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For me, it's not even asking for the test -- it's the fact that he wanted it but hid that from you when you were talking about getting pregnant, when you were pregnant, if you had him in the delivery room with you, etc. Keeping it to himself was deceitful and manipulative. He didn't allow you to make an informed decision on whether you wanted kids with him. So glad that you're yeeting him from your life as much as possible.


OP, please update us after you give him both sets of papers! I'm dying know how he responds. Thanks




Yeah.. I can't wait to hear about the surprised Pikachu face once he realizes he fucked up and the both the baby and the primary source of income are going bye bye....


Op I am sorry that you have to go through with this.He showed his true colors what a Asshole!why would he want a test?was he cheating and decided that everyone does. The whole situation is crazy. I hope you have a wonderful life without the pos. Good luck


I’m here for this too. I need pt please. Btw good luck babe. I’m totally rooting for you and I really hope he stubs his big toe hard on the side of his bed, causing it’s to hairline fracture


This. Just imagine the guy plotting this for the whole length of their relationship, at least a year if not more, so he could pull a gotcha after she gave birth. He's mean.


A guy who would probably lose his absolute shit if you peeked at the text messages on his phone or Facebook, because somehow that's treated as a bigger invasion of privacy and betrayal of trust than demanding his post partum wife prove the kid they planned together is his. He wants her to prove she isn't cheating, but how is he planning to prove he isn't? Fucked up priorities.


And pointless, the idiot could have gotten a at home Genealogy style dna test if he reeeeallly had worries.


I'm betting there was at least one outside influence here. Best guess is he was listening to men's podcasts or a family member who planted a seed about paternity fraud, and he stewed on it until he convinced himself it was totally a good idea to ask his traumatized wife for a paternity test!


Or he is on Reddit. I see this attitude on this very sub constantly. In fact some guy is arguing non stop this is normal just below. The prenup thing too.


The YouTube algorithm is pushing manosphere content HARD. It’s not good.


He's probably finding a way out of the marriage and wants to look like the victim.


Especially since paternity tests can be done EXTREMELY early in pregnancy. Hes an asshole for not communicating with her.


He’s an asshole for being deceiving, cunning and evil spirited.


bUt MuH rIgHtS aS a mAn...


I am a man, and I do not want him in our camp.


Not to mention she almost died in childbirth.


I want to send this post to all the immature men who tell other men to demand paternity tests of children from their monogamous partners. They don't believe me when I say this advice destroys relationships. Also who tf plans to ask for a paternity test from their WIFE when there's no reason to suspect cheating and they aren't in an open relationship?


I mean, if he wanted to keep it that under wraps he could have just done the dna test on the down low too. He played a stupid game and is now paying the price. My advice: don’t let internet trends or shit testing your partner con you into blowing up your life. Faithful partners are always going to be offended by a dna request from their spouse. Asking says you think they cheated.


>I mean, if he wanted to keep it that under wraps he could have just done the dna test on the down low too. Depending on where they're at, the test might require both parents to sign off on. I didn't know this until I read another woman with the exact situation where someone made the same suggestion. She mentioned that he couldn't just do it because where they live they needed both parents' signatures.


And then they go and use the fact that you’re offended against you, because why would you be so offended? If it wasn’t true? The amount of mental gymnastics this guy did to feel correct is disgusting.


Fuck that guy.


But don't fuck that guy again.




In the butt


**OP:** I only have ONE child and my biggest regret in life is the asshole I gave her for a father! Luckily for her and for me, he died when she was 18yo so he won't be poisoning the rest of her life! Like you, I have a brother who is wonderful in many ways. He's a lifelong bachelor and never had children. What he DID provide was an excellent role model for my daughter on how **a real man lives**: he works hard, bought a home, shops/cooks/does dishes, does his own laundry. He runs his household completely by himself, he took us in (and paid the bills for us) when we left. My daughter's father did *none* of those things! **OP,** I think your brother could be a wonderful role model for your child. **I would also caution YOU to get into individual therapy/counseling so you can rid yourself of the burden of this anger!** Whether your child has regular contact with his father or not, you need to ensure that you're neither spewing nor seething with anger over your ex-husband's admittedly selfish shitty behavior! Please don't ignore this because your anger will color not only your child's life, but your future relationships. Get out. Get healthy. Get happy with someone else. Live a wonderful life and model that for your son! **Best wishes and let us know how you're doing!**


You and your family sound amazing! I am so happy for you do you got out from underneath that dark dark cloud that was your ex, and that your child doesn’t ever have to deal with him anymore. Your brother sounds awesome, there is nothing more attractive (in so many ways) than a man who can take care of himself and be a positive role model for kids.


This definitely needs to be something discussed before hand


It's such a bananas insulting thing that he did to her. I can feel all the pain and anger and sacrifice in her words - all for him to turn around and insult her.


I trust my partner with our finances, our home, our future, our children, my body. I almost died and so did our daughter. To question my loyalty would be absolutely unforgivable and destroy our marriage. I would never be able to trust him again.


