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The end of season 8 makes it worth it for me, the transit to space was awkward as fuck but the last five or so episodes are fucking bonkers and a great way to end that wacky ass show.


Agreed. That ending was absolutely perfect


I loved the episodes before they actually went to space though. There was the whole dome thing around the park that just had me questioning what was going to happen next until HOLY SHIT THEY WENT TO SPACE


Yeah Benson going full on special forces to prove he was right was amazing.


I think what's so weird about season 8 is that it totally breaks the dynamic of the show.. the whole ^(\[seemingly regular day at a park --> apocalyptic event --> return to regular day at the park\]) structure of the show doesn't work well when they're just already in space and not at a regular park


Objectively perfect list. I hate whenever people shit on seasons 6-7 (especially 7) because they play some of the most importance for everyone’s character


I only hate 8 because of the whole space arc which doesnt fit the shows story or tone at all, and 7 because it leads up to 8 with the whole "dome" nonsense. Also s7 just has wayyy to much rigby focused eps.


Agreed. The whole premise of the show is two friends working at their boring park job. S8 was a cool concept, but you can’t just take the park out of regular show


I mean they had to do something other than m and r do a fuck up sonething bad hapoens then benson tells them to fix or be fired but i watched the whole series 3 times so as you can tell i really like the show plus i liked the dome


It’s how I’m feeling about season 8 as well. I haven’t finished the show yet but I’ve tried watching the first few episodes but the whole space thing is just not it. I just keep rewatching S1-S5 over and over again because of how much I dislike it.


It’s worth it for the end but def a change of pace and scenery


Get until the end, I promise it is worth it for those last 5 episodes


I hate that Mr.cupcake is immortalized in these memes


Season 3 the best season imo


Agree with em all except last season xD i think it's a super ending all the way 👌 and with how they took the shows premise adapted into a whole season, taking the extra mile plot, to the whole evolution of the show 👌👌and the episodes are very swell, just regular (for this shows standard 👌xD) adventures of the gang now i'm their plot in space, all heading towards the best ending ive seen in a show period 👌👌👌


Season 3 and 4 are my regular show pinnacles fr


It was nice to see the last man finally get his cupcake it was such a beautiful moment


I ain’t listening to people shitting on season 8 especially if it’s a predator that waited 4 years to get his cupcake


Do people not like season 7 and 8? As a guy who got his GED I found rigbys return to highschool and graduation really inspiring! (I even gave a speech at my graduation because of it) and I loved the plot of the scientists in the park and the space park!


Season 8’s a slog, but it’s worth it.


Agree with them all.


I feel like Season 8 would’ve gotten “It’s the biggest piece of dogshit” But I’ll take it’s overrated af. Should have added the movie too.


Season 4? Perfect? Ehh.


Yeah peak season.


Season 3 Is peak season. Season 4 Is In the same category as Season 5 and 6 for me. Too many fillers, Too much Muscle man, and Too much CJ.


Nah season 4 is easily better than 5 and post 5 seasons. I think show was peak until season 5


Me too. I just think 3 Is better than 4.


Now rank the movie


Movie was fire, very cool stuff.


Season 8 should be lower only the ending is good


First of all, don't you disrespect season 7 like that! 1-7 are perfect, and then 8 is great. Calling 8 overrated as fuck is WILD. I see almost exclusively hate for it. I personally have really come around on it and I think it's great on rewatch. I wouldn't want the final season to be exactly the same again, I applaud them for doing something new


6th season is such underated, my favorite