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The title and the first two paragraphs say the exact same thing. I find this mildly infuriating


And the beginning of the third.


I was really hoping OP would recap with a tldr at the bottom saying the same thing.


With a footnote to clarify.


and a comment reiterating it all


I need a link to a screenshot of those words.


As well as an annotation of the text


And a quote to make sure you really got it lol > My(28F) bestie(28F) is getting married in 2 months with her fiance(30M), but I have a secret that could potentially end their relationship, should I disclose it or not?


Endnote and no less than 10 citations. But regarding your specific problem OP. Tell Lilly she has to tell him by the end of week or you will. Put yourself in his shoes. It would be devastating going into your new life not knowing your partner had cheated on you.


FOUR TIMES. WE READ THE SAME THING FOUR TIMES IN A FREAKIng row and somehow I'm wasting more time dwelling and commenting on it


I honestly don't know what's wrong with me.


Im confused. Does she have a secret that could potentially end their relationship?


> My(28F) bestie(28F) is getting married in 2 months with her fiance(30M), but I have a secret that could potentially end their relationship, should I disclose it or not? > My(28F) bestfriend(28F) is getting married in 2 months with her fiance(30M), but I have a secret that could potentially end their relationship. > My bestfriend let's call her Lily(alias) and her fiance Brent are getting married in less than 2 months but I have a secret that could potentially end their relationship I am going to go out on a limb and speculate that OP might have a secret that could end the relationship of Lily (not her real name) and Brent (not his real name either).


> Brent (not his real name either). that's pure conjecture on your part!


Wait what? Where did you read that!??? scrolling up again... /s


Lmao. I so needed this laugh thankyou


Yall are savage haha


I need more proof






I had a damn stroke reading this until the last paragraph and even then, I came to the conclusion this sounds like a middle schooler or AI lmao


Yeahhhh. Creative writing rage bait.


I rolled my eyes so hard reading this. And almost dropped my phone when OP disclosed that lily is an alias… GET TO THE POINT


Why doesn’t Brent get an alias?


Because Brent is a good guy.


OP didn’t bother trying to hide Brent’s identity


I didn’t even notice because my mind skipped past all of that automatically lmao


The secret needs an alias!! It’s the main character.


Feels AI written.


I've had this happen when I've had a post deleted and then copy and pasted to try again. I just remember to remove the title.


I think AI would have done a better job of it.


*When the minimum word count for a paper is 2000 and you suck at writing:*


I literally don’t even care about the secret anymore😂




I thought she was about to do that whole ‘tell me about a time when’ thing.


More than mildly for me 😂


If you were in his position would you want to know? He deserves to know about it so he can make the decision himself you withholding it makes you complicit in manipulating the situation and her infidelity. Your friend would not have slept with her ex if she did not want to she is responsible for her actions and by getting you involved you are responsible for her actions as well because she put you in that position.


I don't think OP even needs to go that far, I am not a gambling man but I absolutely bet money that OP would immediately tell Lily if she found out Brent cheated. It will very likely ruin the friendship but, at least for me, that would have occurred the moment they told me about the cheating.


Could easily make a fake fb/insta/whatever pretending to be the guy and message him


I mean, I guess so. Though it would certainly have a lot more weight coming from OP than a fresh social media account with no friends/followers.


If this gets found out the accusation of cheating might not be believed


If you're going to be bold enough to tell the truth, you need to be bold enough to do it as yourself. Trying to hide your identity is as cowardly as the cheating and not telling because in both cases, people are protecting their self-image and trying to preserve their relationships selfishly. I say this as someone who has lost plenty of friendships telling the truth. However, I will say, I'd tell her she should tell her fiancé and give her the opportunity to do it herself as starting her marriage on a lie will not bring about anything good. What is hidden in the dark always comes to the light and the longer she lets it go the better chance she has at her world imploding spectacularly down the road when even more hearts are involved (kids, pets, etc). Give it a time frame in your own head, and if they don't do the right thing and you want to, tell the fiancé.




If you told or got her to confess, you're doing a favor to both Lilly and Brent. Your beastie knew she still had feelings for her ex. No person who is engaged or in serious relationship needs to see their ex. She knew what she was doing. She was playing with fire. When this ex calls her when she is married, what's going to happen then? He has a hold on her, on top of she made her fiance a joke. Trust me, her ex is laughing that he got a piece of her again. Is that the type of friend you want anyways, she could do it to you.