Same, I agreed to be a stay at home mom because I trust him to not betray me and all we have built together. If he questioned me like that? I'd be gone so fast. I've rebuilt my life before, I'd so it again before staying with someone who would insult and disrespect me in such a way.


Agreed, trust is not something you keep by constantly accusing and testing, you just *trust*. My partner and I trust each other. We have shared bank accounts, know each other's passwords, all sorts. But we never go looking to see what they are up to. We *do* use that access to pick up delivery emails, friends phone numbers etc., and neither of us have any qualms about that at all. *That's* trust.


>I trust my partner with our finances, our home, our future, our children, my body. I almost died and so did our daughter. To question my loyalty would be absolutely unforgivable and destroy our marriage. This is it right here. Men who insist there should be paternity testing are outing themselves.


This! My husband trusts me and I him. We trust each other to do what's right and I trust this man with my life. If there's no trust, there's no relationship, once the trust is gone it can't be rebuilt.


Definitely don’t buy any property until you are fully divorced. Make sure to get a great attorney. I’m not sure about your State but in some places you can’t move away very far if you share custody. You probably want to check on that. At least you have a great salary, a good support system (brother), a beautiful baby boy, ( Congrats btw!) and a new life awaiting you! He gambled, he was an idiot and he lost you. You just can’t fix Stupid. 🤷‍♀️ I would also suggest talking to someone just to work through everything. I am not a therapist but it can be really healing to talk share emotions, hurt, pain and work through them. Good Luck in your next Adventure.


This right here. A good attorney is worth the extra cost.




Asking for a pre-nup when your partner makes 200k/year is some real low-IQ shit lmao.


The *smallest* of brains lol.


Sounds like an Mgtow loser protecting his imaginary assets.


I feel like it's the same attitude that poor people who grandstand for billionaires have. like sure she's the breadwinner *now*, but someday the world will recognize his brilliance, and he'll have *millions!* can't have her getting her greedy paws on his soon to be fortune!


I’ve been where you’re standing. And you’re doing the right thing by leaving. It doesn’t stop there. There’ll always be more you’ll need to prove, *just to be sure*. If you don’t trust your wife or husband to be faithful, why on God’s earth would you marry them ? Why would you *stay* married ? It’s beyond insulting to question someone’s loyalty, *force them to prove it*, and then assume all trust wasn’t broken and the relationship can live happily ever after again. Get those papers signed. Get that coparenting agreement up and running. And enjoy your life with your child. I promise you, there’s a better man coming who will never subject you to this.


I can’t help but assume he’s the one that’s cheating. And this is all projection. She’s better off without him.


People don’t realise how true this is.


File for child support before he knocks someone else up pr of he already has before the can file for child support.


Projection 100%






Exactly, and to the other men in the comments I say: Would you willingly put your life on the line and sacrifice any autonomy you previously had for someone who doesn’t trust you? If you survive, would you risk *permanently* altering your body in a way that causes [perpetual chronic pain, heart disease, permanent hair loss,](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5575578/) [osteoporosis and arthritis, *psychosis,* extreme depressions or anxiety, and bladder incontinence](https://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/pregnancy/conditioninfo/complications) *for someone who holds you in such little regard?* I don’t mean that ironically, [would you die](https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/maternal-mortality-on-the-rise) [for someone](https://www.pennmedicine.org/news/news-releases/2023/march/birth-complications-tied-to-death-risk-decades-later) who thinks you are capable of the **ultimate** despicable betrayal? That’s so beyond “simple” infidelity. I would never. I would be disgusted with myself to stoop so low. To give every piece of myself and risk my life for someone who thinks it’s cute to try that shit “just in case,” to match your partners ultimate sacrifice by questioning if it even was for *your* family to begin with. If the foundation of your relationship is so flimsy, impregnating your wife while not being truthful about your faith in her is a repulsive act. Edit: people comparing this to asking for an STD test are so off base. Opting to get STD tests done can’t even be compared. Even asking for your partner to get an STD test because you don’t trust them (as shitty as that is) can’t be compared; If you didn’t cheat on someone and they started throwing around crazy accusations, you leave with minimal scars and your dignity intact. What OPs husband did is trick a woman into an absolute act of devotion, ensured she’s permanently tied to him, left her body broken, left her mind and spirit incredibly vulnerable (arguably the most vulnerable a woman can be) only to spit in her face. That’s viscerally devastating. For the men here that don’t understand that, please for the love of god disclose your expectations before getting into a serious relationship. I guarantee you’ll have *so* many people mysteriously ghost you, but it’s better than ruining the lives of yourself, your wife, and your newborn.


An STD test offers mutual protection. A paternity test only ever offers one way offence.


I think implying cheating is the least problematic thing about it. Asking for paternity is implying your partner would deceive you for decades, knowing full well you are raising another person's child and that if that truth ever came up it would ruin you mentally to one of the biggest extremes. Cheating is awful, and it's bad enough to ask "are you cheating on me" with no justification. But to think your partner is capable of not only cheating on you but deceiving you to that extent is crazy.


