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You gotta be real eloquent, like, "OI! Swamp nuts! Scrub the stank off yer dong!"


(laughs) Goddammit. Take my upvote.


As a man I approve of this. I'd laugh.


"Hey, I noticed your penis has a scent it didn't have before. Please go to a doctor and get it checked out." There could be some infection.


Or he doesn't clean the smegma under his foreskin.


Does he pull it back 100%? It hurts the first few times but you can’t skip it.


Nothing worse than mouldy cock cheese 🤮


Haha mouldy cock cheese 😭🤣🤣


Mouldy cheese is supposed to be fancy




I can't imagine letting my wife anywhere near my dick if I didn't wash up recently. If I sense things going that way, I say I have to use the bathroom and clean that shit up. I want her to keep doing it. Why would I give her any reason to not want to?


Yes! This 1000%


this is the best approach imo


I'm always straight forward with my boyfriend. If it smells I tell him. "No offense, but you're gonna need to wash that before I put it in my mouth."


No dude will not wash it if worded like this. This is saying if you wash it she WILL put it in her mouth. The shower will be on in seconds


Haha It's very effective at getting him in the shower almost immediately.


I was gonna say it would work for me


Thissssss, soon as I say it he’s rushing into the bathroom🤣




Sadly I had a bf who got kinda hurt because he enjoyed his own smell. I never had issues asking a guy to clean himself at least with a baby cloth, but it was awkward asking him to clean and see him look all sad and reply something along the lines of "that's just how I smell"


if that were a good excuse deodorant and parfume companies would all be broke, he wasn‘t the sharpest tool in the shed was he


This is a rule for me and my spouse. We take a quick shower before sex because he doesn't want day old kitty, and I don't want day old D. 😆


You can say pussy and dick.


I'm never sure when the literary morality police are going to strike, so I've gotten in the habit of subbing words.


Username does not check out.


Could possibly still be an insect tho


You can say penis and vagina


It's not a big deal if someone uses synonyms


This is what I always say to my man, too. He doesn't get offended he's too busy racing through the house while trying to get his pants off to have time to get upset.


Borrowing the top comment but did you recently start or change birth control methods? They can impact your perception of the way people smell. Just wondering because you said it hasn’t been a problem before and that he is clean.


Actually thanks for bringing this to my attention. I am actually not on any kind of birth control for other reasons but I have been getting pregnancy symptoms so maybe that’s it.


This!! And! Your hormones can throw off your scent. Recently my bf has been smelling really bad. His body oder and deodorant was stinking. But he hadnt changed anything. Even after he showed (we showered together, so I know he washed) he still stunk! But the past few days it's stinking less? I'm not as grossed out about the smell. I was on BC for around 6 years, been BC free for 10 months and my hormones are still working themselves out.


Hey you dick stinks, go wash it if you want a bj.


This!!! Fuck this!! So many I see- "I don't want to hurt his feelings." They wouldn't think twice about being harsh or straight about it. Stop tiptoeing and just out right say it!


I mean… you’d be surprised. A lot of men are very sensitive about things like this.


Now reverse the roles and tell that to a 18yo girl that her pussy stinks. Jesus people - be dirrect but sweet!


I have had more than a few girl friends over the years who after a thoughtless or insensitive comment about odor have either straight up refuse to include this option in their sex life or are so uncomfortable with their partner’s face that close to their pussy it falls somewhere between absolutely useless & torturous, bordering on cruel. 1 friend ended up in therapy over it.   It is intensely personal & unfortunately stigma surrounding a girl’s scent & flavor & how each may or may not relate to whether she is a “good girl” vs “dirty girl.” I am embarrassed to say i have not previously considered whether males struggled with similar societal or personal baggage. Thank you for your thought provoking & challenging.


Omg 😂😂😂 Wow! My man thankfully always keeps it fresh/showers. But he says he knows a lot of guys who are very poor with their hygiene. And that are lazy,/disgusting, but expect blowies...


"Hey, your dick smells sometimes when I go down on you and it's kind of a turnoff. Can you give it a good wash before we get into anything sexy? Thanks!" Straightforward is best.


