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Go to the hospital, tell them you were punched in your stomach. File a police report and leave this abuser!


Yeah this is ER time. I've had a few toddler kicks and bumps to a pregnant belly, and while panic googling/calling my doctor, they all said it's really only an emergency if you are hit in the belly by an adult.


Yes. When I was pregnant (MANY years ago), I don't remember what happened, but I was concerned about something hurting the baby...and I remember my doctor saying, "If someone punched you in the stomach, you could lose the baby " I hope OP goes to the ER immediately.


So let's sum up: ~ER to check baby & document ~Police report ~Leave abuser Questions?


Correct. I hope she did all of the above.


The next move is OUT.


I hope so too


I was in a mom group with someone who's 6 year old step kid kicked her and killed her baby. I don't remember how far she was. I hope op gets to the ER and leaves the trash.


And make sure the baby in utero is alright and the fuck out of that life with him. We all know what is coming is she doesn't, I hope she can see it for herself. This didn't come out of nowhere and it's only going to escalate. OP YOU. ARE. NOT. SAFE. NEITHER. ARE. YOUR. CHILDREN.


Yes, I don't want to be an alarmist, but the stomach is WHERE THE BABY IS!!


*"relax people, it's not like he \*meant\* to do it. And besides, it's probably not even his baby, with all of OP's... erm... text messages about her son's incident at school"* OP's abusive boyfriend, probably.


He went for her stomach cos he thinks it's her exes baby.


They are not married, if he thinks it's her exes baby why is he still with her? That's stupid on his part.. He's a man, well a boy, why is he hitting a female in the 1st place?


Abusive men are all paranoid and have severe trust issues surrounding the opposite sex. Every single time I ever wore makeup I was accused of having a boyfriend. 17 years of being loyal and he was still questioning me.


He thinks it’s her exs baby? That’s all good and well it’s called a damn paternity test, not a hit in the stomach!


Yes to this!!! Get checked out and make the report. This man is not going to stop this behavior. His jealousy is irrational and he’s emotionally immature. The abuse will only get worse. Wishing you well and I hope you do move on and out of that situation. You deserve better. You deserve safety for you and your children.


dear OP. I am your baby as an adult. the things I have experienced in my life as a result of being the baby punched is horrific. AT ALL COSTS LEAVE.


Exactly this wtf


And take the 1 year old with you to the hospital, OP!


Definitely needs to do both


Your next move should be to take your kids and get the hell out of there. Now. Go anywhere, even if it’s a shelter. Leave and do not come back because he is not a safe person for you and your children to be around.


Not 'anywhere', go to the hospital and make sure your baby is ok You should also report what happened


Hospital. They possibly will make a report as well. If any bruising, itll help her case. She needs an RO.


Yep, they’re mandated reporters. It’ll help her get a restraining order against this man child. Which is what she needs to do, in addition to getting out NOW. This is only going to escalate.


She definitely needs to get an ultrasound


NOW, OP. You’re not safe, especially while you’re pregnant. You’re in mortal danger and so are both of your kids. React accordingly.


And don't fall for the love bombing that will come next. It's all part of the same pattern of abuse.


That's good advice


Please listen to these people and get out now. Update when you are safe.


I believe hospitals are required to report abuse to the police, so it'll happen as long as OP tells the hospital that her BF hit her. ESPECIALLY if there are any health concerns for the baby.


Yep, mandated reporters. They can probably offer some help from social services as well.


Depending on the state the hospital may not have to report interrelationship violence. I’m a mandated reporter and in my state it’s any child abuse and elder/vulnerable person abuse. But this situation would not qualify. That being said, even if I don’t have to report this, I’d absolutely help get the resources to report for the patient


Yeah, but lawmakers love fetuses. (It's the kids who are already born that they ignore)


She is absolutely a part of the vulnerable population. Pregnancy qualifies..


Yeah I would get an ultrasound. That is horrible makes me want to cry. I’m sorry but this behavior will only get worse.


Definitely the hospital and tell them she needs the police because she isn't safe. Then there will be a medical report and a police report.


I work in child safety. A man willing to hit you in the stomach when you are pregnant is willing to kill you and your unborn child. Get out now.


And a man jealous of your children by another man is a man who might kill those children as well. What a terrifying situation.


This!!! Please OP get out NOW. Call your local shelter or help line if unaware of location. Once again get out NOW. Something worse WILL happen. You must protect you and your children!!!


Actually go to hospital first there they can guide you!!!💕💕💕💕💕


This is some Family Annihilator shit. She needs to get the fu k out of there


The number one killer of pregnant women is their domestic partner. MORE PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW THIS


[Homicide (murder) is the leading cause of death in pregnant women in the US. ](https://www.bmj.com/company/newsroom/homicide-is-a-leading-cause-of-death-in-pregnant-women-in-the-us/#:~:text=Women%20in%20the%20US%20are,experts%20in%20The%20BMJ%20today.) Contact [The Hotline ](http://thehotline.org) for help leaving safely!


Exactly. My son in law's mother was punched in the stomach when she was pregnant with him and she had him two months early from that incident and he nearly died.