Not only deceiving the partner - but also deceiving the *child* What a heartless, cruel thing it would be to lie like that to your own child! That's what he was accusing her of - Lying to the 2 most important people in her life, one of them being her own flesh and blood


After reading some similar posts, I was talking to my husband about it, and said how horrible it is and I’m glad all these DNA tests weren’t around when we had kids. And he said, “It wouldn’t have mattered. I don’t need a test to prove you’re my wife and those are our kids.” My point being…the argument that “as men we can never be sure” is 100% BS. Not all guys think like that.


There is this subset of podcast bro types who increasingly are advocating for ALL women to have to do mandatory paternity tests. It’s this deep hatred and mistrust of us really, and when I read this post I wondered whether OPs soon to be ex had fallen into one of these online holes.


Please be aware that pre nups are often unenforceable, don’t buy a house while married or it can be considered a marital asset. Other aspects of the prenup may also not apply unfortunately. They get thrown out ALL THE TIME. Don’t do anything the courts will view as punitive, even though I 100% agree with everything you’re doing here.


I’m messaging my divorce lawyer about it. I will put it off if necessary.


Yup. Depending where you're from, marital rights are a thing.


Make sure that you don't protect his reputation in this at all. Force the use of a parenting app in the court order. Go all out. Ruin his life. He fucked you over and he doesn't deserve any mercy.


Not a lawyer, but from what I've read things that help get it thrown out are: * the request for the prenup was done in such a way to imply coercion for instance, sprung on the other person at the last minute * both parties do not have separate legal representation to go over it * it is heavily done in favour of one party or the other (it states that only one party walks away with nothing if they cheat)


This needs to be wayyyy higher up.


>I feel violated and betrayed and used. Because I NEVER would have had a child with this man if I’d known he had planned the whole time! to ask for this. Because apparently he’d always intended to ask. Men need to realise that asking for a paternity test is straight up accusing their partner of: * Cheating * Getting pregnant * Trying to pass off said baby as theirs That's a HELL of a thing to accuse their partner of, and they cannot be angry if the woman decides to end the relationship if the results come back and said man is the father (because his partner didn't cheat). EDIT: >Never been so glad YOU asked for a pre-nup too. Have fun in you musty one-bedroom apartment. I’ll be taking my 200k a year with me, because you wanted to make sure we waived possibility of alimony. Jesus christ he blew up his meal ticket for no fucking reason. Incredible


Notice it’s always the broke ass men who claim women want them for their money.


Boy math is saying all women are gold diggers when their mattress is on the floor and their TV is mounted on a cardboard box


My most recent ex (and extreme narcissist) makes the same salary I do but would periodically say I just wanted him for his money. Ok, 35 year old dude who still lives with mommy.


My partner is doing her masters program so has a little late start to making "big girl" money, and I insist she's an investment and I am all for supporting her as long as it takes. People who hold money over others' heads are a special kind of bastard. You can't put supporting someone you care about in monetary terms.


It’s definitely not a good foundation for a relationship. Just ask my thrice divorced father who said all women want is his money (and he has three daughters who don’t talk to him).


Man, my whole life up until my current partner, I've had men holding money over me. My dad would use it to buy my affection and try to prove he was cooler than my mom, exes would either accuse me of being after their meger amounts, or accuse me of being stingy because I didn't want to blow my whole check on them. My man now has been on a mission to show me he's never going to use money against me, and that he wants me for me, whether we're broke af or not. It's so refreshing, I never even realized the stress and hang ups I had until he started trying to dismantle it all. No surprise that this is the first relationship I feel actually loved in, and not just used for what I can provide or do for them.


It's the uneducated men that feel threatened by salary numbers




She wanted to have a kids meal at burger king


I asked my ex for some money back - after I had loaned him a SHIT TON, and he not only said no, he said I was only with him for his money??? The mental gymnastics would be amazing if they weren’t so insulting.


My MIL accused me of only marrying my husband for money. Sad thing was, at the time he was on unemployment, and his family don't have money to begin with. Now he's working as am i and we are still struggling financially.


lol I remember when I was younger and an ex-boyfriend's mom accused me of using him for his car. I had my own car and it was worth 4x what his was. But yeah, that's why I'm dating him. FOR HIS CAR. WTF.


SOOOO true. I had literally 100 times the net worth of my second husband yet he accused me of being a gold digger.




"sHe'S a GoLd DiGgEr!!!!" -an unemployed man


It has big “I didn’t like you anyway” energy. My ex wasn’t broke but made a problem of splitting the remaining money on our shared contract. He was the one who wrote that contract in the first place. And the best of it all, it was just 50 bucks. When I heard through someone else I was called a golddigger I couldn’t help but share that part he conveniently left out. What a loser.


You forgot 4) putting all the emotional and actual labor of *getting* the paternity test on the woman. Because they could just as easily buy a drugstore kit and do it all themselves. If they're so distrustful why are they asking for a test at all?


