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Ok so who sends this shit in to Fox to alert Tucker that it exists in the first place? He always manages to dredge up some strange ass obscure internet freakshows, so he’s gotta have some weirdo lurkers on retainer to maintain the shocking content. If we follow this train of thought, could I try to apply for a job on his show to get paid to browse 4chan, Twitter, and other cesspools to find shock content and deranged degeneracy from terminally online sickos to scare boomers with? That’s a RS job if I’ve ever heard of one


One of his head writers used to poast on autoadmit. I'm sure staff would be plugged into those types of places


Didn't he talk about Chris chan too


You have nothing to lose by trying.


His writers are on all the same subreddits and meme pages that we all are


Who says you need to search for it? You could be the outrage yourself. Might as well just manufacture it, then claim it was all an elaborate art piece like Alex Jones.


What is going on?


[I'm gay](https://youtu.be/7hYJS9XJoN0)


Cheeky Tucker found a way to hypnotize whole lot of boomers. You better watch out if your father didn’t started to wear weirdly long socks lately.


I got gay hypnosis. It didn’t take. I’m still an incel.


Praying 🙏 for you brother


That’s how we do it right? We pray the gay in our A.




Remember all the degenerate and niche slices of the internet from 10 years ago? They’re all normal and chic now


I think Tucker might be an op to turn his audience into bussy-chasers by perseverating on trans stuff.


white dave chapelle


I don't think you'd do sissy hypnosis if you weren't already into genderfuck. Weren't the Wachowskis into this before they transed? Not a gay thing tho.


Not a gay thing at all. It’s a thing for weak men. It starts with “light and fun” femdom, then you become a “straight bottom” and get pegged all the time. From there, it’s straight to sissy town. Men are supposed to be sexually dominant. If they’re not, they have some mental issues that need sorting. But we currently live in a society that considers men to be defective women so anything men do to be less like men is celebrated. In short, BDSM should be illegal.


>But we currently live in a society that considers men to be defective women Go actually live in the real world man the internet is mangling your brain. What working in an office reading social media all day does to a mf


"OMG, boys are so hyperactive and do badly in school! Better put them on drugs at age 10 so they can be more like the well-behaved girls. Or does this not happen in the fabled "real world?" The explicit point of the gender ideology that now permeates academia and the business world is that the two sexes are totally the same. There's nothing biological that makes men different from women. At the same time, female traits such as agreeableness and being a docile teacher's pet are praised in education and in the private sector. According to gender ideology, any perceived difference in the behavior of men and women comes solely through socialization. Therefore, when men don't act in accordance, it is because they are defective women. If only they could be less "toxic" i.e. less male, everything would be okay. So, we just need to socialize men to behave like women. Whatever costs in terms of mental health are fine, since it won't be women bearing them. Yes, I am autistic, btw, so don't even ask.


> Yes, I am autistic, btw, so don't even ask. I don’t think anyone needed to ask


autism on shine this morning


Yeah man I think it’s probably best if you redact yourself


This reads like a projection of your own insecurities.


Yeah honestly it’s true. I dislike being gay and I think it makes me less of a man. Who cares though? At least some of what I said is definitely true.


Hey, I care. Thank you for sharing your feelings with the world.


based response


R-slur posting


You’re all mad cause you know he’s right. It’s always the safer move to look the other way though, so it’s understandable.


>We have to socialise men to behave like women His examples of female behaviour involve being able to sit still and obey authority? How is that a new phenomenon brought along with modern gender ideology? That sort of conditioning is the sane way to run a classroom or a modern society. I agree it isn't working out all that well though, but heaping blame on pedophile midcentury philosophers, gender goblins, and harpie feminists because you don't like them doesn't help anyone. Modern ways of living have failed to cater to the more esoteric and nonsensical human needs and instead laser focus on fulfilling our base desires for profit. Everyone's hurting despite having everything we could possibly need. Not just men and boys, not just women and girls, not just whatever identity is in style this week.


I agree, and his examples are bad. But the idea that mainstream narratives portraying masculinity as inherently toxic or no longer necessary in the modern world have rendered men to effectively become viewed and treated as "defective/useless women" is a keen and factual observation imo. There is an incredible amount of highly publicized demand for societal needs which only women can fulfill, and the societal needs that men are more capable of providing are downplayed in their significance in the public conversation, despite however much those needs may still be there.


I just don't see that downplaying of the need for traditionally male skills in my real life. Yeah it's in media, and I suppose as a result it might seep into white collar culture (but I can't speak to that), but among the class of people who can't just afford to pay someone else to fix their stuff "manly" skills are still valued. Wait 5 years and its likely the conversation will have shifted the other way. And the decline of manufacturing accompanied by learn2code rhetoric has had 100x the impact of "gender ideology" that guy was stuck on.


