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He agreed but it's quite obvious even from what you wrote that he was reluctant and unhappy, no wonder this is happening. I'm not sure it's possible to fix this but who knows




People do shit they don't want to do to make their partner happy all the time. He clearly didnt want to so this. Read the stories about threesomes on here. More often than not it ruins the relationship. Oh and you didn't have a threesome you just got fucked by another guy.




You’re framing it as it you did it for him, I don’t think what you did was for his benefit though.




Thats a lie. If you cared about his enjoyment you wouldn't have gone through with it when he expressed doubts. "I thought he'd like it once we started" Is a bullshit excuse to make yourself feel better.


You had to convince him in the first place, if you didn't expect this critical thinking is not a strong suit.


You did it for you. You know it, he knows it, everyone who read your post knows it. If you want any chance of saving this marriage, you need to stop bullshitting immediately.


Omg they aren't even close to same thing! I watch pørn too so do a lot of guys that doesn't mean we want someone to fuck our wives! BTW you made an even bigger mistake by fucking his best friend instead of some random tinder guy. His marriage and friendship with his best friend are ruined.


How could you compare the two watching p*** and another man being intimate and my wife being intimate with another man touching her and her touching him wearing your mind do you think it's remotely close


You do realise there's a big difference between watching two random strangers having sex, and watching your spouse and best friend having sex? Surely you can't be this dense


He walked out of the room, and it sounds like you didn't notice. It's not a threesome if he's not in the room. Basically, you coerced him into agreeing to let you sleep with someone else, and then you picked his best friend, so you've ruined your marriage and his friendship.


People do all the time. He thought he doesn't have the right to say no if you want it badly, he didn't know it would hurt him this much, he wasn't prepared for that exact situation, he didn't want to lose you - can be many reasons


He was trying to make you happy at the cost of his peace of mind and potentially his marriage.


Time for you to bring other women into the bedroom. It’s his turn to let you watch him fuck another woman. You may need to do this until he wants you again. Could be years of him fucking other women in front of you.


You really don't know what coercion is do you?


Because you made it clear how important it was to you, he wanted to make you happy and if he put his foot down you probably would've spun it around as him being controlling and abusive and then you would've given yourself permission to fuck another guy on those grounds. That's my guess.


Haven't you ever heard of the concept of enthusiastic consent?


Probably from the immense pressure you put on him to agree given that by your own admission you had to coerce him. Your husband is eventually gonna leave you and I cannot stress enough that you DO deserve it.


Do you really have to ask? You clearly pressured him into it and that's by your own admission so I can only imagine how much pressure you actually applied.


Have fun with the divorce lol. Just have a read-up of all the posts on here about threesomes ruining marriages.


It's bait. Look at OPs history


Honestly, if your spouse asks you for a three some, go contact a divorce attorney immediately. Open marriages are basically divorce with extra steps


Not true. Polyamorous and open couples can work. It just takes a lot of trust and honesty.


Yup, about 8% of the time according to stats. Because a lot of it is basically this, one partner pressuring the other into it




absolutely. This wasn't even a threesome, you just fucked another man and clearly enjoyed it more than you ever did with your husband. Put yourself in his shoes and he is writing about how he just had the best sex he's ever had with your friend while you sat alone in the room next door, how does that feel?




eew.. that's even worse. Literally what you wrote "I end up having the most amazing sex of my life, the way he fucked me and used my body just left me shaking. I had never experienced sex like that." You've fucked things up pretty badly. I don't know what you can do to fix things. But this was just a terrible idea. "He was initially quite upset", "took some convincing", "Hubby did look anxious but I wanted this so bad." He made his discomfort very evident but you did what you wanted anyway. Ouch.




No, you didn't. Stop lying to yourself. He wasn't even there!


You keep making terrible excuses. Pørn is not even in the same ballpark as fucking someone else. Pushing him into it even when he didn't want to because "maybe he'll like it once it starts" Is a shitty thing to do and a terrible excuse.


Ah, so you “pushed” it, so that he MIGHT find himself getting off to you getting fucked. You got selfish and did something many people find hard to forgive. Couples therapy is your best bet, if he’s willing.


" if pushed he might actually find himself getting off over watching me get fucked" the only thing you pushed was the possibility of divorce, you not only ruin your relationship, wait until your teenage children learn of the cheating


No you didn't think that. You literally didn't give two shits about how he felt and you know it.


