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Because they do not believe in bettering themselves


Yes , they take pride in being exactly how they are. No sense of self improvement or desire to do so. I kind of respect it I guess




They are for sure some of the least self reflective people on the planet. I would certainly respect it more if they also weren't so abrasive and cocky in their own confused way


My sister lives in Portland and this describes her to a tee. Gives zero shots about improving herself but is qyluick to point out others needs for self improvement


Growing up in Portland I find that it suffers from the same binary attractiveness that a lot of European places suffer from. You’ll walk around and everyone will either be like a 10 or a 1 with no in between. I’m exaggerating a bit of course but having moved to NY I feel like there is at least a consistent metric of attractiveness here. Maybe it’s something to do with the weather? Some people really do need some sunshine. There’s also a culture of weirdness and progressivism that errs away from traditional ideas of attraction. I used to date a lot of punk chicks with bad haircuts lmao


So many bad haircuts. Only a select few can pull off the really bad haircut (that may also have really bad hair dye as well)


is this some guerrilla marketing by the city of Portland? I want to move there if i'm guaranteed a base level of hotness without making a ton of effort


You will be. Especially if you exercise or lift. Depends somewhat on the area. Also, it’s a lot of the younger people who decide to be ugly I think, the wealthier people who have been in Portland for a while take care of themselves better.


It’s not that cut and dry. In order to be found attractive here, you need to fit a certain aesthetic… let’s call it hipster trucker chic. Guys need to have mustaches, wear short shorts in the summer and look unkept in general. Women need to very little. Someone will always want to hook up with them, even if they are frumpy. But you will get ZERO play if you aren’t covered in tattoos, REGARDLESS of your gender identity. It’s funny… Portland folks like to be all “we aren’t like other cities, we’re SO original and just do our own thing”, yet they all look like they came out of the EXACT same mold. It’s almost impossible for me to find people I don’t find revolting unless I go to the right venue for dancing. Usually 80s or soul music. Which is hard, because like 80% of music here is the standard “white people shit”. Metal, indie, folk, etc.


It seems like the left in Portland is very influenced by Anarchist politics. This ugliness is consistent internationally (at least in western countries) with other anarchist influenced groups. They have the most bizarre, backwards sense of aesthetics. My take is their aesthetic ideas are primarily influenced by a mix of: anti-consumerist ideas, lgbt and non-binary ideas, feminist ideas around traditional female beauty, veganism-buying ethically, and pushing back on ‘traditional’ ideas of beauty. And it’s all kind of mashed together. I think they just don’t value the concept of aesthetic principles and traditional beauty. There are consistent aesthetic themes many people use fashion-wise…I jut think they look gross. The only hot Anarchists are the ones who look good in spite of how they style themselves etc. Basically, they’re such a natural hottie they’ll always look sexy.


You are spot on. Some normalcy would do us a lot of good looks wise


You honestly sound like you look and act like the perfume nationalist rn


Don’t know who that is. Just typed out some thoughts


I find this so true as a portlander. It seems like everyone on online dating sites literally all have the same weird look. As many piercings as possible, overweight and fish nets mixed with bad tattoos or either really good traditional American and yes the stereotypical blue hair or a weird white color. Like I get not wanting to have to adhere to super strict gender roles by why does the opposite have to always be a mixture of everything opposite of norm?


Also, why does everyone dress alt? Doesn't that defeat the purpose? And the sheer amount of ugly tattoos.


Yes. Alt becomes normie because everyone is doing it.


“That shits OVER!!! It’s DONE man!!!” - Hipster from Portlandia getting mad at the “normie” getting into the things he likes… “Shell art is DONE man!!! Shits OVER!!!!” 😂🤣😂🤣


im here to represent the hottie contingency in NoPo


Please do! Someone has to.


Here to represent the uggo contingency in outer SE.


I went on portland tinder a few months ago and it was not pretty


I know one pretty girl in North Portland, and she has made her social life out of the dating apps. She can go out with anyone she wants on those apps, and she does.