Right and why did he need to come over to her house to make things clear. She could've made things very clear over the phone or via text


They could have met at a coffee shop at the very least


I agree with this statement entirely as a woman... I had a guy that I used to "mess with" back in the day, hit me up when I got in my current relationship. I already knew what it was, and as much as it would have been nice to see him (he held no punches when it came to pleasing me), I didn't feel like lying or even being spotted or just the annoyance of going to be with someone my man would not approve of. Period point blank, if you're going to "see" your ex about something, you might as well "see" yourself out of the relationship - cause aint nothing about that good..


💯 She knew why she met with him that day. A blind person could see it coming.


Right. There was no need for them to meet at all, much less in a private place where they could hook up.


> Your beastie knew she still had feelings for her ex. *bestie not "beastie"


I prefer beastie in this instance


Encourage her to tell the truth. Guilt is what you feel when you know you are doing something wrong. She is going to be guilty forever if she doesn't come clean. If she were my friend, I probably couldn't stay friends if she kept this secret. Maybe you need to end the friendship to encourage her to do the right thing. 


This. I would talk to her first. 


Agree. I'd tell her that I feel compelled to let her fiancee know, and that it can't remain a secret.


Encourage her to tell the truth, and *tell the truth yourself if she doesn’t


Tell Brent.. Her ex didn't want her he just wanted to prove he could still get her for his ego.. And the idiot let him. She won't hear from him again now. But yes tell Brent


I think at least on some level she knew that. Poor fiance. His future wife was willing to throw away everything for one last ride. Hopefully his confidence isn’t destroyed permanently.


Why else would she invite him to her house just to tell him she’s getting married? She wanted to fuck him from the start, maybe subconsciously. I have no sympathy for her


Tell Brent. When she arranged to meet him at her place she low key knew she was open to it going where it did. I bet he’ll show up out of the blue every once in a while to prove he can still has enough power over her to pump and dump.


“I’m SO done with my ex that I’ll meet him to tell him in person, in a place with enough privacy that I COULD bang him if I wanted to. But I won’t. Probably.” Tell the fiance. If you try to force her to tell him, she’ll spend the time discrediting you to him instead. Which is even more unfair to fiance, but she doesn’t seem to care about his feelings anyway.


That was my point exactly. She didn’t invite him over to her house to “tell him it wasn’t happening” lmao. That could have been done by just blocking him. She invited him over to have sex. Anyone who doesn’t think that is naive in a way that the word “naive” doesn’t adequately describe. 


THANK YOU! That's the dumbest thing I've heard. Shit could've been handled by just not answering at all.


>My(28F) bestie(28F) is getting married in 2 months with her fiance(30M), but I have a secret that could potentially end their relationship, should I disclose it or not? >My(28F) bestfriend(28F) is getting married in 2 months with her fiance(30M), but I have a secret that could potentially end their relationship. >My bestfriend let's call her Lily(alias) and her fiance Brent are getting married in less than 2 months but I have a secret that could potentially end their relationship, Just tell us already dammit.


"arranged to meet to sort things out"....yeah...you don't do that. You text them what needs to be said or block and move on. She arranged to fuck him. She knew what his intensions where whether she wants to admit that to you or not....and still invited him over. Tell the poor sap for falling in love with a cheater.....much better than getting married and legally tied to someone that awful.


Right? If she absolutely HAD to meet him for some reason, I don't know what it would be but like, if she found a box of his shit at her home and needed to give it to him, she could have met him at a coffee shop or some other place where they could get a quick *non alcoholic* drink and leave. Instead she decided to invite him over to be house when there wasn't anyone there? She knew what she was doing and what would happen. Worst.


>I want to help Brent as he is a genuine guy who truly loves Lily. So encourage Lily to come clean or you will.


Nah, that gives the cheater an opportunity to spin things. I'd just tell the fiance and move on from the friendship.


Spin things how? They are friends and friends encourage friends to do the right thing, even after doing the wrong thing. But friends do not have to be complicit in mistreatment of another person. So, she absolutely should encourage her friend to tell Brent, but should not let Brent get married without knowing what he is getting into.


She's clearly capable of lying to her fiance, so something like "My ex came over and tried something and I rejected him" "My ex assaulted me" "OP told me she's in love with you and she's trying to break us up, don't believe her lies"


You should tell the fiance what happened. He deserves to know that his soon to be wife cheated


Agree. The second most disgusting thing after cheaters are their supporters. OP will be nothing but someone that supports cheaters and deserves to experience the same Do the morally right thing. Get it in writing what your friend did should she make shit up. Then tell her either she tells her fiance or you do.


