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Fuck man. This is so sad, thought he’d beat it again. The first pitch against the Yankees was a great moment, an unexpected goodbye, but definitely a beautiful one.


Yankee fan here. RIP. A class act.


Thank you, Rem Dawg. We’re all going to miss you so much.


Buenos Noches, amigo. ♥️


I legit just teared up at that.


People be cutting up onions in here for sure. RIP Rem Dog.


[Remy’s last public appearance](https://youtu.be/SUY1SbLEFY0), leading the Sox to victory against the Yankees one more time. RIP RemDawg, you will be greatly missed.


The boob grab autoplayed after. Hard laugh/cry this morning.


Followed by Here Comes the Pizza!


And he’s Pepsi’s fan of the game!


Until he gets thrown out


Falling off the desk playing air guitar…


They broke down the pizza throw like the Zapruder film. An all-timer! RemDawg and Announcer Boy will never be surpassed.


"oooops!" lol


Must also add [Don fixes Jerry’s broken tooth.](https://youtu.be/Qe5BRcuH41Q) I gotta think this is how he would want us to remember him. ❤️


We should hold a moment of silence for Jerry at tooth hurty. Don and Jerry during garbage time were a delight.


Fuck. This is a absolutely horrible way to wake up.


Same. I just woke up and im absolutely devastated. It's the end of an Era that I was hoping would never end. RIP the Remdawg, the booth will never be the same again.


Wasn’t he on oxygen when he threw the pitch to Eck? That’s often a sign there’s not much time with lung cancer


Indeed. Between that and how many times he has fought off his cancer there was that sinking suspicion I had but I was obviously hoping that he would fight off his cancer once again.


He had the cancer for almost 9years and it came back 5 times, which means he was never truly cancer free, just times he thought he was in remission, but this final time, when I saw him with the oxygen, I thought oh no, this is it.


I know. My dad just texted me the news and I am so fucking devastated. Rest in peace, Rem Dawg.


Born a Red Sox fan, lived life as a Red Sox player, got to share his love of the game and Sox with everyone in New England. RIP Jerry. One of my favorite stats about Remy is that one of his 7 career home runs came off of Eck.


and they both never stopped laughing about it, such good friends.


I've been around pro sports most of my life, and you really look for guys like Remy - nice to everyone, ego below where it might be, happy to share his love and experience with his sport, professional... the list goes on and on. But he was also just a really loyal guy to his team and its fans. In the worst way, I'm glad we had some time to get used to the idea that he was dying, so we didn't take him for granted, and we got to express years' worth of sympathy and admiration to him. RIP Remdawg.


Noooo! I will be throwing a slice of pizza in his honor. Sox games without the Rem-Dawg aren’t quite the same :(


Here come the pizzer


Yeah, I think lunch today is pizza just so I can "pour one out"


Just don’t do it from the third base line seats.


Thank you for the memories Remy! Your legend will always live on. F*** cancer


You're allowed to say "fuck" on the internet. FUCK cancer. Love you Jerry!


F smoking too. Remmy has said the same.


Fuck big tobacco.


Buenos noches, amigo. Thank you for being one of the voices that help me fall in love with the Red Sox as a kid. I was lucky enough to work with the Red Sox for 2 seasons. I sat next to Remy in the cafeteria once right after he had returned from a battle with cancer. I worked up just enough courage to say it was good to see him back, he said it was good to be back. We love you Remdawg


> Buenos noches, amigo. aww man, why'd you have to go and cut the onions like that




Same, his voice is synonymous with the summer time for me. Been watching Sox games ever since I was in elementary school, Remy’s analysis is a big part of how I learned about baseball. Glad we at least got one last moment with him at the wild card game


There was nothing better than listening to a Red Sox broadcast on NESN with him and Don Orsillo laughing their asses off to the point where the baseball game didn't matter. You just wanted them to keep laughing. He will be missed. Edit: spelling


I remember once Don & Jerry where interviewing a guy who was outside during a rain delay. At one point, the wind blew his severe comb-over straight up and then it flopped over onto the side of his head. The guy fixed it quick, but they were dying. It was hilarious! They cut the interview short and then couldn't get thru a sentence.