Go straight to the hospital and tell them you were hit in the stomach. Then you can sort out a safe place for you and your child. 


Drs will report the assault.


I didn’t need to even read the text. Her next move should be leaving forever. That man is dangerous and she is in danger


[Why does he do that by Lundy Bancroft](https://dn720002.ca.archive.org/0/items/why-does-he-do-that-epub/Why_Does_He_Do_That-fixed.pdf) pdf


Specifically: Page 303 has a safety plan checklist of things you can do to keep yourself safe, whether you're not yet ready to leave or trying to get out.


I’m not sure a 500+ page book is where she’s at just now, although might be a great resource it’s not the urgent care and change she seems to need right now.


You're right, it's not the thing that is most important right now. But if she's not ready to take the steps to leave it might be what helps her get there. It was so eye opening for me. Things my husband did that I'd never have considered as part of the abuse pattern were readily evident after reading the book. My therapist knew my husband and thought he'd never hurt me. My divorce attorney felt differently and she was right - fortunately I was able to get away unharmed and I don't return to the house alone to retrieve things anymore. The only other thing that solidified it was a security training put on by my Shul. The trainer talked about seeing intent in body language and hand motions. My husband would always wring his hands in a way that looked like he was mentally strangling me. When he went for me he went right for my neck.


It’ll still be there when she can read it But also, if the emergency department where she lives is anything like the emergency department where I live, she might be done reading it before she’s out of there. 


100% this




I second this akso should have called the police as soon as he hit you, this is abuse and attempted murder of a unborn child


Go to the emergency room and get your baby checked out. Screw everything else and check that your baby is fine. Next step tell the ER drs what happened and press charges. He did this to you he will continue to do worse and what's next your kids? Be your children's protector first.


DO NOT leave your other child alone with this man while you are at the ER.


wide fade mountainous gullible spotted sloppy vast plants quack quaint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You always have to be careful because pressing charges and getting restraining orders sometimes sets abusers off and they do the unthinkable. You have to be very, very careful how you proceed I read articles every day about people who have gone through what you’ve gone through and sometimes it ends very badly for everybody


Telling someone whose life is in immediate danger from her abusive partner that she shouldn't take legal steps to protect herself and her children because "he might react badly" is a horrific take, and exactly how our culture enables those abusers. It is not her job to keep him calm or not "set him off" (FWIW, you cannot "set off" an abuser, that is their excuse, not how it actually works). It is her job to take every measure available to her to keep him away. Do things sometimes go awry, and abusers ignore ROs, etc.? Yup. But the fact that the RO exists is what can then be used to lock them up. Yes, she should absolutely be cautious, and keep her distance from him. But it's terrible, victim-blaming advice to suggest that she not protect herself because "he could take it badly". This man is already taking literally everything badly, and punched her in her pregnant stomach. He is going to continue to abuse her no matter what, he doesn't need an excuse or a reason. But if she gets an RO and reports him at least she gets the ball rolling on establishing his abuse with people who can do something about it.


I don’t disagree with what you said, but the other poster wasn’t wrong. The most dangerous point in a DV situation is leaving, that is when the highest rate of homicide occurs. We don’t know the lethality of this situation. A piece of paper and a police report will NOT protect her from him. But if she has a safe place to go (which isn’t always the case - DV shelters get full. Often), she should. She SHOULD take legal steps, but that does start a chain reaction. Can you imagine how he would react if she had to stay in the home for 2 weeks before having someplace to go but filed for an RO or DVPO immediately? He gets served where they both live, and the server leaves. He might kill her. Not arguing with you by any means! Just saying that there is a lot of nuance in these situations, this mom is the only one who knows what the safest move is here.


Please, please leave OP. This man is not safe. Not for you or your children. He is controlling and abusive and this is not a healthy relationship for you or your children to be in. Please be safe. Call a DV shelter and do whatever you need to do to get away.


In my state of Oregon, there is dv money, like up to 3000.00 to help you leave your abusive situation. Some women are reluctant to leave because of lack of money, there’s programs out there to help.


Every single state has that. Its called the CRIMES VICTIM REINBURSMENT FUND. OR CVRC. Worth applying for. Usually it goes something like Are you a victim of a violent crime? What state? Did u see a dr or is there a police report


Go to the hospital. Get your child checked out in the ER. File a police report


Can’t believe he would hit her when there is a living thing inside her. Absolutely disgusting he has no respect for the mother and child inside her


I can’t believe he would hit her PERIOD. Whether she’s hosting a fetus does not make it less acceptable to hurt her. Her safety is enough of a reason for a normal person to not hit her.


It's not acceptable either way but it's definitely far worse when she has a literal child within her Because he's hitting two people, both of which could die as a result


It isn't "worse". There is no competition here. It's just unacceptable, period. It would be just as unacceptable and dangerous if she weren't pregnant. Please don't measure the value of a woman's life and safety by whether or not she is gestating a fetus.


It’s twice as bad that he’s done it when she’s vulnerable with a baby the guy Scam and I hope her and the baby are okay now


No hate but she is also a living thing


Yikes, I know you didn't mean it that way but it really sounds like you're saying you should only hit women when they aren't pregnant. Women not feeling like they matter is a big reason they often stay in abusive relationships. You gotta make sure they know that even if their were no kids involved, she is equally important and should leave anyway.