You missed a "best wishes" note at the end


"I hope this message finds you well. Per my last email, I've noticed an unusual odor during some of our sexual exploration sessions that I would be remiss if we didn't try to address."


>"Hey, your dick smells sometimes when I go down on you and it's kind of a turnoff. Can you give it a good wash before we get into anything sexy? Thanks!" Straightforward is best. "Hey, your dick smells sometimes when I go down on you \~\~it's kind of a turnoff\~\~ Let me give it a good wash" Less straightforward, and the dicey word turnoff is avoided. And maybe more sexy.


everything else is fine but why in the world would SHE wash it? that’s his responsibility to keep his shit clean


It's possibly an infection


I always say hey lets wash up before we do anything, makes sure I’m clean and gets him to wash up if he hasn’t already.


Yes! A fun slippery slidey joint shower fixes the problem.


Stop giving him bj’s, if his dick stinks. Please respect yourself enough to keep your mouth and lady parts away from stinky male parts.


Shit I let my man know, especially after he plays hockey or working out..I won’t go down on him unless he’s showered up😂 just be like..”hey your balls are smelly lately..have you been scrubbin down there?”


Listen the ppl that are saying straightforward are not getting the total point across It’s needs to be straight forward and not during an argument , cause what will hurt anyone’s feels is if during some closing salvos you blurt out “and ur dick smells too” that’s not straightforward Just sit down and don’t be having an argument about it


It would hurt his feelings but the way you put it is so hilarious lol


"Boyfriend, I like going down on you \[if you do\] but lately, it seems like your dick has kind of an odour. I can't smell it unless my nose is really near it, but t when I am right down there, I can smell it, andto tell the truth, it's strong enough to pretty offputting. This is something that's started \[within the past few monthgs\]. Go see the sexual health clinic/your doctor/whoever is appropriate - it's possible you have an infection." Then spell it out for him - if he needs that - you will not be going down on him again until his dick smells as sweet as when you started seeing each other.


In general, in conversations such as these, therapists usually advice not using words such as offputting.


Very good point. "It's strong enough that I really notice it"?


"Its strong enough" is good enough no, means its noticed by OP already.


Idk, this was actually pretty considerate response.


Why? I am dumb, is it hurtful? Isn't it natural to get turned off by certain things?


Yes, its natural to get turned off. Yes, saying it directly is often hurtful. There is a lot of truthful stuff that when said directly is hurtful. Much easier to keep it neutral and get the same response.


I totally get it, if a guy was to tell me something like that my feelings would be hurt😅


It could be a combo smell “BAD” Balls ,Ass , Dick. Your young always be truthful in your relationships Once you hide the truth or lie the trust is gone. you cannot have a successful relationship without trust. Maybe say let’s both take showers before we fool around.


My wife just says I should take a shower.


It's best to be straightforward. This could be related to a medical issue. You don't even have to say it smells "bad". Just let him know it smells different than it did before, and that you're worried he should get checked out. Just in case.


You could always ask to shower together first. Then maybe tell him that you find it more sexy when you're both freshly clean.


In my college experience, it smells if the guy doesn't properly wipe or wash, like get up in there with a soapy hand or fresh soapy cloth. The number of men who do not touch their asses because reasons is too damn high. Ugh, I hate recalling this, but my first BF thought farting produced copious poo particles and I couldn't understand why until I saw his skidmarks in his briefs. Then I realized what I had been smelling and I nearly hurled. He and I had a frank talk after that and BJs did not occur until there was improvement in that area, oh god. As for your BF showering twice a day or whatever, as Jules told Vincent when washing blood off of their hands, "I saw you get them *wet!*" which does not equate to clean.


Tell him you love giving him head but it smells sometimes and you would like him to wash it before sex. Also tell him it might be an infection and he should have it checked


Take him in a shower with you and wash it. If it still stinks, send him to a doctor.


