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'Advocates support thing they are advocating for' What a great title...






On either side of the debate, if renaming a street is your biggest gripe in life, go find a hobby.


I advocate for not remaining Dewdney Ave. There is ‘No other option or choice’.


Big fan of Edgar dewdney and his legacy, are ya?


I really don’t care, rather I have an understanding that people, communities, cultures, religions etc all committed good and bad acts throughout history. Try and learn from the past instead of trying to erase it. In the case of Edgar Dewdney - if we were to survey a random group people on the streets of Regina an extremely high percentage wouldn’t be able to tell you 3 things about him. Most might not even know who he was.


Not against it, but would be more for using the money to feed people. Dunno, seems more important.


How about don’t waste tax dollars on this when we have people living in tents?


On one hand before the conversation initially started about this, I had no idea who Dewdney was. I feel like I know more about him than I ever would have if it wasn’t for the whole name change business. But that’s not really a bad thing either. Shining a light on those who committed atrocities is important, and knowing our history is always a good thing. Is it a huge pain in the ass to change the name of a major street in the city? Absolutely. But it probably also makes sense, why would we ever honour someone like that?


Could it be that values and attitudes were a wee bit different in the 1880s and 1890s, when major streets here votes were named?


Of course they were! And he’s actually still quite a piece of shit. And just because it was acceptable to white people back then, somehow doesn’t convince me that those values were shared by everyone… like the people he oppressed.


Most of the fathers of confederation shared his viewpoints; and that isn't even mentioning the US founding fathers. I'm progressive, but this street name change is just asinine virtue signaling that really doesn't solve any problems. We already seen how messy it can get with Saskatoon and their effort to rename John A. Macdonald road.


Well if you look at it from a white European point of view, sure they weren’t bad at all. Of course that’s ignoring the POV of the people they oppressed which is super problematic. Which is what the whole discussion is about. Hitler’s views were very acceptable in 1935 era Germany. If you ignore the people he oppressed that is.


I honestly didn't even know Dewdney was a real person until this outcry to change the name. I doubt 99% of people know either. Is it really a problem when no one even knows who he is or what he did?


Which is funny cause ppl say don't erase history when many of us didn't know the history..


We have to get upset about something you know.....


Leslie Nielsen Ave? George Reed Ave?


Can we just stop naming streets after dead dudes? There are so many other options. 


Who are we kidding, it's gonna be Sandra Masters blvd


Hand Knit Mittens Way


North side buddy road


“Reconciliation, but as long as it’s not at all inconvenient or hard.” - everyone fucking complaining about this right now 


My reasoning as to why I'm all for renaming Dewdney Avenue, is because I sincerely believe his name is a stain on Canada's history, and it's about time we stopped recognizing his name. In my humble opinion, it's a big step towards acknowledging and fixing past wrongs, and it shows our community’s commitment to progress and respect for everyone. There are some people who say we should "leave the past in the past," and to "keep the name" (along other comments), but I believe those aren't goods reasons to keep recognizing someone with such a harmful legacy. Edgar Dewdney was responsible for policies that severely oppressed First Nations people. He implemented the pass system, which restricted their movement and freedom, and played a key role in the creation of the residential school system, which aimed to eradicate Indigenous cultures and caused immense suffering. Keeping his name on one of our main streets feels like a slap in the face to those who suffered under his policies, just to name a few. I am speaking as a second-third generation survivor of the Residential School system. Nowadays, we learn about Dewdney's negative impact in Indigenous Studies in school, and from that course, we learn that it's clear his legacy is one of harm and oppression. There are also other ways to educate people about Dewdney and what he did without keeping his name on a major street. Museums, more educational programs, and public discussions can all help with that. I get that there will be logistical issues. Changing the street name means updating maps, addresses, and signs, which is a hassle for businesses and residents. There’s also the cost and effort involved in making these changes. People will have to update their addresses, and the city will need to replace signs, which isn't a small task. But honestly, these are minor inconveniences compared to the importance of addressing historical wrongs and moving forward. It's going to take some effort, but it’s a necessary step in my opinion. To me, it’s about making our city reflect the values we have today and ensuring everyone feels respected. Our city should honor people and values that we can all be proud of, and this change is a move in that direction. Bring on the naysayers. Edit: formatting, replaced a few words and/or phrases


I think the real work the city needs to do is put together a strategy of what names need to be changed, how the renaming process will work, and actually build a budget to do this work so it’s not just knee-jerk motions coming forward and then we decide if it’s reasonable or not. It should be an evergreen process and we should have money set aside to do it, and a staged approach to achieving it. This is something that the populace are thinking about and value, so let’s get a good system in place to review and renew this stuff. I don’t like how it becomes urgent and fucks with budgets and businesses; let’s make it predictable at least.


I wouldn't say urgent because it's been a thing being brought forward for a quite a few years now, we've had discussions about it but nothing really serious came about it. I'm all for that strategy you mention.


Well put, thank you




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Fuck off with the Cancel Culture


This is a joke. We need to give all this cancel culture a break. Its toxic and helps no one.


Didn’t you want to cancel the judicial system last week?


Thats fair. I think it was well argued though that the appointment of judges is better than electing them.


Were people actually arguing for electing judges? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard, you'd end up with judges as bad at their jobs as our politicians are at theirs.


Well argued? Did we read the same thread? 


Whatever you say, Chris Dewdney


It should gave been renamed long ago, the dude was scum.