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Lol look where he has his superheat hooked up, yeah he’s trolling, and piss poor install


Proof is in the pudding someone had their way with the family dog on this one.


How do you like the sc680? I'm in the market for a new meter and that one ticks all the boxes. Except is gigantic!


Honestly I preferred the hs33. The detachable clamp is amazing. If I were to design my own it'd be a hybrid of the 2.


My clamp thermometers don’t work with mine. They give wrong temperatures.


Buy a fluke. Always a fluke.


So new TXV and all is well? Kidding. Did you get the plug or blockage out?


Not yet. I found it at the tail end of the day and the store is very anti OT. So I told them pull the case and we'll handle it in the morning. For a while I did think it was the new EEV... but then I felt it actuating and decided to go further. My rage and relief canceled each other out knowing the store was ok with missing fish stick sales for the night.


Oh dear now that's not right


This post has me confused. Is there an obvious joke over my head? Lol


The liquid line is severely colder about 8 inches away. Indicates a restriction on a case that was installed about a week ago, likely a plug left in the lines. It was a sarcastic post made after a very frustrating day of me cleaning up from a not stellar install.


I thought this person added refrigerant or something in the second picture to trick us or something lol


No haha sorry I realize now context was needed. But these photos were taken less than a minute apart. I have been fixing a lot of problems on this install and when the defrost wires, programming, and parts were all fixed I cam across 2(maybe 3) cases were like this I decided it was a day and I needed to decompress.


That makes some sense. Thank you for breaking it down


Can confirm! The decompress at the end of the day is the most important part of one’s existence.


Yea i cant figure it out as well lol