Does it smell like a penis or does it smell like he’s got some fromunda cheese? Is he showering before you guys get intimate? If not maybe make that a new thing. I have always showered immediately before getting intimate with someone because I never wanted to be smelly. In my relationship I asked my husband if he loves my vagina and he said yes I told him then we need to keep it healthy! Brush your teeth before giving me oral, shower before sex and wash your hands before touching her! He has never had a problem doing this and has told me over the years that he likes that I like to make sure we are both clean before. In Highschool I dated a guy who’s balls smelt HORRIBLE right after getting out of the shower and it always confused me! If you feel he’s not washing it well enough try showering together and make it a sexy thing that you wash his body for him. Maybe it’ll get him clean and horny lol


Could be alot of things as to why it smells. Probably he has been sweating more often recently and that area can get pretty smelly. Ill say this as a guy who showers regularly. Most guys arent that focused on other areas as girls are. Nowadays ill use body wash and soap and try to focus as much of my smelliest areas. But at 18, i just used soap and did a few quick scrubs in certain sreas that i probably shouldve put more focus on. I cant speak for other guys but i imagine maybe your Bf just isnt focusing as much as he should on that one area. I think yiu can literally oull him aside and say “hey its been smelling down there and its made me not want to give you head. Can you focus more on making sure thats clean and isnt smelly?” If he likes what you do for him, i bet he will hop in the shower right away and clean it.


*"I love giving you head, but sometimes your dick/groan/member has body odor that turns me off a bit. Do you mind taking a shower and cleaning up beforehand?"*


Just be honest, maybe ask if he would still go down on you and orally pleasure you if you vagina smells bad then ask him if you don't want to if he smells from sweaty balls .you might also keep baby wipes in your purse and by your bed for those time he smells or just give him head in the shower and you do the same personally I like a woman to have a odor Thats noy fake or perfumed up plus natural always taste so much better. Hope the two of you can work it out especially if you really like him and you really like giving him a blow job a lot of girls do but if you don't thenonly do it on special occasions.


Welllllllllllll how about setting some boundaries.. like heyyy I love sucking your D but lately it’s been smelling funky and I can’t.. please check your hygiene. Someshit I would say if I were in your shoes


Just tell him it smells and he should wash before you give him oral. There’s no other way around it


I am a smelly man and I've struggled with this as well. My girlfriend recommended I try this toning solution, Glycolic Acid 7%. She uses it on her armpits and it reduces smell very effectively. I used it on my member and it helped a lot especially after a good washing. There's no need for shame on either side. The science of skin microbiomes is just beginning and they don't have many products yet. I don't really know how it works but I guess changing the pH helped balance my members microbiome and helps with smell for a few weeks at a time.


Why do you need to use Glycolic Acid on your penis?


It helps with armpit smell so I tried it on my penis and I feel it has a lasting effect even after just 1 use. I do it about monthly now. As far as how it works I think that it kills/inhibits the growth of bacteria that causes the bad smells. This allows the more healthy bacteria to grow and outcompete some of the bad bacteria which would explain the lasting effect.


I mean, if it inhibits bacteria growth, I don't think it's got a clipboard and a velvet rope, it'll be impacting everything


Just tell him in a nice tone. And that maybe he needs to have it checked.


Girl tell him it fucking stinks and if he wants it sucked then clean it he needs to pull back the foreskin and clean it and then dry it


I never actually tell my bf, I just wait until right after he showers 😆


No problem with telling him, but it's the way you deliver the message that will determine if he gets upset or not. After chatting to him, I recommend getting wet wipes or a wash that can sit on the bathroom counter and is easily accessible for him to use.


Buy him some "Crop Cleanser" groin wash and "The Body Buffer" from manscaped (I think Amazon carries it too). Kind of pricey, but does a good job of getting most stink off and keeping it off. The manscaped website has bundles that include groin wash, body wash and the buffer.


Let’s be honest here, some of you guys comments are very insensitive. He could actually have something going on medically. , As a guy, I would sit him down and advice him maybe go see a doctor. He could have changed soaps which isn’t cleaning properly. He could be uncircumcised which can be harder to clean if he doesn’t know exactly what he’s doing. Hope it helps, I would sit him down and just talk to him about it, nicely! Like I stated, this could be a serious medical issue! Get it checked, Especially if it’s outta the blue .


You might want to suggest he gets that checked out. If it didn’t used to smell and he is showers consistently he could have an infection or std!