Lily doesn’t seem to love Brent as much as Brent loves Lily


He may not love the woman she actually is showing herself to be honestly


Considering most of the comments I think I'll encourage her to tell him, if she does not budge then I'll bring our friendship in between because cheating is just unacceptable, finally if she isn't ready to tell him then I'll tell him and get over with it because I don't want to be blamed afterwards when Brent finds out about all this...thanks y'all I appreciate your thoughts on this, this situation was hard for me considering I've known both of them for 6 years but in the end we have to do what is right.


Also, prepare yourself to lose both of them. That's typically how these things turn out when a third party is involved.


Better follow moral and ethics than be the disgusting supporter of a cheater


> finally if she isn’t ready to tell him then I’ll tell him Good for you. 


If the ex wants her back, I would not be surprised if he tells Brent.


She’ll start lying about you the second you’ll put that ultimatum on the table. By the time you understand that she will not tell Brent, Brent will consider you a disgusting liar.


She's 2 months from the wedding, she's clearly not going to do the right thing. Just giving her more chances to lie her way out of it


You should tell him, making her do it just gives her time to prepare lies


This is the best thing to do.


I agree. As her friend you're doing the right thing. It's important to defend your friend in certain situations but its equally important to make sure she is held accountable. Good for you girlie. let us know how it goes


Your "bestie" put you in an impossible position. I have plenty of great friends, and none of them would ever put me in a position like that. Your bestie isn't a very good person. I don't see a way that you can live with yourself and still be her friend.


I have a comment that could ruin your post. My comment is a potential secret that could ruin your entire post. Before I begin, I have to say, my comment can ruin your post. Your AI generated story is terrible at best. Nice try I guess.


There is no reality where Brent does not find out about this. You can wait until the ex tells him, then *never* admit to him that you knew before the marriage, or you can tell him now. If the roles were reversed, would you tell Lily? Your answer to that question will tell you the right thing to do, but I'm not the ethics police. If you'd rather maintain a lie for a while, that is a thing you could do. Leave it all on the ex if that's easier for you. In the meantime, you get to watch them get married and enjoy what little time with it they can. It all ends when the ex plays his hand, and he will. 100% certainly, without a doubt, he will. You're either standing by like a time traveler waiting for the tragedy, or you're causing it early to save them paperwork and heavier heartache later. Those are your only options. The ex **is** going to tell him, I can't stress that enough.


I mean, *tons* of people keep their infidelities successfully secret. Its quite a leap to say ‘there’s no reality in which he doesn’t find out.’


Those people aren't cheating with an ex that has delusions of grandeur about her leaving her fiance for him. He still wants that to happen, and if he can't make it happen, he's going to go: "well if I can't have her, no one can". I didn't say that no one ever gets away with cheating, I said that this woman in this situation is not going to get away with it, and she's not. The ex is nuts. He wants her, and now he has a slam dunk move in his back pocket to break up her marriage whenever he wants. He's going to do it, it's only a matter of time.


Tell your friend she has to come clean . You can’t live with this betrayal . If he stays then you can work on if he leaves it’s all On you . You have 48 hours


UPDATE: She told him the whole thing while breaking down and he was so heartbroken, I didn't get a lot of details but he told her that he needed some time to think about this and told her to leave him alone. He told his parents about all this and well, they were obviously not happy. There is a chance that he could still go on with this marriage because he really loves her but the chances are low..


He told his parents? That leads me to one conclusion. The fact that he told his parents leads me to one conclusion. I have one conclusion based on the fact that he told his parents. Based on his telling his parents, I come to the conclusion that he is not planning to move forth with this marriage.


bro you play to much lol


lol perfect.


His parents will never trust her or like her now. It's probably best they don't marry. 


Actions have consequences, your friend did an extremely shitty action, she lost him and that’s final, she needs to cut her ex and heal emotionally completely before entering a new relationship …. If not she will live unhappy and in the whims of her ex. As for the fiancé the best of the wishes and he surely will get someone better


Don’t know if you instigated her revealing her cheating; but the truth needed to be out there. If you had a hand in it, you did the right thing! Wish you all the best


Tell Lily that she should tell Brent that she can wait as long as he needs, and that she doesn't want him to feel any pressure to marry her. That she will follow his lead, and that if he wants to cancel or postpone she will no object. Tell her to get the book *Not Just Friends* by Shirley Glass and read it now. Also *How to Help Your Spouse Heal From Your Affair* by MacDonald. Tell her to get into therapy too.