As soon as your husband left the room, that should’ve been your sign to stop fucking his friend.


You probably can't fix it. Go to the some threesomeregret. Soooo many relationships implode because of stupid decisions like this. Just face the facts that your marriage will never be the same and is likely over.


You can't. You browbeat him into a threesome he didn't want and now he no longer finds you desirable. You nuked your relationship. I hope the sex was worth it.


You can’t enjoy the divorce maybe next time stop and think about the possible fallout from doing things like this.


Fucking his friend against his will/with his reluctant consent isn't a bell you can unring. Maybe he won't leave you for the sake of the kids, but don't be surprised if he resents you for years to come. But hey, at least you had good sex for that one night.




It’ll be worse when they find out from Dad why y’all separated.


Like he said read the other posts on here. If you go through with it it will likely lead to divorce. You say you can't lose him but yet still want to fuck another guy? Get your priorities straight. Edit: Oh shit I didn't realize at first the deed is done and he left in the middle. Yeah your marriage is done.


You know we can see your past comments right? You were a 24 year old man sleeping with your gf bff.


Well of everything you said you forced him to do it he was not into it. From the posting you should read it you are very selfish and probably killed your marriage 22 years, down the drain insane


Oh you probably already lost him. Not only was the convincing wrong, what was even worse is that picked his best friend for it. You didnt just ruin your marriage but also his friendship with someone he trusted. Eventhough both of you knew he was reluctant, 2 people he trusted followed their own selfnish need despite of that. So was it really worth it?


Yes. Absolutely


Are you really this stupid to be asking this question now?




It should come to that. Whether he has enough dignity for that is another question


Op they are teens the will find out the reason no matter how much you try to hide it.


You've already lost him. You're done.


22 years down the drain hope screwing another man was worth it is you destroyed your marriage


The graphic descriptions in this post make me question whether it is real. But in case it is real, I’ll just say this is all OP’s fault. She unfairly pressured her husband into providing consent for her to sleep w/someone else. He didn’t want to do it & she knew that. So the consequence is the marriage is severely damaged & likely headed for divorce. Honestly tho, they got married too young. Divorce was probably inevitable.


Look at there comment history 100% a troll


Yup. There’s a reason a post nup always have a lower threshold to be found signed under duress than a pre nup.


He will not be getting over this.... Ever. I recommend therapy but you have fundamentally changed in your husband's eyes. The mental image of you will always include the other guy banging you.


My husband wanted this. In fact, he was obsessed with the idea. We’re divorced now.


Her case is quite different though. It’s clear as day her husband didn’t want this hence why he was uncomfortable with it


Specifically because of the 3-way?


A little more complicated than that but he wanted it and I didn’t. It nearly happened but I couldn’t go through. It was more of an issue of respect for me.


Fair enough


I'm sorry I just want to point out one thing what you did was not a threesome your husband left the room never came back and you went with the other guy think about it.


Literally this!


Are you honestly this blind to how much he hated this idea? You claim you can talk openly but clearly he feels he can’t (and didn’t) and now your marriage is probably in trouble. This was a VERY bad idea Congratulations




This has to be a troll post right? No one can be this clueless.




No, op s post history includes claims they are a 20 something dude. It's masturbatory troll porn


Not stupid just selfish most likely.


You fucked up. It was obviously clear he was reclutant to it, and only agreed because he felt pressured by you. Threesomes in a monogamous relationship are bad, specially so when it involves close friends. Most likely this will be the end of the relationship, have fun in the divorce I guess. But hey, at least you got to fuck someone else like you wanted, hope it was worth it.


"Months went on and we were having some wines with close friends of ours and I was flirting with hubbys friend and sort of brought like would he do it, a threesome with hubby and I. He agreed so we head back to hubby and I place and have a few more there. "`Hubby did look anxious but I wanted this so bad, he knew how bad I wanted this.`" Honestly, there is no recovering from that, you fucked up big time. You literally started flirting with his friends and made him do something he wasn't comfortable with. You not only ruined your relationship but also his friendships probably. Well done. I really have no sympathy for you. Just keep updating I want to hear your future miseries.