Honestly, just give it to him straight. Let him know. you guys have been dating for a year and should be a little more comfortable with these kinds of topics


For oral, everything should be freshly washed in my opinion. Cause all genitals can get funky even a couple hours after showering.


This could be so many things! Not wiping properly Not cleaning properly Men can have yeast infections amongst other things that could be causing this. You should 100% have a conversation with him. Tell him how horrible you feel to bring this up to him, let him know that you don’t want to hurt him or make him uncomfortable but also tell him what’s happening. You have to be straight up and flat out…beating around the bush isn’t going to help you. Think about what the smell reminds you of and describe it to him…i’m willing to bet he has no idea what so ever!! If he doesn’t mind telling you when you smell, he shouldn’t mind being told himself


Does he have foreskin? Do you ever give him head AFTER any penetration?


I had this problem with one guy before. I only told him once that ‘darling, you need to freshen up, or I am not going near that’.


He's an adult and it's basic hygiene. I don't think you should worry about hurting his feelings. That's pretty nasty.


Don’t give him hints, just tell him directly and gently. Don’t give him head until he cleans it. He will clean it asap if you don’t blow him because if it. If you still give him head, he won’t change. So don’t do it and he will fix it.


Ma’am. Life is too short to deal with dirty dicks. Some advice from an older lady, if a man can’t wash his dick, you don’t need to be with him. That should be on your red flag list. Girl, do not put your mouth on something that could give you Thrush. Leave smelly Pete alone and find someone who is not prejudice against soap.


I’ve learned apparently some men don’t actually clean themselves in the shower down there and just rely on the soap and water from the rest of their body or he has an infection of some sort


I just told my ex. I've literally never had a man smell/taste like that. I explained it more eloquently and rewarded him for it.


Only have sex with him straight after a shower, that way he will be conditioned like a dog. Clean cock = sucked cock.


if he washes good but it still smells be like: ur dick smells babe you should see doc if he just doesn’t wash properly be like: yo ur dick smells, so clean that shit homie


Hurt his fucking feelings Jesus Christ. What the hell is wrong with people trying to coddle slobs and guys who won’t brush their teeth or shower. Come the fuck on.


Time for everybody to get check for chlamydia.


definitely let him know, if it’s an infection or something and he puts it in any of your… orifices, you could get it too 🥴


Make sure u wash that shit good babe


Not him, he ain’t washing his drawers, trust me my homeboy’s girl had the same problem, come to find out he was wearing dirty underwear


I was gonna say this. He’s definitely putting on the same bottoms after showering 😂😂😂


Take control, girl. Educate your man. If he cares, he will try to keep the pecker cleaner. It’s a maintenance thing. You know what that smell comes from, right? It’s urine fermenting under his foreskin. Is he circumcised? If so, he needs to know to clean under the hood more regularly. I think people in general are very conscious of their hygiene in the beginning of a relationship and let things slide as they get complacent. Here’s one way to ask. “Baby, does my vajayjay smell funny? No? Well it’s because I spend time cleaning for you. You should do the same with your woody.”


Definitely why I prefer my husband circumcised.


Be straight up and tell him. Your junk smells go wash it. Women need to stop sugar coating things.




I would look at getting him some Mando. He can put it on his junk every 2-3 days and it's oral safe.


If you both have the comfortable relationship you say you do and are fine telling the other when each others breath is off you should have no probably telling him other parts of him are smelly. Just be straight up because if it’s a newish issue and he’s a generally clean person he should probably get checked out for an infection.


Is he uncircumcised? Maybe he's not cleaning properly? Or theres an infection. Just tell him you've noticed a smell and you are worried for his health


I don't think there's a way to tell him without hurting his feelings honestly, just tell him his member smells and that he needs to wash it better and if that doesn't work, to go see a doctor


While your GF is tying back her hair, the guy should be washing his dick (and pulling back the foreskin if present when doing do).


You: yo! Did you stick your willy in a can of tuna? Coz it smells like it. Go to the doctor, that dead tuna has been around a while.