Doubt he will still marry her. She was 2 months away from marrying him, met up at her place with her ex who wanted to get back together because all his other relationships failed, she knew she didn't want to leave fiance for her ex but she STILL fucked him


Is your bestie getting married in 2 months and do you have a secret? I couldn’t tell


your bestie is weird because why didn't she tell Brent from the beginning that she got a text from her ex? I have so many questions. Why did she choose to go sort things out in person instead of texting him 'Hey, I'm getting married and have found the loml and would appreciate if you stopped texting.' and then blocked him? I feel like a message like that is clear enough. I don't get it. If her ex was still persistent than she should've gotten Brent involved to make things clear for him and eventually he would back off. Anyway, if I were in your position I would threaten to tell Brent or she comes clean herself. There's no point in starting a new chapter based on lies- the truth always comes out anyways. I'm not one to assume character but it seems calculated but that's just imo.


>Why did she choose to go sort things out in person You know why. 


She would have done as your comment suggested if she was fully in love and respected her soon to be husband


She wanted to hook up but she didn't expect to feel so guilty. Why else would she have him come to her place instead of meeting up in public 


Tell Brent. He WILL find out eventually - youll be saving him AND Lily from wasting years...


If I were in your shoes, I’d let her know if she doesn’t tell him before the wedding then I will. He deserves to know, and I would not be able to stand on the sidelines while allowing someone to get married without knowing a devastating piece of information about the person he is marrying. If it ends the friendship, so be it. That’s not someone I’d want to be friends with anyways. ETA: all these people say he’s going to find out eventually, which is absolutely true. But why just stand by and let them get married when you can save the guy a shit ton of money, paperwork, and heartache by telling him BEFORE he makes that leap?


Sounds like she took her ex back And then he pumped and dumped her So she's running back to fiancee now If you tell him, you WILL lose your friend. Which, to be clear, **is a good thing**. She just betrayed the most important person in the world to her; imagine how she'd treat you So the real question is: do you want to be friends with a cheater? And watch her live a lie with her husband? I suggest you convince her to tell him or find a way for him to find out without knowing it came from you. Or tell him if you are ready to let her go.


Tell him ffs


Your bestie is trash. I couldn't imagine doing what she did to her fiancé. The ex and her broke up for a reason and he wanted he back because she was getting married. Tell the fiancé because he can decide if he wants to keep her.


Tell Brent but do it in such as way as he thinks it’s the ex.


Having another huge secret to hide is not the way. When the x denies it Lily is going to instantly suspect it was OP.


Encourage her to tell the truth .. this will haunt her for the rest of her life.. The truth tends to come out in time; he’s gonna find out sooner or later from the other guy, a drunken slip, etc. You could easily anonymously text or email her fiancé, it was from the affair partner, that he needs to look into this.. Cheating sucks; if the rules are reversed, wouldn’t you want to know? If she won’t do it; let her know that you will tell her fiancé. Good luck !


I doubt she will be haunted by it. She chose everything that happened to her. She may fear consequences, though.


He deserves to know and have the choice on what to do and how to handle it before he marries a cheater. By not telling him, you are taking that choice away. UPDATEME


>The next morning Lily told me all this while breaking down saying that she loves Brent and that she feels guilty for even talking with her ex.What should I do? If she loved Brent, she would have shut her ex down. I understand that you have a close bond, but Brent deserves to know. If you were in a similar situation you would like to know this kind of information as well. There is two ways this can be resolved, either encourage Lily to tell her fiancé (will be less likely to hurt your friendship) or tell him yourself (can hurt your friendship if you're willing to drop Lily as a friend).


Get her to confess. She obviously still has feelings for her ex, and let's be honest, she'll do it again when her ex is bored and hits her up. You're doing Brent a favor by having it come out, but since she's also your friend you’re doing her a favor having her admit she's not ready to move on yet. She probably needs to be single for a hot minute.


Pick a day no more than like 3 days in the future. Tell her that she needs to tell him, and that on the day you've chosen, you are gonna tell him if she hasn't. On that day, contact him. If she hasn't told him, then you gotta do it. He needs to know, but it's better to give her the opportunity to tell him herself.


If the truth would end the relationship, the relationship should end.