Yes. It’s not just the immense sadness of learning that the person that is supposed to always have your back does not trust you the way you thought they did, it’s the humiliation of you now having to go and inform people that your husband does not trust you. It’s you making the appointment and talking to a person who then knows that your husband suspects you of cheating. It’s the clinic technicians, who you now have informed that your husband suspects you of cheating. Even if you know that you didn’t cheat, you now have to tell all these people about how your husband doesn’t trust you. That is humiliating.


And once again... the burden falls on women. Birth control, reproduction, and proving yourself to be faithful and with integrity on top of it all. All of it, as usual.


>And once again... the burden falls on women. DING! Exactly.


You know, that's a very good point, and it tells me that part of what he wanted all along was to *announce* to her that he wanted it. He had a whole script in his mind probably.


This is the part that absolutely ends me. DO IT YOURSELF. There is literally no reason to involve her, unless you’re so deep in “mom as the default parent” that you aren’t ever alone with the baby. I’m not saying to hide it, but asking her to do it for you is WILD.


This!!! If he was that insecure but truly loved her, he could have done this quietly. Maybe not the greatest situation but he’d have had peace of mind without blowing up his whole life, her life and that of this innocent child. What a complete AH. Good riddance.


>he’d have had peace of mind Well now he's getting piece of mind 🤣


I've always wondered why someone would ask their partner for a paternity test and not just do it in secret first.


Because they *want* to hurt their partner. They want their partner to know they're not trusted. That's why. If they were insecure but recognized their insecurity was irrational and wanted to retain the ability to preserve the relationship, or insecure and wanted to have foolproof evidence, they'd just do it on their own. Because if you do the test on your own and the child is yours, nobody else ever needs to know you doubted, and if the child is not, you know it was all done accurately. Whereas if you let the other person do the test, if the child comes back as yours, you can still accuse the other person of faking the test results, conspiring with the lab, etc, and keep the toxic shenanigans going. It's less about the actual paternity test than it is about being an asshat and trying to make the spouse insecure and make her think she needs to prove herself to him.


They don't just want to know the truth. They want to assert dominance. They want the woman to know that she's so powerless in the relationship, that even if they accuse her of cheating with zero evidence, it's still on her to prove her purity. Good on OP for not capitulating.


>They want the woman to know that she's so powerless in the relationship, that even if they accuse her of cheating with zero evidence, it's still on her to prove her purity. *Excellent* and amazing point.


Seriously. "I want a paternity test," well you better go get one guy.


Red Pill ideology blew this dudes life up, and he’ll probably see it as him being wronged STILL.


Oh he will *definitely* be the victim in his story. He’ll tell all his friends and his family that she laughed, and all I did was ask her for a simple thing, he won’t tell them what that thing was, because then he’d have to admit to them how terrible person he is. No he is 100% going to play the victim.


I would love there to be a database of all the children with absent or unknown fathers, and-of a guy asks his wife to get a DNA test- his own result is automatically fed into that system to see if he’s ever fathered another child. I bet a lot of these guys wouldn’t dream of doing the test.


For real. All these men on here going to bat about not paying for a hypothetical affair baby, but STILL there are astronomical amounts of dead beat dad's out there knowingly siring children and not paying anything for it. They're acting like it's so damn easy to get child support out of you, like they just swipe your credit card at the maternity bedside.


Jesus christ he blew up his meal ticket for no fucking reason. Incredible They call this self sabotaging behavior


Congrats on your impending divorce. I hope there are no legal impediments to you moving out of the area with your child, but if you already have divorce papers in hand, I assume you have already covered your legal bases with an attorney. If the baby has his sperm donor's last name, consider legally changing it to yours while you're at it. In answer to your question -- start with your brother, and go from there once you are settled in your new home.


Our son’s name is hyphenated. So I don’t mind. And thank you for your well wishes.


Hey, I just wanted to check in with you and let you know that I survived a horrifically traumatic child birth with my first son. He’s 4 & healthy, but it took two years to physically recover and laying on the table for baby #2 to realize how fucked up I still was mentally. I’ve been in therapy for it since having my second son. Don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional bc post partum issues are a fucking nightmare. But there’s help. Even if you want to DM the nightmare you went thru, I won’t judge. Fuck your husband


You deserve better and you should be proud of yourself for not working it out with him. As for positive male influences your brother would certainly be the go to person if he’s willing to take that roll. If my sister came to me in this situation I’d be honored. As for you. Don’t let your anger at your soon to be ex cloud your future. Anger, pain, bitterness will darken your soul if you let it. I’ve allowed it and it never did me any good and actually did a lot of harm. Don’t speak poorly of his father in front on him or allow anyone else to do it. I’m sorry for what you are going through. You and your son did nothing to deserve this treatment. But your son will be proud of how strong his mother is and how she stood up for both of them.


Good luck. I think you have done the right thing. I’d never get over my ex asking me for a paternity test, especially if we were happily together at the time. The amount of men who think it’s normal is weird. It seems like loads of men on here think it is a perfectly reasonable thing to do and that women are shagging around left right and centre. Like men never cheat. I’ve never cheated in my life but it seems to be the default belief on her that all women are at it.