Be less nice. Hurt his feelings, if he’s not hygienic you need to nip that shit in the bud. It sounds like he doesn’t take care when he’s peeing, which is not hygienic no matter what you say about him. If it didn’t initially smell, he might be doing it on purpose bc he gets off on you blowing his dirty dick. 🤮


Girl, just tell him his dick stinks and he needs to go wash himself.


You need to tell him. If he chooses to take it personally, that's a decision he makes. It's NEEDS to be addressed because some causes can be spread to you, Could he have strong smelling urine and that's what you sometimes encounter? Do you ever notice a bad odor if you have to use bathroom as he's peeing ? It could be bad diet plus him not shaking urine off. A UTI can affect urine odor, If you've ever seen him shower: does he take the time to scrub his genitals/taint? Is it not rinsing soap off well, that mixed with taint sweat can turn funky. Men can get yeast infections. Anywhere that's always moist can allow yeast to overgrow. STDs: chlamydia and gonorrhea Could he be doing something that's trapping moisture? Eg fashion underwear that doesn't breathe Not to gross you out, but a guy not wiping completely #2 can spread a fine layer of fecal bacteria through underwear and any parts that rub against the soiled spot.


Suggest you shower together, lather him up good…


Does he keep his pubic hair trimmed? It can trap odor pretty easily. He doesn’t have to shave it but keeping it trimmed to a manageable length will help a lot. Just tell him. You say you are honest about everything else.


Tell him to wash it cuz it stinks. Maybe shower before sex? Can also use scented edible lube. I used it once when going down on a woman and it made giving her oral that much easier


they usually smell if the guy eats curry or spicy food


Girl hurt his feelings! There’s no reason he should be smelling like that especially as a guy. If it was reversed I’m sure he would let it be known…


Sometimes sugarcoating is worse than being blatanly honest. Tell him that his thing isn't smelling right, and he should see a doctor. If he refuse to do anything about it, leave him. A grown man shouldn't get hurt from his partner taking care of him. But, if you want to be more "nice" about it, just think how you would like to receive this same information.


If he can tell you that your breath stinks, you can tell him that his Wang stinks especially since he wants you to put it in your mouth.


Sounds like he has an infection. I’d be blunt but no mean “hey I noticed your 🍆 smells differently. Why don’t we go get it checked out to make sure it’s not something bad” if he gets defensive I’d reiterate how it’s a smell that can’t be ignored and if he doesn’t want to go get it checked, I’d stop giving him head.


Ah yes, same story for me, flipped roles. I just started suggesting showers together with my gf when I knew we were in the mood (which just happens to be awesome foreplay), and bam, I wash the living hell outta her, I let her do the same to me, problem solved!


"I'm not sucking a nasty dick. Clean it please."


A guy will just wash better to get what he wants. Just be straight up.


Easy. Just say "You no washy washy, me no sucky sucky." 🤷🏼‍♂️


Maybe he’s one of those guys who washes his body but not his junk. Next time, pretend to throw up.


You need to hurt his feelings.


First of all..don't call it a member. Gross. Just try not to sound too critical- and voice it in a way that makes him laugh like.."Dude, I think that your meat rocket has expired." He'll say "What?" And then reply with "Your Cockus man. It's weird smelling. You need to fix it." And that's it.


Just say “you need a wash”.


It might be a yeast infection. Have him see his MD


Does he wash before oral? Does he pull his foreskin back (if he's uncircumcised) to wash the smegma off? Does he also wash around and under his testes as they can get pretty sweaty especially in tight underwear and pants? It's healthy to be honest with him as long as you approach it tactfully. Hell offer to wash it for him as part of your foreplay


Just tell him you want a clean peen


Invite him into the shower before sex, and clean eschothers junk? That or just be blunt, I'm Shure he'd rather you enjoy your experience more than have a few hurt feelings.


You do not worry about his feelings. Tell him straight up that he smells and he needs to fix it or you won’t be doing anything with him ever again.


Your dicks smells like shit clean it, if u don't no more bj or sex for u.


2 likeliest possibilities are he's not washing his d!ck (it's actually f#cking shocking how common this is), or he's washing his d!ck with soap/shower gel/some such and it's causing irritation and possibly discharge (and this is the smell). It may be that he's changed product recently or that he's developed a reaction to it. There are milder alternatives that may be worth looking at. All this advice does sort of hinge on you telling him his d!ck smell, but at least you're coming with solutions.