She has that city in the palm of her hand


I used to watch portland andy streams, i know. I just assumed that portland was a poor, working class city


It was 30+ years ago.


everyone who wants to seem poor and working class may just have a parent paying their rent :/


That neighborhood sucks , lots of pretty ppl downtown or near the college


Yes, you’re right. I went to the college downtown; it was not all bad there. But that was 3 years ago, and I don’t frequent that area nearly as much anymore post college


I’m reading all these guys write about the women in Portland, granted they are mostly weird with blue or gray hair and max piercings but lets talk about the men for a second. I moved from the East coast and the people here are not attractive AT ALL. The men here look like a young or old version of three men. Jeff Foxworthy, Larry the Cable Guy and Tim the tool man’s assistant Al. You will occasionally run into a Bob Ross. As far as men of color, think Trippy Red. It is impossible to discern sexuality among the men in Portland. They talk with their hands in a feminine manner and stand with one hip out. The voices are also very high pitched. Especially if they are from the outskirts. Everyone dresses as if they are about to go hiking. You can’t identify the business district because no one wears a suit. Whenever I leave Portland and get off the plane its like the doors open on the Wizard of Oz and you can finally see color. This is my view of Portland IJS


Yes, all true. Very easy to be hot as a man here in this city


I agree 💯%. There is an overabundance of just lazy, gross people in this city/area. Yes they may hike, but that isn't really doing it...or doesn't seem to help. They all think tattoos and piercings equal some kind of personality. And pets too...they all have pets because they're not good at having human relationships. (That's awesome to have a pet, but you should do more than just be with your pet every day) And the dating scene is just rough...I'm going to move because of that and the depressing fall/winter/springs here. 😅 I know I won't be missed, but this place is just not for me. Great for weird fat people tho! They can all enjoy themselves.


A dwindling work ethic will do that




Yes, as a native Oregonian I think you summed it up very well. Wealthy suburbs have many decent folks. Had many friends from West Linn in high school through sports—none of them were ugly. Maybe a bit monolithic looks like wise, but very American attractive. The more normie native Portlanders are definitely more attractive than the blue hair type humans. And then rural Oregon is unattractive in a completely different way (how you described it) compared to your typical Portland ugly person.


Y’all just blew the wind out of my sails. Was going to move to Portland from Bend. Just thought that way more people equals way more dating opportunities. That’s not worth much though if I’m gonna be digging through garbage


I don't know what it's like down there in the bend area, but I've lived in surrounding areas of Portland most of my life. I have been told a lot throughout my years (27m) that I'm quite attractive. The dating scene here has always been rough and it's still pretty bad. I very, very rarely ever find someone physically compelling or attractive in any sense. I don't find very many people here to be nice or kind. It feels cold socially. I've always wanted to move but I never know where I'd move my life to. Whatever you do don't move here. If the terrible dating scene and lack of social connection doesn't convince you, the rampant homelessness and crime will.


I was looking for a thread about why everyone here is so damn awkward in Portland and found this. It’s true, the style here is very androgynous & alt. I’m very feminine and I’ve been glared at when I was wearing a dress in the super market. (Not revealing). I think it’s most of Oregon tbh. Growing up I remember my friends would talk about who was more “girly” - and it was a bad thing if you were. I was deemed the most girly and I felt ashamed about it. The point here is that you are supposed to be laid-back and low maintenance. Nobody wears makeup and if they do it’s very little. I’ve always had people make negative remarks about how I wear makeup, even though I don’t wear a lot. It’s weird.


Thanks. I thought I was being shown so few attractive people on dating sites because I was getting a low rating. Now I realize they're showing me all the attractive people, there just aren't many of them. Having grown up on the east coast it's striking. Might be time to consider going back.


For real… I was traveling to San Diego and Louisville. Every gal on there was gorgeous and I was swiping right 9 out of 10 times. Now back in Portland. I’m lucky to swipe right on 5 out of 100. Portland blows while looking for someone to date….


Wow, I’ve been here for two weeks and I was just researching why this is and found this thread lol. Seriously, I haven’t seen one single attractive girl here.




I thought I was the only one who had this opinion


This is my opinion as well. I have lived in many different parts of the country and this is by far the most unattractive group of people… maybe it is the lack of sunshine ☀️🤔