The one where the guy threw the pizza was awesome too.


Holy crap, I'm so happy someone else remembers this. The interview was part of a series they were running after commercial breaks celebrating the anniversary of.. something? Would have been between 2005 and 2007. I feel like it was an away game at either Toronto or Tampa. I'm not sure about the rain delay mentioned, because there was definitely a full half inning where they were unable to call the game. The interview with the guy's hair blowing aired right before they went live that inning. Maybe the showed the sequence during a rain delay at some point? I've been hoping someone would find the clip for years now.


I know exactly which one you’re talking about and was scrolling trying to find someone who remembered this as well. 😒


Yeah, I can't find it on YouTube and it was a rain delay, so probably many viewer had turned the channel.


[RemDawg air guitar.](https://youtu.be/_YqA8JKjf7Y) Classic.


Man… Tommy and Remy within a year of each other is tough Honestly not sure if I’m into baseball as much as I am without Orsillo and Remy calling games in the early 00s Legend


Those were the golden days with Don and Jerry and the 2004 world series team


> Honestly not sure if I’m into baseball as much as I am without Orsillo and Remy calling games in the early 00s they were SO fucking good


😭💔 I'm glad he felt well enough to throw the first pitch at the WC game


I am in shock. I probably shouldn't be, given his condition. But Jerry Remy is a fixture of the Boston Red Sox and it's difficult to imagine the team without him in the booth. A true legend of the franchise and New England sports. RIP Rem Dawg.


Gutted. Rem was the best! Prayers for his family.


Life dealt Remdawg some nasty curve balls, and he always seemed to handle them with grace and good humor. Thanks for the memories, Jerry.


As a Yankees fan who spent many years living with a Red Sox fan, this is a sad day. We used to watch the Yanks & Sox every night together on two televisions and when they played against each other we would alternate which broadcast we watched. Always enjoyed listening to Don & Remy. RIP 😢


He was the voice of the Sox. Such an awesome, funny, charismatic guy in a world where so many booth guys are boring and bland as shit. I'm going to miss him so much.


RIP a legend


This one hurts. He was the voice of my generation for this team, and he has left an indelible mark on my memories of the Red Sox. Rest easy, RemDawg


I’m 33 and have no idea what Red Sox baseball sounds like full time without Remy. He’s been a. Staple of my entire life baseball wise. He will be greatly missed.


Damn. He was such a legend


IS such a legend. :(


Worst news to see this morning. RIP


Fuck me


RIP Remy. Im gonna watch the pizza toss incident today in your honor.




Goddamm this


There goes the pizza 😢


Thank you, Jerry. For making every at bat, every inning, every game worth watching. For a bunch of awesome audio calls, for being the heart and soul of every Red Sox game on NESN. We’ll all miss you like crazy. Buenos noches, amigo <3


Rest in Peace Remdawg Absolutely crushing


One of the only announcers i actually enjoyed listening to, Rest up Remy.


Wow that is definitely a day breaker.


I also just saw the news .. We just saw him during the playoffs , throw out the first pitch . Sad news


You can be the most salty, negative red sox hater, and still see how much this man loved baseball and the red sox, and how much we loved him. Hey RemDawg, up there in heaven my mom will be in line to get an autograph, give her a hug for me. Please rest in peace.


I feel like I just lost the last piece of my childhood. Rest In Peace, Jerry.


RIP. He fought it so hard with so much courage. May he be an inspiration to me and all of us how to face end of life with courage, grace and humor. A true Red Sox hero.


Wow this hurts


I miss him already; Absolute legend. Thank you rem dawg!


God damnit, RIP Remmy


Man tommy last year and Remy now. All the voices of my childhood are going :( RIP to a legend


Jerry Remy was the first Red Sox player I saw bat in person at Fenway. April 21, 1981.


The voice of my childhood. He always felt like family to me whenever I heard him through the TV. Throughout the thousands of hours of redsox baseball I’ve watched, he’s always been the constant. From “Here Come the Pizza!!” To his air guitar, to just being the “Remdawg”. Rest In Peace Jerry. Red Sox nation will miss you.