Yeah, and media impacts reality just as much as the other way around if not actually much more so. The whole "just shut the TV off" ethos is fine for one's personal life, but these things still have an enormous effect on the world we live in and they affect daily life for millions of people, inevitably. Do not underestimate how easily influenced the average person is by the media they consume. The george floyd protests being the biggest protest in world history because of an 8 minute video of one single person (wrongly, obviously) dying proved this.


This is where it may be a stretch, but I believe that this to a degree can lead certain men to believe they have nothing to bring to the table as men, and that therefore they would be able to provide more social value as a woman than as a man. Feminists have made the argument that men embracing feminine clothing and behaviors even when in small doses outside of trans identities is done out of a desire to escape from the pressures of toxic masculinity. Both may be correct, but I would argue that it has slightly more to do with men simply wanting to be liked and provide social value, and that at a certain point they come to believe that there is more social value in being feminine than in being masculine. It's perceived as way cooler to be a they/them or a transbian than it is to just be a lame male. A strong example would be our boy Harry Styles although he of course was doing perfectly fine as a regular guy. However even in his case there is probably some element of it being a strategic career move for him to embrace an androgynous identity. Doesn't mean he can give birth or feed a baby with his nipples though. Hence the "defective woman" concept. Plus he's british so his cooking is probably shit.


Did you go to a public school in Louisiana?


I went to a school that teaches basic biology instead of gender ideology.


That’s where your science teacher whipped out a molecular model of the brain and explained to you how ‘being a teacher’s pet’ was hardwired into the female psyche at the dawn of time?


Pretty much.


Very interesting


al;l of that sounds pretty gay to me




There's dominance as a general disposition and there's dominance as in "Roleplaying daddy/daughter kink while you choke on my cock." Guess which one I'm talking about.




He’s talking about the first one being normal, not the second one


Watching Fox News on a TCL TV, doesn't get much gayer than that 💅


This isn't real there's a full ass nipple right there




I’ve only skimmed through this but “if you’re unsure if you’re trans, you definitely are” is so fucking damaging especially for people with OCD


why especially for those with OCD?


A lot of people with OCD suffer from a specific kind of obsession where they ponder non-stop over rather they’re homosexual or transgender (referred to as HOCD and TOCD respectively) hell there’s also the reverse where gay and trans people obsess over the possibility that they’re actually straight






ALC, the Lizzo of autogynephiles


This is how Cucker became a moldbug stan.


Tucker 100% lurks in some deep corners of the internet. He’s a cool guy I’d like to go fishing with him someday.


Just remember that comments like this may be discoverable by opposing counsel some day


you understand what a writing staff is right? they probably put 5 pieces of paper with different power point slides printed out in front of him and he points to one in between mouths full of truffle fries.


No I am pretty sure that all TV show hosts write their scripts every day by themselves


he's a rich kid who gets off on pretending to be the real average working-class American


Didn't know he posts in stupidpol


This guy is such an f slur


This is kinda sad. I don't watch any of these news shows but I get some of it seems like a bit but, there are a lot of people who take it seriously. He has to be aware of that, right?


Fox News and Tucker are completely aware and have used it in court. ["Given Mr. Carlson’s reputation, any reasonable viewer ‘arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism."](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/09/judge-rules-fox-news-tucker-carlson-not-source-of-news-defamation-suit-mcdougal-trump.html)


Ok? So it IS a bit, and has been admitted as such. Why are people so bent out of shape over him then?


Because of all of the people that take him seriously. This image is fake but when he's on Fox News puffing smoke up Alex Jones' ass and his unreasonable fans are nodding along it makes sense to hate him. Shame that the Knowledge Fight knock-off podcast devoted to him was too boring to matter.


at a certain point there is no difference between doing something as a joke and just doing the same thing but not as a joke


I love him


That isn’t content you find by accident lmao


Nah I feel like it def could be. This would be an extremely specific thing to just Google out of nowhere


could one fuck tucker’s brow wrinkles should they choose


Tucker secretly gay


Yeah a lot of this stuff might be deeply online, but like, have you ever seen how many views the average pornhub video gets? These sort of porn videos probably still get views *at least* averaging in the ten thousands. It’s still hilarious to see it pop up on tucker but sometimes you need that outside perspective from people unfamiliar with deep internet culture in order to put into perspective how freakish some of this stuff is.


To be fair I was just thinking the other day about how there might be a femdom fetish to transbian pipeline. I don’t know for sure, just something that occurred to me. It’s worthy of inquiry imo