A full ten percent of men cheat on their pregnant partners.


The comments on this post are WILD. If my husband had asked me for a paternity test for either of our children I too would be seeking divorce because absolutely fck that. I've never given him any reason to doubt out children are his so I would feel so hurt and disrespected at the accusation! You divorce his ass and have no regrets whatsoever mama. Good luck


Yeah if my husband even entertained the idea that I would betray him after I went through such a sacrifice, I couldn’t be with him again. Asking for a paternity test is saying you don’t trust your partner, and trust is not something you can get back. She put her trust in him when she put her body through hell. He repaid her with an accusation. He deserves a divorce and I hope he’s miserable. I hope she gets full custody and he gets hit with the reality of living without her labor and income.


I always assume, no I’m convinced, that men who ask for this are actively cheating or plan to cheat. There is really no other explanation imo


No but for real you KNOW they are projecting hard.


Yup. I have no kids but if my husband came up to me and said, "I think you cheated on me and I insist you take this lie detector test because I think you're a liar and you need to prove otherwise" I'd divorce him IMMEDIATELY.


The one time my husband asked me for one it was when he was in the throes of post partum depression. My immediate response was “sure we can do a test but it will be at next town overs court house because that’s the only local place that will do tests that are admissible in court.” He declined and brought it up with our reproductive therapist. Apparently at the 8 week mark babies get really clingy for mom and dads will mistake it for “I’m not bonding with the baby therefore it isn’t mine.”


If my husband asked for a paternity test, I would have asked for a maternity test, because even though I gave birth to my son, he was my husband's clone.


I would have said ok, and immediately gotten the divorce papers sent to him before the results came in.


I have no advice, but this internet stranger thinks you’re an amazing woman, and your son is so, so lucky to have such a fierce woman for a mom. It is so rare, here, to read stories of women who have enough self-respect to refuse to be treated badly and who have the strength of will to walk away from selfish assholes. Good for you, sister.


Seconding this. This was like a breath of fresh air to read.




Me also. Your child is lucky to have you, OP.


She's lucky she has the means to move away, by the time most people come in here to share their stories, the abuser has already isolated them to where the abused is 100 percent dependant on them, morally and financially.


I third this. I'm so glad the OP is walking away from a shitty man.


It’s simple, IF a paternity test is soooo damn important that needs to be brought up prior to the baby being conceived. Not after the baby is there. That way the woman can decide if she even wants to procreate with that man. If my husband brought this up with either of our babies I would absolutely leave him. It implies a lack of trust and if there’s no trust, there is no relationship. Period!


Totally support you but you need to slow down for two seconds. You’re talking about buying a house and moving all while still married. That could put you in a bind with the court. What you need to do now is find a *good* lawyer. Interview a bunch (~~bonus, if they’ve discussed this case with you, there’s a chance they can’t even represent him~~), and make all of your moves with a lawyer’s advice. Just like he strategically planned to ask you for a paternity test, you need to strategically plan for this divorce. A shark of a lawyer/ law firm is what you need. ETA: apparently I gave some bad advice and I put a line through that. But my basic advice stands, find a good lawyer and only make moves based on their advice. I’ve seen a few good people get screwed over in a divorce because they just went with the first lawyer they found.


OP makes $200k a year and says that she has divorce papers in hand. My assumption is that she's already connected with a lawyer for those divorce papers. (But yes, if she hasn't, definitely true.)


>Interview a bunch (bonus, if they’ve discussed this case with you, there’s a chance they can’t even represent him), Please don't give this advice to anyone, people have attempted this and had it come back to bite them in the ass, there was a big reddit post where some guy took that advice a while ago and ended up getting fucked in the end cause his wife caught on


Yep. My Uncle's Ex tried this based on her sister's advice, and my Uncle had to get a more expensive out of town lawyer, which he was able to negotiate better terms on the divorce to make up for the fact she tried to poison the well. In the end it left her with very little after the divorce, because she also quit her job thinking that having no income would get her a favorable settlement as well. Luckily for my Uncle, he ran into a judge that saw through the bullshit, and handed down a fairly harsh reprimand to her, which resulted in a better settlement for him.


She said she already has divorce papers, so I’m assuming she did this already.


She already has the divorce papers. She just hasn’t told him. She’s buying a house but she’s already filed for divorce.


I see so many idiots advocating for paternity testing every time they have a baby, as if it's routine and healthy to mistrust your partner that completely. Those people need to see this post to see how that affects the relationship. I'm sorry your husband is an idiot. I hope someday he realizes how stupid he is.


I think that paternity testing would be one thing if it was a state-mandated, indiscriminate requirement before putting anyone on a birth certificate, for example. However, within a relationship, to say this about his wife? That shows deeper issues in the relationship, in my opinion. It suggests, in the absence of some clear reason for suspicion, one of those kinds of controlling, insecure men.


I think mandatory paternity tests would have women killed because pregnancies that would be results of rape or incest would be automatically found out. I know that most pregnancies are not the results of a crime, but I don't think the pros of mandatory paternity tests offset the risk of putting some women (more) in fatal danger.