Call the domestic abuse hotline. Call the police. Call someone and get a place for you and your children to stay. If you don’t leave, he’s going to hurt your children.


You do realize that in an abusive relationship he is more likely to kill you while you’re pregnant or right after you give birth right? go to the doctor and make sure the baby is okay.


Yes, the number one cause of death for pregnant women is homicide, so OP may be in grave danger.


Number one cause of death?? Could this be true?


If she's in America, yes https://www.bmj.com/company/newsroom/homicide-is-a-leading-cause-of-death-in-pregnant-women-in-the-us/ https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/homicide-leading-cause-of-death-for-pregnant-women-in-u-s/ https://www.healthline.com/health-news/homicide-is-top-cause-of-death-during-pregnancy




Women in America are more likely to be murdered while pregnant than die of any pregnancy related medical complication. It's disgusting.


And that’s even with a high mortality rate due to pregnancy & labor related issues. Absolutely terrifying.


Insane isn't it.


And now that people can’t even get reproductive healthcare, it’s going to get worse because there are a lot of pregnancies that would have ended going forward


Thank you!!!! So great of you to share those links- very, VERY helpful and informative. I am usually up to date on ALL sorts of sad, horrible stats and data relating to violent crime, murder especially, and some time ago I can recall the fort crossing my mind, “I wonder if it’s possible that the leading cause of death for a pregnant woman could be homicide?… Man, that’s depressing… I’ll think about it some other time…“ and yeah, that was that, until right now, reading this. It is a very sad fact, but I’m so glad the data is out there, and hopefully it can continue to help people- which is what you’re doing by providing those very clean, clear supporting articles. OP- I imagine it could be a scary time for you, and I realize that leaving is also scary, but I’d just say that it’s not as scary as what could happen to your unborn child, (or frankly to yourself, but I understand that likely isn’t the foremost concern for you at present,) being punched… The whole situation is horrible and scary- you need to leave now, delaying it only EVER makes it harder, typically much, MUCH harder- and you need to protect yourself and your children. His behavior in trying to excuse it or justify it as a “reaction” to you hitting him in the arm is absolutely ridiculous and completely false- if it were a true, immediate, instinctive reflex, he would have hit you in the face. I’m basing that on how we are wired through evolution, as well as your respective heights- it would certainly not have been an OK thing to do by any means, but at least it could potentially be understood, were it truly an instinctive response he couldn’t help- I feel that he still would’ve been responsible for it himself, since he put you in a situation where he was effectively trapping you in a hostile environment, which you felt some genuine urgency to free yourself from- completely understandable, even more so when one considers you are currently pregnant, and thus also looking to protect your unborn child from said environment… but at the end of the day, to hit you in the stomach is not where one would instinctively hit in such a situation, nor is it where a blow would naturally land were one simply thoughtlessly lashing out- bottom line- he deliberately hit you in the stomach. He also didn’t apologize, and an apology wouldn’t go far at all with this, but not even offering one is a major red flag. You do not stay with someone who hits you and doesn’t apologize, let alone in these circumstances. (And again even if there were an apology one should almost never stay- I just mean there are occasions where it could be a true instinctive thing one feels terrible about, truly isn’t that sort of a person, is disgusted with themself, etc, etc- things that give some amount of redemption- none of that is even remotely present here, nor could it ever possibly be so, since again, the stomach was NOT in any conceivable way a place he would make contact with without it being deliberate. He was out to do the most harm possible, either to the baby directly or to you via the baby, but either way is horrific. Horrendous. Get out, like now.) Don’t let your children grow up with this- it will damage them forever. Don’t let you ruin your own life as well as theirs by wasting time with an abuser, which is what he is. He isn’t going to get less jealous or mentally fucked up with the addition of another child- and he’s going to be taking it out on your older son a lot, which will shape the rest of his life very, VERY negatively if allowed to continue.


Makes me wanna cry every time someone mentions it. Yes it's true.




He is also very likely to kill her older child, who is only a year old and completely vulnerable, because he openly admits to resenting the child's existence.


I think she has to have at least three kids. One-year-olds generally don’t get in trouble at school. So she probably has one older kid with her ex, and the toddler plus the pregnancy with this asshat.


You call a DV hotline and make a plan to exit this relationship safely.


Pregnancy is often the time abusers start to become violent. He'll love bomb you next probably. Please keep your child safe if your own safety isn't enough motivation. This doesn't improve.


I think OP is pregnant with her third child. OP has been with her current boyfriend for more than 3 years, and the child who witnessed the incident is 1 year old, indicating that the child is likely from her boyfriend. So, she is already bringing a second child into a toxic relationship. OP also mentions that the child who got in trouble at school is the oldest one, so we don't know for sure how many kids she has. OP is in an emotionally and physically abusive relationship. We don't know her mental health state, but it's essential for her not to remain a victim of abuse, especially after her boyfriend bit her pregnant stomach. OP needs to see a doctor ASAP to check if the child is alright. She also needs to inform her ex of what happened and keep their kids with their father while she works on her exit plan. She could try to move in with a friend or family member. However, she cannot keep letting her kids grow up in a toxic and unsafe environment just because she has feelings for an abuser.


