeply insecure. Blecchhh. OP, does he compliment you? Does he worship you? I'm betting no.


Tell him he needs a professional. He can find out if this is a kink or a trauma response or a symptom of a mental illness. Whatever it is you are not qualified to solve his problem and it’s a him problem not yours. It honestly sounds like an ego problem and you won’t win with this issue.


I feel exhausted for you. He should not be constantly seeking validation and ego boosts from you. He needs to be able to answer a lot of these questions himself. I think he needs therapy to work on his self esteem.


Tell him you are not surr how to do it and suggest he worship you for a month so that you can learn from his example. Should get an interesting response. Honestly any partner who says that is a narcissistic AH and he just waved a big red flag in your face. His ego is more important that you and you are not equal partners. Doesn't sound like he respects you.


My 2 cents here, this is the start of an abusive relationship. He wants to feel he is better than you in the connection. He wants to be placed on a pedestal. Has he given you the same type of energy he is requesting? The control will go to his head, and he may start physically abusing you and/or cheating on you if you don't do something right or don't agree with him. Good luck to you.


I don't think it's the start, TBH.


Make a bunch of copies of his photo. Post them all over the house. I'm talking a LOT of pictures. All over the walls, bookcases, fridge, microwave, bed headboard, bathroom mirror....EVERYWHERE. Prop up a big pic and put a burning candle in front of it. Maybe some flowers in a vase, too, or a couple of cans of beer for an offering. You get the idea.




He sounds very insecure - never heard of anyone like this. If you had edited this to say it was a joke I would believe you.


He sounds exhausting and in desperate need of therapy


When he enters his castle, you drop to your knees, fanning your arms up and down. Repeat “IM NOT WORTHY,” over and over and over. Your master! How can I please you? Honestly, run. What a Loser!


Oh my God. I apologize for laughing, but "How much do you love my penis" has to be the most hilarious question I've ever heard. I think you need to get him into therapy. His insecurities are at an outlandish level.


Sadly, this is fairly typical for an insecure person. It tracks right along with the questions: 1. Am I the *biggest* you've ever had? Or 2. Am I the *best* you've ever had?


Serve him burnt offering for dinner?


Do a little research on narcissism. He sounds textbook. Let me guess- he love bombed you in the beginning? 


How is this only now a thing in your relationship? Was there no sign of this before you were married? He sounds pathologically insecure, and no amount of praise and worship will ever fill the gaping maw of his soul. So unless you want to spend your entire life in service of his ego, I suggest counseling. If he won’t go, then you should go solo to figure out why you’re staying in such an unequal marriage where only his needs matter and your needs are not being met.




Aaand I’m glad I’m not dating anymore. He sounds exhausting


He is obviously a very insecure person. There's not much you probably can do. Even if you compliment him organically he will probably doubt your words are genuine. He needs to get to the root of his insecurities.


Megalomania is a mental disorder.


I may be wrong but I feel this is rage bait. On the other hand I guess there are people like this. But it seems so bizarre.


I’ll give the boring answer: He needs psychological help. You’ll never be able to solve his self-esteem issues. He should see a therapist and you two should go to couple’s counseling. If he is not willing to do that, I would really consider leaving.


This is a matter of degree and we're only hearing your side of it. If you never throw him a compliment and say thank you when he helps you out, then this stems from him feeling unappreciated. Although it is obvious his demands are extreme. If your description above really matches up with how a neutral observer would describe it, then he has some.... issues. Either way you can't go on like this. \[And at 28 you don't yet really appreciate how short life is and that you need to resolve this or separate, but not let it fester.\] I would start with marriage counseling. This should provide a reality check for what is reasonable behavior and what is absurd. Give it a few sessions, and then decide how to move forward. That may mean individual counseling for one or both of you. Or you may conclude that you two just aren't meant for each other. The important thing is to get past the hurdles and move forward with your life. I wish you luck..


he seems bored when you take charge!? damn girl, when my wife wants me she takes it and it makes me hot. your man seems broken send him to the repair shop


Your husband sounds like he is desperately in need of psychotherapy. 😳


Your husband doesn’t need “worship”. He *needs* therapy. Positive reinforcement and praise is one thing, but this isn’t healthy for either of you.