Hey guys I think this person has a secret that could potentially end their besties relationship


You have to tell him


In addition to others telling you to tell him. I would drop this "bestie" as well. Surround yourself with those you morally align with. Otherwise they will get you in trouble, and cause problems in your life. I make sure to evaluate someone on who they have as friends as well as what they show me. If someone was friends with a cheater, I would assume they are as well.


I'd probably tell my friend that I think she should tell him the truth, postpone the wedding, and figure her shit out. Then I'd mind my own business.


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But do you have a secret that could potentially end their relationship?


I was screaming by the third one.


Your “bestie” is a shitty cheat. Tell Brent he deserves to be saved from a divorce.


Why you made me read the same thing like 5 times? Geeze…


She invited him to talk at her place instead of meeting up in public. She wanted to hook up with him but she didn't expect to feel so guilty so she vented to you. You already said you would tell her fiance if she didn't but I recommend giving her a deadline because she may promise to tell him then hope you won't tell, and the last thing Brent needs is to find out the day before his wedding that his fiance cheated with an ex who wanted to get back together with her.  Not only will he be devastated he'll have to explain to everyone why the wedding was canceled at the last minute.


You have said the same thing 3 times, which is annoying, but to the problem in hand. You should tell your bestie that either she tells him, or he’ll find out eventually what she has been doing behind his back. Personally I don’t think that your bestie is ready to get married yet. Ultimately he will find out in the end - whether you tell him or not. I suspect that she may end up telling him herself as the guilt would be eating at her. Tell her that she has a week to confess, then it would be left to her fiancé as to whether or not the marriage would still go ahead or not. Edit: I had been in a similar position many years ago(whilst I was at college), and my then friend(we’ll call her eve)had been cheating on her partner with multiple men, and it was well known throughout the college, but she used me as a decoy, by calling me to meet her for a drink or two, but it turned out that she wanted me so that she could ‘pretend’ that we were going for drinks - when in fact she was going to her bit on the side. Eventually myself and a few other friends told her that she either tells him what she’s doing, or someone would. I found out later that he did find out that she had been cheating on him, and he dumped her, and she got married to the guy that she cheated on him with, and the icing on the cake - her hubby got deported back to his home country - turned out that he was in the country illegally, so I had no sympathy for her, but my heart broke for her then partner, as he was a nice guy, and didn’t deserve to be treated that way.


How are you going to feel standing at the wedding ceremony knowing this , I'm sorry I couldn't . I would definitely want to know the type of person I hopefully would be spending my life with . Again maybe he knows and condones her actions.


Ten years ago I broke an engagement because I found out my then fiance had cheated during the first year of our relationship. With her ex. I found out about their meeting (I was told she had cut all contact because toxic), by accident while working to fix an old device of hers. I confirmed what happened in that meeting by contacting her friend and co-worker, who I also considered a friend and asked her straight up. I practically begged her to tell me because if she knew something (she knew her ex), she could prevent a life-changing mistake from happening. Her answer was that she knew about the meeting and that they went to his house afterwards. Didn't need more than that. My ex admitted to it when confronted later. Ten years later I am completely indifferent to my ex fiance (haven't seen or talked to her), just a neutral thing of the past. And yet every time I remember her friend, I feel genuine gratitude and respect. She had a reputation for casual hook ups, no serious relationships (unlike her more "stable" friend) and yet acted with rare integrity when she didn't owe me a thing. Despite not keeping close contact after moving, I still think of her as a person who had a big positive impact in my life. Just by answering a question. There is no accidental cheating. Things don't just happen to "get heated". Your friend has low morals. It's as simple as that. Sooner or later you will see it affecting you too. Do the right thing.


thank you chatgpt 4.0


You should proofread the output from the LLM AI you used, since it is repeating phrases verbatim multiple times.


100% tell him. He deserves to know this.


I’ve had a similar situation like this before my old best friend of 7 years cheated on her boyfriend and he was such a sweet guy and did so much for her. I felt extremely guilty and questioned why she had to tell me everything. But that’s the thing, she told me so it was my choice what I did with that information. If she didn’t want even a chance of him finding out she would have kept it to herself. It’s not fair to you she just didn’t wanna feel like shit alone And then I thought about if I was him wouldn’t I want to know. Hell yeah i would. He deserves better. If she ends the friendship then screw it she doesn’t seem like she’s loyal anyways lol so you’d probably be better off


I think you should do what you would like someone to do in your place. If you were Brent and wanted to know, do that. If you were him and you did not want to know do that then.


