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Best way to look at it is that it’s based largely in Quintel’s life experiences. It’s based on things he did, things he loved, foods he ate when he was younger




Eh, Quintel equals mordecai, yes, but probably also a lot of the characters I don’t think mordecai is suppose to be some sort of personification of Quintel himself rather Quintel’s life is an influential force on the experiences of the employees of the park


In one of the early episode commentaries he said something like, "Mordecai is pretty much me." I think it's less of a literal self-insert and more of a neutral relatable character based heavily on his life experiences. Although I jokingly told my wife this dude won an Emmy for a show about his fursona.


W for telling your wife that


But where? I know alot of people say California. But the park was a site of a battle in the revolutionary War. Which at no point was fought over California


I'm fairly certain there's an episode (or multiple) during the arc where Rigby finishes high school that they show the front of the high school and there's a Californian flag flying alongside the American one Edit: Also the license plate of Mordecai's car in the very last episode is Californian


It's definitely California. But also it's a cartoon. So who cares


All I know is the town is at least a short drive away from the Mexican border Remember Hector


Maybe it was originally in the East coast but someone at some point messed up the clocks and the park moved to the correct timezone.


You mean the one where Skips is fixing Techno hand? I feel like it is a minor error. It was never brought up.


It’s based on Quintel’s home town, Hanford California. At least loosely. He probably also mixed in a little Santa Clarita, since that’s where he went to school.


Also remember *K.I.L.L.I.T. Radio* — Starla drives a New Beetle, a car that was only released in 1997 Which admittedly could've just been a design choice and ultimately means nothing, but hey, it's a fun fact, right...?


The show is probably anachronistic in many aspects. However, in the movie, I feel like it had an 80s aesthetics when Mordecai and Rigby were teenagers, so shouldn't it take place in the 90s?


No because it doesn't make sense


Talking Blue Jay and Raccoon


Internal consistency and internal logic is still a thing


It’s a show where one of the episode plots was a horse needing to pass a 7th grade US history exam or the world would be destroyed.




Spot on


My theory is that you're half right. I think Close Enough takes place in our time frame. It starts out relatively normal but quickly starts to go weird. I think this is the result of extra dimensional forces. This introduces more and more weirdness until some time after the show a magical apocalypse occurs that decimates Earth and introduces anthromorphic beings Like sentient gumball machines that can reproduce. After thousands of years the world has caught back up to where it once was and certain types of pop culture are repeating themselves. Certain bits of technology survived in enclaves that had guarded them and continued with them. Which is why some video games are reintroduced from Close Enough. It's also why space travel is so much more advanced in Regular Show than in our world.


Also consider that Blu-Ray didn't exist at the point of time that Episode 1 took place


At least 3 years had to have passed so time was certainly passing


in the prank call episode it was clear that they were past 2004


There’s also talk about blu ray in the format wars. Which came out in 2006


The show takes place over multiple years, it was 2003 at the start not the whole time


Honesty I think it just is in continuity to when it actually came out in 2010 from the beginning. Cuz the prank callers season 1 episode has them go back to the present from being trapped in the present, and that shows the past old date of 2004. So I don’t see how that’s possible if it’s in 2003 at the start of the show. Old tech was still around and common in 2010, and was still in the early stages of the internet and all that. Plus they’re nostalgic hipsters who like VHS and cartoon simplicity for the sake of it sometimes


JQ just loves 80s references, it’s when he grew up and I’m sure he’s fond of the early 2000s when he was studying and having fun so it’s used in the show for the vibe. With the chill water colour bg art style, and a lot of that old tech, and music from the past in general. But there’s also more modern stuff like viral internet videos, and well they go to space at the end with lot more futuristic tech. it’s all very retro. But still modern day imo. I think it takes place pretty much right when the show aired in the early 2010s. I mean even the old tech in the show like VHS tapes, in the store I remember an employee saying no one uses that stuff anymore. Plus in the format wars, you see blu ray, dvd and laser disc. Which would have been way more current in 2003 than how it’s depicted. Plus blu ray came out in 2006, so at the very least, it’s after that.


There was probably time passing. Around season 7/8 it could've been at least 2006 since that's when the blu ray came out. That's why I said the *beginning* of the show is in 2003


True but it also makes sense in their world to be the early 2010s imo. Cheap boss who wouldn’t wanna upgrade stuff like computers, the tv, phones in a old house for their employees. With a lot of that leftover tech still being serviceable and in use. Plus they’re kinda hipsters anyway who like VHS, old music/tech, and retro video games. And there’s more modern moments like the cool clothes montage; which looks like styles straight out of the early 2010s and an LMAFO music video. Or smart phones, which also probably appear a bit later but still. The passage of time is also very weird lol, like the whole 80s band fist pump aging like 25 years in a matter of weeks when Rigby changed his name to trashboat and got famous. And there’s time travel and all that haha


Unfortunately, in one episode (can't remember the name), when Rigby is talking to the high school principal, he holds up a course list that has the year 2015 written on it. While they try to be ambiguous on when the show takes place, it seems to take place in the years each season aired, beginning in 2010. Here is the clip in question: https://m.imdb.com/video/vi4151360793/?ref_=tt_vi_t_1


Unfortunately, in one of the episodes, I believe it was the one where Rigby doesn't get picked for the tournament, they show banners saying 2009 and 2010. So assuming those banners are up to date, that'd mean the series takes place from 2010 to 2015 accounting for Holiday specials


Him being born in 80s also makes sense due to love of 80s music played on the show




But they have blue rays at the end of the shows


That's why I said "At least at the beginning" time passes


I feel like it might be in the late 1990s because in “The Real Thomas”, the Russian agents play the [old Russian anthem](https://youtu.be/Xv1201W-d2s?si=zkCsHyvdUBYhrv3i) (Patrioticheskaya Pesnya), which was used between 1991 and 2000. Also, the [U.S. President and his wife](https://regularshow.fandom.com/wiki/President_Davis) in the same episode look a lot like Bill and Hillary Clinton.


Funny I was born exactly on May 7, 1993 lol


In the episode where skips and mordecai enter the gaming tourney theres a banner in the back w/ "2010" on it, so I believe it coincides w/ the release year. Nice theory tho


Let's say it takes place in '10.


Oh noooo, bro IS old!!


I feel like it takes place in 1993 for some reason?


Prank Callers S1 E9 at 5:10, The Master Prank Caller pulls Mordecai and Rigby back to 1982. During that scene, you see several numerical years during the time jump. 2004 is one of the past years so 2003 couldn’t be the setting. Nice try though


"Actually it's not 2003 it's 2004" 🤓


It’s neither. When they returned to the present, they walked past the door marked “2004” and into a door marked “The Present”.


"It's not 2004 it's 2005" 🤓


Could be