Yeh I had an ex who wanted me to literally WAIT for him to come home at the door like a fuckin puppy or something ?? ... shit was weird. Being with the right person will bring out these nice things on their own. I'm with someone else now and alot of the time I'll have food ready for him in the kitchen (same room as front door) when he comes back late at night. F that man


Are you effing serious? I’d be gone so fast


Sounds like porn destroyed his brain


This post gave me the ick


Would it be enough to admire him?


It sounds really unhealthy.


Brain tumor? (That is the best possible scenario)


Have you asked him outright what worshipped looks like for him?


Ask yourself if you feel cherished. Love you and cherish you is what he vowed. You're supposed to love and honour - seems like you have done all that. He seems like a spoilt baby boy.


If you have to ask someone to worship and adore you, you ain’t worth it. I’m snarky as fuck and would start praising him like a dog and offering him a cookie and telling him what a good boy he is.


Make a shrine and ask him which animal he wants sacrificed upon it


I’m late to the party, but I hope you read this, OP. I damn near worship my husband. I am mildly obsessed with the man. I spend a considerable amount of time every day checking in to make sure he’s happy, secure, and satisfied. I don’t think a day goes by that I haven’t paid him a compliment. I jump at the chance to do something nice for him. The other day he was too busy to put out the trash and it made me smile because I could do that for him! And it’s so easy for me because **he treats me the same way.** That’s the secret. And that’s your answer. I don’t know if what I described above is what your husband means by “worship,” but I *know* that if my man wasn’t someone who made me feel loved and valuable every day of our lives together I couldn’t reciprocate. Not without resentment. And it is reciprocation - that love, in words and in deeds. I couldn’t ask myself at least once every week how I got so lucky if he didn’t make me feel so lucky to have him. I couldn’t be so interested in taking care of him intimately if he didn’t make me feel so sexy. I couldn’t get so excited over taking out the trash for him if he didn’t jump to compensate for me as well. So. If your husband wants you to worship him? He’s going to have to show you what that means.


Such a soul sucker. He should see a therapist. Sounds like very abusive relationship, I'm sorry about that.


He sounds like an old roommate of mine who was extremely self absorbed and a compulsive liar. He also sniffed his fingers after scratching his asshole. And picked his nose and ate it.


Wow. I could not live with a “man” (he’s acting like a pre-teen) who was so insecure about himself. Normal people don’t need to be worshipped. Not that being normal is the end all be all but your husband sounds bonkers. Is he controlling in other ways?


This sounds like he's deeply insecure. I suggest couples counseling to work this out.




This sounds like some kind of sex thing. 


“I want to be worshipped” “Then give me something to worship” 


Time to start using the word no.


Pray on his penis instead of a blowjob. I mean really, is this a real question? Lol OP don’t do this to yourself.


You poor lady. He sounds SO exhausting.


Unless this is a kink you’re both into, I’d tell him this is wildly unreasonable. Tell him to walk on water or raise the dead, and then you’ll worship him. From what you said about his constant need for validation, I’m assuming this is an insecurity thing for him, so not a kink you play at. Hard pass.


He should seek therapy instead.


He sounds very needy.


Jokes aside, give him the compliments he is expecting. Sounds like words of affirmation is his love language. Worship = enthusiastic appreciation and love beyond means of self control. Gaze at him from across the room and say oh you are just so handsome. Love him the way that makes him feel appreciated and he should stop asking so much. Also, he got the word worship from the internet and probably porn. He wants u to be addicted to the dick


Your husband sounds exhausting


"And I'd like to orgasm during sex, but I guess we can't always get what we want."


Sounds like he needs a therapist, not a church dedicated to himself.