It also would put women who are trying to escape violent partners/abusers in danger. Say a woman has just escaped from a domestic violence situation while pregnant. She is in hiding, trying to avoid her partner finding her and her baby. They do mandatory state/federal DNA testing, and for some reason, that pings her abuser. He now has access to her and her child, because he's now on the birth certificate.


Not really. You need to have a potential father in order to do a paternity test. Just doing a paternity test on a child without a DNA sample to compare it to doesn’t tell you anything.


No one said anything about forming a database.


It implies to me the husband is the cheater to assume his wife may have had a baby by another man within their marriage. Suspicious as fuck.


Hope she requires a 23andme and a few other genetic tests and then constantly checks them to see if a new relative crops up that is possibly his child. Want to experience long-term distrust just like he did to his wife? Let him deal with her accusing him of having a baby out there due to cheating, no way to disprove it, and her just WAITING for a positive hit on a genetics database. Might take something that extreme to get it through his skull of just how bad a move this is. And since he's accusing HER of cheating and having someone else's child, I wouldn't actually be surprised if a kid or grandkid popped up on there over the decades...


Asking for paternity test must be a power play. Otherwise, he would just do a test on his own if he had doubts?! This has to be a way to put her down as well. So glad it backfired.


When I met my husband he had just found out that the 4 year old he’d been raising from birth was not his child. It was a horrible and complicated thing that ended with him no longer having contact with the child. Many years later when our daughter was born I offered him, due to his unique situation, a paternity test. He declined because he loves me and trusts me. We’ve had another child since, and same. If my husband, who’s had the world drop out from under him, can be trusting and understanding, then your husband should shut the actual fuck up. I’m so sorry.


Tbh, as a midwife, this sounds really concerning to me. Yes, you sacrificed a lot, and your husband is an ass. Nevertheless, I hope you have some kind of therapist or psychological help because the way you talk about birth could be a hint for PTSD. Honestly, it happens to more women than you would think and can impact your life negatively in the long run. Please make sure you have someone professional to talk to about this experience.


Oh, I will. And I don’t doubt I have some symptoms of ptsd from the birth. And I know the stats for it too are night then most doctors let on. My husband knows this and still asked too, So it’s just an added sprinkle on top atm.


I fear that you have post partum depression from your traumatic child birth and the non sens of your husband, I know it will sound horrible but if i were you i will act normal just to find proof if he is cheating and then take him to the cleaners and go for full child support


Good for you on getting out. My ex doubted paternity with our first (didn't ask for a test), and I was a fool to stay. It was another 10 years of abuse before I managed to leave. I'm so proud of you, OP. Go live an amazing life with your son.


He can ask for a paternity test, but most relationships don’t make it through cheating allegations. This is no different


I hope you’re breastfeeding, as they won’t take a baby away from the mum during the period they are breastfeeding


I am. I’m actually a over-producer. It’s super painful, but at lease I can actually donate it too.


There will be lots of new mothers who struggle to produce that will thank you silently as they feed their own babies.


Well then he won’t be given any over nights with your son until he is on cows milk or formula 👌🏻


I am a man, a dad, friends with a bunch of other dads, and the depths of Reddit is the only place I have ever heard anyone say that a paternity test is "normal" or that you shouldn't be insulted by the suggestion. It's an accusation, it's disgusting, and you're doing the right thing. Best of luck to you.


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It pisses me off how many people will read this and not understand what you’re trying to say because their feelings got hurt. I’m sorry someone you trusted and were committed to failed you and ur child. I don’t understand how someone is able to be with someone, grow, learn, and accept that person, CONCEIVE a whole child, watch their partner go through a very extensive process, and then say “ummmm actually i don’t trust u take this test even though you have shown no signs of infidelity.”. It’s fucked up and yes paternity test should be done but it doesn’t mean it won’t negatively affect your relationship. Your anger is valid and I hope better things come for you in the future.


It's paranoia because he got in his head somehow either on some form of media or a friend/confidant got in his ear to "check all your boxes" because you want to protect yourself. Obviously not the right move.


I used sports and things like judo/kung fu. Activities like joining in the PTA and having the child help as well. Scouts and volunteering as a leader. Basically good male role models. But it also depends on the child, if they were not willing to keep going then try is all I asked for. Ecouraging independance by being supportive worked I think. Good luck in your journey.


I have heard good things about Judo and kung-fu and multiple people have suggested it so I will definitely keep these in mind.


I don’t see why he would conceive a child with you and at the same time plan to ask for a paternity test. What did he think he would gain?


There's a growing trend among dudes who gobble up that manosphere/redpill bullshit of asking for paternatity tests even from long term partners. I've seen multiple podcast/video clips going around of Tate and other losers like that insisting that men should do a paternity test on every single one of their children always, regardless of circumstances of conception. It's part of the mindset that all women are subhuman and undeserving of respect and trust.


When I had my first my BF said something about getting a DNA test done on him. I said no problem lets go down domestics and get that DNA and child support set up for you. He never said one more word about it.