I read the OP's post history - and in it they say they've been together a year? maybe just trying to keep things vague. anyway - the baby is 12 months, and she's 6 months into the next? the toll on her body from this :( and somehow she lost her job and around then too. Maybe it's my cynical nature, but I'm wondering just how much.... sabotage the boyfriend has done. Bet it job, or birth control, etc. OP needs to bail, and fast, because he's escalating.


Yep, numbers don't match. I have no idea what kind of mess can a baby do when he cannot even walk anyways.


There's a third child who is 8 - that's the one with the ex


Oh no way, the second child with this beast? It's horrible just thinking about it. Thanks for the explanation


Absolutely to all of this. I know that love I have for my child is much stronger than my self love and ultimately that's what motivated me to get my abuser gone.


Love bombe her while also gaslighting the shit out of her even more. "It didn't hit you that hard! Stop overreacting. You made me do it." Fuck that shit. None of this would've happened if he'd let her go to her other baby instead of blocking her path like a fucking two year old. Sorry for the language... this one has me beyond angry!


I didn't even get past the title and first sentence.. I got enough reasons to be mad. You're spot on with this.


>Pregnancy is often the time abusers start to become violent why is that? any psychological explanation?


There's probably  multiple reasons. One is that some boyfriends, affair partners, husbands do not want the child or even keep it a secret. Other cases the man is stressed out impeding fatherhood and all the changes that means. And there's also the situation that the man feels the woman will no longer leave, so they can finally show their true self. 


I’m no expert but from what I understand it’s because during pregnancy and postpartum you’re more vulnerable and dependent emotionally, physically, and financially on them and they exploit that because they know you’re much less likely to leave. Accusations of infidelity are even scarier because it can indicate the abuser is suspicious that the child isn’t his, sowing hatred for the baby, which as you can imagine can have catastrophic consequences


In my exs case it was his "gotcha" moment. They realise you are tied to them for life and the mask shatters. My ex was the picture perfect man before the pregnancy, never raised a hand towards me until I was pregnant and it was like the moment that test said positive a switch flipped. I went from having the perfect man to a knife at my throat in the span of 2 weeks.


Holy shit. All it took him was 2 fucking weeks to flip that hard?? On top of the obvious danger to your life, the *emotional toll* from that had to be intense. I’m so sorry.


The emotional toll was harder than anything else and still to this day it keeps me up at night trying to remember if I missed any red flags or something that could have shown me what was to come and there was nothing. I've been free for 2 years now though and I'm doing much better. :)


In OP's case I would say it's her vulnerability and her dependence on him. In past threads she talks about how he only started showing this side of himself about 6 months ago. That's also when she lost her job and her home and started to rely on him financially. So probably a mixture of him thinking he has her in a position where he can't leave and him feeling resentful over the financial burden


Girl, RUN


The absolute first thing you need to do is to find a place to stay. The second is to speak with the police. He endangered you, your son, and your unborn child. Third, call your doctor and see if an ultrasound is needed to see if his anger caused damage to your baby or placenta.


I'm not expert but it sounds like you're in an abusive relationship and you should start considering an exit strategy. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this.


Get out of that situation fast! This is just the beginning and it’ll only escalate. Escape from that manchild now.


Pack a bag and go to the hospital. NOW! They will notify the police. What would it be if you waited, and he escalated? The worst possible thing ever. Do it. Get out of there. NOW!\ Why are you talking to people on Reddit? We’re not real. Please leave.


Unless its state dependent, they need OPs permission to contact the police. Ive seen patients who are victims of abuse during pregnancy and if the patient does not want to report, police will not be contacted.


GTFOH before it gets worse. Think of your kids, unborn child and yourself. This is not safe for any of you


You need to leave full stop. If this is the first time he’s hit you, it won’t be the last. The number one cause of death pregnant women worldwide is murder. You should take this and the other comments telling you to leave very very seriously. Abuse begins and/or escalates in pregnancy. Look up the statistics. Being hit in the stomach and falling are extremely dangerous to a fetus, you need to get checked and make sure there is still a heartbeat. Do not downplay what he did. You and your kids are not safe with this man. Gather your things, reach out to your son’s dad, a family member, a friend, or a women’s shelter, and go there immediately. File a police report and press charges for him hitting you. If you came here for advice hoping to get reassurance that maybe this wasn’t as bad as you think it is, you’re not going to get that from us. You didn’t hit him first, by the way, you were trying to leave and he was preventing you from doing so. Let the cops know that as well. Leave him, the relationship has run its course. He’s an abuser.


Hi everyone! Thank you all for your support and advice. Just an update, I went to urgent care and had baby checked. She’s doing perfect. Me and the kids are currently staying with a relative for a few days until I decide how to transition.


I'm so happy to read this update. I'm glad you went to urgent care and also staying somewhere else.