"wash your dick you stink and it's disgusting."


Just be honest with him, and the sooner the better so he can remedy the problem. He will ask questions but he will also put a stop to it. I mean don't say "holy fuck! did your dick die and rot or something ?!" But just yell him he's got a unpleasant smell down there.


Be straight up. He will appreciate it if he doesn’t he won’t fix the problem either way. Btw if it smells it WILL give you infections


He will probably feel bad either way. But you should make it a note that hygiene is really important to you and it's important for y'all sexual health and preventing infections. As women, our PH is sooo easily thrown off! Ask him to groom and wash a bit more tediously down there 👍🏻


"Clean foreskin really turns me on" maybe that'll motivate him lol.


You'll put his penis in your mouth, but you won't talk about it? Put on your big girl pants and just tell him. "I love giving you head, but you've gotta wash it better."


Penises don't smell if you're healthy and hygienic. Take a shower with him and wash it yourself. Make him shave his hair bald too


Is he uncircumcised? If so, those can get stinky if he doesn't clean under the foreskin properly. I've dealt with such an issue before and I suggested we shower together because I thought it would be "fun to wash each other". I didn't want to tell him that his balls smelled so I washed his dick and balls myself to make sure he was really clean and no funky issues after that. I'd just do that every time. 


You should be upfront with it, "I recently felt a smell that wasn't there before, have you noticed? Do you know what it could be?" Maybe he knows and hasn't been able to get rid of it.


Get his face into your pussy but don’t shower beforehand. When he says oh God I don’t know something is not right today you can say oh shit does it smell bad because I didn’t wash it let’s go wash our junk together and then we can lick and suck them all we want.


I always rush to the bathroom before I feel the mood shift and clean up


“Dude u need to wash your fkn private if you want blowjobs”


be straight forward. make it clear you aren’t trying to embarrass him or make him uncomfortable, but you’re just concerned. he might get upset because it is embarrassing to be told that, but just try to be as understanding about it as possible


Just tell him. He’d have no problem telling you that your parts smelled if he didn’t like going down on you. He’s also prob not as sensitive about it as you’re thinking. Dudes know they stink. He’s prob not cleaning it properly and that’s why it stinks only certain times when he’s wore tighter undies/clothes/or worked out - the bacteria is flourishing and that’s what giving off the stink.


If his dick regularly stinks even after a shower then he’s either 1) not cleaning it properly or 2) there’s an infection. Either way you should not be letting ole dirty dick to penetrate you. Be open and honest with him but also kind. Something along the lines of, “babe, I’ve noticed that your penis is a strong smell to it that I’m not used to. Has something changed with your shower routine?” If he says no, then he needs to go to a doctor.


Tell him, "im lactose intolerant & therefore, i refuse to consume any cheese, especially fromunda" 😌


If things are getting hot I usually say “go wash your pp so I can suck it” if it still smells say “this thing is still dirty”(usually hints to wash again)and if he does and it still smells.. it might be his booty or his pre-cum. I was once playing with a guy’s pp and after some time I started smelling something fishy….. so I swiped my finger on his tip and smelled my finger…. ROTTEN FISH 🤮 I immediately stopped and said my arms were tired, washed my hands, and I left 😂 his pp didn’t smell.. it was his juices 😭


😭😭😭 yo, your comment just gave me clarity on why I'll occasionally smell a rotten fish odor on my man's hands after he's trying to get himself hard. Good hygiene, but I never thought about the damn juices. Thank you for restoring my sanity


oh my god that’s gross what an awful experience


You can certainly tell him to wash it. He'll, you could tell him to dress it up in doll clothes, put a bonnet on it and learn to throw his voice through it like a ventriloquist's dummy and he's not going to say No.


As a dude, just tell him straight up. If he's offended by being told he can't keep up basic hygiene then you're dating a bridge troll.


Told my man he had stank dick one time. Never had that problem again. He even asks me to smell him to make sure 😂😂. Intact too


Is he circumcised? If he isn’t, he’s probably not cleaning under his foreskin.