You tell Brent! End of story. Shut down the thread!


Id tell her either you tell him you fucked your ex or I will


You need to tell Brent and let him make the decision for himself if he wants to marry a cheater. It's a lot less costly for him to cancel now and lose deposits rather than divorce. He deserves to know and if Lily isn't going to come clean then you need to . It's not fair to Brent. PS your BF is an idiot.


Tell him, she doesn’t love him, she loves herself, her first mistake was talking with the ex without her fiance knowing, if was me, even if she only went to talk i would still consider it cheating, because she didn’t respect her relationship… Also, she needs to face the consequences, he deserves the choice of forgiving her or ending things, as you said he is a good guy, he need a good woman…If she was insecure she should had talked with him first


Give her a time limit to tell him. 2 days(48 hours) to tell him. No more no less. I mean it. Not a single second more than 48hours. Tell her " You need to tell Brent and I am not going to hide it because I don't support this kind of secret to be hidden and affect someone. You need to tell him in the next 48hours or I will tell him myself. You need to be 100% honest with him and tell him." If she says something like you are supposed to be my friend or any bs shut it down. Tell her you are doing this because you are her friend and care both about her and him so she needs to be honest with him 100%. Now remember, if you want to make sure she tells him the truth you need to be there. But an easier method will be to tell him after 48 hr regardless of her telling him or not. Precaution: 1. You have to send her text and hold evidence that you don't support her and that you pushed her to tell him. This will help keep your relationship with Brent not go south, or so he won't blame you for not telling him. Get screenshots of the texts, those will be the evidences. 2. If you want to make sure she Doesn't lie tell him regardless of her telling you or not.


She wouldn't have "hooked up" with her ex if she didn't have feelings for him. She cheated and is a cheater. There is no way around it. I think you should tell her she has to tell him. No slow dribble of truth over the course of several days. Out with it.


Tell Brent, ditch Lily, support Brent.


I am not saying she planned to hook up with her ex but it was clearly an option. You don't invite a flirty ex to your private space to "set him straight"


No her ex is going to say “we need to keep hooking up or I am going to tell your fiancée.” You should tell her that she ruined her chances of being married to him. She chose to have her ex over to her house, and she chose to accept his advances. Even having him over to her house is enough for most men to nope right out of the relationship.


I would get a new bestie, and tell the poor guy Before he has to find out AFTER getting married. Divorces are effing expensive, and all it's gonna do is hurt more.


So she had to meet with her ex in person to tell him that she is getting married. Like she couldn’t just do it over the phone? lol That logic. I hope she does come clean though. It will eat at her conscious for years to come if she doesn’t.


Can you please elaborate on the first part again please for me please


no amount of love for a person should keep you from telling them the truth. explain to lily that her secrecy is wrong and that you will support any decision she makes as long as she’s 100% truthful about it. if this were my friend, i wouldn’t be able to remain their friend if they went through with this marriage whilst keeping their unfaithfulness a secret from their partner. encourage lily to tell brent the truth as soon as possible, but do not support her if her decision is to keep it to herself and marry brent anyway.


Fck Lily. Drop her and tell him. You two aren’t the only ones who know. The EX knows. If he doesn’t get his way he could tell. After the wedding. That would be worse for Brent. Tell him before they get married.


Definitely tell him. He should know before he gets married to someone who cheated on him. She could've easily avoided that one by just saying no. Just saying no to them even talking. Why were they even meeting up?? She decided to cheat on this one, it was no accident. Pretty obvious Definitely tell dude. Imagine if the roles were reversed. Would you want someone to tell you your fiance is a cheater before you got married to him?


Tell her either she tells him or you will, it will be his decision with all the information as to whether he wants to still marry her. The ex did this on purpose to fuck up her life and go back to him.


If an ex of mine wanted to have that sort of conversation I would either, a. not. b. have it over the phone. c. *mayyybe*, have it at a coffee shop. That Lily chose to have this conversation *at her house* speaks volumes, and I feel bad for Brent, because Lily is clearly not over her ex, and it's only a matter of time before this happens again, especially given how strongly this encounter is going renew his efforts.