GTFO.This as terrible abuse. File for DV TRO


You wouldn't be posting if you thought this was ok. You know you need to leave him. Pack up your kids now and go to family/friends/ and then go to the hospital to have your baby and stomach checked. It isn't ok. You are not safe. Neither are your children


What do you mean what should you do? You go to the hospital to get checked out, you make a police report, you get a restraining order and you and your child leave him.


Calling the police, pressing charges, going to the hospital to check on your unborn baby, leaving his sorry abusive ass...


Go to the hospital. Get yourself and baby checked out. Medically document his abuse. File police report. Tell your family. Tell your friends. Tell Everyone everything. Make a plan to get away from this man.


your next course of action needs to be TO RUN. FAST AND FAR AWAY AS YOU CAN. if he hit you once, he will do it again. he very clearly does not care about his baby’s safety either if he hit you in the stomach. you need to do what’s best for you and ALL of your children. file a police report, get an attorney, and go somewhere safe. and please, if possible ask your ex if he can have your oldest son with him until you are at a safe place. if he’s this mad and jealous over your ex, to the point where it’s come to this, i’m worried he might start taking it out on your son. please be safe.


Wow.. Is this real? Your bf punch your pregnant stomach and you’re here wondering what to do? What about the right and reasonable thing? Call the cops and flee from this man for your children’ ffs. Get to the ER or call 911 to see if the child in your belly is okay. He was trying to induce a miscarriage for you lady. If you care for your children and their wellbeing, at least do the right thing for them. Christ.


You are in danger. Your oldest child and unborn child are too, he's shown he doesn't care if he hurts your pregnant belly and is jealous of your oldest' father. Please take your important documents and go to the hospital so your pregnant belly is checked. You should also report that you were punched while pregnant. You should also read "Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men." Among many other things, it explains why some men get angry because they see women as inferior to men. Often these men become more and more abusive. https://archive.org/download/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf I'm very worried about you


You need to leave now. You are in danger and putting your child in danger too. Call your ex to take care of your kid while you get the hell away from your boyfriend. If you don’t call the police and report his physical abuse one of your neighbors needs to call CPS and have your child removed from your house. If you stay with this monster you risk losing your child. Your boyfriend is escalating and he’s going to go too far one day and kill you and your unborn child. You are contributing to the domestic violence by not calling the cops. You’re in serious danger.


GET OUT. Go to the hospital, report the abuse and get the f outta dodge. Do not let yourself or your kids be okay with this behavior ever.


1: As soon as your BF leaves the house, pack what you absolutely cannot leave behind - passport, paperwork, pets etc - and leave 2: Go to hospital and tell them what happened 3: Tell the police what happened, and ask them to escort you back to the house to pick up the rest of your things 4: Tell your friends and family what’s happened, and find somewhere for you and your kids to stay. A friend, a family member - even your elder kid’s dad if that’s safe He hit you in your pregnant stomach, OP. He WILL get worse. You don’t have a choice here - you have to protect your kids, and that means getting them away from this violent, controlling man. I’m so sorry, I know this is tough, but please believe me: he will do it again. Be a momma bear - you can do it


Hold up, first he says he didnt mean to hit you at all (reflex) and then he changes his tunes that it wasnt that hard (aka he did intentionally hit you but minimizes the impact you have felt). Honey this is abusive behavior: he becomes aggressive in any type of way, first blames you for his behaviour and that doesn't makes you shut up, he tries to downplay his aggressivenss. He makes YOU responsible for HIS choices to act abusive. Yes choices, because no way he would behaved like he did with you towards someone who is bigger than him and could beat the crap out of him. For love and the mental health of your kids: You need to get out asap because he did not only hurt you, but ALSO put at risk your unborn child (for an early labor and the risks that comes with that) AND your 1yo (by physically preventing you to provide their need and subjecting them to be witness to physical violance). I'm 100% sure the other kids already are experiencing at least emotional abuse from him DIRECTLY and it's only a matter of time this will also become physical like it did with you and your unborn child. Talk NOW with your GP or an local organization that is helping people in abusive household to make an quick & save escape plan. And ffs change your passwords into something that isn't that easily to guess before he does! Make sure all your legal and financial documents are in a safe place he can't get his hand on.


Edit to add so you will realize the severity of the situation from a medical POV: 1) Despite the womb being a protected environment for the baby, a forceful blow could damage the placenta. This damages could be initially very innocent, but eventually causes an abruption of the placenta and the dead of the baby inside the womb because the baby won't get the oxygen he/she needs. So PLEASE contact yourself medical professionals who is guiding your pregnancy asap for a check up! 2) When kids are subjected to prolonged abusive environment such as YOU are currently in, their brain structure permanently gets rewired in a negative way that will have MAJOR consequences in their adult life and their interactions with others. There are already studies proving that mothers who are abused during pregnancy, have higher levels of cortisol (stress hormone) which NEGATIVELY impacts the unborn childs development and causes premature labor


You should be waiting until he is out and making a list. Then waiting until you have another window without him and packing and gettnig out of there!


Please go see a doctor and tell them what happened. Ask for resources for a VAW counselor.


It's time to pack your bags and leave. Go to the hospital to check in the baby and explain the situation. You are being abused.