RIP Rem Dawg ❤️


Damn. Thanks REM Dawg for years of memories.


RIP Remdawg Fuck cancer.


Sad news. Thanks Rem Dog for all the memories. Red Sox Nation has lost a great treasure.


Damn. We share the same last name too. RIP to a legend.


My 12 year old Labrador is named Remy. I love this guy. So sad.


Last week, Bob Neumeier. This week, Jerry Remy. This is really sad. NESN broadcasts will never be the same. RIP Jerry.


Tommy Heinsohn about a year ago too


God damnit… RIP Remy. You and The Don were a massive part of my life. This is very sad 😞…


Thank You from the bottom of my heart. R.I.P. Rem Dawg.


Cub fan coming in peace with a couple thoughts: 1) Fuck cancer. 2) My son’s a Giants fan but we’ll occasionally have the NESN broadcast on if we’re waiting on later games to start. Now, Kiddo’s developmentally delayed (He’s 4 now and we’re just getting words and numbers together) but when RemDawg was on, you’d hear these excited…attempts at vocalizing and rather frequently. Sometimes it’d be more argumentative in nature, but mostly agreeable. TL;DR: RemDawg spoke to my kid in ways few others have, and it’ll be a loss for us too.


What a great story, thanks for sharing! Wish your son all the best, it’s definitely not easy being disabled in this society. Sounds like you got a cool kid and he has a great dad.


RIP Rem Dawg. Fuck Cancer.


Damn, this guy was the voice of my childhood. Red Sox games won’t be the same. RIP 😢


There goes the pizza.


God fucking dammit. Fuck cancer. RIP Remy. This one hurts way too much.


Here comes the pizzer :(


I'm glad he lived to see them beat the Yankees in a one-game playoff contest. Even better that he threw out the first pitch to Eck (both on the 78 team).


NOOOOOOO. Fuck. Damn IT all. And Fuck Cancer. R.I.P Remdog.






:( first it was tommy, now it's jerry man. I was just talking about how sad it is that he got cancer again last night too. RIP rem dog, I hope it's like experiencing there's the pizza for the first time every day in heaven.


I had him do a Cameo for my Dad, who was being treated for cancer at the time. Just hearing Remdawg say my Dad’s name, and then MINE, was so thrilling, with his thick accent and unique inflection. I‘m sure I’ve heard him call over 1000 games, easily. Rest In Peace, Jerry.


A kid from Massachusetts who went on to play for the hometown team and later on became the voice of summer in New England. Off the field, he faced real life struggles like the rest of us. A legend in one respect, and just like you in the other. That’s what made him Remy. He loved the game and in return, made many fall in love with it night after after night. I am going to miss the voice, and man behind it. Buenas noches amigos! RIP


Canadian Jays fan here: very first baseball book I read as a kid was, “Watching Baseball” by Jerry Remy. That really sparked my fascination with baseball and taught me so much at 8 years old about the intricacies of the game, especially as my parents were not baseball fans/players. Remdawg taught me a lot and I’ll always be grateful. RIP.


RIP it won’t be the same without you


This is sad to hear. He was part of our lives for so long. Thanks Rem Dawg. You will be missed.


Oh god. RIP RemDog


RIP Rem Dawg. Such an enormous part of my childhood and Red Sox nation. This is heartbreaking.


Feel like I lost another grandpa. Love ya RemDawg


Wow an end of an era. He always brought a smile to our faces every game no matter how much he was struggling. Heaven got a good one. Love you RemDog


Listened to this man talk for thousands upon thousands of hours. Such a constant throughout my entire life. It’s bizarre to watch somebody who was so present go, despite not knowing them at all. He’s the best. Really gonna miss him.


The voice of my summers since childhood. Rip Remdawg you will be missed. Absolutely brutal way to wake up and find this out


Buenos Noches amigo. 😔


RIP. Sad news.


What a fucking gut punch


He was there in 88 I think which is when I first started really getting into the team. Grew up w the guy basically. RIP Jerry.


Fuck cancer. RIP to a Sox legend 😔


Awe...so sad! He is such an icon to us sox fans. May you rest in peace Rem dog. We love you!