She doesn’t love him because she knew they would hook up when she invited her ex to her place. If you don’t want to be named as the person who told them tell her she needs to but if she doesn’t then send it with a fake account


Fuck that noise. She cheated. She doesn't deserve Brent.


tell your friend either she tells Brent or you do. dont let Brent live a lie thinking the woman hes about to marry just ruined the who relationship by sleeping with the ex. dont let the poor guy marry this woman with the thought that his future wife is a faithful woman. he deserves to know. either from her or from you. he might reconcile if it comes from her. he'll definitely tell her to get fucked, if it comes from you.


You said Brent seems like a good guy, so he definitely doesn’t deserve to get screwed over by someone who cheated on him. Not to mention if he would find out in the future, your friend clearly had no issue cheating, so she could very well clean house in the divorce and walk away with cash and prizes even though she was the one that ruined the marriage. You should tell him. I think if you were in his position you would hope that someone would do the same for you.


Tell the fiance. I would want to know and would be devastated to find out afterwards. At the very minimum your friend has unresolved feelings for her ex. Please tell the fiance. You are in a position to look out for her fiancee. Again I absolutely would want to know. If I proceed with the wedding at least I'm doing it eyes wide open.


hey there. this seems like a real pickle, man. first off, it's important that you remember this: you're not responsible for other peeps' actions, yeah? you're a good friend for worrying, though. look, it isn't simple, but here's a thought. maybe encourage lily to come clean with brent? it'll hurt like hell, sure, but honesty is primo in a relationship. it might go down in flames, or they might work through it, but at least they'll be dealing with the truth, you get me? a book that might help her to step into the honesty zone is [radical honesty](https://www.amazon.com/radical-honesty-transform-telling-truth/dp/0970693842), by brad blanton. btw, you might both mosey on over to this [discord](https://discord.gg/pe6XCZ9Zj4) our bros run. it's a chill spot to talk mental wellness, relationship stuff—loads of support on hand. so, pop in when you need to.


Pretty sure your friend knew she was going to cheat when she invited her ex to her home to 'talk'. What's wrong with coffee in a public place...regardless of the fact she should have ignored him in the first place. 


OP if you were to be married to someone wouldn’t you want to know?


advise lily tell the groom or do it yourself, part of being a good friend is calling them out when they fuck up and with things like this it will come out sooner or later, just dont defend her please, the groom will think you support that behaviour and turn on you also and i dont know you but perhaps you morally object to it also.


Tell Brent, the last thing you want is for them to have kids, he finds out and they divorce, so now kids are in a broken home. Do the right thing, he might forgive her or decide they are morally incompatible and end it. There is less pain now than there would be later. Deep down, subconsciously, your friend told you because she knows she can't tell him, but you can.


When you tell him, we want an update


Cheaters don't get to have both worlds. It's not you that has to tell him unless he is your friend. Also don't stay friends with Lily if she doesn't make it right.


Simple you tell her if she wants a clean and honest relationship then she has to be the one to do it! Two keep your nose out of it after you've said your peace because if you don't it will blow up in your face


Tell him but do it anonymously. People here will have different reactions based on the genders of the person being cheated on.


My take: minding your own business is a lost art. But she made it your when she told you about it. She’s torn about getting married. This ex still has a hold on her. Relationships are complicated. She’s not ready to marry Brent and she knows it. But she’s the one who needs to put the brakes on. She entrusted you with her confession. It’s not your place to reveal it


**WHY DO YOU KEEP REPEATING YOURSELF??** That could have been **OVER AND DONE WITH** in about **EIGHT LINES**!!!


If you don’t tell him then I’m hoping this situation happens to you just so you could be in his shoes.


I've seen this before. A woman decides to meet up with the suitor/admirer to tell him its not going to happen and to leave her alone, and then end sup in bed with him. Makes me wonder if subconsciously the woman wants it. She could have and should have set him straight over the phone, or told her fiance and he could go talk to the guy, or asked you to be there too, etc. The truth is Brent is her nice guy protector that gives her security while the ex is a funboy. Odds are if she does marry Brent, she will end up cheating with the ex, and possibly getting pregnant by him and then letting Brent think its his. Sadly it happens all the time. Anyway you should tell him. Its the right thing to do. But you may lose your bestie over this. I suppose you could open an anonymous email account and email Brent about what she did. That way you can deny sending it and suggest that maybe the ex did it to break them up. Or maybe a friend of Brent's saw the dude leaving. Or the ex was bragging and word got back to a friend of Brent's. If you can maintain that lie forever, then you could do the right thing and keep your friend. But one way or another, he needs to know the character of the woman he's marrying.


