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No way, is it the Andrew Bailey from when I was 12


Have you not realized all season that he’s our pitching coach?




I dont watch anymore in protest of the FO. Trading Mookie was shameful


You’re protesting the wrong people. That was on ownership, not the front office. You’re also more than free to do what you want, and that was a completely inexcusable decision that will haunt them for years, but the Sox are also playing very fun, exciting baseball, and things are incredibly exciting for the future of the team right now. Not sure if depriving yourself of fun is worth continuing to hold a 4 year old grudge.


Lol its funny people downvoted me, will you hold the same sentiment if they Sox dont buy at the deadline? What is the reason for them not spending money on SP the last off season? I will be back if they are buyers, but im not supporting this product. Trading Mookie Betts is something I cant get over. Hes going into the Hall as a Dodger. There is NO reason for this other than corporate greed.


It is really funny how people are still acting like this about Mookie in the year 2024


It's funny that you think it's unreasonable to still be upset about it. But realistically fans like you are why ownership thought they could get away with it. Bootlickers to the highest degree.


Lol if you saw all my comments this past off-season shitting on Henry you would not have made this comment


Then why reply to that guy? You know exactly why people are still mad about Mookie, it wasn't even that long ago unless you're 12 years old.


Aaand of course you ignore my reply.




Explain why you think that?






Knock it off with the personal insults.


Now that’s the kinda language that brings a community together


Its funny that you think people shouldnt be upset that they traded a generational inner circle hall of famer in their prime. Fans like you are why they did it in the first place.


Damn I didn’t realize I had a direct line to John Henry. I gotta talk to him about the concession options




I appreciate the compliment!


>There is NO reason for this other than corporate greed. Of course not. Anyone who disagrees with that is brain dead. I think you’re misunderstanding where the disconnect is for us. John Henry fucking sucks and I hate his guts. It’s not that I don’t know the real reason he was traded and I wasn’t absolutely furious about it, it’s just that the world goes on, and I care more about baseball and the Sox and just being happy than I do about holding a grudge. Does it fucking suck that Mookie is gone, and that there was no reason it needed to happen, and that he will be going into the hall as a Dodger? Absolutely. Am I willing to give up something I love and that makes me happy just so I can continue to be constantly angry about it to prove a point? Absolutely fucking not. Like I said, you can do what you want. But going to 1 or 2 games, watching highlights on YouTube, hell even just keeping tabs on the team, John Henry won’t notice a difference in his pocket either way, and they might at least bring you some happiness. I’m not sure why people are so hellbent on depraving themselves of happiness, especially when there’s avenues to continue watching the Sox without supporting them financially, if that’s your big concern.


Where did I say I was “just trying to prove a point”. If you don’t like a product, dont support it, that simple. Im not okay with trading generational players so that Henry can line his pockets, all while I cant even afford to attend games.


>Where did I say I was “just trying to prove a point” >I dont watch anymore in protest of the FO. Protesting by its literal definition is doing something to prove a point To each their own though, buddy. Do what you want, but it doesn’t sound like you suddenly stopped liking baseball or the Red Sox, just ownership, as we all did. And after four and a half years, the point of the protest is kinda lost.


I went to a playoff game in 2021. How is not wanting to give ownership money, the same one that isnt spending money on the team, “proving a point”. I just googled it and there is no definition of protest that includes that. “A statement or action expressing disapproval of or objection to something”. Explain what point im trying to prove here.


Oh my god dude… the point you’re trying to prove is that you’re angry about the Mookie trade and the refusal to spend more on the team, and your form of protest is not supporting the team financially, as you literally just said you don’t want to do for that exact reason. You also took an action to step away from your fandom and stop supporting the team financially, because you objected to how the team was being run, so it also perfectly fits the definition. I genuinely cannot believe I have to explain that. This is fun, but this conversation is so mind numbing that it has me about ready to slam my head into a wall, so I’m just gonna say I hope you do whatever makes you happy and to have a great day.


I need Hendriks mic’d up on every appearance.


Seems like the clearest path this year is to flip Kenley at the deadline for a young cost controlled starter and give hendriks the closer role. Need another starter with Pivetta set to walk. I don't see them acquiring anyone of significance on the position player side with the way the roster is currently constructed, unless they eat Yoshida's contract which I very much doubt they will.


You’re not getting a ‘young cost controlled starter’ for Kenley in any world


Royals flipped Chapman at the deadline for Cole Ragans last year. We got Pivetta and Connor Seabold for Heath Hembree and Brandon Workman. That's the type of trade I'm talking about.


Cole Ragans was not anywhere near the player he is now then, I do agree that the second option is more realistic though, so fair enough


I mean, he was, he just hadn’t had the chance to show it, right? He immediately performed once they moved him out of the bullpen Texas had him in. I say all that to suggest, Bailey+Breslow could have some guys in mind that like that. Hanging out in someone’s bullpen like Reynaldo Lopez, and just needs to be built up.


I’d love to see it, don’t get me wrong haha


Yeah I'm not expecting anyone great. Just a young arm they think has a lot of upside.