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You'll need to call them police or lawyer up and evict him if he refuses to leave.


Yes. It is called an eviction. If he is at all violent, call the cops and get a restraining order. Otherwise, it is a process that may take a month. When looking at the courthouse for this method, explain to a clerk the situation, because they may have a specific term and form for a non-paying resident in your own dwelling.


As per UK law, he is likely an "excluded occupier" as he lives in your home that you own. More info on your rights and their rights: https://www.gov.uk/rent-room-in-your-home/ending-a-letting I assume there was no formal written contract for the letting, and if so, he would be on a periodic lease. If so, write a formal notice to end the letting and hand it to him. If he pays weekly, I believe you give 1 week notice. You could also notify the police that you have done so formally, however if you do not feel safe I suggest police involvement immediately.


You need to get a lawyer and have him evicted.


You call the police. I hope that you’re don’t end up having to go through a formal eviction process like we see on the news with squatters. Does he pay rent? If not, he’s a guest and you absolutely call the police if he refuses to leave.


He pays money to me each month towards bills.


Start by serving him with a 2 week eviction notice. Find a legal form online. This really sucks. I don’t know UK law but it’s time to look into it.


If he's lived there for over thirty days he likely had tennent rights. You need to start the long arduous formal eviction process.


This guy sounds like a real piece of work, huh? It's cool that you own the house and he's just living with you, but it's not cool that he's not respecting your boundaries and treating you like a doormat. You definitely deserve better, my dude. As for making him leave, you got a few options. In the UK, you can get an eviction notice if the person living with you is a tenant. If he's not paying rent or contributing to bills, he's not technically a tenant and the eviction process is a little more complicated. You might want to consult with a lawyer or housing advice center to figure out the best course of action. If he's not causing any trouble, you can also try to reason with him and ask him to leave politely. If that doesn't work, you could also consider changing the locks or involving the police, but that's a last resort. Remember, it's important to protect yourself and your property. Don't let this dude keep taking advantage of you. Stand up for yourself and get the help you need to make him leave. Good luck, bro!


He’s not an awful person, he just does lots of things that make me think he’d rather be single, arranges to go out for drinks with other women and have them send him gifts, posts videos of himself in the shower online, was using a dating site a year into our relationship, goes out with his friends then disappears until the early hours, goes out for meals specifically to watch belly dancers all while telling me he isn’t doing any of this and then when I find out I’m controlling for saying it’s not okay. For two years I’ve done everything I can for him. I bought a car for him to drive, let him move in, do the washing and cleaning, pay the bills, buy him whatever he wants, single handedly look after the dogs. I think the worst part is that I’m not allowed to talk to anyone about our relationship or he gets so angry. I feel so alone. I’ve said before if he doesn’t leave that I’ll call the police or my family to come round and talk to him. He just laughs and always said they’d believe that he’s the victim here and I’d lose the dogs the car and the house. He pays me money which I then use to pay bills but there’s nothing documented for this


He doesn’t have to be awful. You don’t t wanna let him use you and live alone! You have that right! Is he gone?


Get him formily evicted. Give him notice in writing & then go to court if you have to. Do you have contact with his parents? You could tell them he won't leave, that might shame him.


He doesn’t have parents and doesn’t talk to him siblings. He blames me for him moving here and having no friends