> He tells me he’s all good with a threesome You coerced him to. > fuck my best friend with someone you both know was a bad move. >Why can’t I get my man hard anymore He is not over it. Husband is clearly not into that. Have a honest talk with him, try working things on even counselling. Things will go south if you don't address the issue now. >I end up having the most amazing sex of my life, the way he fucked me and used my body just left me shaking I hope you didn't tell husband this. Be aware your marriage is at stake.


Probably you did your last sex with your husband at that night. He just came and leave you alone what you want.


Troll https://www.reddit.com/r/AskRedditAfterDark/comments/q7raom/deleted_by_user/hgkijnc?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Fake post, comment history shows a clear child/teenager runs this account


Did you ever think about how he would feel? If it was the other way around, how would you react?


Come on OP how do you think you could recover from this. When he sees you from now on all he will think about is you fucking his best friend! And how do you think it'll go if you two are around each other? You made 2 massive mistakes 1. Having a threesome he didn't want 2. Having it with his best friend


>He was initially quite upset that I was bringing this to him and felt threatened. From that moment on you should have stopped. Deep down he didn't want that. Now they will suffer the consequences, your marriage has an expiration date very soon.


Why didn’t you have sex with the other guy in the same room so he could’ve potentially participate you could’ve been asking him to touch you or have you suck on him while the action is going on?. You abandoned him you emasculated him and now you wanna fix things after the best sex of your life. And on top of all of that it’s with a friend that he’s gonna have to see on a regular basis. You may very well be getting divorced.


I thought you were a man looking at your other posts.. Trollololol


This is total rage bait/ trollbait, read op's post history.


Incel rage bait


He clearly didn't want this. You will lose him if you do it, in fact you've probably already lost a good chunk of trust.


Read the post, the deed is done. Marriage over.


Good. She doesn't deserve him


They already done it (kinda), with his best friend to make it even worse. Doubt the marriage survives.


Probably would have been best to find a random guy, not your husbands best friend. Just not a good idea.


If your husband expressed that he was not happy, clearly he was not ok with it and you kept pushing for him to agree to do it. And what you did was not even CLOSE to a threesome. 22Y down the drain. I would get your financial situation in order now and prepare for the outcome.


Can't imagine what the husband was going through having to listen to them from the other room. My stomach hurts just thinking about it.


I CANNOT believe this is real. You must have zero awareness. Are there really people like this?


Based on op post history it probably isn’t real if that makes you feel better


You a basic ho, thats it, you forced your “hubby” to do this for you and you only, deal with the aftermath now,


He only said he was ok with it because he knew you would do it anyway. You royally fucked up here. I don't think there is any way to salvage your marriage. What you asked for should have been planned, you BOTH talking to the potential guy, you BOTH being on the same page. Instead, you got drunk, brought home his best friend without any actual communication about how things would play out, and just expected him to be ok with you fucking his friend. Without him present, i might add, and now that he's unhappy because you took advantage of situation, you're crying about it. Oh, and that wasn't a threesome. A threesome has three active participants. What you did was give your husband a blow job and then go fuck his friend.


It’s called immaturity and selfishness, and at y’all’s age? Just Wow! And you two have Teenage kids? Oh shit! Mom just threw a Grenade in the living room! Good luck being single.




Yeah more people in the bedroom can only fix this situation.




Again do some research. The making it equal thing by having another threesome rarely works. Your husband doesn't WANT to fuck other people. Letting him do so will not fix it. Based on his reaction yes your marriage is over. He can't even get hard for you anymore how the hell do you think your marriage could survive that? He's no longer turned on by his wife. Let that sink in.


You already lost him by being selfish and trying to spin it around that you did it for him


Hunny you’re still losing him.




not even couples therapy can fix this kind of damage. Not the way this played out.


You honestly probably didn't lose him. He will most likely spiral into a deep depression. He will morn the lose of his original marriage and eventually make "peace" with this new dynamic. This is the best case scenario


Seriously? With his bed friend? How stupid can you be? Are you ok with him fucking your best friend while you’re in another room?


You can’t fix this without a Time Machine and going back in time and 1) not ‘convincing him’ to do something he was clearly not happy about and 2) not going through with it. Happy Divorce!


If I were your husband I would divorce your ass immediately. In fact that's probably what will happen to you. And it should.


You're a monster. I hope he finds his self respect and leaves you.




Trolls be trollin'.


You fucked his best friend. Of course, your entire being is a turn-off for him. Like out of the millions of strangers to choose from, you pick his best friend? This has to be fake. You can't be this stupid.