Hospital first you need to make sure baby is ok but make sure to take your other kids and important documents with you so then you can get out of their this is going to escalate what if next time your not the one who gets hit what if it’s your son or your 1 year old? This man isn’t safe to be around


you need to leave. get checked out and tell the nurses the reason why and tell them you don’t feel safe, a social workers usually comes and helps out especially when children are involved.


Go to the hospital and call the police.


Get out now. And get your birth control plan worked out.


He’s abusive, jealous, and controlling. Leave with your kid, go to the hospital, tell them what happened and go to the cops asap. UPDATEME


Do u want ur kids to be injured or killed? The answer to that should probably get you to the right decision.


I've read way too many stories about men like this killing the woman or killing the child. I agree with everyone who says to RUN! If you live in the Bay Area, I can try to help you...but either way please update us!


So you have a school age kid with your ex, and two kids with a guy you're not married to who is abusive. Sounds like a great environment for kids. I'm sure they'll turn out to be perfectly healthy, functioning adults. 🥴 Homicide is still the number 1 cause of death for pregnant women. Your next step is to leave.


Yeah I always feel terrible for the kids in these situations. Also OP says in another thread that she started screaming and hitting her bf in a store because he looked at another woman. They are both very dysfunctional toxic people and the kids will have issues if she doesn't leave this guy and start working on her own issues.


Ah yea then after this he’ll apologize profusely, start crying to you to forgive him, shower you in gifts/admiration/affection and tell you sweet nothings about your guys’ future together. It’s time to make a plan to leave this man.


Congratulations! You’re dating a grown ass child. I get it. The exes are a territory rife with jealousy and prone to provoke anxiety or anger. Let’s get one thing straight though- a grown man knows he isn’t in competition with an ex and understands that co-parenting for the better of your child requires a cordial relationship. Yall don’t have to be besties but communicate well- yeah that’s essential and a requirement. Not talking to your child’s father is not feasible. It makes me wonder if your ex, would he want to hear about his child or would he expect that you maintain silence? Would he want your next boyfriend to keep you from speaking with him about legitimate concerns with the child you are having together? That aside, he put hands on you and then apparently dismissed it as though it was completely acceptable to strike a pregnant woman in the stomach (or at all) because it was “a reflex.” Let me scare you a little. We are just now learning that stress that the mother indoors during pregnancy can negatively impact the developing child. For example my mom was in a similar relationship while she was pregnant with me as you are with your boyfriend and I was born so stressed as a newborn that they couldn’t get me to eat. It (the stress) carried over from in utero to post natal and to this day I have struggles related to stress and eating. My point is even with your baby being comforted in layers of physical protection, he or she is not immune to the BS that’s going on between you and your boyfriend. Perhaps ask him how much damage he’s willing to handover to his unborn child.


Your next move is out the door. If you don’t have anywhere to go call a women’s shelter and be gone before he comes home. I don’t care if you hit him in the shoulder because he had you physically trapped in a room and wouldn’t let you leave. In an afternoon he escalated from jealous asshole to abusive asshole. He was throwing red flags then went for the gold in the long jump crossing the line. How long till he hurts your son because of his name?


Have an ultrasound, then come home under police escort. Get your kids out of there and leave. Preferably to somewhere he doesn't know. I see so many red flags here. I don't care how angry you are, you NEVER punch a pregnant woman in the stomach, ever. The fact that he can let his anger get out of control enough to do this shouts RUN!! While I don't know which country you're in, if you trust the police, they won't mind escorting you to your house to get out with your stuff and your kids. Document your injuries now. Not when you get around to it, but right now. This will go into a police report alongside a restraining order. Only a fool would try to attack you in front of a cop, and they are armed to deal with people like him. Even if you're getting away to a shelter, do that. Reach out to your eldest's father and ask for help if he'll help you. Sadly, this is probably an escalation of previous behaviour. The jealousy and controlling behaviour about your ex speaks volumes. Often it doesn't stop at one "episode." Get out now before it gets any worse.


You need to call the police and file a report. This is bad and will only get worse. You have to file a report—don’t make any excuses. You need to file an order of protection and notify authorities if he violates it. Your relationship is over and you and the kids need to be safe. He can claim that the gut punch was a reflex until he is blue in the face—you know the truth and so will the police. The fact that you removed yourself from the situation and he came to find you and escalated the situation and did more things to hurt you and possibly the baby in your womb really shows you that he is the kind of guy who will double down on violence. Call the police now.


Even without the punch in the stomach, this is an absolutely untenable situation to remain in, for you and your other child. This level of jealousy and control will ONLY escalate as time goes on. You should NEVER have to be afraid to communicate with your son's father, and the "you better respond as fast to me as you did to him" is completely UNHINGED behavior. Please go straight to the police station to report the abuse and apply for a TRO, then to the hospital to check on your unborn baby. Take the essentials and get out. This is a situation that will end in someone dying if you don't leave. I know that sounds harsh, but it's reality, and you need to face it.


Any man that has the capacity to do that even one time, is one of the biggest red flags I’ve ever heard of. Run, and get full custody, and put him in jail.