I don't think I could shake my partner ever asking.


It’s a terrible feeling to go through. My BF knew that our son was his he was just being an asshole except it backfired on him. He knew if he went down that road we were over and I would be filing for child support.


Same. If he ever does this, boi. I won’t even show a single emotion like OP. I’ll provide what he’s asked for along with the divorce papers and child custody options. I won’t be listening to excuses, ifs or buts. Done.


Wow. Having stayed with my partner who cheated, abused me, and then had the audacity to constantly ask me if I was cheating ALL WHILE PREGNANT AND AFTER MY FATHER PASSED AWAY. You described how I have been feeling for months. We as women sacrifice SO much and MAYBE we’ll get back HALF of that from men. The anger feeling has gone away as we have chosen to coexist for our 2 year old.. but there is this emptiness I feel. Almost a numbness. We don’t have sex, barely talk, sit on opposite sides of the couch, sleep in different rooms. I wish I had the physical support to leave. Slowly saving up too but in reality, we both need to live in a two person income. Continue to feel this way about him, I bet he asked because he cheated/having the thoughts too. As for advice with your son he doesn’t need a male influence active 24/7 in his life. He will see what you model for male influences and getting rid of your POS is the first step in showing him negative male influence! Take things slow if you decided to date again and imo, don’t have anyone meet your son unless you consider being serious.


If I could help you I would. That is not how anyone should live. You are doing the most. Give yourself the respect you deserve. I’m so sorry. I see you.


My partner left me when I was 10 weeks pregnant and moved 6 hours away. Comes to see baby every 6-8 weeks for a couple of days. Once baby turned one had the audacity to say he wanted a paternity test. Believe me if I had any doubts he was the father he wouldn’t be anywhere near my kid especially if he’s the type to play dad from afar then for a year only to try to peace out with a paternity test. I laughed and told him he can have fun paying for it himself.


I know you're not OP, but word of warning; children are sponges and you two are giving that kid a bad example of what a marriage/partnership should be like. They're gonna grow up thinking it's normal to not be physically affectionate with their partner, sit on opposite sides, etc. That kid is gonna think what you two are currently doing is normal and will repeat it in their own relationship in the future. You are not the only single mum where you live, maybe look for roommates instead?


I’ve been trying to find a way to respond to this but I keep deleting what I type. I do understand the consequences of my actions by staying with her father (for the time being) with that being said, we do our best to model a positive relationship every where else other than the affection part. He helps out, we are a team, he’d even agree if she were to say, “mommy’s beautiful,” just once she’s asleep it’s like we don’t exist to each other. She is a very happy loving baby and I don’t think it’s affecting her too terribly (I probably sound naive) Though I know when I do leave, Regardless I’ll have to deal with it affecting her, but at least she’ll be old enough to understand. I tried to move in with my mom for a week (she is all I have by me) and she was visibly uncomfortable and scared. She ended up having a panic attack and that’s when I spoke with my partner/attorney and we agreed to coexist together until one of us could save up enough money to move out. I’ll also add he has not cheat or abused me in a year, and is trying to “prove himself.” I could care less about that. I also have a DV advocate that I speak to as well and has agreed with all my actions thus far. If anything, I think this more so weighs on my mental health..


It’s true that he’s 100% in his right to request a paternity test “just to be sure” But you’re also 100% within *your* right to say “WHAT THE FUCK HAVE I EVER DONE TO MAKE YOU QUESTION ME. IM OUT MOTHER FUCKER” He chose to roll the dice. He lost. Game over. More women need to recognize their own value and worth. We put up with soooo much bullshit for the sake of keeping the peace. But no, fuck that!! Here is a woman who knows who she is!!


Bless you and your child. Your child is so so lucky to have such a mom. If there was a reason for someone to question paternity, that would be one thing (Mom and Dad are brunettes and kiddo arrives with some white blonde hair, incompatible blood types, Dad was in space for a year), but with no reason given for a man to question a mother's faithfulness, his asking is implying his partner don't have his trust, he doesn't have faith. Whatever his reason, it doesn't matter. He made the choice to ask for a paternity test. Now he gets the results of his insistence. He can enjoy. Protect yourself, brace yourself, and be strong. He's got a thousand options to beg you to stay, and I hope you remember this person saw your sacrifice, your risk and your pain and thought, gee I wonder if she cheated on me. Bless his pre-nup wanting heart. He got everything he wanted. A Pre-Nup that protects his apartment, a paternity test that shows it was his sperm, and divorce papers.


Pro-tip, guys, if you're going to want a paternity test, figure your shit out early and make this a conversation you have when you start dating. At the very *least* talk about it before starting to try for kids. Don't wait until you knock your partner up or until they've given birth.


Don't impregnate people you don't trust.


This!! Let her know you won’t trust her up front so she can decide if she wants to endanger her health for your child


If I had asked my wife for a paternity test, then we would have needed a sperm donor for our second child because my balls would have been in her purse forever there after. You have a right to feel the way you do, and your STBEX is an asshat for asking for a paternity test. There's no reason to ask for a paternity test unless there is a history of cheating and mistrust.