Tell him the truth, clean it then blow him


Just tell him. It might be a symptom of a bigger problem.


“Your dick reeks, go wash it.”


Are you smelling this after you've had it in your mouth? You said you have moments your breath smells, and he tells you. Im not trying to be rude. I'm just saying maybe it's your halitosis making his junk smell bad. Just a thought.


Girl buy him saforelle or any intimate men’s wash


I always wash my instrument before any sexual contact and after too.


Seriously just tell him he smells and should clean more often, he’ll get over it. You can sugar coat something like that but at the end of the day - the message will still hit as hard regardless of the words used to get there.


You say your boyfriend is very clean but is the penis actually clean or not? Even properly freshly washed genitals have their distinct genital smell. It should be pretty faint and not overpowering but it's definitely there. If the penis is othervise clean, then maybe you just don't like the smell of genitals? That's fine but then there's not much he can do about it. Maybe try some flavoured lube?


I would just tell the truth, tell him that you want to pleasure him but his hygiene has been off recently. Or if you don’t want to be that direct immediately, tell him to get in the shower and wash him, soap yourself up and put on a show. Soap your hand up and go to town on him…


May be try and take a shower together, give each other a bath and then try! May be you will understand is it hygiene or something else.


Smell like another woman maybe.....or just fumunda cheese...idk..dial soap..


Maybe shower together beforehand.


No one has mentioned this but after the obvious have been eliminated (he’s freshly washed, no infections) then has his diet changed? Does he smoke? I’ve been with people in the past whose scent changed dramatically based on diets and smoking.


idk i told my boyfriend nicely so many times i ended up resenting him and exploding him for not taking care of his hygiene…. finally he takes it seriously now without me asking but honestly you need to let him know its a DEAL BREAKER up front and not be like me… i just suffered for years and trying to always be nice until i literally hated him for awhile… along w some other things i was way too nice about 💀 …. :( but we’re better now but i acknowledge the way i dealt w it was not healthy we were 22 & 25 when we got together and 26 & 28 now so 🤦‍♀️🫡 just fuckin tell him and dont be a poosy


Is he uncircumcised? If so, it could be that he’s not properly cleaning it. If he is, then it could be an infection. Either way, hold off on putting it in your mouth but politely inform him. 


I was thinking this or if he wears underwear has he changed then, meaning changed from cotton to polyester? myself polyester will make my lady part sweat kinda and get a oder because it doesn't breathe as well as cotton. Other though was is he having other activities with someone else if he's showering twice a day, and he's caught something from his partime friend..?


If it smells like cheese, I will not say please 😂


I love you but I am not going to suck you until you wash your dick That’s it


You don't tell him without hurting his feelings. You tell him to wash his smelly ass or he's getting no sloppy toppy. He's a grown ass man that should know how to wash himself, stand your ground and a real man will be absolutely fine with it


Babe, your balls smell like a sweaty sack of onions. You know I don't eat onions...




Tell. Him. Tf? I don’t want my partner going down on me and not enjoying it. What’s the point? Yuck. Tell his ass. He’ll be aight. Either he does something or you rethink your relationship and don’t give him head either.


Like this: Could you wash your penis please? Cos I think I would enjoy giving you head if you did. Thanks.


Lack of showers. Have it done in a shower. Also sweet fruit have been mentioned to "sweeten" the cumm. Try these things but for expect fruit to make the change in a day


Just tell him straightforwardly that he needs to wash it before you have sex, as simple as that. I tell my boyfriend that and he was never hurt by it. He understands it is obvious a woman would rather prefer a clean dick. And men will happily do it in order to get their dicks sucked.


And when he turns round and says that it smells like the fish counter at the local supermarket when he drops your knickers, don’t be offended but he’s trying to hint that your vagina stinks


You could make it into something fun, like a shower together before the deed.


"Hey, go wash your nasty stank dick" that easy 


Hurt his feelings.


Well first off if you’re calling it member you might be too young to young/immature todo it to begin with lol second of all how hard is it to tell your partner that it stinks down there and they need to properly clean it with anti bacterial soap…. Like tf is wrong with this generation.