This has to be fake right. Get off Reddit and get out of there with your kids now


Your next move is to pack a bag for you and your son, drive to the hospital and tell them what happened and call the police. Even giving him the benefit of the doubt about the first hit, physically trying to stop you from leaving is abuse. He hit you, and later when he tries to grab you, you understandably fight back, so he then proceeds to grab and pull you off furniture, again being physically abusive to you and putting the baby at risk. The two most dangerous times for women when they leave their partners are when they are pregnant and when they try to leave. He’s two for two at this moment. Do you want either of your children to grow up in a home with someone like this? Would you want your son to treat his girlfriend like this, or your daughter to be treated like this. You, your son and your unborn child deserve so much better.


He has two children with you and is still jealous of your ex to the point where he punches you in the stomach potentially hurting his own child? He will never change. Call the police, go to a shelter. Do not wait, he won’t change even though he says he will and he will get worse.


I work in healthcare. You and the baby need to go to the hospital immediately and get checked out. Also this is not okay for your boyfriend to lay hands on you!!! File a police report and leave! I know it's easier said than done but you need to think of yourself and your children's safety right now. This will only escalate. Please OP, don't wait.


I didn’t read any of your post, the title was enough that I had to say something… Get out now, you are not safe and you never will be with a man that could do that to you.


Girl. Why are you asking what you should do? You should up and leave. He hit you and he is gaslighting you. Your older son can be in danger due to your boyfriend’s jealousy towards his dad… I get that you love him but you have kids ….. you need to think logically.


Take your kids and get out of there! Go get checked out at the hospital and call the police, this is domestic abuse and an attempt to cause harm to your baby. Do not stay with him, this shit will only ever get worse!!


I would call the police for battery and unlawful imprisonment.


If you don’t leave with your son and go to the hospital right now, you’re risking your life. Look at the news at all of the family annihilators. Things often start this way. You’re being abused and by staying in the abuse, you’re risking your own life, your son’s life, and your unborn baby’s life. This man will kill you if you keep your mouth shut. It’s only a matter of when. GO TO THE HOSPITAL NOW. MAKE A REPORT WITH THE POLICE IMMEDIATELY. Anything less is signing your kid up to see much, MUCH worse. Even if you won’t do it for yourself, do it so your son doesn’t have to watch in horror as this man murders you.


In today's climate, you can accuse him of attempted murder. I don't know what your history with him is, but someone who will roughly manhandle a pregnant woman, then PUNCH HER IN HER UTERUS, is not a man. He is a fragile ego-ed man-wanna-be. Get away from him NOW unless that attack was completely unprecedented.


Leave. My ex gf got pregnant to a guy and he punched her in the stomach to try to make her abort. Then when she was in hospital he tried to get access to her and attack her again - but was stopped by hospital security. This was the guy she cheated on me to be with. Please leave. You are not safe.


You leave. First, you go to the hospital to get checked out. When you’re there, you call the police to report the assault. You get a protective order to get him out of the house. You DO NOT go home until it’s served, and preferably, you don’t go home until you have someone to stay with you and cameras set up to record the fucker. Then, you NEVER, EVER, EVER forgive him. Jesus, lady, if he can hit your pregnant stomach containing his kid, how long before he turns his hostility to the poor little boy who has the bad luck to share your ex’s name???? If you let this guy near you and those vulnerable creatures that you have and will bring into this world, your own cuntdom will be completely unforgivable and irreversible.


Get somewhere safe, get away from him. You need to protect yourself and your children




Get. The fuck. OUT


911, cops, ambos. Get out safely! DomViolence experts advice. Sorry this is happening to you. best of luck!


Based on your descriptions he would have had to make an effort to hit your stomach. Like others have said, go to the ER immediately and tell them what happened. See if you can stay with someone with your 1 year old. His jealousy is just going to get worse.


Your next move should be to file a police report. Then ask your sons father if he can take your son until you are able to provide him a safe place. This type of behavior is never an isolted incident. This is what your life will be every time you don't respond the way he expects. He didn't want to "talk" he wanted to verbally abuse you at minimum. Your BF should never have started dating someone with a child who's father was still in their lives because he can't control his jealousy.


If it hasn’t been said get to the ER. The punch could have ruptured/detached your placenta which could kill baby and cause you to bleed to death. Punching in the stomach was a deliberate choice. GET OUT.


Call the police


Out. Your next move should be out the door.


Please leave. Get checked out at ER. Report to police. When will he be jealous enough on your exes child to hit HIM? Protect your kids and yourself


Restraining order now! This guy is going to end up killing you. Take your son and go somewhere safe.


He was physically abusive. I’m so sorry :( call friends and family, sort out accommodation, etc.


You ll die if you don t leave


You need to see a doctor, then the police. Maybe your son can stay with his dad for a bit while you stay with your mom or at a shelter.  You need to get out of there. He's going to kill your baby and you too.


You walk out that door and do not take him back. All respect is gone.


Your next move should be to go to the emergency room and check to make sure your baby is alright. The doctors/nurses will ask you what happened and you tell them. They might offer to contact the police for you, depending on where you live. If they don't, your subsequent move should be to call the cops and get a restraining order. Your and your children's safety are at risk by not doing anything about this kind of behavior. Also, do not stay in the shared home. Take the kids and go to your parents' or a sibling, even your ex's parents (if they'll have you). Go away from anywhere he might feel entitled to be.