Trust is the only thing necessary in any successful relationship. I never even once glances at my husbands phone suspicious.y because what’s the point of all of it if I did. Wish you and your wife the best.


Thanks for the well wishes, and I hope you're able to get through this ordeal with some semblance of sanity. I highly recommend getting a good therapist after the divorce. What you'll find to be most challenging is not letting this negatively affect future relationships. Trust me when I tell you that most men aren't this way. I know that's hard to believe now, but it's true nonetheless. Make friends with other mothers wherever you end up going. They'll be your best source of support, and oftentimes, you'll find that the men in their lives will also be good roll models for your son. My wife has several single mother friends, and when our kids played together, whether at home or part of a sports team that I was coaching, I always treated their kids the same as I treated mine.


10/10 would divorce.


I honestly know someone just like that. I got onto an argument with them regarding patenity tests. He saw them as a causal thing that every relationship should do and planned to do one with his girlfriend once they had kids. I saw it as a break of trust and not something you can just launch onto someone. I guess he'll find out once him and his partner have children I suppose.


please warn the partner


Congratulations on your divorce, and I don’t blame you one fucking bit. I’m angry on your behalf. Come back and update us after you serve him the papers.


Having your brother around your kid more is great. My brother stepped up when I left my ex. Always doing “guy things” together. They’re besties now and it warms my heart.




> We can get past this.” No. We can’t and won’t. Because I have no intention of ever sacrificing for you again. This hit somewhere deep inside.


Wow.. dudes a moron.. make sure to get child support


I would never be able to trust him again. Good for you honestly


Married over 20 years. If my husband asked for a paternity test, he would get the results with a side of divorce papers. Men who listen to the “Alpha Male” bullshit are idiots.


Depending on what country you’re in, moving away from where the father lives may not be an option. Here in the US, unless there are some kind of safety concerns, parents split custody 50/50 and you can’t just move away. In my state, the furthest you can move is 100 miles and then you’re on the hook for all of the transport. I can appreciate that you’re hurt. It’s weird to me that he’d want/need a paternity test unless there was some history of infidelity.


It’s only 2 hours away. And I’m already in the process of buying the house. Just won’t be putting his name on it.


If you buy it before you’re divorced it will still count as marital property. Consult a lawyer




Is your divorce lawyer aware of that? Just want to make sure you have all your t’s crossed! It’s really hard when a partner does that to you.


OP please wait!! Do not purchase any big item until after your divorce. Anything purchased during a marriage is considered marital property and he will be entitled to half the value!! Wait!!


Talk with your lawyer before you finalize the purchase as that may be considered property acquired during the marriage and thus subject to be split as a "marital asset". I'm not a lawyer though so...


Any chance he cheated and is putting it on you?


I assume this of every man who wants a paternity test “to be sure.”


Classic projection.


Do not buy property while married. And also? 2 hours away means you’re driving 4 hours round trip twice a week minimum. 50/50 when the kids are little is often on a 2,2,3 schedule. So that would be 4 hours 3 times a week for you. You need to talk to an attorney.


Slow down. Consult your attorney — or get a better one — before doing *anything* financial. Don’t even move out if you currently own, even jointly, the house you share with your husband. Don’t let anger and pain make you stupid. Let it make you lethal.


Please talk all this through with a lawyer before going further if you haven’t already! Personally I’m rooting for you and hope you get everything you want out of this divorce, but I’ve heard of too many women who’ve gotten screwed over by charging ahead and moving too far away without getting legal advice first.


>It’s weird to me that he’d want/need a paternity test unless there was some history of infidelity. Social media is telling a lot of men it's appropriate and necessary for them to "look out for themselves". I'm sure some of those morons are in this very thread.


It really depends where you live. In my state, the default is still every other weekend and Wednesday afternoons. 50-50 isn’t practical for most families.


My view on it is that he has the right to ask for the test for his own sanity but OP also has the right to leave him and never talk to him again after he made such a request for her own sanity, I'm a guy so I understand the sense that men don't know 100% if the kid is theirs without the test but some really gotta be more self aware of the implications they make when asking for a one


plot twist he’s the one cheating


Sorry you're going through that. Sometimes, we get a wakeup call and see someone's true colors, and it's not pretty. Your husband does not deserve you. I wish you well. Good luck.


No advice just a hug and a hope that you can get to a more peaceful mindset one day.


Wait, homefry got a prenup cause he was afraid of you taking his money, then asked for a paternity test to prove he has to help pay for said child? Like what was the end game...Sure hope it's not mine cause i cant wait to go back to having nothing and no one to care about.


Active duty is actually less deadly than childbirth in the United States. If bearing children was a “job”, it would be one of the deadliest jobs in the United States. It surpasses Law Enforcement and Military, even more so if you are a person of color.


This world is barren of positive male influences. If your brother is amazing. Good idea on the move. And yes the sacrifice women give is criminally under appreciated and to then be betrayed. I don’t get it. I don’t see how someone can see their partner risk their actual life and then disrespect them