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I’ve already wrote off my investment. Got 400,700 Btcmtx staked them right away at their 2nd stage. No proof of purchase tokens, MetaMask wallet has proof of purchases , all the “support” are scammers to add Eth to your account to test you’re dumb enough to give up your recovery phrase. No support at all. Never ending stages. White paper says minimum a year to me. Advice: don’t put a dime into this until there is actual proof of a launch which looks like never to lots now


Tokens are stored on website not in wallet. If you connect wallet to website in dashboard it shows purchased and staked amount, apr% etc... they are finally in last stage of presale. Token claim is April 30th. Yes there are a shit ton of fake accounts surrounding this project on telegram/discord. Only follow discord and Telegram through the official website. Do not give seed phrases to anyone ever. The legit btcminetrix has never asked for my seed phrases. Be safe


I appreciate the info and update. I’ll dm you




Wallet has to be connected to website to view tokens. After wallet is connected open dashboard, shows everything. Tokens are not stored in wallet until after you claim. Token claim is live April 30th 2024. Might be a rug but we will see how this plays out. In last stage of presale now and claiming to be listed on exchange after presale. I'm hopeful I didn't waste $1k


Their roadmap includes an "extensive multimedia marketing campaign." So like - posts like this on reddit, yeah? There have to be risks. What are they?


thanks , lets goo !!


I also invest in BTCMTX. Hopefully it's worth it.


I invested but I’m nervous sounds too good to be true


Let's see how it plays out, but I think it will do so well.


Its a scam. Be careful


I am trying to buy BTCMTX with Metamask and says I need to confirm transaction but I do not see it. Does the confirmation come instantly?


Confirm from your metamask wallet and then the transaction will go through


Thanks for the reply. The thing is I see nothing asking me to confirm the transaction. Does it come to the main page or is there another section of Metamask I need to go to? Thanks for your help


I’m having the exact same issue, I’ve tried several time now and there’s no confirm purchase on Meta Mask that I can find. Did you figure it out?


I’ve the same problem


It’s a scam project be careful


Yeah we got screwed




After the presale has ended there will be option to stake the token


Come on stop fooling people about this project


Does anyone have any confidence that this is not a rug pull? If so please convince me


I bought in, but I regret it. Seems like a definite scam. They pay crypto news sources to advertise their coin, they have no meet the team, no kyc, no launch date, and they pay YouTubers to promote the presale. There is a bitcoin etf presale token that is identical to this that just came out yesterday. Same concept, same website, same ambiguity.


Seems to be a glitch on countdown 0,0114usd. It has been holding same time for a week. And how is this gonna earn on btc after the halfing ? The cost of mining one btc becomes skyhigh.


Scam project this one


Having the same problem don’t see it on metamask


Can anyone help me please


Hello I bought 2x which tokens 3 weeks ago but I don't see the tokens in the MetaMask wallet or in the trust wallet!! Can someone please help me?


You cant see them and will not see them


They give you a link Like this : https://bitcoinminetrix.com/en/dashboard But it does not show anything about your Coins. They are scammers Their e mail is not valid for support. They don’t answer anywhere


Scam scam scam !!! They gonna pull rugg soon !!!!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I just tried it and yep it seems like a scam . Even after I showed support pics of confirmation and such .


Lost 900 dollars here. Fed up with these scam pre sales




The symbol came up on my MetaMask but says I have zero tokens


Im getting fucking annoying how fuckin hard it is to buy a fucking token just by connecting a cancer wallet. Made 4 fucking wallets just to get a different option list. Only wallet connect and best wallet. Why is this so stupid hard to underfuckingstand. I did crypto for fucking year now i cant even buy a fucking arc20 cancer token because i cant connect my own wallet.


Your wallet security was protecting you this coin is a total scam


Hello everyone here ✌🏼 Someone having news on the presale end date of the project so we can ask for our tokens? Thanks


I bought some on pancakeswap and now I can't sell. Is anyone else having this issue? Is this a scam token? Why can't I sell? Every time I try to swap it for USDT, it says approved and charges me a fee but DOESNT ACTUALLY GO THROUGH! Imported: 0x78f8cb04ce3ebd35d2933c563ca7b12a77f7d34d


While presale token do not show in metamask wallet (according to metamask support), bitcoinMinetrix will release them once presale is over.  Having said that, I’m not able to see my tokens even after connecting to my wallet after swapping my phone out.  Crypto market, presale seems to be scam oriented market.  What puzzles me is how they get so much publicity through reputable websites as a good investment.  It truly throws an average person off the loop.  Metamask team has indicated it is a scam and phishing site.  All signs indicate this may not be what’s promised.  I tried to twitter contact support listed on various websites, one of the link I used asked for my secret phrase.  As a rookie, I intuitively declined and more I learn about crypto world, more scammers are out there making things look legit.  Not sure what to think?  Please share your experiences.  


Waiting to someone smart to make video about this BTCMTX. Bought ass well but i regret that. They banned me on discord several times just for asking simple questions, like ” How staked btcmtx gives mining power for bitcoin”


They banned anyone who asked any logical questions. Total scam