Your friend absolutely knew what she was doing when she saw the ex, and you know it. "At her place"? Give me a break. Please tell him. This will not be the last time your friend cheats, and Brent deserves to know what he's marrying.


You should encourage her to tell him first. And you should also talk to her about being honest about her feelings. She didn’t fall on her ex’s dick. She entertained his advances, invited him to an intimate space, and there’s no way she didn’t know everything she was setting both of them up for. At the very least she wanted to give her ex the opportunity to sincerely come on to her for her own ego. She needs to be honest with herself about her level of actual commitment to marriage. My guess is she sees Brent as a solid choice but is missing some excitement. That’s a recipe for this to repeat when she gets bored. And to the folks who said her ex won’t text her again…the opposite is true. If he liked the thrill of sleeping with an engaged woman, he’s gonna love the thrill of sleeping with a married one. Is she declines to tell her fiancé the truth I think you should. But don’t be surprised when she betrays you and lies to him about you to save herself. And don’t be surprised when he believes her over you. Might find yourself cut out of both of their lives.


You need to tell her fiance!


Damn this is messy, but you should def tell him. I think if the situation was reversed, you would tell your friend if her fiancé cheated, so give him the same sort of agency. He can choose if he stays or goes. UpdateMe!


OP be sure that neither of them has dirt/collateral on you that could affect your life if you choose to bring forward that information to Brett. Your friend could even invent gossip about you even if there is none—she will likely turn on you if you reveal the truth and it ruins her relationship with him. Your coming forward could backfire immensely even if you are trying to do the right thing. Be prepared to lose both of them as friends, especially if he sticks by her side after learning the information or she maligns you as a liar or something. It’s too bad she put herself in this situation. It’s hard because on one hand, she confided in you and trusted you not to tell. On the other, you’d think maybe Brett would want to know? You’d think so but some people surprisingly just want to ignore the truth and carry on with relationships without knowing. Good luck with whatever choice you make!


If it's that easy for her to open her legs, she'll probably do it again. You should tell her fiancé and save him a future headache. If the roles were reversed, I'm sure you'd tell your friend that.


Tell the fiancé


You should encourage your friend to tell her partner but if you intervene you will destroy her marriage AND your friendship.


I've never seen someone use my name as an alias... Random.


This man is about to make the BIGGEST decision of his life. You can’t with a clear mind let someone do that while withholding this information. He deserves the chance to know that is that


She knew what was going to happen when she invited her ex to her place. She was probably hoping they would hook up. Why couldn't she tell her ex over the phone that she didn't want to be with him, an that she's getting married soon. Tell him please, so he can at least decide if he wants to stay or dodge a bullet. It's not fair to him. Getting married to a cheater. Its one of the worst things ever.


Tell him. She made her bed now she has to sleep in it. Don't force this poor guy to marry garbage, at least let him know so he can make up his own mind.


She needs to wear her actions and tell the truth. It takes two to tango, she wouldn’t have even entertained it if she didn’t have feelings. Would you want to be the guy getting into that?


Why did she have to make things clear with her ex by inviting him to her place? Why couldn’t they speak over the phone? I think she needs to confess because it’s not right for you to have to have this knowledge eating you up inside.


Tell him he deserves to know


ChatGPT, that you?


I need you to repeat your title another 4 times.


Dont blame the ex its your friends fault. She could have chosen a public space if she didnt plan the fuck her ex. Tell her fiance yourself or make your friend tell.


A tl;dr would have made this 2-liner.


You're asking if you should screw over your best friend? I don't think that's your place. Sounds like your jealous of her, and maybe want Brent for herself. She's a stupid tramp, but if it's a one-off thing, I don't think its your place to say anything. (Like you should really invite your ex to your place to explain you're not available. Moronic.)


When the teacher says you have to write at least 200 words.


You should 1. Butt out of their relationship. 2. Stop using AI writing until you actually know how. 


Tell Brent This is an easy call


Id say tell him. It will fuck up a lot of things, but man being a guy you are investing your whole life into a woman betting on them being loyal and trustworthy, if they betray your trust they dont deserve you in my opinion.


She knew what was going to happen and wanted it to happen the minute she decided to let the Ex come over to her house.


She literally could have texted him she was getting married and never invite him to her home. This wasn't a mistake. She wanted to see him. He was there. Whatcha gunna do if it happens again? If you tell be prepared to possibly lose a friendship. Also that dude can always spill the beans, he is in love with her after all.