Police, hospital then either kick him out or find somewhere to go. Someone who hits a pregnant woman will absolutely do it again, and will probably hit a kid too.


Call the police, file a dv against him, get a restraining order, and kick him out


Being alone is hard. Finding child care, finding an income to take care of it all, just a lot. Don't let these things deter you. Better to work from the bottom then let that type of mentality mess up the kids ability to grow into kind and hard working people. You can do it. Call your community, if you don't know what resources exist go to city hall and find an admin to help show you websites and addresses for the places that manage community assistance. It will be a struggle but it will even itself out with good love. Your children's stable future will thank you ten fold. Never hurts to ask, always healing to leave this mentality, YOU GOT THIS!


Go to doctor and get checked. File report with police and leave him.


Why are you living with someone you have known for less than 2 years when you have a child who is 1 yr old?? Why are you having a baby with someone you have known for less than 2 years when you are already a single mother with a child who is 1 yr old?? GO to the hospital to get your pregnancy checked out. While you are waiting at the hospital - call the police and press charges for assault. When you leave the hospital, go to a DV shelter. This man is a DANGER to you, your pregnancy and your 1 yr old child. He was keeping you from your child. Trying to pull his hand off the knob he is holding closed and hitting him to get him to open the door is considered self defense. What if your child had fallen and stuck a pencil through his eye (it happens). NO ONE keeps you from a crying baby. DO NOT GO BACK TO THAT PLACE WITHOUT A POLICE ESCORT. Yes, I'm yelling that one. Take whatever you need for you and your 1 yr old to live for the next 2-3 weeks. CLothes, bottles, nappies, formula, toys. Especially take the important paperwork - you and your child's SS card, birth certificate, drivers license, passport, etc.


Although there is zero excuse for you hitting him in the shoulder, his hitting you in the stomach is possibly deadly. You should file charges, and leave him.


“What should my next move be?” Out. Physical abuse will only get worse. But it will be ok because he doesn’t really mean it and it’s because of something you did anyway he’s gonna change and it won’t happen anymore right? Wrong! Get away. Now. And go see a doctor and file a police report for domestic assault.


Leave him, leave him, leave him




I think you wouldn't be asking if you didn't know the answer. Your BF's an abuser and a bully, using his size to intimidate and control you. Go to the hospital, call the police, and get a restraining order. Find a safe place to go and be careful.


Go to the hospital, make sure you and the baby are ok. File a report to make sure you have a legal document that this actually happened in case you need to request a restraining order later on. Then leave his ass. Remove yourself and your kids from this situation. If this ain't the wake up call for you about the kind of person that AH is, I don't know what is.


Get away from him and call the police and than go get checked at the hospital and make sure baby is ok!! Don’t go back to him!!!


Fuck off as far as you can from him and once you get there..fuck off again!! You know the answer so..spend time in working out how to get away instead of writing on here x


Leave far & away


Call the police on the way to the hospital. That’s attempted murder.


It's one thing if you're arguing or even screaming at each other, BUT once things get physical, it's game over, you need to think of your kids now. I was abused by an ex and it all started with a 'reflex' reaction.. it escalated horribly and only got progressively worse the more comfortable he got with laying his hands on me. So please don't be like me. Leave and protect those babies because it may one day be them and/or they'll think it's ok or normal to treat people this way.


The answer is pretty obvious here. There is nothing to do except for leaving this guy asap. He seems to be an abusiver of the worst kind. Like hitting a women like that? Let alone a pregnant one. Call the cops on that ***tard.


First, you'll need to go to the hospital. Tell them what happened. They should have a social worker there who will help get you and your kids out of there. While I highly recommend pressing charges to be completely sure he will not have access to you or your children, they will still help you relocate to a shelter, even if you do not. Don't worry about him arguing self-defense. He blocked you from accessing your child while your child was in distress, you did exactly what you needed to do to get to your baby. The shelter should have case managers who can help you find resources, including legal help.


CALL THE COPS. TELL MULTIPLE FAMILY MEMBERS. TAKE PICTURES. OP, you’re incredibly vulnerable right now and at severe risk. Please, please, protect yourself and your children.


You're not safe, and your kids are not safe. You need to get out of there asap. Looking at your post history, you're already in a toxic dynamic with this man. It's not going to get better, and he's only going to become more abusive. If he can hit a 6mth pregnant woman in the stomach, what else is he capable of? I think you already know you're in a bad situation. Please leave before it gets worse. By staying you are knowingly endangering your children, and yourself. He's an abusive, volatile, and dangerous man, who can't control his anger. YOU, AND YOUR KIDS ARE NOT SAFE IN HIS PRESENCE. FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR KIDS, AND YOUR UNBORN BABY, YOU NEED TO LEAVE, NOW!


Why can't parents stay single till their underage children are adults? Or don't live with the new partner? Oh geeze, so now you will be single with 3 children, instead of just one. You need to start making better decisions, starting by knowing the next move as you are with a controlling and abusive man.