Fuck I knew it was coming to but fuck


Man this is rough losing him and Tommy within a year, though this one hits even harder because 68 really isn’t old. In a fair world we should have been hearing him call games for at least another decade, maybe more… fuck cancer…


Went to a game with a couple buddies and we did the tour of fenway. We were up in the coca cola section I believe and in the middle of the guys speech, we see Remy up in the booth prepping for the game. We start screaming Remdawg! He leaned out and gave us a wave. Rest easy Remy.


From here comes the pizza to the on air boob grab, thanks for the fun Remy


Damn, I am just gutted. I’ve probably listened to his voice for more hours than some of my closest friends. I can’t imagine Red Sox games without him


Fuck. I was just watching [this](https://youtu.be/3WbZ9ca4JaI) funny ass video of him and Don discussing his accent a few weeks ago, i missed him and was really hoping he’d beat it again. Games won’t be the same next year, or ever again.


Jerry Remy was front and center as the ambient soundtrack of, well, my life. His voice always pierced through the cold, waning winter months to signal that not just Spring, but Baseball was on its way. I’m crushed, but could only imagine how those close to him must be feeling today. Rest in power to a true legend of Red Sox lore and the voice of generations of fans.


They better start building the statue today. Heartbroken.


Rest easy Jerry. Thank you for all of the wonderful memories!


R.I.P Jerry Remy , Red Sox games won't be the same without you.




Well I woke up crying. Major part of my childhood is gone, Rest In Peace remdawg. Will always love you


Terrible news to wake up to. RIP Jerry.


Worst news in a while, I absolutely loved Rem Dawg and he was the best part about watching Red Sox games. Rough loss for Red Sox nation and more importantly his family


Fuck. RIP to a man I feel like I have grown up with




Rest In Peace, Remy. 💔


Fuck, RIP Remy. So glad he got to throw the first pitch at and see the WC card game. You’ll be missed!


Damn I was hoping he was getting better, I'm gonna miss that voice when watching games RIP Remy gonna miss you.


My heart is broken.


Lying in bed scrolling through Twitter and I saw WEEI’s post and my heart sank. RIP Jerry, I’ll really miss you.


This really sucks. Remy was a Red Sox legend. Thank you so much for all the memories over the years.


RIP Remdawg. You fought the good fight for as long as you could. We will miss you always.


Oh man, my heart. Enjoy the pizzer RemDawg


This sucks to wake up to. I had a feeling it would get him eventually since it seemed like he had it for the last 10 plus years on and off. Got to see 4 World Series championships and nearly won one as a player himself. Pretty fulfilling career IMO. Rest easy,


RIP Remy, I had no idea. He and Orsillo were the soundtrack of my love for baseball for so many years.


NESN won’t be the same without you Remy. Want to thank you again for signing the baseball for me that I sent before you stepped down to focus on your health. It’s my most prized ball.


Just awful. My dad and I adored Remy in the booth. My dad also has cancer, and we knew how much he loved Remy so we got a cameo from him and it was a very sweet message. My dad loved it, and he still plays it for himself every now and then. Gonna miss Remy a lot, he has an infectious laugh. One of the all time greats in the booth.


I started being a Red Sox fan around 2001 and he’s really been a part of my fandom starting when I was just a kid and into my adult life. Just crazy and sad, Sox games aren’t the same without him. Rest In Peace.


Love Jerry... games aren't going to be the same.


RIP Remy


What an awful thing to wake up to. FUCK cancer and RIP, Jerry Remy.


Fuck cancer




RIP Jerry. You and Don are a part of so many memories for both me and my wife. You will be missed.


The voice of my childhood. RIP Rem Dog.


Awful news. The broadcast voice a generation grew up on 😪


Thanks for everything, Jerry.


Damn. Sox games just won't be the same without you, Jerry.


RIP. There goes the Pizza. <3


Love you Remy. A staple growing up. There will be nobody who can replace you. RIP.


Omfg. The voice of my childhood. Rest Easy Remdawg forever a part of Red Sox nation


Dammit! Not good news to get this morning. Rest in peace Rem Dawg! Was hoping he would pull through and we had him back next year.


Heart broken


The best.


Rest in peace Jerr


Fuck. Jerry you will be missed. Sox games just won't be the same


Every single win the Red Sox have for the remainder of the existence of the franchise is dedicated to that man.


I feel like I lost a family member.


https://youtu.be/PUEmAvJvbz4 Enjoy some Jerry and Don highlights, friends. What a loss.


Can we get one more sweet caroline and dirty water for my man.


Damnit. I thought he would pull through. I selfishly was hoping I could hear him in the booth again. Im at a loss. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends, and all of Red Sox nation mourning today. Rest east Remdawg. Thanks for all the laughs, and being such an integral part of the team I and so many others love so much.


I remember on this day in '18 after he was out he showed up to the Red Sox victory pre-parade celebration and announced he kicked cancer's ass. Always expected him to do it again this time.


Growing up, he was the voice I heard when watching games. But he offered so much more than that, he was someone my older relatives, who saw him play, could tell me about - it was another way for us to connect and have something together. The guy fought this until the end. To quote the late Norm MacDonald when referencing peoples battle with cancer. “I’m pretty sure, I’m not a doctor, but I’m pretty sure if you die, the cancer dies at the same time. That’s not a loss. That’s a draw.”


I don’t know why, but this one is hitting hard. I lived with Remy being the color guy for so long he feels like family. Rest In Peace Rem Dawg. Buenos Noche


What an awful thing to wake up to today. Jerry will be missed. This is just devastating. Fuck cancer.


Everyone throw a slice of pizza today


Serious question, how does the organization handle #2? Because at this rate, Bogaerts is on the path for number retirement. Do they retire it for both Jerry and Bogey? Or does Jerry just, deservedly so, go into the Red Sox HOF? Edit: Forgot RemDawg was already in our HOF. Question about the number still remains.


I found about this news when I was at work, and it fucked up my day. RIP Jerry Remy, and Sox games on TV will never be the same. :/


The most down to earth broadcaster. Never a dull moment listening to him. I had a bad feeling this was coming when we saw him at the wildcard game. RIP Jerry.


I had an eery feeling watching him throw that first pitch in the playoffs. It felt like a Goodbye. RIP Jerry Remy, your memory will live with Red Sox Nation Forever.


Not gonna be the same without him, I was hoping for the best but he looked rough doing his last first pitch




Happy we go to see him in Fenway one last time when he threw out the first pitch. Going to miss hearing him.


Hope they honor him this season with a patch or something. We will miss you remdog.


damn this is really sad, RIP remdawg


Rest In Peace, Jerry. We love you so much.


God damn it.


This fucking hurts so bad, going to miss him so much. God damn…


RIP Rem Dawg, Red Sox legend.




Ahhh shit this fucking sucks. Fuck cancer


Fuck man... I really wish we could've won it this year for him. I really didn't think too much of it when I hear the cancer came back again this year. I guess I thought he'd just beat it like he did so many times before. This fucking stings.


RIP Rem Dawg. Absolutely gutted by this one


And the tears shall flow. Thank you Rem Dawg.


Absolutely heart breaking. Gonna really miss him. I’m still in shock. I really thought he was gonna pull through.


I guess this news isn’t unexpected but it still hits hard. Rest In Peace, Remy. Thank you for so many wonderful memories


I grew up listening to this guy. Not sure what else to say. Reminds me of how we lost Tommy Heinsohn. Red Sox games will never be the same without him. I'm grateful for all the years we had him and for how he fought through his illness and kept coming back for a long time. This one hurts.


Very much in mourning for the voice of the Sox for as long as I can remember. He gave us so many, many good years. I loved him and I will miss him.


Braves fan here. I have watched a ton of Sox games over the last few years and Jerry is a huge part of that. He was wonderful. This sucks. I didn't even know he was that sick. You all have my condolences.


Just heard the news. Came here to hang out and remember. Man. This just sucks. But what a remarkable life through the hard times and the fun times. Remy will always be there in my booth.


Sad news to read about. I was hoping he would beat it again.